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Everything posted by IndianaJoe3

  1. Re: Harpy questions One of the Xanth novels was set in the series' past, and had attractive goblins and harpies. It was speculated that the attractive ones evolved into elves and griffins (or something), and the ugly ones turned into the goblins and harpies of the series' present.
  2. Re: How are magic items (equipment) created in your setting?
  3. Re: Can you move backward in time? Timestamps.
  4. Re: Kobold Kommandos I can't find them in HSB or FH.
  5. Re: Homemade GM Screen essential tables? I'd add the STR chart, Throwing chart, and the table of DC equivalents (6e1 462 and 463).
  6. Re: My thief can't hit a firbolg? You are. It has 15 PD, of which 6 is Resistant. The BODY of a KA goes against 6, and the STUN against 15.
  7. Re: Redneck Ninjas! Nabebutajutsu
  8. Re: Change Environment question Blue Meanies! I mean, the options are in the APG.
  9. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore I buy jams and jellies from a vendor at the local farmer's market. It's wonderful.
  10. Re: Surfer girl character name I'm sure that the Surfing Dictionary would have some good ideas. I'm partial to, "Carver."
  11. Re: STAR HERO Reading List IMHO, Neuromancer is the cyberpunk novel, and would still be a good example of SF noír even if the cyberpunk genre hadn't developed. Snow Crash is an affectionate and well-done parody of the genre, but it doesn't break any new ground. (That would be my reason, but I'm sure Steve has his.) Incidentally, Steve, you may want to check out Gibson's Bigend trilogy as an example of SF themes explored in a modern setting.
  12. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore That looks like my family's recipe, except with pecans.
  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore My family usually bakes sweet potatoes with apple and cinnamon. Sometimes I'll make cranberry-glazed sweet potatoes.
  14. Re: Narf's Star Hero Stuff I think he's treating it as an Absurdly Sharp Blade.
  15. Re: Ballad of Ardor If you're building it as Characteristics UOO, then you don't need Expanded Effect. That's only for Adjustment Powers.
  16. Re: Ballad of Ardor Don't forget that +2 CV/+1 SPD is a powerful buff. Assuming the opposition had equal CVs, the PCs have gone from hitting or being hit 63% of the time, to hitting 84% of the time while only being hit 38% of the time, plus getting an extra Phase every Turn. If I may suggest something more modest: Ballad of Ardor: +2 with All Attacks, Usable Nearby (+1) (40 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; singing; -1/2) (20 Real Points) All party members within 4m of the caster get 2 CSLs with all combat to allocate as they see fit for as long as the bard sings. Note that this is tiring - the bard is spending 4 END/Phase, which should keep him from singing through the whole combat.
  17. Re: Order of the Stick Did Elan use both INT and WIS as dump stats?
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