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  1. Like
    Amorkca reacted to Lord Liaden in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Probably so. But the superhero genre isn't primarily about what would happen, but about what we want to happen. It isn't the way the world is, but it's the world the way it should be. And it inspires us to try to make our world more like that.
  2. Like
    Amorkca got a reaction from Hyper-Man in 5th Edition 250 Points Comic Book Characters   
    Happy Sixth of Scotch!
  3. Like
    Amorkca reacted to phoenix240 in Superhero Images   
    Whiz Kid: Hyper kinetic thief and prankster, Whiz Kid seems to dance back and fourth across the hero/villain line as quickly as he does everything else. And for the same reason: lulz. This poster boy for reckless irresponsible youth is up for almost anything to slake his thirst for thrills and amusement. He's not violent, however, and doesn't try to kill or greatly injure his opponents (or the authorities) instead using his speed, agility and wicked but childish sense of humor to escape, evade and harass them instead. His juvenile attitude is understandable as Whiz Kids is actually 11 yrs old. His hyped up metabolism has him the build and development of a boy several years older.  Whiz kid is a frequent friendly rival/partner of the young Speedster heroine Velocity. To be clear, she is NOT his girlfriend. She is his friend who is a girl. 

  4. Like
    Amorkca reacted to phoenix240 in Supers Image game   
    I'm going to give it to Nothere's Stephanie Steam. Congratulations and you're up next!
  5. Like
    Amorkca reacted to phoenix240 in Supers Image game   
    Far too late to be an entry but this popped into my head (crude character sheet included)
    Mold Man
    Str: 50 Dex: 15 Con: 30 Bod: 18 Int:  8 Ego:  8 Pre: 10 Com:  0 PD:  25 ED:  12 Spd:  4 Rec: 10 End: 60 Stun:60   Powers:   Fungus Body: Life Support: No Need Breathe, sleep, eat, Excrete, does not bleed, non differentiated body (not hit    locations). Immune to high pressure//vacuum Immune to Terrestrial diseases and toxins that affect animals   Fungus Body: Resistance Defense: 8 PD (18 vs Crushing/Impaling attacks such as bullets).   Fungus Body is Big, damp and heavy: KB Resistance -5 KB +1 Reach   Walking Mound of Reeking Fungus: +20 Pre only to cause Horror   Fungus Growth: Regeneration: 1 Body per turn: requires Organic material to absorb   Fungus Senses: Flash Defense: 18 Pts All sense, 360 degree sight, sense: organic material: ranged, 360, works as    sense, +8 Telescopic +8 Perception, Tracking   Sickening Spores: 3d6 NND vs LS: fungal infections, does not effect inorganic life forms, beings with sealed systems. 1 hex    AE ranged, AE: 1 hex 4 4 Charges that last 1 day, effects can be medical treated (fungal lung/GI infection)   Reeking Odor: CE: -1 to Smell Per, CV, Int rolls, 1 hex, 0 Range, 0 endurance, always on. Does not effect beings with no or    sheilded sense of smell or holding breath.    Rot: 1/2 d6 RKA NND vs Inorganic defenses/forcefield Does Body. Dmg sheild (only vs grabbed targets), 0 endurance.   Sticky: Clinging Full Strength   Budding: Summon:  up to x8 200 pt "Fungoids" Slavishly loyal, Extra Time: 1 hour, requires a great deal of organic material, concentrate 0 DCV through out   Return to "normal": Multiform: 50 pt Normal form   Skills:  Sci: Botany            11- KS:  Molds and Fungus: 13- KS:  Gardening:        11- KS:  Toxins            11- KS:  Otaku Culture      8- KS:  Roleplaying       11- + 3  Levls (grab, block, disarm) "Crude Akiko knowledge"   Disadvantages Vuln: x 2 Body from Fire, corrosives, explosive attacks (common) Vuln: x1.5 Stun from Dehydration based Powers Susceptible: Intense cold 1d6 per minute (uncommon) Susceptible: Anti-fungal agents: 1d6 per exposure Accidental change: Miyomoto Hakashi (knocked unconscious, taken to 0 Body) Psych: Anti social, misanthropic, hatred of society (very com, strong) Psych: Obsessive, insane and prone to strange random fixations (com, strong) Psych: Fascinated with mold, fungus, slimes and decaying organisms as the dominate form of life (uncom, total) Psych: Casual Killer, cares nothing for human life (com, total) Phys: Slimy, no fingers, clumsy fine manipulation (fre, sli) Phys: No sense