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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Captain Unity II: Eiko, can you come to my office please? We might have a serious problem.


Eiko arrives in the office. She's wearing a full set of catchers gear, clearly, she thought she was going to be in trouble.


Eiko: What is it?


Captain Unity: We have a problem. Mechassassin has been hired to assassinate Ember's father. Millennium Guard just called us because we live in this city and they don't. We're not sure if he's going to do it, but we should probably put a watch on it. Can you make some surveillance devices so that Ember can plant them in her parents home?


Eiko: Sure.


Captain Unity: We can have Romula infiltrate the area as a dog. It should work for onsite surveillance.


Eiko: Sure!


Captain Unity: Team meeting in 15 minutes.


Ember misses the team meeting. Unbeknownst to Ember, Romula has decided to infiltrate the very house itself.


Romula's player: I mind control the cat and get it to come outside and make friends with me. Then I follow them into the house.


So, later that week, Ember calls her family to arrange for Sunday dinner as usual. "Oh, honey! We adopted a dog!"


Ember: "Really?"


Ember arrives for dinner, sees Romula, doubletakes. While Ember is giving Romula a dog bath upstairs...


Romula: I see now why domestic dogs are so stupid! THERE'S NOTHING TO DO HERE!


We won't talk about Gideon's plan to extract Romula from Ember's family home. Suffice to say, Fletch lived...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


In my last Champions game we had the final battle between my players and The Crowns of Krim. A little bit of info first...."
:bmk::jawdrop: Ack! Why?! Why? Why do I keep returning here and do this to myself?


Sparkle: Ohmigosh! He's investigating the killings' date=' [i']too[/i]!!
Well, OK, that's why.
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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


:bmk::jawdrop: Ack! Why?! Why? Why do I keep returning here and do this to myself?


Well, OK, that's why.


You really really hate the backstories, huh? :) I bet you have that t-shirt... "don't tell me about your character" :eg:


I don't mind, half the time I'm reading this while on break at work, so its a nice deal. Sometimes the backstories help, sometimes not... but, *shrug*, I don't mind 'em...


'course, since I typically have one to mine... :D I think its really a matter of giving context to the line, trying to "make sure" its funny.


I have one from thursday night's game, but its late and I'm tired...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


ah, forget it, I'll sleep when I'm dead...


This is our Epic Guard game in Epic City 2027...


We're in the Haidron Waterworks Chateua. We're in the lobby, when out pops nazis. We dispatch the goons, and here comes the big baddy (name forgotten at this hour..)


After Heavy Metal takes a few mega-blasts from him, Chimera and one of our new players, [insert french name for "grasshopper," I don't know the spelling... ] tries to take him down, after Quartermain double-taps a pair of headshots into the guy, and our new egyptian themed character (sorry, can't remember/spell his name) tries to blind the guy... he's still standing, irritated with us. Grasshopper and Chimera coordinate to finally knock him down...


Thus begins a series of called shots to... the "vitals."


Me: "Ro-Sham-Bo!"

Quartermain: "Yeah, its time to make it hurt... I go for the vitals!"

Me: *grin*

Quartermain, Chimera, and I: "Ro-Sham-Bo!"

*BLA-BLAM* :bmk: Two hits! Lots of damage!

Quartermain, Chimera, Egyptian guy (Ahamut Rah or something?), and I: "Ro-Sham-Bo!"

... the stun is finally getting to him, and he's groggy. (incredible amounts of armor!)

Grasshopper: "Umm... so he's not out?"

GM/GoldenAge: "No, he's moaning, probably an octave higher, but he seems to be struggling to regain his senses."

Grasshopper: "... I kick him in the vitals, then..."

And the chants of "Ro-sham-bo! Ro-sham-bo! SAY IT!!! RO-SHAM-BO!" continue to GA's continued embarrassment... (Grasshopper's player is female, and GA apparently feels the need to be "sensitive"... or he has some sense of dignity or something. Pffft. :tsk: )


Probably not correct on direct quotes, but you get the idea... high-5s were passed all around while we were chanting. :celebrate

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


:bmk::jawdrop: Ack! Why?! Why? Why do I keep returning here and do this to myself?


