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Everything posted by Oruncrest

  1. Re: Youngblood trivia Youngblood was comprised of 2 teams, the Home Team and the Away Team (Rob compared them to the FBI (Home) & the CIA (Away)). The Home Team was comprised of: Shaft (Leader), Bedrock/Badrock, Chapel (He killed Spawn), Combat (an alien who had the 'Worf' postion on the team), Diehard (Rob's first attempt at creating a Superman-type character), & Vogue (the token female who had nothing else going for her). After a major battle, Diehard would be injured and 'replaced' by Diehard II (which caused some interesting moments since Diehard I recovered and rejoinded the team with Diehard II still around). The Away team was comprised of; Sentinel (Battlesuited Leader), Bhrama (wimpy Brick), Cougar (think Jaguar from the 4th ed. Champions but with more personality), Photon (alien energy blaster), Psi-Fire (think Tetsuo Shima from Akira but with absolutely no redeeming values), & Riptide (female water manipulator). When the Away team got their own book (Team Youngblood), they picked up Dutch (but they could've left that whiner behind, IMO) and Masada (Female Jewish Brick with growth and one helluva Mental Damage Shield) to replace the comatose Psi-fire (who would later transfer himself into a new (female) body, go on a rampage and be knocked right back into a coma by Masada's DS) and the injured Bhrama (who I think would later quit and join the Four (they're a team of badguys). Oh, I almost forgot about Troll (it was easy to overlook him), but I can't remember which team he was on. I'm sure there were more members but I'd lost interest in Liefield's work shortly after they introduced Supreme. Hope that helped you somewhat.
  2. Re: Gundam Wing Mecha: Stats! Not having a DSL line, my best suggestion would be to try another Browser. I suggest Mozilla.
  3. Re: Missile Reflection Wouldn't Warp's 'Warped HTH Attacks' be 'Stretching, Doesn't cross intervening Space'?
  4. Re: He's a WHIMP !!! (My Gripe) Mike Surbrook made a 1938 Superman on 250 pts that covers all the fundamentals for 4th ed. Does this fill the bill, Metaphysician?
  5. Re: Mind Trap: How To Build It? DOH! I meant make the Damage Shield 0 END & Uncontrolled. Since Mind Scan is already Constant, the Uncontrolled part would maintain contact until you either fell asleep or the victim managed to break contact. Sheesh. That's what I get for making comments when I should be sleeping.
  6. Re: Mind Trap: How To Build It? You could make it 0 END & Uncontrolled...
  7. Re: Block Maneuver Silliness... But you forgot the classic: The Martial Artist leaps onto the claws as the beast attacks, then he stands on the creature's arm, looking bored.
  8. Re: Anyone remeber these The inside joke among HERO players was that Seeker was Quality Control for the HERO line. If he was unconscious on the cover (Classsic Enemies, Day of the Destroyer,ect.) then 9 times out of 10 the book was good. If Seeker was up and fighting on the cover (European Enemies springs to mind immediately), then 9 times out of 10 the book stank on ice.
  9. Re: EC balance fix You don't get figured stats if you put primaries into any power framework according to pg 92 of FREd.
  10. Re: The Zoo Crew Returns! The turtle in the Flash outfit is the Terrific Whatzit a 'real' (as in actually saw print way back in the day) funny-animal version of the Golden-age Flash, as well as Fastback's grandfather (I believe). The armidillo is the Armordillo, an old foe of the Zoo Crew.
  11. Re: The Zoo Crew Returns! You do realize that the Zoo Crew article was in Wizard's April Fool's issue, don't you?
  12. Well, I just saw tonight's (3/23/04) ep. Shred my last set of replies, please. Ain't nothing more funny than watching half your pet theories get clubbed like baby seals.
