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Everything posted by TheRavenIs

  1. Re: Fair or Munchkin? Munchkin, it is a cheap way to do what 3 or 5 pts. [depending on how you look at it] would cost.
  2. Re: Sick of Wolverine If you do a Wolverine C for Champions, you can do one that isn't crazy. I've played a Wolverine type C for years. Mine hasn't got a enraged, but he does have the attitude, but isn't kill them just to kill. But I do agree that in the comics he has outlived he's utility as a C. Same as the Batman. The Batman is a C that needs to be delt with and let's just say that would be better for a different Thread.
  3. Re: predatory martial art Venom Spray: NND - choke hold
  4. Re: Fixing Find Weakness I have a C in a game that has 105 AP/21 DC limit. She has FW/all attacks. The GM and I reduced her attacks to 80 AP/16 DC limit. We did take the FW into account, which was why we reduced the DC limit.
  5. Re: Supe it up! Stargate SG1: The USAir Force discovers the Stargate. Using technology and methods from the Second World War they create teams of super-soldiers to investigate the worlds on the other side of the gate and to protect the Earth Lt. Col. Jack O’Neill, the man with superhuman luck and the ability to fast talk he’s enemies, plus near invulnerability. Captain Samantha Carter, super-human intelligence, with expertise in all areas of science, plus super speed. Dr. Daniel Jackson, the living translator with the ability to give all of he’s teams the ability to understand any spoken language, while he can read any language, also an archeologist and anthropologist. Has the powers of telepathy [empathy only]. Teal’c; Jaffa Superman, the warrior that Col. O’Neill convinces to join him in fighting the evil Goa’uld. All of the abilities come for ‘junior’ the young Goa'uld symboite, that all Jaffa carry.
  6. Re: How would you set this power up. What Edsel said.
  7. Re: Mechanics vs. SFX... Where is the line? Missile Deflection: I have a new Character that I see the SFX being, he is so durble that when he wants to be he can bounce ranged attacks. Is that the best you have?: Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack) (20 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2) Real Cost: 10 I didn't come up with it but I do like it.
  8. Re: What would you recommend? Lately I've done starting C's this way: 225 Base + 125 Disadvantages = 350 points. I like the 125 Disadvantages better than the 150, the C's are not as weighted down with issues, but it allows them to still have intresting 'probleams'.
  9. Re: Your "2006" Pet Gaming Projects Get my Time Travel/Dimensional travel game up and running. Continue to run my Jump Start (Champions Game) so it can get into time sync with the other game it's tried to. In the Jump Start Game; 1. Get a magic based team up and running, that part depends on my players. 2. Get more Heroes and Hero Teams introduced, that part depends on my players. 3. Firmly establish the First Team on the JS Universe as the Primary Team. 4. Eventually create a second commom origion team in that universe. As a player in what we call the Defenders Universe; 1. Get my Time Travel/Dimensional Traveler C active as PC. 2. Get one of C's memory back as much as it able. (Wolverine type) 3. Get a former Artifical Person Hero now Real Girl Hero to the point that she has a team of other strange or odd heroes together. 4. Get a war over so that all the C's in space can get back to a more normal life. For now that is all for Hero.
  10. Re: WWYCD: The Safe Crossfire: Techno-Ninja, Security Systems 17-, Skill Master +3 w/all INT Skills, +6 Overall, Find Weakness 17- w/all attacks, [yeah it’s expensive], Max Attack: 16d6. He’d do it just to do it. Besides it would be a great challenge, plus the tech would be good to add to he’s own. Bearcat: Wolverine-type C, 5d6-1 HKA, AP, AP, Pen. I wonder if they hardened it enough. Traveler: Extra-Dimensional/Teleporter, N-Ray Vision not vs. Magic Materials or Magical Shields, Just aport what ever is inside, forget about opening it. If he actually wanted to do it.
  11. Re: 20 Years ago Today To those that died on this day so many years ago, I say you are remembered. May your lives and death's guide us forward into a better tomorrow.
