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Tom Cowan

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Everything posted by Tom Cowan

  1. would you let some one use a blast to take out the focus instead?
  2. Or rain lots of rain. Fall in the PNW starts with the rains
  3. Flashbang Dispenser gun, hmm any one make one in .50 BMG for the Elbonian army
  4. https://www.businessinsider.com/brazil-tragic-ivermectin-for-covid-frenzy-warning-to-us-experts-2021-9 https://www.businessinsider.com/brazil-tragic-ivermectin-for-covid-frenzy-warning-to-us-experts-2021-9
  5. I hope some people get it. https://www.insider.com/funeral-home-truck-dont-get-vaccinated-north-carolina-ad-stunt-2021-9
  6. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/idaho-enacts-plan-to-ration-care-as-covid-19-cases-surge That is bad news
  7. FDA grants full approval to Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine https://finance.yahoo.com/news/1-u-fda-grants-full-134547765.html
  8. don't know about about 3rd but you can in 4th, thou you need to pay for the AP on to 'free' 10 points of base STR too. so for 50 points of STR it is +40 STR, Armor Piercing (+1/2) (65 Active Points) (Modifiers affect Base Characteristic)
  9. And for Florida https://www.businessinsider.com/florida-gov-desantis-unvaccinated-people-testing-positive-for-covid-2021-8
  10. flight gassess form speed
  11. One of the APGs has the 100% Damage Reduction
  12. looks like the APG picked Build her using the Miniscule size template, then buy a limited form of Growth to allow her to get bigger. so 56 points for the +8 DCV and +8 to stealth then 4 levels of 'get back to human size' for 12 points* modified by Adv/limits then 20 points back for the size Complication (F/G)
  13. It is a full page on size and the implications for the use of Growth and Shrinking. not a lot of fluff so i'm not sure how much I should post As shown in the Small Size Templates and in the Shrinking Power, being smaller than normal doesn’t automatically reduce a character’s STR, CON, PRE, defenses, BODY, STUN, or Running. The negative effects it has, as indicated in the mandatory Physical Complication, are being ⅛ mass, a halving of Reach, and suffering +6m of Knockback (distance only) per halving of height. Therefore, in most cases, all that a level of Growth needs to do for a small character is double his height, double his Reach, and add -6m of Knockback Resistance. Since that’s all Growth provides, each level should only cost 3 Character Points. Once a small character reaches normal human size this way, if he wants to Grow further he has to buy normal Growth at the costs listed in the table on 6E1 229.
  14. have you looked at the Adv players guide? page 79
  15. My fav dispel- Dis-spell: Dispel 2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Magic FX (+1/2), Cumulative (768 points; +2) (24 Active Points) Cures, magic traps, and force walls. LOL bring them on.
  16. you could also just use AoE line rather then AoE Surface for a wall of fire
  17. or people think it is one thing but it is something else. how was I to know the code was on the box and not the papers in the box? was not a macguffin per say
  18. well, we should know how things are going by Oct.
  19. Take the negatives down to the store and get a 2nd set of photos for grandma
  20. Looks like we may be a bit early https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/dmx-manager-says-still-alive-042751481.html
  21. The SERRAted Edge setting by Mercedes Lackey or the Mercyverse setting by Patricia Briggs could make a good setting for a game wold
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