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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Just to attempt to get the thread back on track (It's what I do :tonguewav ).


I just had my boss chew me out for not getting some drawings out. I look at him and say, "I can't get them out, I haven't gotten them from drafting, yet."


His response: "You have to take responsibility for getting these out."


"I can't. Drafting doesn't report to me. He's over a week late in getting these to me."


"You can't just blame drafting for being late."


"But, I am not the drafter. I turned around my part in less than 2 days. He has taken over two weeks. I checked on the drawings, and he hasn't started them, yet. What am I supposed to do?"


"You're supposed to get your submittals out in a reasonable time."


I hate relying on other people.



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Re: The cranky thread


Dinner should not be the ordeal that it was last night.


"What do you want to do for dinner?"

"Well, we haven't got anything I want to eat in the house, so let's go out somewhere."

"Okay. Oh I know, we have a coupon for TGI Friday's. Plus we can get healthy food there."

"Sounds good. Let's go there."

"Or we could go to Cheesecake Factory, since it's an off night it won't be crowded."

"Do we have a coupon for Cheesecake Factory?"

"No, but it's healthy."

"With a name like 'Cheesecake Factory'?"

"Don't make fun."

"Well, it is funny."

"So you want to go to TGI Friday's, then?"

"I really don't care one way or the other, but we do have a coupon for TGI Friday's. But if you would rather go to Cheescake Factory, we can go there."

"Okay, let's go to Friday's."


(five minutes elapse)


"Can you call Cheesecake Factory and find out what time they close?"

"I thought we were going to Friday's."

"Well, I want to go to Cheesecake Factory."

*sigh* "Okay, I'll call." (thinking, why the hell am I the one who has to call?) "They close at 11, and the wait is half an hour."

"Okay, let's go there."

"Okay, we're going to Cheesecake Factory. Let's get ready."

"Will you hurry up? I'm starving!"


(Old Man gets dressed inside of two minutes and is waiting by the front door, keys in hand. Time elapses.)


"I have nothing to wear!"

"Nothing to wear? You've got a three foot stack of clean laundry right there."

"But I'm too faaaaat! Nothing fits me!"

"What's wrong with that skirt you're wearing?"

"Look at how tight it is!"

"Um... okay. Well, isn't there something else in the stack, or in the closet, or in the dresser, that you can wear?"

"Can't we just stay in and eat something?"

"But there's nothing here I wanted to eat."

"We can have noodles."

"There's no protein in noodles."

"We can have salad."

"There's no protein in salad."

"Well, can you just go out and pick something up?"

"Sure. Okay. What should I pick up?"

"Well, what do you feel like?"

"I just want chicken, or meat, or something."

"I know. We have a coupon for KFC."

"Okay. I will go pick up dinner from KFC. What do you want me to get you?"

"Tender Roast sandwich and fries. And corn. And coleslaw. And mashed potatoes?"

"Isn't that a lot of food?" ("Fat" girl?)

"But I need my veggies."

"Potatoes are not a vegetable, they're a starch. Besides you don't like the gravy anyway."

"All right, I won't get the mashed potatoes. Just the corn and the coleslaw."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

"Why don't I just come with you?"



(A long drive ensues, made longer by a water main break that has forced the closure of one KFC, as well as plenty of unwanted driving commands from the passenger seat.)


"Change lanes. Change lanes. Why aren't you changing lanes?"

"Mostly because there's an SUV in the way, sweetheart."

"It's faster if you go that way."

"You should tell me these things before we're halfway through the intersection."

"Just turn left, and turn left again."

"Across the busiest six-lane road in the city? No, that's okay, we'll go around."

"I'm a much better driver than you."


(finally KFC is reached. Old Man enters and orders the food. A young Russian named Vasily rushes about in the back, assembling the sandwiches, while Lois, the nice lady behind the register, forces me to try a new Roasted Chicken Strip while I wait. It's not bad. Eventually I collect the food and head back to the car. Soon we're on our way home. But not home free...)


"You eat too much fried food."


"You eat too much fried food. It's not healthy."

"One chicken sandwich a week isn't gonna kill me."

"How many times have you gone to KFC this week?"

"Uh... zero?"

"Okay. But you still got the fries."