  13. Re: Witch Hunter Robin True. That's why I mentioned the possibility that he was waiting for the witch (Robin) to 'return to the scene of the crime'. I was joking about it though... But he knew that she was very powerful ever since The Eyes of Truth when she roasted that witch that'd been inquisitioned. That guy was so powerful that he could ignore the Orbo and throw Amon around like a rag doll. She took him out as easily as she lit those candles in an earlier episode. I suspect that it was that[/b} incident that led Erasimus (sp) to declare a 'hunt' for her. Don't forget what Amon said at the end of the ep. (where he'd reported to Erasimus about the Hunt's results): Given what we've learned about Erasimus, I doubt that he implied anything good about Robin. But Amon's arleady told her that he doesn't think of her as a witch in Time to say 'Goodbye', and I dn't think he's a man who waffles on issues. Another possibility is that Amon's enrolled her in the 'Witches School of Hard Knocks' Crash course. Look at what he's done so far: He's placed her with a fellow who we know is smuggling witches away from Solomon's watchful eyes. This way, she can see witches in a light completely different from what she's used to (usually victims or victimizers). Robin's now learning to emphasize with the people she meets and that things aren't as cut-and-dried as they might seem to be.
  14. Re: Witch Hunter Robin I have an question: Why wast last night's hunter standing out in the same spot (the middle of the street) for hours on end? Was he expecting Robin to show up (the witch always returns to the scene of the crime)? Was he waiting for the factory to attack him (which suggests that they've either switche targets or that their previous pursuit of Robin was just an expensive(?) cover)? Another question: Is the organization named 'Soloman' or 'Solomon' (after the biblical king who lends his wisdom to Captain Marvel)? I'm not so sure. Remember when Robin asked Amon what his 'power' was (and note that he didn't deny that he has a power)? It's possible that he had a very bad 'first time'. Concerning his latest hunt, I'm beginning to wonder if Amon's doing like he said Kate (the hunter whom Robin replaced) did and is trying to get Robin to kill him. Any idea who Amon's backup (the person to blindsided Nagura) is?
  15. Nope. Either Sakiki was suspended for 'causing' the incident or he was so miffed about being chewed out that he picked up his regular jacket instead of his STN-J (from what I've seen of the show on CN, it looks like the Orbos container is sewn into the STN-J jacket). It would make more sense to have it as a necklace, IMO, but I guess the Brass at Stingy thought differently.
  16. Didn't USAgeng & Battlestar get their powers from the Power Broker/ Malus Treatment? I didn't think that the PB/M treatment required chemicals (although PB would hook his 'patients' on drugs to keep money coming into his pocket). If it does, then you can add the UCWF, D-Man, and Ms. Marvel II to the list.
  17. I did want to address both you and Caped Crusader in one post... To me, SFX is King, and you described it as an 'automatic grappling hook'. Which means that there is a line that streches out to the gun, a hook to grab it, and a winch to pull it back. Since it requires a hook and line, it needs to make a OCV>DCV roll. And since it require a winch, I think that a STR vs. STR check is valid, even if you use Teleport, 'cause I just can't see this little winch pulling a gun free from Durak's grasp (assuming the winch hits the gun). Can you? I know I'd get at least one sessions worth of humor out of it. The first thing I would do is ask him just what is it about his powers that require the temperature to be 100+ degrees for them to function. If he could give me a good answer, I'd let him have a -¼ limitation - the same as 'Only in Hero ID', which would probably have been better for him as I wouldn't be tempted to make sure everybody around him 'felt the heat', so to speak. If not, then I'd have him redesign the character.
  18. In the Milestone Universe, there's Static, the Blood Syndicate and all of the Survivors of the Big Bang (Who were all exposed to a chemical called Q-Juice in gaseous form). Payback (another Bang Baby like the Blood Syndicate and Static) and Blitzen (who swallowed a speed serum) of the Superteam Heroes (original name, huh) also fall under this category, as does Sideshow of the Shadow Cabinet.