Not going to apologize for it. Actually felt bad for a bit, I do not want to ruin anyones pleasure on these boards. I looked over my post and decided that although it was not humorous, it was a great moment for a player that started out quite lackluster in my game and I wanted to share it. Without the history of what was going on then it would have just been whatever. Heck, it could still be whatever but it made me proud to be a GM. I will not apologize for that.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I have a couple.


I have to tell this story because Remjin told that one...


Steelwasp: WTF?! No, I'm not a lesbian. Why did you think that?

Sparrow: Well, you are good with your hands...

Synapse: And you wear an awful lot of flannel.

Slipstream: And then there's the way your armor looks. Hell, nobody but us even knows you're female.

Silk: Plus, every single time to go hand to hand with the bad guys you kick 'em in the jimmies.

Steelwasp: ... I don't wear that much flannel.

Silk: But, you do kick 'em in their jimmies.

Steelwasp: I do not!

Silk: You kicked Labrador in the jimmy.

Steelwasp: (picks up three dice and turns to GM) Called shot.



Several weeks ago....

Synapse: Okay, let me recap. You took Saurin's army buddies out drinking, and their alien metabolisms couldn't handle the alcohol.

Sparrow: Yeah. Now they're singing, stumbling, and rampaging through downtown.

Slipstream: Wait, they're rampaging through downtown?

Sparrow: Yeah. I've just barely stopped them from destroying three buildings, but they're heading for the mall now. I don't think I can contain them much longer.

Slipstream: Wait, let's come back to this. They're rampaging?

Sparrow: Uh huh.

Slipstream: And singing?

Sparrow: That's right.

Slipstream: And stumbling?

Sparrow: You got it.

Slipstream: I believe this is a first for us.

Silk: What, stopping someone else's drunken rampages?

Saurin: Honestly, guys, it was one time. Can't I live that down?

Synapse: I thought he was talking about Sparrow's drunken rampages. New Year's?

Sparrow: Hey, you couldn't really call that a rampage, per se....


Synapse: Quick! Saurin! Use your healing powers to sober them up!

Sparrow: Syn, you got weird ideas about what "healthy" is, if you think that sobriety is part of that equation.

Synapse: No, seriously, Saurin, try to sober them up.

Saurin: Synapse, you know that they are the same species as I?

Synapse: Of course.

Saurin: They have the same powers that I do. If that would work, they would have sobered themselves up half an hour ago.

Synapse: Oh.

Silk: And it comforts me to no end that he's the smart one.


Synapse: So, Saurin, you unhappy that they're going and leaving you behind alone?

Saurin: Not particularly. I wouldn't want to be back home right now anyway.

Synapse: Why not? Too many friends here?

Saurin: No. They were loading a still onto the ship.

Slipstream: Great. Sparrow is now responsible for that entire civilization falling apart thanks to distilled spirits.

Sparrow: At least I didn't give them malaria, too.

Slipstream: And that was the most tasteless thing I've ever heard you say.

Silk: You don't pay much attention, do you?


Slipstream: Synapse, where you at?

Synapse: Charity function. What's up?

Slipstream: What charity?

Synapse: The AI Recognition League. The campaign for equal rights for mechanical sentients. Why'd you call?

Slipstream: Never mind.

Synapse: Something important?

Slipstream: Oh, this is awkward.

Synapse: If I need to, I can read your mind, you know.

Slipstream: Giant robot tearing up the docks.

Synapse: Oh.

Slipstream: Yeah. Awkward. You just chill there, we'll handle this.

Synapse: I hate you sometimes.


OOC discussion recently.

GM: No, if I wanted to give you guys complicated morality stories, I'd send you all on vacation.

Steelwasp: What the hell?

GM: Send you all on vacation. Someplace nice, tropical. Relaxing. Secret IDs, no need to save anybody or smite evildoers.

Slipstream: That'd be a nice change of pace.

GM: Yeah, nothing for you all to do, except lounge in the sun, and start noticing all the little ways that your powers could help you out in little things...

Silk: Yeah. Like never waiting in line at the movies when you can go invisible.

