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Matt the Bruins

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Everything posted by Matt the Bruins

  1. Re: Enough to Destroy A Planet? I don't know, I'm thinking if you fire any sort of beam powerful enough to completely penetrate a planet (assuming it's not something like a neutrino stream or a pico-meter radius laser that interacts with almost no matter on its way through), a lot of its energy is going to be spent vaporizing material from the contact point inward. Cubic miles of superheated vaporized rock venting back up the path of least resistance sure isn't going to be good for the ecosystem, even if it doesn't actually have too pronounced an effect on the overall structure of the planet.
  2. Re: Enough to Destroy A Planet? MegaScaled Change Environment (fresh air to Limburger cheese fumes) ought to do the trick handily. Everything with a sense of smell would take its own life in short order once it realized the smell couldn't be escaped.
  3. Re: 6th Edition Villains I'd like to see 6th edition versions of Adrian Vandaleur, the Kings of Edom (particularly Anglers), Eurostar, and Grond. I think I'd rather take a pass on Menton if the Cryptic online game version is going to be reflected in the tabletop game.
  4. Re: Teleportation [usable as Attack] Don't you also need to specify defenses that negate a Usable As Attack power? (I would assume that approach remains consistent from 5th edition to 6th.) The target possessing Extra-Dimensional Movement or Power Defense suggest themselves as the most likely choices.
  5. Re: I Replace your Reality with My Own! (Power Ideas) If you don't want to go the VPP route, you might want to take a look at the physical component of Tezcatlipoca's Restore the Aztec World spell from Arcane Enemies. Something like that, with the MegaScale traded in for a more reasonable Area of Effect might model being able to pull physical structures/conditions out of other dimensions to manipulate reality. Of course, you'd probably need to take the Improved Results Group modifier for the variety of effects, which could make it pretty costly.
  6. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore But they don't tend to have much of the marbling that makes meat taste so good...
  7. Re: Happy Halloween! What Would Your Character Wear? I'm sure Super Model would have some Halloween runway show or event to attend. So her wardrobe would probably be chosen by the fashion designer behind the whole thing. Earth Girl would festoon herself in the Autumn harvest for the occasion. Think golden wheat stalks, pumpkin vines, and ripe apples. I see her showing up to bless various pagan festivals that are held in the outdoors. Kurzhaan the Conqueror isn't familiar with Halloween, but as a werewolf he sort of is his own costume for the holiday. He'd probably get a big kick out of walking around at parties or street fairs in wolf-man form and having everyone think it's a great outfit... until they notice that there aren't any seams or zippers.
  8. Re: "He's bulletproof", "Fireproof", etc. Bear in mind, that movie had plot elements referring back to the movies in which he survived a massive nuclear explosion, lifted a collapsing faultline back into place, and flew around the earth fast enough to rewind time... if he had shown any effects from bullet impacts I'd have thrown my drink at the screen.
  9. Re: So Now Your the Sorcerer Supreme It's murky. Dr. Fate probably wields more mystical power than any living human sorcerer, but it's granted by an artifact he wears rather than coming from training or natural talent. The Spectre is, depending on which story one reads, a former demon, a fallen archangel, or the Wrath of God incarnate bound to a dead human soul, and has almost limitless power that somehow ends up being nerfed in most stories. The Phantom Stranger seems to have less overt power than either, but more knowledge or better sources of information. In any event, DC really never made an issue of a formal title the way Marvel has. At first I was extremely dubious of Brother Voodoo being a candidate for Marvel's Sorcerer Supreme position, as his power set seemed to consist of fire walking and handling snakes. But as the story bore out it seems he was selected for purity of spirit rather than skill or raw power, and it was at least implied that he's being backed up by the power of the Ancient One (Dr. Strange's predecessor) so that he's not completely outclassed by mystical villains who can do more than card tricks.
  10. Re: Melting Ice Caps Expose Hundreds Of Secret Arctic Lairs Clearly, by boring a hole through the crust and traversing the distance through Pellucidar!
  11. Re: Back In The Flesh... Well, you can be businesslike and matter-of-fact about it with some people. If you've had to hack your way out of the inside of their pet giant snake or eagle after they sicced it on you, not so much.
  12. Re: Back In The Flesh... Super Model wouldn't know exactly what to do. She's not a mystical type, might not even be aware the guy was troublemaking from beyond the grave, and wouldn't know the proper response if she was aware. Probably she'd just stay in a state of heightened alertness for mayhem while he's in the city. If he has an appreciation of hedonism, she can probably keep tabs on his whereabouts through the glitterati grapevine. If the guy has been causing trouble for super heroes but not messing up the environment, Earth Girl probably wouldn't care. But if he (or the means of his resurrection) resulted in big disruptions of nature, all bets are off. Kurzhaan the Conqueror's response would depend on whether or not they'd met in the distant past. If not, live and let live. If they had, he might toast the return of an old drinking buddy , or more likely set out to kill him with extreme prejudice if they were enemies ages ago.