of Smell (infr, sli) Phys: Mute (fre, great) Features: Huge reeking humanoid mound of fungus (common sense, causes horror)       Background: Promising biology major Miyomoto Hakahshi under the incessant pressure of his finals, his family's pressure to    chose a more "importamt" (aka: lucrative) field, personal tradgedy (the death of his beloved grandmother and his long time    girlfriend's cruel infidelity with a wealthy popular peer) snapped this talented young man who attempted to kill himself by    drowning in his own fungal culture vats. It did not kill him but instead transformed him into a repulsive shambling mound    of hybrid fungal and human tissue and ended what was left of his sanity. After a breif killing spree the "Mold Man" was    destroyed by a local hero using corrosive weed killing chemicals.    Or so was though. Miyamato survived, transforming back to human form and was mistaken for a victim of the monster's rampage    and hospitalized. Recovered, he now plans how to regain and increase powers to further his plans to turn this dying corrupt    world over to its true master: the things that rot. 
  6. Like
    Amorkca reacted to dmjalund in Genre-crossover nightmares   
    Ten days are missing.
    It is up to C.I.A. man Jack Ryan to find them in:
    Hunt For Mid-October
  7. Like
    Amorkca reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    That $40,000,000.00 exit package for a guy essentially being fired for reprehensible conduct, reinforces my confidence in the basic unfairness of the universe.
  8. Like
    Amorkca reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in "Neat" Pictures   
  9. Like
    Amorkca reacted to Hugh Neilson in The Flash   
    The costume looks good, so we will complain because it mixes the same colours as other costumes.
    I'll be happy if it simply turns out that Wally is not the Season 3 "Speedster who infiltrates the team as a friend but turns out to be the Big Bad Guy for the season". Why couldn't Jay Garrick actually BE Jay Garrick?
  10. Like
    Amorkca reacted to Lawnmower Boy in More space news!   
    Or, people figure out how to do stuff, and then scientists arrive to explain how it was done. . . 
  11. Like
    Amorkca reacted to BoloOfEarth in Create a Hero Theme Team!   
    Yeah, some people call themselves heroes and heroines, but really they're just *&^$*ing *%$&^%$-heads.
    Mages and gadgeteers are the worst of the lot.  They'll leave these little "surprises" behind for bad guys to find.  Usually they're made to either keep you from taking something or capture you, and hey, I can understand booby-traps.  I try to steal something, you try to make sure I don't.  That's cool.
    But what Mystic Master did was *not* cool.  The cowled %$#&%#-weed set me up by putting a magical curse on a big-@^%$ diamond, then getting word out about it to the top thieves in town.  It was entrapment, pure and simple. 
    The "Stone of Empathic Connection," he called it.  I call it a piece of ^&%*@.   Can't throw it away, can't give it away, can't sell it.  It just keeps coming back to me.  Only way to get rid of it is for someone to steal it, and after MM got the word out, nobody's dumb enough to take from me.  I had some dark sorcerer take a look at it; he says it causes a short-term connection between its owner and whomever he harms in any way, massively magnifying anything detrimental that they feel.  Basically, I get to feel violated, or whatever else a mark feels when I pass one over on him.  And heaven forbid I sap a guard to get past him, or I'll have a headache for a week.
    Okay, so I get the whole "karma" idea.  But this really, REALLY sucks.
    When I finally tracked MM down and confronted him (and he finally stopped laughing), he told me I could break the curse by doing good deeds.  Seems that when I help somebody, I also get to feel a massive relief from this whole doom-and-gloom I've been feeling ever since I stole the rock.  As a so-called "superhero," I've had to get creative to get past the whole shared-pain thing; using Aikido, I can redirect another person's attack so he's causing himself harm.  I tried joining the Stolen on the down-low, but MM outed me.  Told the media I was the Corsican, and the name stuck.
    The *&^$*ing *%$&^%$-head.
