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Everything posted by CptPatriot

  1. I was thinking to make a character that recovered points at a faster rate than the 5 points per recovery period, say 10 or even 15. This is what I came up with: Rapid Recovery: Power Defense (10 points) (10 Active Points); Only to Simulate Rapid Recovery (Tries to sim the increase of the return of Negative Adjustment Powers to 10 points a turn from 5; -1) I'm trying to get an opinion as how much a limitation it is worth. Let's assume a Superheroic game for now.
  2. Been trying to get a Discord Server set up with RP in mind @ https://discord.gg/KXr7NZZ

  3. Skill levels that work after you have hit your target with prior attacks, because they've been Ionized.
  4. I was looking around at gas mask writeups and the majority of them are written similarly to this: Gas Mask: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing) (10 Active Points); OIF (-½), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Hour (-0). Total cost: 7 points. The reason I'm posting this is that the writeup seems wrong. While the writeup works for the majority of inhalant based attacks, wouldn't most gas masks be more accurately written up as: More Accurate Gas Mask: LS (Expanded Breathing: ImpurePoisonous Air) (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Hour (-0) or this, if your GM is a bit strict: Protective Filter Mask: LS (Self-Contained Breathing) (10 Active Points); Must Have Oxygen to Breathe (-1), OIF (-1/2) I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. Archie
  5. If you don't mind a little conjecture, I suspect that Westside would be intolerant of the sort of changes that Millennium City experienced because it is generally the poorer section of town and people would not be willing to be forced to move to allow those changes to happen.
  6. Agreed. The easiest way, assuming they know DC & Marvel, would be to describe the Champions Universe characters would be as their comic analogs. As long as they know that the personalities might be different than the comic characters, it should be fine for setting the stage for them.
  7. If I may, what about how you writeup immunity to being prone for a creature like the Blob(1958), that doesn't appear to be able to 'go prone.'
  8. Do you think going the System Resource Document(SRD) route to make the base rules more accessible would help matters?
  9. Agreed, it would protect against the sound you generate, but not your interactions. That's like you moving an object while invisible to sight, people would still see the object moving in mid-air.
  10. The idea of the bullet resistant spandex(BRS) was not that far from mainstream, citing a Wired article @ https://www.wired.com/2001/10/abfabs/, so I don't feel the need to justify getting the BRS costume. As for costuming that can work with your superpowers, I like the idea of trying to use realistic sources when I can. For a bunch of electrical based characters I've run, I have, in the past, allowed them to wear latex costumes or Darlexx®, if they have the resources, which Wikipedia describes as 'an omnidirectional warp knit fabric laminated to a monolithic film', and which I always thought could potentially have insulation properties that would protect against electricity. I've also thought that spider silk as a fabric would be cool, as its tensile properties are well known to Spider-man fans, but that it's been hard to generate enough silk to create clothes from what I've read, but easier to stretch disbelief in being more accessible for many superhero worlds.
  11. I had the idea to make a character who would have some defenses centered around their telepathic ability to read people around them. Examples: +5 DCV with the SFX of a telepath being able to able to read your mind and being able to move to counter an attack. 12 PD/12 ED Resistant Protection with the SFX of a telepath who pushes into the minds of her attackers the subconscious thought that 'you really don't want to hurt me.' Now, I had two ideas about this and I wanted to see how you feel about these and discuss it. Requires A Mental Attack roll; Must be made each Phase for each person attacking (-1) It's handled in the same way as every other Mental power, but it also will tend to slow combat down Limited Power: Reduce power by -5 Active Points(AP) per 3 Points of Mental Defense(MD) (-½) I came up with -5 AP per 3 points MD since 3 points of MD would be enough to nullify the standard effect of one die of Mental Power, and as it still allows for a partial application of the defense. A -½ limitation seems to work where Mental Powers are relatively uncommon. I'd really like to hear your opinions and other ways to simulate this. Archie
  12. I have a character that has an AI as a Follower and according to the rules in 6E1 102-103, the player pays the Total Cost of the character and Followers can earn XP. Do you have to pay additional points for the experience points the Followers earns in game?
  13. I have decided to go with the idea of assuming the trope of a minor illusion to cover identity will have to suffice (as Witchcraft does) and have given up the idea of having everyone seeing someone different as the basis for protecting secret ID. Maybe I should try making her so hot that no one looks at her face because people are too focused on her boobs and butt?
  14. So, depending on the interpretation of the GM, there's a superheroic trope that many call on to generally not be immediately identifiable. If the GM goes along with it, my effort to use a form of mental illusion(not the Power) to disguise her appearance falls into the trope though some GMs might ask that I lower the frequency of the Secret ID Social Complication as the threat could be lessened by the fact that actually identifying her would be problematic since even with a picture, most people couldn't act as a witness, unless she dropped her guard in her civilian guise. Now, if the GM makes me pay points, I'm putting this writeup out: Disguise Appearance: Change Environment (-8 to Sight Group PER Rolls), Persistent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (42 Active Points); Only to keep from being able to identify her appearance (-2), No Range (-1/2), Self Only (-1/2), Psionic (-1/2) The idea stems from the fact that a person would normally make a Perception roll to identify a target and according to the rules, if they have a positive bonus to their vision check, they have no issue seeing the target, but if it is at 0 or negative, a Perception roll would be needed to see the target. By using negatives to Perception and making the penalty specifically affect identifying her, it doesn't affect people seeing her, just for picking up details of her appearance. So, they either didn't get the details to her or outright gets the wrong information, so they see her with completely incorrect information, thus seeing what they want to think and not the right info. What do you think of this?
  15. I hadn't thought about what sort of defenses you'd need but I didn't see people looking past it easily. Perhaps Mental Defenses would allow them to see past the mental disguise; perhaps as a added PER chance?
  16. I have a mentalist character and I had the idea of disguising her looks from people by a sort of mental illusion that let's people see her as they want to see her, in a fashion similar to how the Star Trek Salt Monster did it in "The Man Trap". Any suggestions?
  17. I'm trying to figure out how to resolve Knockback while in a high gravity environment.
  18. I think the idea of erasing memory would better done as a Transform. Mind Control would eventually be remembered when the target makes their Breakout roll. Using AVAD to Flash Defense(Sight) does work well though.
  19. Well, in the case of the Celestial powerset, the powers tend to be damaging or healing depending on whether you want to harm or heal the target. In the case of Champions, you could build it as a multipower with a Blast and Healing slot.
  20. Shigero, how are they handling Hero System dice rolling? I seem to recall needing special handling for handling the Stun and Body in macros.
  21. Since I play Champions Online, I'm willing to help out with this. I'll add to this when I get on my PC, so I can refer to the game.
  22. Weaponmaster: Guns? To be honest, I've never used it, but the games I played, having that Talent would have only encouraged the GM to do the same to us.
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