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    archer got a reaction from Badger in Coronavirus   
    Not to get too political but I've always had a problem with the "get out to vote, it's your civic duty" schtick which people roll out at election time.
    No, it's your civic duty to be informed and interested.
    It isn't your civic duty to go out and vote at random, vote for the person with the best smile, or vote for the person with the best slogan. Sure, you're free to do it that way if you want but it isn't your duty to do it like that.
  2. Like
    archer got a reaction from Grailknight in Coronavirus   
    Not to get too political but I've always had a problem with the "get out to vote, it's your civic duty" schtick which people roll out at election time.
    No, it's your civic duty to be informed and interested.
    It isn't your civic duty to go out and vote at random, vote for the person with the best smile, or vote for the person with the best slogan. Sure, you're free to do it that way if you want but it isn't your duty to do it like that.
  3. Like
    archer got a reaction from Lord Liaden in Coronavirus   
    Not to get too political but I've always had a problem with the "get out to vote, it's your civic duty" schtick which people roll out at election time.
    No, it's your civic duty to be informed and interested.
    It isn't your civic duty to go out and vote at random, vote for the person with the best smile, or vote for the person with the best slogan. Sure, you're free to do it that way if you want but it isn't your duty to do it like that.
  4. Haha
    archer got a reaction from Duke Bushido in WWYCD?: Doppelgänger?   
    Most players seem to have the same default setting....
  5. Thanks
    archer got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Dragon: rED/rPD 20   
    The most horrifying thing was at the end, the YouTuber put up "Subscribe to my channel for more such videos".
    Seriously, there's more such videos?
  6. Like
    archer reacted to Duke Bushido in Mental Invis   
    With every bit of respect I am capable of offering:
    Oh, no....    I'm not getting suckered into that one again!   
    To explain:  some time ago, I participated in a discussion on the same topic and was shouted down as being "too stingy" and "too liberal," and my favorite, "wrong" because if it's the mental command "ignore me!" then it should be mind control, period, and all else was wrong, wrong, wrong.
    (you may have noticed that I _never_ post builds, _ever_.   It's the history of Bash Behavior from way back when that guarantees I never will.)  I don't expect anything I come up with in response to any question or to my own needs to be perfect, or to even be what someone else is looking for; really I don't.  But I am _not_ going to put work into something just to have it insulted out of hat without any actual discussion as to why.  Yeah, it's not so bad these days as it once was, but still-- lesson learned. 
    Then more recently I screwed up and alluded to a villain I dusted off whose invisibility is the continuous mental command "forget me" and got a few waves of "no; that's not inviso" and "no; you can't do that."  (let's be fair:  it's my game.  I can set the stinking table on fire if I want to, right?    )   Lesson remembered.
    So let me offer this:
    Keep in mind that defining it as a mental command means, as you point out, that it won't work against non-sentient recording instruments, but that it _will_ work equally as well against the character with Damage Reduction: EGO-based attacks and an EGO of 80  as it does against Captain Orange Patriot with his susceptibility to any thought-based power and his raw EGO of 6.
    In short: there's undeniably some disadvantage in there, but it's accompanied by some considerable advantages as well-- at least in terms of the SFX / description of the power.
  7. Like
    archer got a reaction from Drhoz in WWYCD?: Doppelgänger?   
    Each ATW would first analyze the tech the other ATW has to see if he can learn something new. Then he'd say hi. Then he'd start to get ideas about plans he could pull off if there were two of him instead of one.
    (information should be free)
  8. Like
    archer got a reaction from tkdguy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    When things were looking bleak the day after the election, I made the prediction here that Biden would win with 285+.
    I'm glad he didn't make me look bad.
  9. Thanks
    archer got a reaction from TrickstaPriest in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    When things were looking bleak the day after the election, I made the prediction here that Biden would win with 285+.
    I'm glad he didn't make me look bad.
  10. Like
    archer got a reaction from Ockham's Spoon in Jokes   
    Young Timmy rushed out on Christmas morning, anticipating that he'd be getting a new Nintendo Console this year.
    "Surprise!" shouted his parents. "We know you wanted video games, but we think you need to get outdoors more. We got you this set of fishing gear! Unfortunately, it was rather expensive, so we could only get you the lures and bait. We'll get you the poles for your birthday."
    Poor little Timmy was devastated, as he'd never even fished before in his life. He sadly opened the tackle box, but to his surprise, there was a Nintendo Switch inside! He had been completely fooled! Both Timmy and his parents laughed.
    They had gotten him with the old "Bait and Switch" tactic.
  11. Like
    archer got a reaction from Ockham's Spoon in Jokes   
    A woman asked an Army General when the last time he had made love to a woman.
    The general replied "1956, ma'am."
    The woman, in disbelief said, "1956?! That long? Come with me and let me make your night better."
    The woman and general went back to her apartment and made passionate love for over an hour.