  12. Like
    Amorkca reacted to urbwar in Superhero Images   
    Thanks Enforcer!
    Some new stuff from Juan Paolo. The first product I ever put out (for BASH, Supers! & G-Core) was a villain team called The Triad. Decided to get new images of them done. From left to right is Moonstone, Hypersonic & Hoarfrost:

  13. Like
    Amorkca reacted to freakboy6117 in Create a Hero Theme Team!   
    Charles Chalk Dover is a cliché the ivy league professor with Chalk dust on his leather patched tweed jacket.
    His verbose language and tendency to lecture on obscure topics people tend to undee
    estimate him as his just
    an academic.
    While Charles does have multiple doctorates in anthropology psychology linguistics and traditional occult practices.
    He is also one of the best practitioners at the arts of wards and runic magic with a stick of Chalk he can create a impenetrable barrier, create traps or see through walls. With any writing instrument he is a dangerous ghost hunter. In his hands the pen is truly mightier than the sword
  14. Like
    Amorkca reacted to Christopher R Taylor in 6th Edition Conversions   
    OK gonna start work on the module Atlas Unleashed.  This was published in 1989 by David Roger for Champions 3rd edition just as 4th edition was coming out.  Its basically a hippie peacenik from the 70s forming a group to force peace and his ideas on the world, even if it takes war to get there.  It even included a minor agency called Prometheus that acts as sort of a peace corps and has gadgets to deal with minor insurgencies etc.  This one is kind of obscure but it was an interesting module.

  15. Like
    Amorkca reacted to tiger in Superhero Images   
    Just had this commission done for an up coming project

  16. Like
    Amorkca reacted to BoloOfEarth in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Badger Boy, continued
    Nexus and Moreno end up at the AligenX labs as the storm starts full-force.  While Nexus keeps an eye on Moreno, Pops teleports downtown with the rest of the team to pick up Honey Badger and Maker (who has been trailing the Badger boys while invisible, just in case -- see prior comment on paranoid heroes).  Honey Badger is reluctant to bring Badger Boy along, but Maker talks him into it.  As they prepare to teleport to the AligenX labs, Pop Tart gives Honey Badger a loooong kiss for luck.
    Malarky:  Do ye happen to have another lass like you on your team?
    Pop Tart:  I could introduce you to Little Debbie.
    Malarky:  (grin)  Aye, I might just like that!
    Nexus, cloaked with an invisibility spell, is checking out Moreno's office while he harangues employees on the phone.  She spots a ventilation cover that's slightly askew, levitates up, and spots Downsizer hiding inside.  Afraid the shrinker will sneak away, Nexus zaps her with a spell to drain her OCV.  Downsizer radios for help, and more of the Raiders quickly arrive in a large panel truck as the rest of Just Cause (plus Badger Boy) teleport into Moreno's office.
    GM:  (moving the panel truck quickly up the driveway toward the building on the battle map)
    Maker:  When it stops, will we be able to see the truck through the windows?
    GM:  (keeps moving truck without slowing down)
    Circe:  I don't think they plan to park outside.
    Factory Recall bursts out of the truck and smashes through several walls to get to Moreno's office.  He ends his full move about 2m in front of Honey Badger.
    Factory Recall:  (robotic voice) Oh, shi...Correction, Target rich environment.
    Honey Badger:  Target rich?  Which one of us is Rich?  Sucks to be him.
    Honey Badger punches Factory Recall through a couple walls back into the lobby, and Daytrader (the Raiders' speedster) runs in, ending his full move just before reaching Circe.  She zaps him with a Mental Blast.
    GM:  Good news - you stunned him.  So Phase 2, Daytrader has to spend recovering from being stunned.
    Circe:  Whew!
    GM:  Bad news - Phase 3, Daytrader gives you a Rain of Punches.
    Fat Cat leaps through the holes Factory Recall made, and gets much of his strength drained by Malarky.
    Fat Cat:  (bad French accent)  How could you do zat to me?  You... you... ENGLISHMAN!
    Malarky:  Well, now, them's fighting words!
    Downsizer flies out of the vent toward Malarky, but Badger Boy's Badger Magnifier allows him to spot her.  Knowing from his own extensive super-fan research that she like to cling to a target's back before attacking, he runs over and grabs her before she can attack Malarky.
