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How would you take out BATMAN?

Col. Orange

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Re: How would you take out BATMAN?


Originally posted by Col. Orange

Another player is a slightly occult Batman: Hates guns, won't kill, utility belt, access to government/police computers etc. 350pts and shed loads of experience.

First, you need to outline his weeknesses to get you what you want. He is hunting you. That means you have an advantage (yes an advantage). He has that utility belt which if lost cuts him off. He also depends on his access quite a bit.


Second, you need to take advantage of the player's weaknesses. Batman makes giant leaps of conclusion and can piece together the most complex connections like he was Sherlock Holmes. I doubt the player can do that.


The first thing I would do is get him guessing. Threaten some of his contacts, get people to spread false sightings. Get him chasing lots of red herrings. If possible, try and figure out where his base is while this is happening. Try to figure out what other advantages do you have over him. Are you faster than him? Are you stronger than him? etc.


I mean, if you have more BODY and defenses than him, why not just get a nice bomb set up and pray that it does enough to kill him but not you. Hire someone to come in after it goes off and then save you or finish off him. You just need to make sure you know what you are better at than he is.

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All (most of) you guys can agree upon are bullets?


Sheez... where's the diabolical plans? At least the Giant penny crushing trick had the Batman style to it.


Batman, or any decent clone thereof, deserves something special to see them off.


Here's a good way that will require quite a lot of resources/GM greasing, but is possibly the most complex and yet effective methods of taking out the Bat. Technically you won't even have to even think about doing him harm...


1/Find out who he is.

2/Look into what must have caused him to become who he is today.

3/Find/Build/Commission a Time Machine.

4/Use said Time Machine to go back to the fateful night that made the "Wayne" family a "Wayne Singular" and park up where the family are due to go to get mugged.

5/Stop them from dying. Assign bodyguard types to watch over them. To keep them alive and well, thus preventing the events that transform young "Wayne" into the badass crime fighter he is today. That way he grows up to be some foppish playboy millionaire and not the brooding vigilante that's out to get you.


The irony? By protecting your present day enemy in the future, you're Killing as you know him in the present. And all without so much as laying a violent finger on him or his loved ones.



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Originally posted by Champsguy

Okay. We haven't seen any character sheets, so I'm gonna have to be a little vague (don't know what your character's capabilities are).


The first answer, of course, is to talk to the other player. This Batman is a PC, so you can tell the other player "Hey, don't kill my character! Why don't we live in peace!" But if the guy is a first-class ass-face, that might not work.


-If you've got detective abilities, find out who he really is (or other information about him). Don't act on it yourself. Leak it to the criminal underground (not only will this take care of your Bat-problem, it'll weaken the crime syndicates, too).

-Fool him into thinking that he's already killed you. If your "dead", you should be able to fake it pretty easily. Once he thinks you're not active anymore, he'll leave you alone. That's when it's time for you to switch your costume and change your name.

-Attack his moral center. Find some questionable young punk (Lenny the Thug), trick him into thinking that some other thug has betrayed him to the cops, and get him to dress up like you as he goes to mete out his vengeance. ("Hey, Lenny. I heard that Mean Billy Joe ratted you out. You gonna take that? You should dress up like that Crow dude, and go shoot him! That way the cops won't be able to trace it back to you!") When Bat-dude shows up and offs Lenny (thinking it's you), it'll be murder. Not only will this play havok with his morals, it'll get the cops after him.

-Start a new superhero ID. Go to the papers and declare that you're Bat-dude's gay lover, and that he molested you as a child. This'll at least turn public opinion against him, and really piss off the other guy playing the character.


Combat strategies? Well, those are harder, since I don't know a lot about either characters' abilities. The first thing you need to make sure of is to see that the GM will allow you to kill another PC. Some won't (or at least will give the other PC every single benefit of the doubt in order to escape death).


