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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


School and preschool children: the plague rats of the 21st Century.


Hmm ... you know, that works with the Magic card, too.


You have one, it's 1/1. A bit of nuisance, but easily dealt with.

If you have two, they're both 2/2. A bit more of a problem.

If you have three, they're 3/3 ... and so on, and so on.


If you have a classroom full, that's like ... 30 power, 30 toughness. You're doomed.

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Re: The cranky thread


An admittedly selfish rant:


One of the reasons we moved from the D.C. area back to the Midwest is so we could by closer to my wife's family. I always defined "family" pretty specifically growing up; my family was my parents and my sister. Then there were my relatives, who I had to see on occasion, but they certainly weren't family. Family is a relationship, not an accident of genetics, you know? It's not like there was something horribly wrong with my grandparents or cousins or whatever; we just didn't have anything in common, so I felt no need to spend time with them. In fact, when my grandfather (my last grandparent) died three years ago, I hadn't seen him in 18 years.


Then there's my wife. She grew up in a small town in Iowa. Her mom lives there. Her brother and his family. Her grandparents (all of them). Aunts, uncles, great aunts, great uncles . . . at a family gathering shortly after we got serious, she introduced me to someone who she instantly identified as her third cousin. Third cousin? Who the hell knows who their third cousin is? Anyways, I've always kind of envied her for having an actual big "family", the kind that literally gets together every Sunday at grandma's house for Sunday dinner. It's cool, I really like them. That being said, I like them maybe three times a year. My wife likes them nine or ten times a year. So, we came to an understanding--I'd go to Iowa a few times a year with her, but, if she wanted to go that often, she'd take the kids along and do her visit, and I'd stay at home. I get a couple of these weekends a year, and I cannot even describe how much I look forward to them. I sleep in (which for me means until like 8:30, because I'm so used to waking up early with kids I can't sleep in any later anymore regardless of whether they're around or not). I sit in the basement and play video games. I goof off. I purposely make huge messes around the house just because I can and because it's the one time my probably OCD-ridden wife isn't around to freak out about things not being organized. I utterly LOVE these weekends.


I've been looking forward to this coming weekend for about a month. She was going down to Iowa, I was staying here. She was heading down Thursday, and I was actually taking Friday off just to fully enjoy the time. I hadn't taken a "me" vacation day in ages; I wasn't even going to leave the house, just lay around and vegetate.


So, this past weekend, her brother and my mother-in-law came for a visit. He's a professional handyman and has a friend in town who asked him to do some stuff, so it was a combo work/play visit for him. Perfectly fine, I like the guy a lot. Played some Rock Band together, had fun. Then, Friday night, the phone rings. Her grandma (her dad's mom), who has been mentally slipping away for years and is in a home (an ASTOUNDINGLY depressing place) is in the hospital and it isn't looking good. I tell my wife in the morning once she wakes up, and she and her brother head down to Iowa to try to see her before she goes. Doesn't happen, she dies while they're on their way. On Sunday, I drive the kids and her mom halfway and meet the wife and her brother, and we basically swap, do a half-drive each to make the handoff easier. We come home and, tomorrow, we head to Iowa for the visitation Thursday and funeral Friday. Staying through Sunday. So, instead of Thursday-Sunday alone, I have Wednesday-Sunday in Iowa.


And yes, it's for a funeral, for her grandmother. It's not the "really special" grandma Sunday dinner, the one we named our daughter after, but my wife was once really close to this woman before she really started to mentally go about 7 or 8 years back. It's very hard on my wife and I'm trying to be as supportive as possible and haven't said one negative thing at all WHICH IS WHY I'M ON HERE RANTING ABOUT THE @#$!$!! SITUATION. I hate going to Iowa. I lived there for 15 years and we're going to be just down the road from Iowa City where I still have loads of friends but it might as well be 500 miles away, because every time we go to that stinking little town she's from I get dragged from family function to family function and I never get the opportunity to ever actually do anything I want to do or see anyone I actually want to visit. And yes, it's a funeral visit and should be family time, it's just that I've got a giant bucketfull of resentment over all the past trips that never quite seems to empty out.


Add to that the fact that I really do feel selfish as hell for feeling this way and I'm just a pile of giggles right now. I'm coming off a really ugly batch of stomach flu, I tweaked a back muscle lifting weights last week and did something else the other day so that it feels like I've been kicked in the spine, and I slept like utter crap last night, so I'm in a lousy mood, and now on Friday instead of gaming I'll be having some awful dinner at a restaurant in rural Iowa and on Saturday instead of going out for a long-planned night with some friends I'll be doing something that involves . . . something a lot less enjoyable than a long-planned night with some friends. So, between the bad mood at the guilt about the bad mood, I'm really, really, really looking forward to the next few days.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The cranky thread


My cat has picked up a new habit.


I sleep with a knee pillow (a pillow held between the knees; it's good for the back). But sometimes over the course of the night, the knee pillow falls off the bed.


Sometimes when that happens, my cat will piss on it. She'll just empty her whole bladder of the most foul-smelling cat urine you can imagine. Then (if the smell hasn't woken me up) she'll spend 5 minutes trying to bury it. Of course, the next day I'll throw the pillow in the washing machine to clean it.


I don't understand why she's doing it. Her litter box is clean (and it's only a few feet away, in the bathroom). She doesn't pee on the floor or any place else, just on my knee pillow.


She's done it a few times now. Last night was the last straw. 4:30 in the morning, I hear her "digging" at my pillow. I get up, grab the pillow and stalk towards her. She knew she was in trouble, and she ran. I followed her all the way downstairs, grabbed her, and rubbed her face and head all over the sopping wet pillow. I told her that if she peed on my pillow again, she'd get the exact same treatment until she learned to knock it off. :mad:

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Re: The cranky thread




I've been at my job almost nine years, all as a contractor. They've been discussing contract extensions since October, as the contract expires . . . March 16 (Monday). They've been on the cusp of a three-year extension for months, arguing back and forth, and today I find they have indeed signed a three . . . month extension.


With, of course, promises of a longer extension. Stress, anyone?

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Re: The cranky thread


Me. I'm just at the bottom of a depression jag. I've been pretty good for months now, and it took me a while to see that I wasn't just a little cranky but actually sliding down into an extended funk. Now I'm at that stage where it hurts to think happy thoughts. Unhappy thoughts hurt, too but they aren't as much effort and they have a temporarily analgesic effect, like ripping off a burn scab.

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Re: The cranky thread


No idea at this point. The bits most resemble shards from a standard non-frosted light bulb, no more than 1/8 inch on a side, about half a dozen of them in all. I'm not even positive it's glass, though. Might be hard plastic, mostly because the corners don't seem to be as sharp as what I'd expect for glass bits with those origins. I'm not cut; it was just a very strange set of "stones" to have found in one's shoe after walking 3 or 4 blocks.

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Re: The cranky thread


I have concluded that my intermittent malady involving cracked and bleeding lips, a coated and swollen tongue, and itching of the *ahem* underwear zone is a result of either a drug interaction or drug allergy involving Aleve.


The upside is that now I know never to take Aleve again.

The downside is ... I came to this conclusion after taking Aleve a couple of nights ago.

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