    Badger Boy:  (cupping his hands around her like a captured insect)  I've got her!  I've got her!
    Malarky:  Well, what are ye waiting for, lad?  Zap her!
    A few NND zaps later, she's unconscious and grows to full size.
    Malarky:  Congratulations, lad.  You've captured your first supervillain!
    Fat Cat and Honey Badger are fighting in the lobby, and it's apparent things are not going the Raiders' way.
    Fat Cat:  (bad French accent) Honey Badger, mon ami, I do not suppose you would let bygones be bygones and let me leave?
    Honey Badger:  I'd like to, but I've got an impressionable kid here...
    Fat Cat:  But I know ze best restaurants.  Finest French cuisine.  My treat.
    Circe:  Oh, now you've done it.  You've hit his vulnerable spot.
    Pops teleports Moreno (now willing to go) to the PRIMUS base.
    GM:  Where do you appear?
    Pops:  PRIMUS agents get a little testy when I just pop inside, so I've got a spot memorized just outside the back door.  Then I knock and say, "Delivery!"
    GM:  Okay, as you appear, you suddenly feel a complete and total apathy.  No desire at all to do anything.  (pause)  It's a mental entangle.
    He quickly breaks out of his ennui, so Union has to up his game, hitting Pops with a 16d6 Mind Control.
    Union:  Pops, you're a good man, but he (points to Moreno) is not.  He's greedy, self-centered scum, and not worthy of your protection.  In fact, you need to take him to Calcutta, and leave him there so he learns a little lesson.
    Moreno:  No!  I refuse to go!  You can't make me go if I don't want to!
    Mark Futures:  (zaps Moreno unconscious)  Shut up.  Nobody cares what you want.
    Luckily for Pops, Union's damage roll is low and his own EGO roll is good, so he's not bound by the Mind Control.  Instead, he teleports into the front lobby of the PRIMUS building with the unconscious CEO, leaving Union and Mark Futures to make their escapes. 
    At the end, the heroes have captured Daytrader, Downsizer, Factory Recall, and Rainwalker. 
    Malarky:  We'll take pictures of Badger Boy posing with each of the captured supervillains, for his scrapbook.
  17. Like
    Amorkca reacted to bigdamnhero in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    We're setting up for the Big Campaign Finale. One PC has a 20-something daughter with superpowers, who is following in Daddy's footsteps. (She's a DNPC, but also bought as a Follower.) Daughter wants to join the PCs on the Final Assault. The player is debating whether to bring her along or not; the player thinks it would be fun and they could use the additional firepower, but in-character the PC would be reluctant to expose his daughter to what is practically a suicide mission. Daughter really doesn't want to be left behind, and is wheedling Daddy to let her come.
    Another player OOC: "As the father of two daughters, can we just skip ahead to the part where she gets her way? Trust me on this one."
  18. Like
    Amorkca reacted to urbwar in Superhero Images   
    Quoting this old post because I finally had the fourth member drawn up by Brian. Representing Death is Manea, an Etruscan Death Goddess (naturally!)

    And being Horsemen, they needed mounts. Created from Fire Opals, and magically given life, these are the mounts of the Horsemen:

  19. Like
    Amorkca reacted to death tribble in Create a Hero Theme Team!   
    Mountain King
    From Norway comes Mountain King. During an attempt by Russians to invade Norway and covertly control it during the Cold War, their soldiers stumbled on something that even the Germans had missed during World War II. An underground kingdom run by Trolls. The Russians being rational communists did not believe in such things and suffered accordingly. A local man found the underground and managed to negotiate with the Trolls. In return for keeping the existence of the Kingdom quiet, the disappearance of the Russians and his own life, the local man agreed to father a child with the Trolls who would then be their eyes and ears in the outside world. This son went on to become Mountain King. He morphs from a normal man into a large humanoid rock that looks like something out of the sagas. His induction into the NATO team became a forgone conclusion and he has remained its current longest serving member
  20. Like
    Amorkca reacted to csyphrett in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Ragged Jake likes his beer a little too much, cigars more than that, and favors a hand cannon that shoots devils at his enemies. He is frequently seen battling DEMON and their allies. What few know is Jake is a horse for the Loa. They ride him and use him to battle DEMON and then let him go back to his normal life a little worse for wear.