    Afterwards, the woman cuddled up to the general and said, "Well, you sure haven't forgotten anything since 1956."
    The general looked at her, confused, and replied, "I sure hope not, it's only 2130 now."
  12. Thanks
    archer got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Jokes   
    What form of birth control works better with holes in it?
  13. Like
    archer got a reaction from Christougher in Jokes   
    Young Timmy rushed out on Christmas morning, anticipating that he'd be getting a new Nintendo Console this year.
    "Surprise!" shouted his parents. "We know you wanted video games, but we think you need to get outdoors more. We got you this set of fishing gear! Unfortunately, it was rather expensive, so we could only get you the lures and bait. We'll get you the poles for your birthday."
    Poor little Timmy was devastated, as he'd never even fished before in his life. He sadly opened the tackle box, but to his surprise, there was a Nintendo Switch inside! He had been completely fooled! Both Timmy and his parents laughed.
    They had gotten him with the old "Bait and Switch" tactic.
  14. Like
    archer reacted to Pariah in In other news...   
    For my money, the best way to cook a turkey is in one of those bags. It keeps the turkey moist, and it makes cleanup immensely easier.
    I would also recommend spending five bucks or so and getting one of those one-use aluminum roasting pans. 
  15. Like
    archer got a reaction from Lawnmower Boy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I know everyone is white-knuckling the Alaska election results, so an update.
    Trump was ahead by 55,000 votes with 50% of the vote counted before absentee ballots started to be counted on Tuesday morning.
    As of the end of counting Tuesday evening, with 69% of the vote counted, Trump is ahead by 47,767.
    It's too early to call the race but it looks like the Biden dream of winning Alaska might be in trouble....
  16. Like
    archer got a reaction from mattingly in Jokes   
    My daughter wants a pony for Christmas.
    Well, usually we have duck, but we're willing to try new things.
  17. Like
    archer got a reaction from mattingly in Jokes   
    Young Timmy rushed out on Christmas morning, anticipating that he'd be getting a new Nintendo Console this year.
    "Surprise!" shouted his parents. "We know you wanted video games, but we think you need to get outdoors more. We got you this set of fishing gear! Unfortunately, it was rather expensive, so we could only get you the lures and bait. We'll get you the poles for your birthday."
    Poor little Timmy was devastated, as he'd never even fished before in his life. He sadly opened the tackle box, but to his surprise, there was a Nintendo Switch inside! He had been completely fooled! Both Timmy and his parents laughed.
    They had gotten him with the old "Bait and Switch" tactic.
  18. Haha
    archer got a reaction from slikmar in Jokes   
    They all laughed when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
    Well, they're not laughing now!
  19. Haha
    archer got a reaction from Rails in Jokes   
    My girlfriend dressed up as a policewoman and told me I was under arrest on suspicion of being good in bed.
    After 2 minutes all charges were dropped due to a lack of evidence.
  20. Haha
    archer got a reaction from Pariah in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I bought Pfizer years ago and was so excited to earn millions when they announced their COVID vaccine...
    Oops.... Turns out I bought Pfizer Total Landscaping instead.
    Oh well. Maybe I could rent the place out for a news conference?
  21. Like
    archer got a reaction from Old Man in The Academics Thread   
    A child comes home from his first day at school.
    His mother asks, "Well, what did you learn today?"

    The kid replies, "Not enough. They want me to come back tomorrow."
  22. Thanks
    archer got a reaction from Starlord in The Academics Thread   
    https://hesstoytruck.com/stem/ -scroll down and fill out the form to apply for a Free 2020 Hess Toy Truck STEM Kit for teachers. Applications will be accepted now through December 31, 2020. 1,000 recipients will be selected in January and STEM Kits will be delivered in February 2021.
  23. Haha
    archer got a reaction from Ragitsu in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I always wanted to be on a pension by the time I got to be ancient.
  24. Like
    archer got a reaction from Lawnmower Boy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I always wanted to be on a pension by the time I got to be ancient.
  25. Haha
    archer got a reaction from Matt the Bruins in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Some political humor, sorry it isn't more bi-partisan but those are the breaks:
    Congratulations to Donald J. Trump for winning
    the silver medal in the 2020 U.S. Presidential race!
    Hopefully, Biden will never be the leader of my country
    Because if he is, something‘s gone wrong with the Canadian legal system.
    I think there should be a vote recount.
    It’ll be awesome to see Trump lose twice.
    Joe Biden is not my president!!
    At least not till January, which won’t come soon enough.
    Donald Trump has now had the true 2020 experience...
    He got Covid-19, lost his job, and he's being evicted.
    Why is Donald Trump actually angry about the election outcome?
    It's a loss he can't write off on his tax returns.
    It's Trump's own fault that he lost...
    He spent 4 years saying, "Make America Great Again", so this week 74 million people finally did.
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