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Everything posted by bluesguy

  1. Can I make a suggestion that a new thread be started based on the template you just posted? It would help tighten up the discussion IMO.
  2. I just wrapped up running a very successful campaign using the Valdorian Age (you can check it out). The setting did I what I wanted to do. I seriously considered running another campaign in the same setting but in a different time frame. The setting provides that nice 'boutique' flavor IMO. It is a low magic world with an interesting magic system - which I tossed because I didn't want to deal with the bookkeeping. There are a unique set of gods and morality is very gray.
  3. Anyone have any suggestions on how to setup a systematic way for mages to enchant items. The Grimoire is fine for potion making. I would like to hear how people are handling magic item But the method described in the Grimoire for Magic Item creation is less than satisfying. Basically I would like to see a beginning apprentice enchanter have the ability to create minor/cheap magic items. And then work up to the big stuff. I have thought about using a VPP and then individual creation spells. The controls on keeping the mages from becoming the "Ford Factory" of magic items would be time it takes to prepare (at least 1 week per 10 active points in the enchanted item - not the creation spell) and cost.
  4. I would suggest the following type of formula (Spellbook Games has/had a PDF with the cost to hire someone to do work for you) Dirt Cheap = X * average daily wage for average person in the area So lets say the average daily wage is 2 silver pieces. And you have decided that the cheapest magic item is going to be a luxury for the average person then the X should be 100. So the cheapest magic item would be 200 silver pieces. For the average person they would never save up enough to buy a magic item. But for an adventurer that is pretty common. Then just scale up from Dirt Cheap -> Outrageous by changing the multiplier (X).
  5. I really love DriveThruRPG.com as a place to find inexpensive but very useful items 100 Roadside Encounter Ideas 100 Locations & Rooms (I haven't used this as much - to dungeon crawling for my players) 650 Fantasy City Encounter Seeds & Hooks A Curse at the Old Inn A Village and some Problems GM Cookbooks ... (there are a few of these) Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters <=== Must have for any genre of RPG Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game <=== Must have for any genre of RPG Knightvision Games has some good stuff
  6. Some off the top of my head ideas: Early season snowstorm that traps them in a really bad location. How do they survive? Do they have survival skills? What happens if the animals that are carrying their gear run off for some reason? Bright shinny armor and weapons won't help you much.... Evil GM laugh Days of horrible rain and then one evening they see a cabin with light coming from it in the woods. Maybe it is occupied by someone "friendly" but mischievous... And maybe they are really lonely so that once you enter the cabin and sleep there you really don't want to leave.... Then the person(s) who is keeping the cabin can just talk their ears off... It should drive the players nuts but they just don't feel like leaving or harming the person(s) keeping the cabin. I might even record some really annoying/boring small talk from people you know and then play it in the background - fingernails on the walk kind of thing :-). It is cliche but a Troll Bridge and the trolls are intelligent enough that they don't really want a fight - but a perfectly capable of putting serious harm on the PC - they just want to be paid for doing such a great job maintaining "their" bridge Traveling merchants who are looking for some company (if it makes sense) - protection I like to have some adventures where the players can't solve the problem with combat.
  7. I am setting up a Fantasy Hero campaign where there are essentially two 'levels' of magic. If you are full blown mage you buy a VPP for your spells - the idea being a mage will be able to learn a lot of different kinds of magic and switch things up on the fly. But someone who wants to learn a spell or two can - but they are less powerful, have side effects, etc. But here comes the twist in connection with this conversation. A bunch of the spells, for instance Runes and Potions being good examples, use Delayed Effect or Trigger or maybe Time Limit. I was definitely going to limit the number available based on INT. If the official ruling on VPP is that the real cost for a Rune lasts as long as that Rune could be used (i.e. I set up a Rune trap with a trigger to fire when the door opens) then the mages would be at a serious disadvantage. After all a 'hedge mage' could learn one rune and cast it a bunch of different times (taking into account the INT rules).
  8. I am not trying to start a political argument just provide some historical examples for the campaign. You can also look at how the USA treated African Americans in the south after the Post Reconstruction period thru mid 60's and how people in the North responded. P.S. It should be noted that people in the North could be just as racist as those in the south but generally were more subtle. Also people in the North really didn't care until they saw incidents like what happened in Birmingham Ala on their TV sets - especially when the water hoses were turned onto children and teenagers.