If you've got decent defenses (better than Bat-dude), I'd suggest a constant, low-intensity attack. In other words, fight him in a burning building. If you lure him into a warehouse, make sure there's kerosene spilled all over the floor. Large barrels of flammable material help too. The plan works like this: Bat-dude follows you into the warehouse. During the fight, the kerosene is lit on fire. The smoke from that will provide some cover for you, and he may have trouble breathing (I'm assuming you have life support since you're undead). This will at least make him allocate his Utility Belt Multipower towards his gas-mask. That could keep him from using his Batarangs, if he built the Multipower on the cheap (has to keep the points in Life Support). The fire itself will be about 2D6 or so (until the building really starts burning good). If you can force him into the fire, all the better. You want to keep him in the building (and keep yourself conscious) long enough for the barrels to explode. That'll be a big attack, which should render you both unconscious (if not dying) and cause the building to collapse. Hopefully, the warehouse will be on the docks. That way, you'll both sink into the ocean. Undead don't drown, but Bat-dude does. You might even want to hire a couple of guys to pump shotgun shells into Bat's body after the explosion goes off.


Whenever we had trouble taking out a super-martial-artist, we cheated. Versus one guy, well, we found out his secret ID. Then we followed him to a coffee shop. Then we... sort of... slipped some Ex-Lax into his drink when he wasn't looking. Fifteen minutes later, he was in the bathroom. That's when we kicked in the stall door and blasted him (he was at 0 DCV). Another time, we hijacked a log-truck and drove it through the guy's house, in an attempt to hit him with a larger-than-room-sized area effect attack. We jumped off the truck immediately before impact, and ran into the wreckage to beat on his bleeding body. We were quite embarrassed to find that he wasn't home at the time.


I recommend large, environmental, area effect attacks. Things like propane tanks and fuel trucks blow up good, and better yet, the don't cost points. :D


Man thats almost perfect.

Almost but there is a flaw: Kero needs a wick to light so floor covering wouldn't work. I suggest petrol (but the vapors burn to fast. if its not a prob just use that.) or perhaps Turpentine but there is the tell tale smell. So you go and get pure stuff from an oil refinery with out the tainting "warning" smell.


The way I usually beat MA's: Area affect KA followed by a brick (either an actual brick or the building utensil) to the face repeatedly.

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Martin 25 STR, 23 DEX, 23 CON, 18 BOD

S.O.B. 20? STR, 20 DEX, 20 CON, 14? BOD


A lot of Martin’s equipment has been confiscated. Down to a pair of Desert Eagles (AP in one, Plastic in other), a Billy Club, Shades (~5 Flash DEF).

S.O.B. has used Bolas (5 DEF, 4?BOD), Flash grenades, Explosives (for Tunnelling), razor disks (1?D6 RKA AF3), Discus (10?D6 EB vs. PD)


Martin has 10/10 Combat Luck, S.O.B. has about the same with Armour (14- activation)


Martin has basic Combat Training, S.O.B. has fair amount o’ Martial.


Martin has 4 levels w/Pistols, S.O.B. has 3+ Overall levels an’ a coupla die o’ Luck.


Martin has very basic detective skills (used to be a cop), S.O.B. has more than the F.B.I. and can spot a tail at a hundred yards (he’s very good).



A LITTLE HISTORY (for those curious as to the morals involved)


Martin’s brother Patrick pays him a visit. He’s worried. Martin takes him to a bar and the two catch up – but brother sill won’t say what’s on his mind. Several hours later the pair stagger out to get a cab home. BOOM. Some blonde teeny bopper shoots first Patrick then Martin. She’s a sixteen, slim built girl using Desert Eagles without any discernable effort.

Shadowlands. Patrick’s spirit quickly succumbs to Oblivion – complete cessation of existence. Martin is found buy someone recently killed. This anonymous fella tells him the people who killed him are going after this superhero team. Martin makes a pact with his Shadow (think of it as all the negative aspects of your personality made manifest). Martin gets to inhabit his old body, his Shadow gets Patrick’s.

Martin informs team, follows them around, helps them with some detective work. Girl turns out to be called Dauntain, and she’s going around killing Supernaturals (Vampires, Daemons, Ghosts, Magi, Elementals, Fae spirits… she’s a regular Buffy). Lot of Supernaturals on the team.

Martin gets info on her by intimidating the owner of an occult book shop (turns out she’s also a contact of S.O.B.). Shop owner rings, tells Martin that Dauntain is there. Martin goes and it’s a trap. Dauntain takes out Martin’s spirit guide (his Crow) and plugs Martin in chest again. S.O.B. turns up and entangles stunned Martin, giving Dauntain the phase she needs to get out of line of sight (she’s got a pesky Batman style Stealth-escape Teleport). S.O.B. beats holy crap outta Martin despite Martin’s request he check his gun. S.O.B. checks after Martin unconscious – plastic rounds.

