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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I've been sick for two weeks, with a cold the last week in September and a stomach bug that started October first while I was in the mall, and is still here. I have been sitting here on my butt for two weeks, I'm too sick and dizzy to eat much or drive and OddHat caught my cold last Sunday I think and still has it so he's going stir-crazy too.


We have an overnight planned in New Hope PA for Halloween night but the minute we are both well we are getting the blank out of here and going SOMEWHERE. I want to eat real food again. I want to spend the night elsewhere. And as much as I love you guys I need a break from this computer !

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Re: The cranky thread


My arterial access didn't clot properly today. While driving home, it started bleeding. The passenger seat of my car now looks like someone got stabbed in it.


I tried to clean it, but the upholstery is cloth ... that's not coming out.


See, I think you should take this as an opportunity to create a great story out of it. Pick up a hitchhiker and say something like, "Oh, don't worry about the bloodstains. They're from someone else. I never kill you college kids; I'm more into nurses." :eg:

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Re: The cranky thread


See' date=' I think you should take this as an opportunity to create a great story out of it. Pick up a hitchhiker and say something like, "Oh, don't worry about the bloodstains. They're from someone else. I never kill you college kids; I'm more into nurses." :eg:[/quote']


And anyone actually crazy enough to follow such advice is fully deserving of their soon-to-be quite extensive criminal record ... ;)

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Re: The cranky thread


My arterial access didn't clot properly today. While driving home, it started bleeding. The passenger seat of my car now looks like someone got stabbed in it.


I tried to clean it, but the upholstery is cloth ... that's not coming out.

Might take several tries, but over the counter Hydrogen Peroxide removes blood pretty well. Don't want to soak the upholstery, any more than you would with water, but a spray bottle and a sponge should get the vast majority of it.

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Re: The cranky thread


So there's this lady at work with an old desktop PC (as in, over 5 years old) and is getting a new laptop (as in, out-of-the-box brand-new) to replace it. Thing is, we've been going back-and-fourth for a month now on making this happen. Why? Because she is asking... nay... demanding... that she doesn't have even one minute of downtime for the exchange. Thing is, she has years worth of data on her desktop that needs to be moved to the laptop, and that takes time. I even offered to get the process started for her and running in the background so she can continue working. Unacceptable. Why? It would make her computer run slower than it already does, and a slow machine is part of why she's getting the upgrade. The only avenue is to have me come in outside of normal business hours to do this, but she balked at that when I said I would need a charge code so I could bill her division for that, as this is beyond our normal scope of work.


So, not only is she making unreasonable demands, she is being unreasonable even with my efforts to accommodate those demands.


Today, I decided I had enough. I sent her an e-mail, and CC'ed my boss and her boss on it, explaining that with my own schedule constraints, I simply cannot accommodate her on this: I need some flexibility on this, or else there isn't much I can do to help her.

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Re: The cranky thread


Trivial things to be cranky about:

House sitting, so I have access to her DVD library and TV. She's got some stuff setup on her DISH to record, so I figured I'd watch some DVDs during those periods of time. Apparently her DVD player has an issue about 90% of the way thru a film. Though it might have something to do with specific DVDs, nope. I've now watched 90% of five different films. Will be borrowing some films to watch when I go back home...

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Re: The cranky thread


I think the power switch on the desktop machine at home has given up the ghost. I can't get the machine to come on at all, not even a flicker in the pilot light. The switch has been flaky for a while, but previously it was in the sense that trying to turn power off just cycled the power. The machine is, of course, where I have all the editable forms (as opposed to the static PDFs) of the assignments I give. I'll be leaving the office as soon as class is over today to see if I can get this fixed pronto.

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