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Everything posted by tiger

  1. I hoping for ARGENT. All LL's work for us not overlooked I'd like to see the membership of the group laid out for us. I doubt that CLOWN will be included as it not actually overly popular with the powers that be, although it would be so cool to see. I don't see Terror Inc. being in the book. The book will be Hero Games material and TI is actually Heroic Publishing's material. Not that permission couldn't be given as they allowed me to use it in may Villainy Codex books.
  2. Could simply make it Mind Control with the limitation must use a song or sing. You can add that regardless of the roll and the X-EGO chart the song will only make the target look favorably at the character not control the target.
  3. Not as good as Deadman's but here is a rendition of Griffon from 4th edition
  4. I just ordered it. I contacted Marc and mentioned I didn't have a CD rom on my laptop. He offered USB or SIM card. So if no CD is your hold up send him a email and he will work something out for you
  5. nothing wrong with characters being from or having nobility. Of course, being nobility has its own rewards and complications attached as well. If your a prince you have certain obligations that must be fulfilled. If the kingdom isn't doing well the peasants will see you as part of the cause. They see the prince and the request line soon forms..and so. So it can be a fun addition to a campaign and a pain in the rear as well. Will depend what a GM wants to deal with and even what the players wish to deal with as well. In a D&D campaign I was in one of the characters was a king, so naturally the party would always send the castle the bar tab and the cost of the best rooms we always ordered
  6. One thing I have done is add a -1/4 limitation on all spells and even some magic items and that is Requires Mana. There are areas in the realm that doesn't have mana or has had all the mana used. If it regenerates itself or simply appear in these areas is unknown at the present time, thus the limitation.
  7. I brought back Prof. Meurte, Now simply Meurte in Villainy Codex II. He's over 300 points however
  8. tiger

    2 heads

    They could argue if you like, get along great even one be evil and one be good...all up to you
  9. Perhaps a mystic or an elemental based character, both could give you your ranged attack.
  10. Updated file S.I.D.s Report - TITechCorp.pdf
  11. New file in download section. Just a little tidbit about TITechCorp and some ideas how you can use it in your campaign. I attached it here as well, save you some clicking
  12. Version Version 2


    S.I.D.s is short for Super-powered Individual Database. This is a database that various government agencies are starting to use to keep track of all the various villains and heroes. Over the last few years the number of super-powered individuals has skyrocketed. It has become a full time job to try and keep track of them as well as update information about the, that is the purpose of this database. The database is designed to give law enforcement as much information as possible on supervillains or superheroes they may need to call for help. This is a series of small products that will introduce new villains and heroes for you campaign. This installment will introduce TITechCorp. A new corporation that is helping the underworld and villains by selling them weapons, vehicles, super-powered lackeys and even by createing full fledge villains. 7 page PDF
  13. A PDF of Lord L's hard work on our behalf. nothing fancy, just the basics ARGENT.pdf
  14. I'm sure the answer is in the book but I sure can't find it. Character purchases Multiform with the limitation cost end only to change form. If the character is knocked out during a combat would the revert to their natural form or would the remain in the form that they have assumed?
  15. Don't forget to look in the store's free area. There are some great files made by users that have been uploaded.
  16. tiger

    Death of Sledge

    That's Sledge, I meant what Piledriver's secret id was. The first Piledriver was introduced in Enemies II
  17. tiger

    Death of Sledge

    Found the propaganda in the 4th edition champions universe. Next question; I don't have enemies II anymore, would you know Piledrivers secret id?
  18. tiger

    Death of Sledge

    Thought it happened in either 5th or 6th. Not sure still a diggin
  19. I know that this is covered in a book somewhere, I saw it. Now for the life of me I can not find it, anyone know where it is located?
  20. Working on an ability to cause insanity and was thinking of mind control, instead of a TA. Could MC be used even though the character/creature isn't truly preforming a mental attack? Basically MC with a set end result and use OCV VS DCV instead of mental combat. Would this be legal? Cause Insanity: Mind Control 1d6, Alternate Combat Value (uses OCV against DCV; +) (5 Active Points); Set Effect (-). END 1
  21. I think it would be legal, have to ask Mr. Long to be sure, but I do believe the might have been more negative modifiers than what is listed. But in theory I see nothing wrong with it, depend in on the Special Effect of the power.
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