Martin wakes. He’s on top of team’s building and ultra good mystic there and her senses say soulless undead. She and S.O.B. go to kill, Martin calls down storm o’ crows (a la Crow 2). She and S.O.B. escape.

Martin goes to campaign villain (NCI/behind the scenes type, no evidence of evildoing) and asks if he knows where S.O.B. lives. No luck.

Somewhere along the way a young mutant informs Martin of a crack house supplying to the local area. Martin, a little angry at this point, goes in guns blazing, goes out house ablaze. By chance, team find out about the attack and find out that Martin had been told of it’s location prior (chasing leads from a different case).

Martin arrested (no struggle). Martin goes to jail. Martin’s lawyer wins appeal a while later.

Martin goes back to occult store to retrieve his bike – knows it could be a trap but wants to draw Dauntain out. Martin walks along with bike. Bike explodes. S.O.B. lays into unconscious dead body, then takes it to same ultra good mystic to make sure he’s dead. Martin’s eyes snap open, “Of COURSE I’m dead.â€

Cue beatings. Martin wakes up. Asks why he’s about to be killed. Intimidation, murder… vigilantism… um.

“So ultra good CvK girl up for this?†I ask GM.

“She’s hunted vampires. She can destroy undead.â€

“Vampires have no choice but to kill. Destroying them is protecting life. Martin can choose not to kill so she can’t really justify destroying him, and he’s already faced regular justice for his crimes.â€

Uninvolved player chimes in, “So, she’ll kill people who kill because they absolutely have to, but will leave people alone who kill because they want to?â€

“If you and me killed it’d be because we were insane or we chose to – with Code vs. Killing someone couldn’t kill either of us though. Someone who can only survive off the death of others though, can’t be rehabilitated. She’s fought people on the street who walk around with Uzis and not destroyed them. Why? Because they can choose not to kill.â€

After mystic removes S.O.B.s bugs from Martin, he leaves.



My plans? Ignore S.O.B. for the moment. I can’t risk Dauntain getting away with everything because Martin gets himself perished in a war with S.O.B., though tactics for one may work against the other.

Basically, I think I’ve got to give them an opportunity to hunt me. Put word on the street that I’m gonna hit a certain mob enforcer/destroy another crack house/obtain new weaponry from X/find some occult way of dealing with her from Y then have that location rigged (either with plastique or Villians or Heroes).

If Dauntain is contained (read: pumped for information and disposed of) I’ll switch to S.O.B. I do have a problem with PC death though. If plan panned out I might just break his legs and a couple of ribs – but it’s a damn big IF (player knows what he’s doing).



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I had to take down Batman once. Failed once. Draw the second. Fighting Bats, how cool a plotline it is....!


I like complicated plots and so all I can think to do is come up with the hugest, most complex plot ever designed to keep him always on the move. Wear him out with fatigue, you're undead. Have you considered the benefits of a citywide riot?


Start dismantling his contacts, his allies (if any). Fake HIS death and let the other supervillains add to the chaos by coming out to play. Hire a hot hacker to dream up more trouble.


Have multiple goals so that there IS no one thing for him to figure out. Make a chart with 100 slots full of random things you can do. Its random, you're going to need that.


Good luck. Seriously. If hes a well played Batman, you're going to lose.

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  • 5 weeks later...

How to take out Batman?


Have the Flash vibrate through him at maximum speed - forget preparation, before anything could possibly go off the Flash has probably crossed the globe three or four times.

Result : Batman explodes, being microwaved to death in less than the blink of an eye.

Preparation Shmeparation : anyone of the DC big guns would squish Batman to a pulp if it ever came to a REAL confrontation.

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Originally posted by MarkusDark

"Look... I got a gun... in my room. I'll go up, get it, POW, it's done. We can make it a father and son thing..."




This does sound like there are player vs. player overtones to the conflict...if there are, resolve them out of game rather than attacking his PC. If not, read on...


Being the patient, serve it cold sort, I would start by giving them absolutely no reason to dislike or oppose you. Stop doing the things they don't like -- be a pinnacle of society, act selfless, etc. Don't suck up to them, just act in a way they would approve of. If you talk to them, say something about having seen the error of your ways; if your actions caused that much conflict between people who should be fighting together, then clearly your actions were wrong.