  9. Yes I just upped my pledge to get a couple of add-ons.
  10. There is also Hero Combat Manager https://www.herogames.com/viewItem.htm?itemID=314264
  11. Version 1.0


    JPG files of the maps from the Valdorian Age campaign setting.
  12. I just joined this Kickstarter project. I love this one.
  13. I am a RAW unless it interferes with the story. I will hand wave the rules when there is a dramatic moment. For instance in the Valdorian Age campaign I have been running the party had their final confrontation with their nemesis. As he died he said “You think you have killed me. No… no, Darkarus, you can’t get away. From hell’s heart, I stab at thee. For hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. I will take all of your friends and companions souls with me to hell.” (yeah I like stealing movie lines) But the bad guy at that point broke his wand. I made the player playing Darkarus make a magic roll to see if he could convert the energy from the blast into something less damaging that a KA - which he did. So instead of a 20d6 EB KA AoE - Explosive which would go off in 6 seconds - they dealt with a 20d6 EB AoE Explosive. Still very dangerous but less likely to just kill everyone that was nearby. And that was all done with hand waving to make things dramatic. Because technically the bad guy was stunned and knocked out by the last blow he took. And who knows how many active points that explosion would have been. And how would Darkarus converted a killing attack to a normal attack with just a magic skill roll. And really who cares ... It was for the drama of it anyway.
  14. Hi, In Hero Designer there are a number of export templates available. The ones you need have RTF in the name. RTF stands for Rich Text Format, which will load into Word. And if your Hero Designer license is current you can find other export templates that people have created. You can find that information here http://www.herogames.com/hdExportFormats.htm
  15. In my Champions game most characters have a small % of their character points in skills. Something like 20% to 25%. But that is because I run a very episodic Champions campaign and they don't need a bunch of skills to succeed in an adventure. In my Fantasy Hero game most characters have somewhere between 40 to 60% of their points in skills. My FH tends to have whole sessions (or a string of sessions) with no combat - lots of role playing and skills play a big part in that role playing.
  16. The Valdorian Age uses a system where anyone using magic (priests or mages) had to pay for it with 'favors' to various otherworldly beings. At some point those beings call in the favors. Not paying up could have very dire consequences. I ended up not using that system in my VA campaign mostly because I didn't want to deal with the book keeping I would have to deal with as a GM and figuring out ways that the players woul d have to pay off their favors.
  17. Super genius/inventor... A'la Tony Stark... And yes I would build an Iron Man suite. It would also be able to do Telepathy/Mind Control/Mind Scan on computer systems so I could take them over for my own use. Hero... The other choice would be a very fast (SPD 6 or 7; DEX 26 or 30), acrobatics, super skills with a sword, lots of presence based of skills and detective skills. And he would be a hero.
  18. Well I will toot my own horn but I think a GM at a convention would find Hero Combat Manager very helpful because you can remove the 'burden' from the players in tracking the Stun, End, and Body for the PCs by using Hero Combat Manager. Basically you can teach the players how to do the tracking and then give them the option of tracking it themselves or saying "The software I use to help track the combat allows me to watch the results for your characters in addition to the NPCs. So if tracking Stun, End and Body is a bit confusing just say so and we will focus on the rest of the system during the game."
  19. We are planning to release by the end of Oct. No the program is not intended for players to track themselves. That would be a different program that I might create one day.
  20. I am the creator of Hero Combat Manager. I can say with confidence we (myself & Hero) will be announcing the release and sale of Hero Combat Manager in the very near future. You can read about the features here http://davidtannen.com/role-playing-...combat-manager
  21. We are using the 6e rules + hex maps. We just remember that everything in the rules is based on meters and each hex is 2 meters.
  22. KSGuy - funny you should ask because I just sent an email to the beta-testers and play-testers asking them if they think it is ready to be sold. I am waiting on a response from the majority of them.
  23. In my Champions game I posted the following on our Obsidian Portal campaign site http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/north-star-heroes/wikis/character-creation
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