"You wanted the fries. I got them for you. Besides the coupon was for the combo so we were stuck with the fries anyway."

"You still need to eat less fried food."


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Re: The cranky thread


So I went to the gym last night, and was instantly reminded why I prefer to go in the morning. Out of the seventeen people who were there, at least eight were talking at any given moment; four of these weren't lifting at all. And none of these people are the type who can keep their voices down, expecially in a sealed concrete room. All the better to hear themselves talk, I guess. By the time I left there were only three other people there... who, again, were exercising their mouths, not lifting weights. Look, people, STFU and lift, or go home.


Plus there was another guy in there who spent an hour walking in place and slowly waving his arms around. I don't know what his problem was. Go outside and do that shit, don't wave your arms around here when I've got 1.5x my body weight balanced on my shoulders.


So I did squats and deadlifts, for the first time in probably a couple months, and now my legs are killing me. I can barely sit down for more than ten minutes at a time before they threaten to cramp up. Oh yeah, I'm cranky today.

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Re: The cranky thread


There's nothing like sitting on one of those hard wood dining room chairs with the large seat and accidentally sitting right down on one or both of your testicles. Then being too gentlemanly to just reach in there and adjust those suckers. You'd think the little beads of sweat forming on your forehead would be a good indicator that something was wrong.


Yeah, nothing like that to make you cranky. :tonguewav






Let's see Kara perkify that! :eg:

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Re: The cranky thread


There's nothing like sitting on one of those hard wood dining room chairs with the large seat and accidentally sitting right down on one or both of your testicles. Then being too gentlemanly to just reach in there and adjust those suckers. You'd think the little beads of sweat forming on your forehead would be a good indicator that something was wrong.


Yeah, nothing like that to make you cranky. :tonguewav






Let's see Kara perkify that! :eg:

Ouch dude.

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Re: The cranky thread


There's nothing like sitting on one of those hard wood dining room chairs with the large seat and accidentally sitting right down on one or both of your testicles. Then being too gentlemanly to just reach in there and adjust those suckers. You'd think the little beads of sweat forming on your forehead would be a good indicator that something was wrong.


Yeah, nothing like that to make you cranky. :tonguewav


Why didn't you just get up? Surely you could have come up with some reason why you had to get up. A female relative not being seated yet or something.

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Re: The cranky thread


The other thing is when you get one of your pubes caught or tangled. It's best when that happens while you're sitting' date=' so when you stand up it [b']pulls.[/b]

Not had that though after the vasectomy and my hair was growing back, it felt like I had two porcupines down there. The temperature changes were the worst....

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Re: The cranky thread


So I don't know what it is with this one intersection. I drop off the truck to get the good stereo installed. They say 1 1/2 hours. I figure I'll see if I can find the Mojo Nixon CD that needs replacing. This lady swings around the corner more concerned about the cross traffic than about a pedestrian. So, I'm very awake now.

I go over to Tower, coming back I see a new comic store. They have the two books I've needed to fill out my collection. yay.

Same freaking crosswalk. It's red when I get there, the walk single comes on, I start into the crosswalk, and nearly get hit by the old couple in the land yacht.

I smack their fender and cuss up a blue streak at them. They drive off.


On the plus side, the shop had the stereo installed when I got there in half the time.

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Re: The cranky thread


I have a new life's ambition: To some day draw smilie faces on a pair.


At 12:40pm Saturday, 5/14/2004, a new fetish was born...

When my wife got her nipples pierced, the two dots the guy drew made them look rather smiley faced. :)


Blue, come to Burning Man, you'll be able to.

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Re: The cranky thread


There's nothing like sitting on one of those hard wood dining room chairs with the large seat and accidentally sitting right down on one or both of your testicles. Then being too gentlemanly to just reach in there and adjust those suckers. You'd think the little beads of sweat forming on your forehead would be a good indicator that something was wrong.


Yeah, nothing like that to make you cranky. :tonguewav






Let's see Kara perkify that! :eg:

Yeah that sucks. We need some sort of advocacy group - at the least we should be able at such moments and say quietly, "I have to go, guy problems," and just as the women do, get off scot-free...


(now executing martial dive for cover, +5 DCV...)

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