  21. Like
    Amorkca reacted to ghost-angel in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Tonight's Star Wars game;
    The Rodian, Jako, tracks down some other Rodians who stole all our money...
    Jako: Revenge is sweet and best served cold.
    Oskara (the Twi'lek pilot & gun bunny): Revenge is ice cream?
  22. Like
    Amorkca reacted to Cassandra in 5th Edition 250 Points Comic Book Characters   
    Here is a Green Lantern not using a Ring.
    Green Lantern
    Val Char Cost
    15 STR 5
    18 DEX 24
    15 CON 15
    12 BODY 4
    13 INT 3
    18 EGO 16
    15 PRE 5
    16 COM 3
    6 PD 3
    4 ED 1
    4 SPD 12
    6 REC 0
    30 END 0
    28 STUN 0
    Total Characteristics Cost: 85 Points
    Cost Skills
    2 Bump of Direction, OIHID (-1/4)
    6 Combat Luck +3 rPD +3 rED
    3 Combat Piloting [Combat Aircraft] 13-
    8 FB: Intergalactic Police Powers
    3 Navigation [Air & Space] 12-
    2 Rep: Superhero 11-
    16 Universal Translator 12-, OIHID (-1/4)
    Total Skills Cost: 40 Points
    Cost Powers
    16 100 END REC 10, OIHID (-1/4), Must Be Recharged Every 24 Hours (-0)
    33 Multipower (50 Points) Gestures (-1/4), OIHID (-1/4)
    3 u) EB 10d6, Does Not Work Against Yellow (-1/4)
    3 u) Entangle 5d6 DEF 5, Does Not Work Against Yellow (-1/4)
    3 u) Force Wall 10 rPD 10 rED, Does Not Work Against Yellow (-1/4)
    3 u) FTL Travel 1,000,000 LY/Year [2 LY/Hour]
    3 u) Telekinesis 30 STR, Does Not Work Against Yellow (-1/4)
    3 u) Telekinesis 20 STR, Fine Manipulation, 1/2 END (+1/4), Does Not Work Against Yellow (-1/4)
    12 EC [Emerald Energy]-15 Points, OIHID (-1/4)
    10 1) Flight 10", Variable Advantages (+1/2), [[Megascale [1km], 1/2 END, or Use Underwater Only (-1/4)]]
    14 2) Force Field +12 rPD +12 rED, No END (+1/2), Does Not Work Against Yellow (-1/4)
    7 LS: High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum, OIHID (-1/4)
    7 LS: Self Contained, Does Not Work Against Yellow (-1/4), OIHID (-1/4)
    8 Transform: Instant Change [Any] 
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 Hunted: Guardians of the Universe (More Powerful/NCI/Watch) 8-
    10 Hunted: Sinestro (As Powerful) 8-
    5 Hunted: Star Sapphire (As Powerful/Mild) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima
    20 PsyL: Code of the Hero (Very Common/Strong)
    15 PsyL: In Love with Star Sapphire (Common/Strong)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity [Hal Jordan] (Occasionally/Major)
    10 SocL: Subject To Orders (Occasionally/Major)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
  23. Like
    Amorkca reacted to Cassandra in 5th Edition 250 Points Comic Book Characters   
    I just type them out.
  24. Like
    Amorkca reacted to BoloOfEarth in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    The Menace of the Mi-Go (part 2)
    The heroes (Just Cause, joined by Jaguar of the Champions) are searching the salt mines for a Gate.  It should be noted that Honey Badger has a Complication of Rivalry (Professional) with Jaguar.
    Honey Badger:  Oh!  Oh!  Maker!  I need you to make a laser for me!
    Maker:  Sure.  You think these creatures are vulnerable to lasers?
    HB:  No, not for them!  I'm going to shine it down the mine tunnels for Jaguar to chase!
    Maker:  You want me to use my gadget pool to make... a laser pointer?!
    HB:  Sure.  It'll be fun!
    Maker:  No.  Absolutely not.
    HB:  I guess you're not a team player.
