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Everything posted by Grailknight

  1. I imagine Trump could withdraw his support if he thinks that'll get him the best PR and the Repubs would just vote not to confirm. Kavanaugh would just fade from the public eye having used his 15 minutes of fame. He's not on trial for a crime, he's just interviewing for a job.
  2. Saw My Hero Academia: The Two Heroes. It takes place between seasons 2 and 3 . Deku and the rest of Class 1-A go to the I-Island Science and Powers Expo where they encounter friends from All Might's past and foil an attack by terrorists.
  3. You have to report and play at least part of the season or your contract rolls over to the next year. He was hoping to show he was at the top of his game so he could be traded.
  4. Too many changes for the sake of angst.
  5. It's a slightly slanted repeat of the Wonder Woman casting. Gadot wasn't considered "hot" enough by a portion of the fanbase. Larson faces the same problematic opinions as there are more tall blonde actresses that look the part .
  6. That's all traditions of the Corp of Cadets. The guys in white are "yell leaders" and Yell practice is just a pep rally held a midnight on the day before games( I suspect it was started to keep the student body on campus on Friday nights and out of Bryan/College Station) All these started back when it was an all male military school. Other fun facts, the school admitted blacks before it admitted women.(again military) It's still the country's largest military school even though the Corp is only 5% of the student body. All the food consumed on campus is grown by the school except for soft drinks
  7. That's natural. Why you hate Aggies tho?
  8. Why you hate us? We grow food and design highways and launch rockets.
  9. I wouldn't touch any QB that Denver has jettisoned. The best you could hope for is Cutler if past performance is any indication.
  10. It's not different for a Supers game. It just takes the problem(too much onus on the GM to make arbitrary rulings) and magnifies it. Nearly every character will have 2-5 powers that have to be built using GM adjudication. Taken to the only one limitation goal, this will apply to every power build in the campaign that has any limitations. The GM will have to track all this and track how each individual power interacts with the game mechanics by memory or by referring to a copy of the character sheet. Said character sheets will be incredibly complex as there is no common format for the way powers work. I see the intent here and it is possibly worth a try with an experienced GM and trustworthy players who have played some time together. I don't think this can work as a product for sale. Everyone has house rules but house rules by definition appeal to a niche market within a niche gaming industry. I wouldn't try to market mine either. The game needs the structure to appeal to a broad base and provide ease of entry.
  11. While I think this idea can work in theory, it has some problems. Firstly, the problem with everyone's laser pistols being different is a real one . Yes, it can be fixed by the GM at character creation but then you have to fix their defenses and their movement and so on and so on. The variety of options Hero provides will result in far too many similar things adjudicated somewhat arbitrarily. Secondly, this places even more burden on the GM. While this might be doable by us longtime Hero grognards, It will be overwhelming to a newer GM. And getting newer GMs is the main problem Hero is facing. Even experienced GMs will have to juggle how they adjudicate new players to avoid the cries of favoritism and inconsistency. Thirdly, I can see a great deal of reinventing the wheel coming. GMs will have to have some guidelines or there will be no common ground to fall back on. There would be no commonality between different games. Characters would have to be redone for any transfer between campaigns and putting out any source material would become a nightmare as all games will be their own niche market. It would be better to start new groups with solid rules and transition them to this narrative style once they become comfortable with the rules. I can see this working well with A GM and players that have had some time together. But it is too ahrd for newbies and I don't think you can keep a company going with it.
  12. Port of Shadows, a new Black Company story by Glen Cook. It takes place between books 1 & 2 and gives some interesting background on the Domination while clouding the identity of a main character. Serpentine, the newest Anita Blake novel. Strange things are taking place at Ted and Donna's wedding in the Florida Keys. Sex is kept to a minimum and is in self-contained chapters that are easily skipped.
  13. He already doesn't have to play again. He's made over 10 million just from football and who knows how much from endorsements. As long as he doesn't waste it he's set for life.
  14. Hence my comment on having to examine my opinion of his staffers. They could be doing the best they can to avoid the iceberg even knowing they'll go down with Trump. Our best hope is to flip somebody with solid evidence of direct malfeasance. Before he makes flipping illegal that is.
  15. As damning and frightening as the excerpts from Woodard's book are, I find the tweets Trump made days before even more serious. The latest rant against Sessions was basically because the Justice Department brought charges against two of his supporters after investigations from 2017.(His own administration, not Obama's) His basic reasoning for the attack: His followers were favored to hold their seats but the indictments placed them in danger of being lost to the Democrats. Not because he believes them innocent but because he thinks that the Justice Department should protect the party in power over upholding the law. Then he stated that he doesn't think people should be allowed to hold protests. WT Holy F?!?! It's almost like he didn't pay attention when he took the oath of office to that part where he has to protect the Constitution and that First Amendment thing. Like they only apply to the people on his side. That he said these things makes me fully convinced that Woodward's book is mostly true. I now have to examine my opinions of his staff members in a new light. They may should have spoken out early and often but they may be the only thing keeping this administration from coming completely unhinged and the country from chaos.
  16. Nike is protecting its brand. While I'd like to think that Nike was portraying some modicum of social responsibility(and they probably are secondarily), the simple explanation is that this is a move made purely for PR. The main thrust of the PR is not however the consumer, it's the group of people who perform the bulk of its advertising and promote the brand: the athletes. Nike got to the top of the heap in large part because it attracted and held the most popular athletes as clients and promoters. If LeBron , Jordan and others jumped to another company over social issues then they could count on losing big-time market share. They wouldn't fold but they could become merely Adidas or fall as far as Puma or Converse. So they back a controversial figure with a good cause and they earn some goodwill with a section of the market and get free advertising from the Protest-Hater in Chief who has pretty much killed his chances of support from the athletic community.
  17. Mobile has excellent drainage and most of the houses near the water are up on cinder blocks or columns. We used to play under the house in the summer to stay cool. This house is lucky and tough, been thru Camille(back when I was in grade school), Frederick( parts of the roof and some windows) and Katrina(loss of power for days). IH-10 is elevated and serves as a levee and we're a fence and access road away.
  18. And of course there's a tree on the car. No damage but can't move it.
  19. Looks like it missed me and made landfall in Mississippi about 40 miles west. Heavy rain still coming though.
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