  12. Re: DC's Best "Bricks" 1. Superman 2. Supergirl, Kara Zor-El 3. Mon-El 4. Ultra Boy in Strength Mode 5. Martian Manhunter 6. Wonder Woman 7. Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family 8. Big Barta 9. Orion
  13. I have an idea for a power for a C that I need help with/ I need a way to have the C take NO DAMAGE from falls or Knockback. I think a version of desol, but how would the creative minds here on the boards do it. Thanks before anyone responds. Raven
  14. Re: ROBOTECH Hero Thanks Lord Laiden, I forgot about that.
  15. Re: Power Build Advice Needed use Transformation as the inital attack, major transformation into Duplicate of Agent Smith. linked Mind Control, one command; always follow orders of origional Agent Smith. linked Mind Link, all Agent Smith's you can actually drop the duplication if you do it this way, but I could be wrong
  16. Ok, this might be a strange, but I was wondering if anyone has worked up anything about this, Characters, Mecha, Background, Races. I have reasons for asking. I need info so I can, well be creative for the group I play with. hehehehehehehe
  17. Re: Power Build Advice Needed Duplication for the already created forms. Then a transformation/Mind Control.
  18. Re: Atomic Rocket website Great site. Repped
  19. Re: What is HERO about? I see Hero as having the ‘hidden’ aspect that you see, as well as it doesn’t. I play Hero for the main reason that it allows me to make a Character that then allows me to explore my own mind in a shared world. Do I see Hero having a self-realization part … yes? I see ANY game system if it is any good to allow you to do that, but … you have to approach Hero or any game with that as part of it to find it. Hero to me allows me to do things that only one other game did, Traveler, to go beyond the basic set-up of the game system. Hero allows me to explore things inside myself that I can’t do in the ‘real’ world. Hero gives me the means to do this for the reason that it is UNIVERSAL. I can do a Character that is in a Fantasy game, Dark Champion game, Pulp game, Space Hero game, and always in a Champions game or any weird combo I can create, that allows me to do this. Now that isn’t to say you can’t do it in another game, but I’ve found after RPing for over 20+ years that Hero allows you the ultimate flexibility to do it. Hero gives me the feeling that when I play it, I can do a Character that can go against the convention of the basic’s in a way that doesn’t either destroy the game for others or make the experience of the game for the others I play with less than enjoyable. If I play DnD3.5 I can’t do that, you play against kind and that action makes it hard for you and the others to have fun, I find that is that in that style of game you are encouraged to play to convention. Now as to the point that Hero doesn’t have the self-realization, like everything you do a system like life, only what you bring to something is what you find.
  20. Re: Doing Charmed in Hero I might do that. Thanks Black Rose.
  21. Ok, I think this mught be intresting. I was wondering if anyone would think so also. If anyone has ever worked up the sisters please post them. I also want to know what style of game would you put this?
  22. Re: Defining Magic Tantric Magic is a form of Channelled/Self but it also has aspect's of stored. A Tantric magic user gains power from sex, stores that channelled energy and then uses the siad energy that is now self energy. Yeah, might have thrown in the preverbial monkey wrench, but it is a form of magic.
  23. Re: First time Hero buyer I said MOSTLY!!!! well meaning.
  24. Re: Learning Curve? I started with D&D, when Elf was race and class. Then I went to V&V. Then Champions. Champions was easier to figure out than the others, was easier than Traveler, which I started the same time as Champion. So after 20+ yrs, I still find HeroSystem easier. Like archermoo, I might not be a good judge on this.
  25. Re: First time Hero buyer Well hello NMR, good to have you here. Ok, Str as 5 pts = 1d6, works right the way it is, now I say this as a person playing Hero for over 20 yrs. But not to say you can change it, all that matters is how you and your group want it to be. Don't let all of this crazy bunch here get to you, we are mostly a well meaning bunch.
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