    Eventually, they find the Gate behind a holographic wall of salt.  And the GM made an assumption as to what may have happened in Drhoz's Cthulhu campaign.  (Apologies if I was dead wrong.)
    Shadowboxer:  Well, at least we didn't have to go to Vermont to find the one McGinty and crew used.
    GM:  That's okay.  The cave where that Gate was located is a pile of rubble.  Somebody may have been a little too liberal with their use of dynamite.
    This Gate has various markings engraved all over the front, as well as along the inside of the Gate's arch.  The heroes figure that touching different sets of symbols in the right sequence would probably activate the Gate to let them follow the Mi-Go.  They also figure out which symbols were touched recently, but have no idea in what order to touch them. 
    GM:  Why not just touch them in any random order? It's bound to be safe, right?
    Eventually, they figure out that the symbols combined create a mathematical equation specifying a location in space-time. 
    Malarky:  So, it can open a gate through time and space?
    GM:  Sure.  Engeleins' journal did say that they somehow ended up 11 years in the future when they went back through the Gate.
    Shadowboxer:  They must have forgotten to carry the 2.
    They solve the equation to discover that the creatures went somewhere out around Pluto's orbit.
    Malarky:  They went to Pluto?
    Honey Badger:  Pfft.  They don't even have a real planet.
    Circe:  Maybe that's why they don't like Earth.  "We used to have a full size planet, but you humans turned it into a dwarf planet.  Damn you!"
    GM:  Yeah, It's all Neil deGrasse Tyson's fault.
    Maker gadgeteers some spacesuits for her teammates, and they step through into a chamber with a ring of different Gates (six total) around the periphery, and a raised dias in the center with a metallic column marked with the same symbols as on the Gate they traveled through.  Shadowboxer uses his ability to see and hear through shadows to scope out the tunnels and caverns making up the Mi-Go base (at least, this part of it).  Lots of weird stuff the heroes can't make much sense of, including Mi-Go technology whose purpose and operating principles seem incomprehensible.
    GM:  (pulls out map)   Here's what you're finding.
    Pops:  Hey, that's on paper, not the erasable hexmap.
    GM:  I figured you'll all end up visiting here again in the future, so I wanted a more permanent version.
    SB locates Dr. Ellis.
    GM:  This chamber has about six chimpanzees and four bonobos in it, as well as Dr. Ellis.  There's some sort of energy barrier blocking the entrance.
    Circe:  They locked her up with the chimps?
    GM:  (shrug)  To the Mi-Go, they're all lesser life-forms.
    Circe:  Bonobos?
    Honey Badger:  They're primates, even closer to humans, genetically, than chimpanzees.
    GM:  Wow.  I've gotta say, I'm surprised you knew that.
    HB:  (offended)  Why wouldn't I?  I'm not an idiot.  I read stuff.
    GM:  I never said you were.  But you've gotta admit, it's not exactly common knowledge.
    Nexus:  Pops, how much can you teleport?
    Pops:  1600 kilos.
    Nexus:  So how many chimps and bonobos would that be?
    Pops:  Zero.  I didn't come here to save a bunch of monkeys.
    Shadowboxer saw a rather large cavern between them and the room containing Dr. Ellis and the primates.  The large cavern holds dozens of Mi-Go, mostly workers but about ten soldiers and a scientist or two.  Shortly after Malarky gets the Gate re-opened back to Earth, another scientist Mi-Go leaves the room he was in to talk to some of the soldiers in the large cavern.  Soon, the other soldier and scientist Mi-Go begin to gather around him.
    Pops:  Guys, we need to make our move soon.  I think he's going to be buffing them up to fight us.
    Nexus:  How do they know we're here?
    GM:  (shrug)  Who knows?  It's not like you did anything like activate a Gate...
    GM:  Before this gets going, Maker, be aware that 2/3 of your gadget pool is tied up with everybody's spacesuits.
    Maker:  Do we need them?  Before we opened the Gate to get here, we were mainly worried about possible vacuum.
    GM:  The air is breathable.  A few more trace elements and a different oxygen/nitrogen ratio than you're used to, but nothing dangerous.  It's chilly, but not horribly so, maybe mid-40s Fahrenheit.
