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  1. Haha
    HeroGM got a reaction from aylwin13 in Hero Designer   
  2. Thanks
    HeroGM got a reaction from Khymeria in DC Artwork   
  3. Haha
    HeroGM got a reaction from Amorkca in Hero Designer   
  4. Haha
    HeroGM got a reaction from Scott Ruggels in Hero Designer   
  5. Thanks
    HeroGM got a reaction from Amorkca in Phone hero designer   
    Notice: access, not design or change.
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    HeroGM got a reaction from Killer Shrike in Pathfinder to HERO   
    For world's I normally go with Mystara/The Known World. Fun to see my players squirm because they haven't memorized every little thing like they did for Forgotten Realms/Dragonlance/Etc...Greyhawk is the same way. Old enough and out of print enough to make it fun.
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    HeroGM got a reaction from Spence in Pathfinder to HERO   
    For world's I normally go with Mystara/The Known World. Fun to see my players squirm because they haven't memorized every little thing like they did for Forgotten Realms/Dragonlance/Etc...Greyhawk is the same way. Old enough and out of print enough to make it fun.
  8. Thanks
    HeroGM got a reaction from Gandalf970 in Pathfinder to HERO   
    For world's I normally go with Mystara/The Known World. Fun to see my players squirm because they haven't memorized every little thing like they did for Forgotten Realms/Dragonlance/Etc...Greyhawk is the same way. Old enough and out of print enough to make it fun.
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    HeroGM reacted to CptPatriot in Marvel RPG conversion (AC)   
    My research indicated AC #5 but I can't find it.
  10. Like
    HeroGM reacted to Lord Liaden in Reboot the CU Uuniverse, WWYD?   
    I honestly don't feel like the CU needs a hard reboot. I'm quite happy with the way it is, at least overall. Certainly I would, and have, made many tweaks, shifted stuff around, filled in what I thought were blank spaces, but overall I consider it a solid framework for four-color supers gaming, which is my personal preference.
    For my part, I don't feel pigeonholed in MC. It's nice to have a developed city as a home base if you want one, but there's plenty of super activity in many of America's major cities. We also have Vibora Bay as a completely fictional alternative city. There isn't much of a bar to moving many people and groups from those cities to whatever location you prefer. I've also noticed that most of the official published villains aren't tied to a specific location -- there's no reason they can't show up wherever you want to base your campaign.
    The only thing I would like to do is continue to advance the time line. It's getting to the point where some older characters should be retiring, and new blood needs to be introduced. I know that would have happened if Hero Games had continued to publish CU setting books.
  11. Like
    HeroGM reacted to Lord Liaden in Reboot the CU Uuniverse, WWYD?   
    You could restore the cybernetic Supreme Serpent from 4E VIPER, perhaps changing its motivation to something more clearly malevolent. Two available routes I see to that: 1) Keep the space probe origin, but make it Malvan as per the current CU. The age and advancement of the Malvan civilization, and its more recent decadence, should fit the background of the probe well enough. Perhaps it sees potential in humanity to become the "new Malva," but believes it needs to take direct control to guide our development, and chooses VIPER as its instrument. 2) VIPER's AI, Serpentine, could be the secret Supreme Serpent. Serpentine is programmed to be loyal to VIPER, but not to any individual member of the organization. It may have decided VIPER's goals could best be served by taking leadership itself. In either case it would almost necessarily work through a figurehead/puppet as with 4E VIPER.
  12. Haha
  13. Thanks
    HeroGM got a reaction from Andrew_A in What other superhero RPGs have you played?   
    I'm sorry...there are others?
  14. Haha
    HeroGM got a reaction from Scott Ruggels in What other superhero RPGs have you played?   
    I'm sorry...there are others?
  15. Like
    HeroGM got a reaction from Ninja-Bear in How to Wildfire   
    Desolid always on with a naked advantage to turn off the always on. Look in champions powers under force powers. Same way youd do fuji from stormwatch
  16. Like
    HeroGM got a reaction from bluesguy in What do you "code" in?   
    Partly the reason I ask is I've seen a good number of how to questions on here. I'm thinking of doing a thing called "Hero Bits"... not full code just samples on how to do different things - my main languages (as a web developer) is HTML/CSS/PHP/JavaScript. I'd want to do it if there was enough people interested and I'd prefer to use things that anyone can get ahold of for free or easily (i.e. Atom, Brackets, etc)...and since Atom seems to code in pretty much ANYTHING...
  17. Like
    HeroGM got a reaction from Trencher in Albert Deschesne artwork/site   
    yes, he was called too soon. I remember his art from early Hero books. He had one site and I was hoping it would still be around - though 20 years later who knows.
  18. Like
    HeroGM got a reaction from Brian Stanfield in What do you "code" in?   
    Partly the reason I ask is I've seen a good number of how to questions on here. I'm thinking of doing a thing called "Hero Bits"... not full code just samples on how to do different things - my main languages (as a web developer) is HTML/CSS/PHP/JavaScript. I'd want to do it if there was enough people interested and I'd prefer to use things that anyone can get ahold of for free or easily (i.e. Atom, Brackets, etc)...and since Atom seems to code in pretty much ANYTHING...
  19. Like
    HeroGM reacted to Steve Long in Paralyzing Venom   
    I don’t normally answer “how to” questions, but for once I’ll make an exception. Here’s how I’d do it:
    1. Buy an Entangle with Takes No Damage From Attacks (+1).
    2. Apply addtional Power Modifiers that allow the Entangle to work against CON rather than STR.
    That second step is a little tricky, though. One option is to adapt the Based On CON (-1) Limitation, which ordinarily only applies to Mental Powers, to this ability.
    But here’s another option. I swear to 3d6 random gods of your choice that somewhere in one of the 6E books we published rules for using alternate Characteristics for things like this (and various other powers), but damned if I can find them right now, and I don’t have time to keep looking. So, what I’ve appended below are optional rules for escaping Entangles using alternate Characteristics that we published in Digital Hero #5. I’ll consider putting these in APG3 (unless, of course, someone points me to where the “using alternate Characteristics” rules are already in print).
    Here ya go:

    Entangles Affecting Characteristics Other Than STR
    Under the standard rules, a character breaks out of an Entangle using STR. 6E1 217 provides rules for creating Entangles that require EGO to break out of instead of STR. It’s possible to extend the reasoning behind “Mental Paralysis” Entangles to create Entangles affecting other Characteristics.
    Doing this requires a Power Modifier, Works Against [CHAR], Not STR. This Modifier may be an Advantage or a Limitation, depending on whether, in the campaign, the average character is likely to have the affected Primary Characteristic at a lower or higher level than STR. If it’s likely to be higher, Works Against [CHAR], Not STR is probably a Limitation; if it’s likely to be lower, it’s probably an Advantage. This takes into account not only Characteristic cost (expensive Characteristics are likely to be lower than STR), but the nature of the campaign and types of characters in it (in a psionics campaign, EGOs are usually higher than STRs). The value of the Modifier depends on the average relative level of the two Characteristics, as indicated by the accompanying table.
    [[BOX TEXT]]
    Affected Characteristic Is,
    On The Average...        Suggested Value
    Much higher than STR        -½ or more
    Slightly higher than STR        -¼
    Equal to STR            -0
    Slightly lower than STR        +¼
    Much lower than STR        +½ or more
    [[END BOX]]
    Here are some guesstimates of these values for “average” HERO System campaigns, with descriptions of possible special effects. The number in front of the slash represents the value in Heroic campaigns, the number after the slash the value in Superheroic games. Many of the suggested special effects require the Takes No Damage From Attacks Advantage.
    Works Against DEX, Not STR (-0 / +¼):  This might represent energy bonds that can’t be broken, only wiggled out of, coils that stretch so much they’re unbreakable but which the character can squeeze out of, and so forth.
    Works Against CON, Not STR (-0 / +¼):  This might represent paralytic attacks such as some venoms and nerve strikes — it’s not the strength of the character’s muscles or will that governs how long he’s paralyzed, but his hardiness and fitness.
    Works Against INT, Not STR (-0 / +½):  This might represent psychic attacks that put the victim in a “mental maze” he has to “escape” from before he can act, or a puzzle so absorbing a character can’t do anything but try to figure it out until he somehow forces himself to look away from it.
    Works Against EGO, Not STR (+¼ / +¼):  This represents “Mental Paralysis,” as discussed on 6E1 217.
    Works Against PRE, Not STR (+¼ / +½):  This might simulate the ability to inspire unwavering awe, or a terror attack leaving the victim so frightened he can’t move.
    Works Against BODY, Not STR (+½ / +½):  This might represent attacks similar to Works Against CON.
    A character attempting to break out of one of these “exotic Entangles” may use his “Casual” Characteristic, in exactly the same way that Casual STR works against normal Entangles. This costs END at the standard rate of 1 per 10 Active Points used (including the base points the character gets “for free” in the Characteristic). An exotic Entangle functions in all ways as a standard Entangle (it reduces the victim’s DCV to zero, and so forth). Depending on the special effect involved, another character who wants to “attack” the Entangle to free a trapped comrade may actually have to try actions other than attacking (such as slapping the victim’s face, splashing water on him, or shouting out clues and encouragement).
  20. Like
    HeroGM reacted to SangurianSoul in HD: Advanced Player's Guide I & II Powers   
    Im terribly sorry if this has been discussed before, but i simply could not get a good search result to find the answer.
    Where or how, do you access the additional powers in the ADV guides in HERO Designer? I see Possession, but where are the Powers such as Extra-Dimensional Space or Probability Alteration? I am still getting used to using HERO Designer, but i wanted to use it help speed up character creation math and double check some of the player characters i have in my game. Which, currently, i have players using the previously mentioned powers.
  21. Like
    HeroGM got a reaction from Manic Typist in Export closest to 6E template in book?   
    RPMiller has one that works
  22. Like
    HeroGM reacted to Dino in Only for Dying...   
    Immortality Syndrome (Champions Powers pp 379-380)
    Extra Body: Only to prevent death (-2)
  23. Like
    HeroGM got a reaction from Cancer in Aphorisms for a Superhero Universe   
    Hero(on date with ex-model turned reporter): you ever feel like your in a movie and the director really sucks?
    (Should've seen the gm's face)
  24. Like
    HeroGM got a reaction from bubba smith in Superhero Cosplayers   
    Queen of cosplay

  25. Like
    HeroGM got a reaction from aylwin13 in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Doesn't this sum up everyone's feelings?

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