  19. Don't hand Caped Crusader that pail just yet. You might need it yourself. Yes, it still is. Just because Gunboy has an 'automatic grappling hook' doesn't mean that he'll automatically get his gun back. First the power that the 'automatic grappling hook' simulates has to roll to hit the weapon after it's been snatched, at -2 OCV I might add (suprise will help him that first time, but the next time the initial graber gets that weapon again, Gunboy can forget it). Next, the SFX of the 'automatic grappling hook' suggest that a STR<>STR roll will be required (if the power was teleportation, I'd just rule that the grappling hook has a STR equal to the Active Points in the power). If the 'automatic grappling hook' wins, all's well and good for Gunboy. If not, tough luck. Finally, if Gunboy didn't (or can't) see where the gun went, he's out of luck Basically, all the 'automatic grappling hook' does is give Gunboy a chance to regain his weapon immediatly after losing it. And since it can be lost, it's Accessible. Your example doesn't hold water (bail, KA, bail). Now that KA's battleship has been sunk, let's look at Caped Crusader's Construction: A 1"TP with multiple levels of Armor Piercing, 0 END, and triggered, with the limitation only vs. entagles & bindings. What? No Grabs? Uh Ohhh... Now this 'power's stated purpose is to get around attacks that would prevent him from gesturing (which is a limitation on his VPP). It's good against your basic entangle, but not against Area Effect entangles, and might not work against a spread entangle (depending on the GM). It certainly wouldn't work against a Mental Paralysis attack. And adding Clinging to the mix would ensure that the Mage couldn't teleport out of it. Still, these four soulutions are a bit on the extreme side and wouldn't come up very often, if at all. In my opinion, the question isn't whether CC's abusing the 'Gestures' Limitation, but whether this workaround is in character, given the Mage's experiences in the game. Has the Mage been grabbed, gooped, tied, frozen, and/or webbed up often enough for him to believe this is necessary? Has his (wise old?) mentor explained to the mage the perils of being entangled and that he should find a way to work around it? If not, then he shouldn't have the 'escape clause' just yet. Let the Mage find out for himself just how annoying entangles can be before attempting to come up with solutions instead of trying to solve a potential nonproblem.
  20. Bow & Arrow: Two, two, two Powers, Not One Wouldn't it make more sense to write the Arrows as OAF (-1) Limited by STR (-¼), and the Bow as Extra STR, ½ END, OAF (-1), Only for Throwing (-2), Only with Arrows (-2)? An alluminum arrow has a masss of .096 grams, requiring a STR of -40 to pick up. A normal man has 10 STR, meaning he could throw the arrow some 22" (145') with a Standing Throw (the only kind of throw I'd allow with this). Assuming his bow added +40 STR, then the arrow could be shot out to 36"(237'). Admittedly, I'm not an Archery fan, so if those numbers are low tweak the bow to your taste.
  21. If you have to 'cut him out of them' to remove the bands, then they're not a focus at all. Look at the 4th paragraph under Accessibility on page 188 of FREd. If you have to fiddle with trhe bands to make them do something, then I'd say that the power you're using at the time is Restrainable, but that's it.
  22. Will they do the Hamster Dance while they're singing as well?
  23. The only Miss Liberty I know of was in a Japaneese 2-part manga -- The Mighty Bombshells -- that was published here in the states by Antarctic Press. She had superhuman strength (50 ton capacity) limited invulnerability, could fly, and I believe her origin was that the spirit of America (Uncle Sam himself) gave her those powers (which would explain the Uncle Sam outfit). Shooting Star is a Marvel heroine who's a member of theRangers. They were another team that Rick Jones had a hand in making, although they didn't go over with the readers like his first team, the mighty Avengers. I don't think she wore a 'Flagsuit' though Another Flagsuit character is Lancelot Strong. He was created in the 50's or the 60's by Jack Kirby for Archie Comics as a relaunch of the MLJ Shield series. Lance had superstrength, limited invulnerability, and wore a blue, red & white (in order of the color's promenance on his costume) that was reminiscent of Captain America's. As for favorite flagsuit, well, if I can't vote for Wonder Woman, I'd have to go with.......(drum roll please)........ Yankee Poodle!!!
  24. There's also The Green Hornet and M.A.N.T.I.S..
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