  13. Re: Well, we haven't talked about Killing Attacks in a while... I don't see that as an unrealistic or undesirable result. In fact, effectively making a portion of STUN loss to Killing Attacks the damaging equivalent of losing Long-Term END might nicely offset what some of us see as an unrealistic nerfing of KAs. They'd still do less STUN than Normal Attacks, but because of the lasting nature of the injuries what they do couldn't be laughed off or recovered from as quickly.
  14. Re: Your hero the villian Super Model would pass - her livelihood is dependent on her public image. Earth Girl is already regarded as an eco-terrorist by many. But she'd be unlikely to help unless the organization UNTIL's after creates environmental hazards, and if that's the case it would be almost impossible to sell the idea of her joining up. It's kind of hard to conceal your true identity when you're made out of animated dirt. Kurzhaan the Conqueror would be game to help out, and could easily conceal his identity by magic. But he's not exactly familiar with the subtleties of modern culture, which might interfere with the espionage aspect of the job. On the plus side, given enough prep time he could arrange accidents and "bad luck" that would diminish his fellow villains' effectiveness in fights against super heroes.
  15. Re: Turakian Age: Changing the Future Honestly, it's not so much Kal-Turak himself and the big cataclysm upon his defeat that rubs me the wrong way. It's the whole Tolkein-esque multiple races fantasy set-up existing in the past of the Champions setting. I'd much prefer to have the high fantasy aspects set in the Land of Legends and keep Earth's prehistory more along the lines of Robert E. Howard's fiction.
  16. Re: Young Scratch Just a stylistic choice since it's gouts of mystical flame that have an effect on the psyche rather than the body. It was the same cost as a straightforward Ego Attack of the same dice with the same limitations, if my math was correct.
  17. Since most of my existing characters are pretty specific to the games they originated in and would take a lot of background revamping to transplant to a new game, I thought I'd make a character with a more generic background that could be used for impromptu convention games and whatnot. My idea was to do a version of the "spawn of the Devil" concept, somewhere in the middle ground of seriousness between Son of Satan and Little Nicky. Basic concept is that the kid of one of the big demon lords is going through a rebellious phase, and during an emo sulk decided to come to earth and fight evil as a way of demonstrating independence from his father. So he'll exorcise other demons, break up cults, and help heroes fight super-villains while maintaining the surly attitude of a teenager who's swiped the keys to Dad's sports car for a joyride after being grounded. Any suggestions, criticism, or comments about this build? (It's 5th edition revised, as it will be a while before I can scrape the cash together to buy 6th.)
  18. Re: The SUPER Defense Power (6E) I don't so much like the idea of it for brick-type characters (a judicious mix of PD and rPD works just fine for them, IMHO), but I think it's an extremely well-suited power for the protection provided by vehicles, and for gods and other cosmic beings that can just ignore reasonable amounts of physical damage.
  19. Re: Karate Kid vs Karate Kid Considering the character, can we really be sure she wasn't a snake all along before the reboot?
  20. Re: WOW! Stun drain in 6e I don't have any problem with BODY and STUN being classified as defensive powers, but END seems pretty dodgy from a philosophical point of view since it's normally something you choose to spend proactively rather than a stat that opponent's attacks chip away at.
  21. Re: CHAR: Big Barda The thing is, most male superheroes have builds that would not be out of place for skilled athletes, martial artists, etc. who keep themselves in excellent shape. It's reasonable that guys who decide to fight crime as heros/vigilantes would tend to self-select from the physically fit. Most female superheroes are drawn with builds more appropriate to Playboy playmates than women who can chase down fleeing crooks or hold their own in a boxing match. It doesn't make sense to me that the decision to become a heroine would select for women with a big cup size, slender waist, and stylish blonde hair rather than general athletic fitness. Unless There's some nefarious company out there cranking out radioactive stripper poles...
  22. Re: Lucha Libre convention game! It's pretty tempting to me, too. The master villain in question was perhaps my favorite part of the whole book! (For some reason, I prefer her by the name Ms. Doctor Frankenstein, though... maybe something about the absurdity of clashing titles.)
  23. Re: Open Followup to Steve Long's answer about being sleep deprived I don't believe that's been proven for human beings. The longest verified account I've read about a person staying awake continuously was 11 days, and the subject was definitely alive and in reasonably good physical health afterwards (though perhaps not entirely alert for some time). Of course, if you do things like drive or operate heavy machinery in the process of extreme sleep deprivation, something might kill you even if it's not a direct result of lack of sleep.
  24. Re: Bigtime Blowout One nitpick: I don't think someone who's become a pariah to the public thanks to her whistleblowing would be moved to covering society events, where one's status could make or break one's effectiveness at getting invites and interviews. Covering mall openings and sappy human interest stories or being given an advice to the lovelorn column to write strike me as more apt punishments for a crusading investigative reporter.
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