Then, once they trust you, it should be no problem at all to catch the SOB out of combat and drop a cap or two in him. :)

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Well, if he's REALLY being played as a Batman dupe, fake the death of an innocent bystander and make Bats think he did it. That should set off enough of a Psych Lim bomb that he wouldn't be able to do a blessed thing for at least a turn or so. More than enough time for the Giant Penny attack to be put in play. ;)




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So PC takes on PC. Lots of interpersonal stuff here, but I'll ignore that. (talk to the player is good advice.)


Probably the nuke is your best bet, but what GM is going to let you have it? And the unstoppable solution isn't any fun - you're dead already, so just wait about 100 years & he'll be gone. Besides, you've got things to do, and they need doing now! (you're a tortured soul, anyone tell you that?)


Here's the plan. Set yourself up to look like the bad guy. Shouldn't be hard! Say a bunch of demons announce they'll attack an orphanage, and you are there seen going in with them. The pre-announcement gives enough time for the news media to film the whole thing, and S.O.B. gets there too. Just, a little after you. He beats you up again and stops the demons - what a hero! There were even internal video cameras catching the action! Too bad a couple of orphans died, but most were saved!


Later review of the internal video tapes show you were fighting the demons. You personally saved a dozen. You were effectively dealing with the demons, until S.O.B. showed up and wrecked the whole thing. While he was pounding on you, the demons had free rein and killed the kids.


Of course, you prearranged all this with the demons. You picked the site, knew the cameras were working, choreographed the entire thing. You knew how to stop the demons, or they all take dives for your attacks. They are instructed to be scary - until S.O.B. shows up. THEN, they kill everyone they can.


Assuming your culpability never is exposed, the media and S.O.B.'s guilt will take care of the rest.

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The problem with all these "set Batman up" plans is that this Batman has better skills (and apparently contacts) than the PC in question. Batman is very likely to see through the plan or even find out about it before it can be pulled off.


To truly get the character, you need to neutralize his skills as well as his powers. This probably means the PC is on his own -- any attempt to use outside agencies risks detection by Batman's contacts and/or skills.

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The question seems of how you would take Batman out seems muddy in it's presentation. Do you mean the GM? In that case, Batman will lose because as GM, you can think of dozens of ways to bump him off. You'll be playing him as GM anyways.

Bump him off as a player? Batman doesn't come across as looking for fights with other heroes, in my opinion. Still, it could happen, in which case you better be ready for a jail cell after he leaves you looking stupid in front of the police, or at least with bruises after he wins (if Batman has been correctly built point-wise.) I don't see how to answer the question as put forth here.

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Tech, apparently you haven't been reading the thread. Allow me to 'splain. No, there is to much. Allow me to sum up.


Person asking question is a player who has a PC who happens to be an Undead Hero. "Batman" target in question is another PC playing a Batman clone who has decided (in character) that Undead are inherently evil. So "Batman" has taken it upon himself to destroy Undead Hero, despite the fact they are both hero PC's and "Batman" has a code against killing (living people). There have been two fights so far. At best, it came out as a draw. Undead Hero is looking for an edge.


Perhaps making "Batman" undead so he'll feel compelled to kill himself?



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Hope that he slips on the puddle that just formed at your feet when he does his appear out of the night stunt?


The best bet is to get him out of 'Gotham' where he knows the area and has at least a modicum of support from the police and trust from the people. Lay clues to some other city get him off his home turf and surprise someplace where he doesn't have the home field advantage.


The problem with the excuse 'the law said I killing those drug dealers was okay so Batman has to leave me alone' is the wrong mentaility. Batman expects heroes to act to a much stricter code then non-superheroes. At the very least Batman would want any vigilante who kills out of his city, since destroying undead isn't against his code of conduct I don't imagine he would mind the world a better place without an undead killer.


On the other hand there are examples of Batman taking not so good heroes into his fold and trying to reform them (Azrael after letting someone die as Az-bat, Huntress). The other PC should be reminded of this and the undead PC should make some way of trying to reform (ie stop torching drug adicts). In addition if psuedo-Bats has the same aversion to guns as real-Bats then there is that little hurdle to jump over. This is assuming that you are supposed to form some super-team at some point.


