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Everything posted by IndianaJoe3

  1. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I'm waiting for Owlbearsharktopus.
  2. Re: DnD 3.5 to HERO 5e Conversion At this point you've crossed the line between, "template" and, "pre-generated character". It's a non-issue. Sometimes, a concept just can't be built on the points you have. You either have to scale it back or do something else.
  3. Re: Where are the great shooters with lower dex?
  4. Re: DnD 3.5 to HERO 5e Conversion Yes, that is exactly how HERO works - you pays your points, you gets your abilities. I'm not seeing the problem. If (as an example) a player spends 34 points on the Elf Package Deal (or Template, in 6e), he gets 34 points worth of Characteristics, Skills, Talents, Perks, and Powers. If he wants to play a human, he can spend those points on other Characteristics, Skills, Talents, Perks, or Powers - including duplicating many (or all, if the GM allows) of the ones on the Elf Package Deal. Or, if the GM thinks it's reasonable, he can play an Elf with a completely different set of Characteristics, Skills, Talents, Perks, or Powers. In other words, "Elf" is a special effect - what matters is how you spend your points.
  5. Re: Template List for Space Opera Noir: what to include?
  6. Re: THE HERO SYSTEM EQUIPMENT GUIDE -- What Would *You* Like To See? I'd like to see section on, "How much should equipment weigh?" Don't worry about how much each piece of equipment weighs, but give GMs advice on figuring it out for themselves. (This would also be a logical place to discuss Foci and Mass, if you choose.)
  7. Re: A list of basic starship designs, 5th Revised?
  8. Re: DC / Marvel Characters in Champions Universe
  9. Re: Projected Force Fields Advanced Players Guide
  10. Re: Clockwork and Chivalry in HERO: rule development stuff It would be fairly easy to keep abstract - just say that so many XP worth of material are available. You could break it down into common, uncommon, and rare (like expendable foci) if you want a bit more detail.
  11. Re: what is appropriate for "spell" or "weapon-based" powers I've got some notes on converting D&D 4e to Hero. I figured that +1x weapon damage was equivalent to +1 DC. It scaled with what what I was using for spell damage, so the classes all had roughly the same damage output.
  12. Re: Clockwork and Chivalry in HERO: rule development stuff Time and access to raw materials. If a focus takes a day to make, and the characters have to leave in three days, they can't make more than three. Likewise, if they don't have the powdered opal they need, they can't make any.
  13. Re: Where are the great shooters with lower dex? Well, the DEX 12 OCV/DCV 4 soldier on pg 294 of Champions 6e is probably a good start. The packages in the Bestiary don't add much to DEX or CV either. I suspect that if/when the VIPER sourcebook and Dark Champions are updated for 6e, this trend will continue.
  14. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I've always wanted to see a mech do a Thomas Flair.
  15. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares CSI: Mexico City Why is this a genre-crossover nightmare? The detectives are all luchadors.
  16. Re: Projected Force Fields Proportional is introduced in the Advanced Player's Guide. Basically, you buy the power up to the maximum level you want, and apply the Requires a Roll Limitation with an additional modifier, depending on how much effect you get. If the Ablative roll succeeds, the defense applies. If it fails, the defense does not apply.
  17. Re: Gravity powers "Affecting gravity" is a special effect. What does being able to affect gravity allow the character to do?
  18. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... OMGPONIES!!11
  19. Re: how much BODY damage is typically accrued? I might be misremembering, but I don't recall Healing being restricted in frequency under 5e.
  20. Re: compatibility question Pretty compatible. Point costs change, but the mechanics haven't changed much since 1e.
  21. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... Good Idea: Commando Hero Bad Idea: Going Commando Hero Worse Idea: Commode Hero
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