    Maker: In that case, if nobody minds I'd like my stuff back. 
    The heroes have one problem -- they can't teleport directly to Dr. Ellis, since they need an area open enough for all of them to arrive.  So they teleport into the tunnel outside that chamber.  And of course the Mi-Go begin swarming their way.  The heroes manage to block one end of the tunnel with Malarky's thorny AoE Entangle, trapping a handful of Mi-Go, but others arrive from the other direction before anybody can block them.  A Mi-Go scientist uses a Mist Gun to cause a sizable area to have a sudden flash-freeze (5d6 NND [LS: cold], Does BODY, AoE).  This leaves over half the party down 5 BODY and about 15 STUN.
    Pops:  I see what you did there, getting rid of our spacesuits.  Nicely done.
    Another Mi-Go blasts an area that catches all but two heroes. 
    GM:  Don't worry, it's only a 10d6 attack.  You guys can probably laugh this off.  (rolls 5 6's and the remaining 5 dice show nothing below 3)  Hmmm.  Maybe not.
    In one Phase, over half the hero team has only about 6 STUN apiece, they've only taken out two Mi-Go, and there are over a dozen more heading their way.  At the start of Phase 2, Pops runs into the room just outside the one holding Dr. Ellis, and teleports her to his side.
    Pops:  Okay, guys, change of plan.  I'm leaving next Phase.  If you want to get out of here, you'd better gather around.  Because I'm not sticking around for stragglers.
    Nexus:  What about the chimps?
    Pops:  F*** the monkeys.
    Honey Badger:  (quoting Aliens)  That's it, man!  Game over!  Maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, but we just got our asses kicked!
    The heroes get back to the Gate chamber, activate the Gate back to Earth, and rush through, battered and bruised but successful.
    Pops:  You don't need to keep this map.  We are never coming back here, unless it's with a battalion of space Marines.  Or maybe a nuke.
  25. Like
    Amorkca reacted to Lucius in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    You called?
    Keebler Elf
    Val Char Points Roll
    5 STR -5 10-
    13 DEX 6 12-
    10 CON 0 11-
    10 INT 0 11-
    10 EGO 0 11-
    10 PRE 0 11-
    3 OCV 0
    6 DCV 0
    3 OMCV 0
    3 DMCV 0
    2 SPD 0
    2+3 PD 0
    2+3 ED 0
    4 REC 0
    20 END 0
    8 BODY -2
    Total Cost 18
    Type Combat Noncombat
    Run (12m) 10m 20m
    Swim (4m) 4m 8m H.
    Leap (4m) 2m 4m V. Leap (2m) 1m
    Cost Name Roll
    Keebler Cultural Template
    3 1) Elven Magic: Power: Baking 11-
    0 2) PS: Baker 11-
    4 Hollow Tree: Base
    7 Total Skills, Perks, & Talents Cost
    Cost Name Power/Equipment END 0
    Keebler Racial Template 7
    1) +3 DCV (15 Active Points); Perceivable (Noticeably short; -½), Limited Power
    Not in hand to hand combat with creatures the same size or smaller (-½)
    10 2) Elven Luck Luck 2d6 0
    6 3) Elven Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
    23 Total Powers/Equipment Cost
    Cost Complication Roll
    10 Base Points
    5 Physical Complication: Short (Infrequently; Barely Impairing)
    5 Distinctive Features: Keebler Elf (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses;
    Not Distinctive In Hollow Trees)
    5 As Appropriate (Subject to Orders, Obsessed with baking good cookies, etc.)
    25 Total Complications Points
    Background/History: Keebler Elves live and work underground, accessing the surface via hollow trees.
    They are best known as bakers.
    Quote: "Have a cookie. They're uncommonly good!"
    Powers/tactics: This write up represents a minimal Keebler Elf. Most will have, at least, a few more skills.
    Leaders are apt to possess all manner of mysterious magical powers, usually related to baking.
    Campaign Use: Built on 10 Base Points plus 15 pts in Complications for a total of 25 pts, a standard Keebler Elf meets the
    guidelines for a "Standard Normal."
    Keebler Elves are a trademark of the Keebler Company, a division of Kellogg. Character sheet by
    Lucius Alexander
    Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises
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