I believe someone has already metioned Bane, and he is the only villain to beat Batman. He fatigued Batman until he could hardly walk, Batman is only human, by releasing villains and then confronted Batman at the very end. The problem is that only real way to defeat Batman is to be a villain.


Reading through the backstory I think the Batman PC is playing him a little too much to the hilt, but really never breaks with what Batman would do. If someone is shooting guns he would beat them to unconciousness then ask questions like, are the bullets plastic. 'Hero' burns down a crack house and kills people, its time to put the smack down.

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Guest Champsguy
Originally posted by BlackSword

Hope that he slips on the puddle that just formed at your feet when he does his appear out of the night stunt?


The best bet is to get him out of 'Gotham' where he knows the area and has at least a modicum of support from the police and trust from the people. Lay clues to some other city get him off his home turf and surprise someplace where he doesn't have the home field advantage.


The problem with the excuse 'the law said I killing those drug dealers was okay so Batman has to leave me alone' is the wrong mentaility. Batman expects heroes to act to a much stricter code then non-superheroes. At the very least Batman would want any vigilante who kills out of his city, since destroying undead isn't against his code of conduct I don't imagine he would mind the world a better place without an undead killer.


On the other hand there are examples of Batman taking not so good heroes into his fold and trying to reform them (Azrael after letting someone die as Az-bat, Huntress). The other PC should be reminded of this and the undead PC should make some way of trying to reform (ie stop torching drug adicts). In addition if psuedo-Bats has the same aversion to guns as real-Bats then there is that little hurdle to jump over. This is assuming that you are supposed to form some super-team at some point.


I believe someone has already metioned Bane, and he is the only villain to beat Batman. He fatigued Batman until he could hardly walk, Batman is only human, by releasing villains and then confronted Batman at the very end. The problem is that only real way to defeat Batman is to be a villain.


Reading through the backstory I think the Batman PC is playing him a little too much to the hilt, but really never breaks with what Batman would do. If someone is shooting guns he would beat them to unconciousness then ask questions like, are the bullets plastic. 'Hero' burns down a crack house and kills people, its time to put the smack down.




Guys, listen closely.


It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.

It's not Batman.


It's a Batman clone. The guy has a different character who's patterned himself after Batman. These suggestions like "anally rape Alfred" just don't work because IT'S NOT BATMAN.


Hope that helps. :)

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How to take out a Batman Clone.


1. Remove his ability to see.

Spotlights, Flares, Fog Machine.

2. Remove his ability to move.

Tar, Ice floors, Water, Bubble-gum.

3. Make him use up his gadgets.

Lots of Thugs, Lot’s of minor traps. Saving a group of people.

4. Hit him with Area of Affect weapons.

Bombs, Rockets, Vat of Acid.

5. Never get into Hand to Hand Combat with him.

Stinger Missiles, Time delayed bombs, Lots of explosions.

6. Team up with others that don’t like him.

He has hunters. He has enemies.


As a Last chance,


Blast off and Nuke him from Space.

It’s the only way to be sure.




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Well, because it's a player versus player thing, you should, of course, try to sort it out between you, preferably in front of the GM.


Failing that:

1: Find out his secret ID.

2: Expose it.



1: Find out his secret ID.

2: Shoot him in the head when he isn't in costume. Presumably, this means he isn't wearing armour...


Incidentally, if you are choosing the second option, ensure that you leave evidence proving that the "hero" you are at war with is, in fact, the person that you just shot. That way, if he survives, his trouble is only just beginning.


Of course, if your GM is nasty, you may have just shot some innocent...


Well, that's your problem.



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To take take him out, go with snipers on every rooftop, you can never have enough snipers. If that fails, nuke the city (I know it's been said already but c'mon, it has potential) And if by some miracle he lives, well you could always cut the breakline on his car (assuming he has one).

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JUst reading this...

WHy did a buffy kill 2 apparently normal men, one a cop or ex-cop????


WHy is the SOB assisting her?




Originally posted by Col. Orange


A LITTLE HISTORY (for those curious as to the morals involved)


Martin’s brother Patrick pays him a visit. He’s worried. Martin takes him to a bar and the two catch up – but brother sill won’t say what’s on his mind. Several hours later the pair stagger out to get a cab home. BOOM. Some blonde teeny ber shoots first Patrick then Martin.

(Shrugs) [/b]

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