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Everything posted by Grailknight

  1. So test it out. Buy a character with the prefab and the build the knife on the same character adding one modifier at a time. You should be able to see the DC and point cost changes and pinpoint where it goes off kilter. Or you could ask Simon in the HERO Designer thread.
  2. That would be good news. If NCSoft released the code they probably won't fight or at worst may revive the game themselves. Would help their PR in the non-Korean markets as their salted earth strategy in CoH/V and other properties has ruined their sales in North America.
  3. The demos I saw didn't seem to have updated graphics. They looked like everyone was playing at the highest resolution of the old game. It's just that back then the highest resolution slowed down most machines and most newer machines aren't even phased.
  4. The game is supposedly issue 24 with one of the original programmers possibly adding issue 25 (the last play test update) if he can salvage it from his old computers. Another contributor claims to have access to all the old character files. As much as I hope for this, I'm trying to remain a skeptic until I can actually log on. Right now the servers can't handle the traffic.
  5. It is illegal and not sanctioned by NCSoft. The code in its entirety has been distributed to the public by people who have been running a private server. It is now up on Discord with the hope that it will be too much trouble for NCSoft to bring legal action against 3k+ private servers and that number was still growing as the day went along. Test servers are running and stable servers are expected in the next week. I This video will get you started if interested.
  6. I'm so used to automatically buying no fringe that I didn't even consider this.
  7. It seems to be legit. Still only test servers but the complete game.
  8. I'd do as Doc suggests with some additions. Buying Multipliers will cover the added velocity just fine, To handle combat and chases you'd need to use the velocity based DCV rules and buy levels in NCM combat. The first is an optional part of the rules set and the second would be a house rule or something from Ultimate Vehicle(not sure there, barely touched the book). As I faintly remember the vehicle combat rules would work just fine for characters.
  9. Invisibility, as the OP says, is either on or off for all observers. Images can have a different result for each.
  10. Would you think the same if I added Inherent and possibly No Conscious Control? I had assumed that they were part on the OP"s description but I should have expressly included them. We should also add Megascale at the lowest level so that the effect covers the entire battlefield.
  11. Been thinking about this and I would attack the problem from a different angle. Instead of Invisibility, I would try to simulate this with Images. Buy the base power to a certain level and then buy minuses to the Perception roll in groups of 2 or 3 with each group having a different activation roll. Add Selective so it has to be rolled against each target. Still a rolling nightmare of time consumption but if you strike the right balance with the Perception Modifiers, it should closely model the OP"s request.
  12. Learned something you didn't want to know.
  13. Curse you, I had blocked that memory after years of trauma!
  14. Well Winter is here and while we don't get any action, we check in with all of our disparate characters. Good setup for when things get real next episode.
  15. Because it will take all three plus a discount to make me even consider paying money for this movie. I haven't been the target audience since the original trilogy. The prequels used up all my nostalgia and these sequels have done nothing to draw me back.
  16. I actually thought of a way they could salvage this for me emotionally. It requires Rey becoming more of a Mary Sue but that ship seems to have unlimited cargo capacity so here goes: The Jedi have long preached denying their emotions and channeling the Force as pure thought while the Sith use the Dark Side by harnessing their negative emotions to fuel their power. I'm sure this has been done somewhere in the EU but what if Rey discovers the ability to harness the Force through her positive emotions and then combine that with her controlled dark emotions. She could become a true force master and invent a new way with a balanced relationship with the Force and life. Incredibly cheesy but It is a movie for kids and sets the SW Universe on a hopeful course.
  17. Barring overwhelming positive reviews from critics, fans and friends this movie will not draw me to the theater. This trailer certainly didn't excite me. TFA was a weak remake of the original but is had some small promise. TLJ had the same flaws as TFA( it was so bad in other ways that you barely noticed that it followed the plot of TESB almost exactly) while adding widespread incompetence to both sides, altering the personalities of beloved legacy characters, changing the physics of the universe, interjecting preachy political agendas and finally not delivering a single lightsaber duel hurt me so bad that I now can't watch the originals because I know the crappy future of my heroes. I'll see it but they'll have to settle for whatever percentage they get from my cable subscription.
  18. Yeah, good advice there. Flame wars are one thing but those arguments are Serious.
  19. Sivana is probably a better starter villain than Black Adam. Putting a complete rookie against someone with equal power and hundreds of years experience using them should turn out badly. It's hard to keep alight tone when your hero is pounded every fight and wins with a trick or plot device.
  20. They're sticking with real world tech so far, so Mechagodzilla would be a stretch. Destroyah would be a good choice as would Gigan if we're drawing from the original sources only. There's always a chance that they'll use one of the new KOTM Kaiju based on popular feedback from the movie. Reshoot ten or so lines and animate those fights last and they could even make it a public fan contest without delaying the movie.
  21. I've had both those problems but mine are mostly caused by my medications. I have to take 40 mg of furosemide twice per day and it really dehydrates you. This has caused my heart doctor to order me to hydrate more frequently throughout the day to counter it somewhat. The back pain may be your kidneys and if hydration doesn't work, you should see your doctor. The cramps can be helped by upping your electrolytes at night. Drink orange juice or gatorade after dinner until bedtime. If you find yourself waking to go to the bathroom, definitely drink after your finish and keep some water near the bed. Aleve is better than Advil for the back pain and taking Advil for several days can cause kidney issues.
  22. It shouldn't cost more for the XDM. XDM is just a movement power in this case(the best and truest use of it). Think of it this way, would you charge more for teleport if you moved one person on phase 12 and then another on your next phase? If any extra points are needed, it should be to define " the healing halls". This sounds like a base or at least a friendly contact.
  23. But did they get an "A"? https://www.bleedingcool.com/2019/03/23/imagine-doing-alien-as-your-high-school-play-because-these-kids-did/?fbclid=IwAR1EDLqMVGKqbJOsy4FxTRuGRuilqxcNO4c-VBMLOSdEI7J
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