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Everything posted by Tjack

  1. New York of the 1930’s. A bustling metropolis built from steel and shadows, of equal parts dreams and horrors. Mysteries of Science and Magic lay waiting for the boldest of discoverers to reveal. The home of both the greatest of heroes and vilest of villains. This place of wonders will be the chessboard and battlefield for the destiny of the world. (I don’t have the skills to pull pictures from the ‘net to put here, so I do it another way.) Don’t laugh too hard, it’s the location of The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, ancient Native American Magic’s and The Hellmouth. It was one of my possible choices.
  2. In theory yes, but I need to find out if the setup will put a story in my head first.
  3. I think this post is supposed to be on a different site.
  4. I gather this is NOT about the DC comics character.
  5. Oh! You mean Healing Useable On Others! I didn’t understand the sentence at first. As to the question, in game terms that would be a great Psychological Disadvantage. And it would be a great roleplay opportunity. And for the “real world” part, no one should be forced to take on such an emotionally draining calling against their will. Ask yourselves if it would be fair for someone to be given tests in school highlighting their strengths and then being assigned a career track. Divergent and Handmaids Tale come to mind.
  6. Don’t forget hitting yourself in the clackers with your nunchaks. Or the YouTube clip of the cop accidentally shooting himself during a classroom presentation.😁
  7. I always thought of Mages and Psionics as the interchangeable ones. All the same powers but different Special Effects.
  8. Considering the date, will this thread close down, peter out or “what the hell, let’s just roll on ‘til Valentine’s Day”
  9. Yes it was. The same way Helen Keller and Dead Baby jokes are.
  10. Exceptions include but not limited to 1) Bruce Springsteen 2) The ghost of Frank Sinatra 3).....Nope, that’s about it.
  11. They used them.....just not in their own cuisine. But they have kebab & curry shops like the U.S. has burger joints. If you want to have some fun, try convincing an English cook to spice up a traditional English dish.
  12. All this is true but this is the thread for Western Hero, not western reality. I don’t recall seeing in the Fantasy Hero section discussions about the alternatives for toilet paper, or that everybody’s breath stunk. This should be the place for debating how much of an advantage “Never runs out of bullets” should be.
  13. I don’t know about a single word, but for many years as an insult I’ve called someone “clown shoes”. To me it’s something that is all at once pathetic, foolish, useless, and grotesque. It also has the side benefit that while they don’t really understand the meaning, they know down to their bones that it’s an insult.
  14. Sitting in my Nowhere Land, making all my Nowhere plans...for Nobody.😎
  15. Against their arch-enemies....The Blue Meanies! BEATLES.....TO......BATTLE!!!!!!!!
  16. It holds up the pillars of Heaven, wise guy.😀 The animation from Nelvana Studios still looks good if you watch it separately from the rest of the Special.
  17. The parts with the original actors looked like it was being done by political prisoners. (Kinda was) The cantina stuff with Art Carney & Bea Arthur was embarrassing. The musical interlude is tragically dated. But...The animated thing with Boba Fett sill holds up.
  18. I thought that was caused by “bottle of wine a day-soccer moms” who weren’t getting any. 😈
  19. Nowadays yes, but back in the ‘60’s (Think more Mad Men than hippies) that was the way women were “supposed” to be. They were only strong and bitchy until a “real man” showed them their true happiness by serving him. A self serving load of crap, but that was the prevailing outlook. Star Trek for all of its being ahead of the curve for TV of that time could be as mired in B.S. mindsets as any other show. It’s viewpoint on the counterculture in “The Way to Eden” for example. Hippies were foolish children being led astray to their deaths by older Svengali types.” “Turnabout Intruder” was another high point in ST’s treatment of women. Another woman who becomes insane because she wants to be a man but can’t handle it. And the guy who helped her being a completely submissive wimp. I always kind of wondered what his endgame was. The woman he loved obsessively turns herself into a man and not only is he okay with that but at one point he suggests that since now she’s male they could run away together. At the end of the episode not only is he not charged as an accessory to her crimes but says that now that she was defeated as a man and returned to the body of a woman “she’ll be alright now” and that he would help care for her. Also let’s not forget every other female character who fell under Kirk’s spell.
  20. The same with Israeli weapons. They used to say that you could pour a bottle of maple syrup into the breach of an uzi and it wouldn’t jam. (Pun intended)
  21. What kind of sick S.O.B. does like being woken up early in the morning. And the ones who are happy and peppy before coffee need to be shot.
  22. Neither was cracking some bad guy in the melon with the barrel of your Winchester like it was a lever action sword....But that’s the way the Duke did it.
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