GM: All the little annoyances that you can deal with, because you have those powers, all those small things that you have the advantage in.

Silk: Like, why doesn't Syn over there have a girlfriend? He has frikkin' mind control.

GM: Yes, with enough leisure time and an open environment, you guys would all be supervillains within a week.

Saurin: Oh, that's preposterous. But let's just not test the theory, okay?


Fighting a villain-type!

Saurin: I'm going to start charging, I should hit him next phase.

Synapse: Good thinking. Silk, web his feet down.

Silk: But won't that keep him from charging?

Synapse: The villain, Silk. Web the villain's feet down so that Saurin can hit him.

Silk: Oh. Right. I knew that.

Sparrow: You ate a lot of paint as a kid, didn't you?

Silk: You mean wall candy?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


This thread his huge... but enjoyable.


I have a simple one. We had one guy who was an awesome GM and player, and made great characters, but really bad at naming them. He had martial arts villains named (I kid you not), "The Ninja", "Ninja", "Ninja Man", and "Ninja Master." You get the idea.


So this player made up a hero who had telepathy and empathy powers, and called him "Telempath." Everyone thought it was a goofy name but he was rather sensitive by this point so nobody said much to him.


One day Telempath, the team leader, got out there and delivered a blistering soliloquy to the villains and made a nice PRE attack. One of the other characters turned to him and slapped him on the back and said, "You tell 'em, path!"


We all about died laughing... even the guy playing Telempath.



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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I doubt anybody's familiar with it, but we played a game called Duel of Ages last Wednesday rather than an RPG. The basic layout is similar, in a way, to Heroscape ... characters drawn from various times and homages to classic archetypes and characters, but it's actually possible (though horribly unlikely) to have a game go by without a fight.


I'm attempting a challenge (which I have no idea what it is or how hard it will be beforehand ...)

"The Nerve Puppet takes on ..." *flips card* "The Brain Dominators. That can't be good."

Due to the level of the challenge and my stats, I need a 4 or less on 2d6 to succeed. Not undaunted, I remove my glasses, pick up the dice, close my eyes and roll. *clatterclatterSILENCE*

From my left, a player on the opposing team. "You. Incredible. BASTARD."

I'd rolled a 3.


Later in the game (about the last turn), the other team uses the Field of Honor (a dueling arena kind of thing) to issue a challenge to our team ... a melee combat challenge, initiated by Gato del Diaz Montes (an obvious Zorro homage) using Battle Axes. I responded with Wintercreak, a nature spirit who, as near as I can tell, is basically a treant.

"Kind of appropriate, now that I think about it."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


During a Champions game, I tried to sneak attack Dark Seraph with a move through, but rolled three 6's, which is a bad enough portent on it's own.


"How do you shoot the devil in the back? What if you suck?"


While playing our Teen Champions/Horror game, I was grabbing an agent of the villain who had escaped by opening a portal and diving through last time we tried to capture him. This time, he opened the portal directly beneath us, and we both fell through into a place that looked rather unpleasant, and we found out later is called the caverns of despair. As the portal closed, I shout maniacally:


"Hahaha! He can't escape now!"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Alright, for Bloodstone and Kirby, I'll post that the name of the team is the Superiors. "What are you, nuts?!" And to piss Kirby off, I will give backstory!

It just worked out that way. I read the !mpact comics line back in the day, and so did the player for Sparrow. After characters were created, and after everyone carefully arranged the alliterative names, it was time to come up with a team name.

In the !mpact comics, the Black Hood tries to set up a team. Dialogue is as follows.

Black Hood: .. We'll call ourselves, the Superiors.

Comet: What are you, nuts?!

And then it came up again in the letter section of a later issue. It was a short-run gag.

But then Sparrow gets this look in his eye while we're choosing a team name.

"We'll call ourselves.. the Superiors!"

"What are you, nuts?!" I just blurted it right out.

The rest of the group didn't get it. I don't think we've explained it to them yet. But they rolled with it, they picked it up. Now, every time someone mentions the team name, there is one inevitable response.

When Synapse strikes up a heroic pose and declares, "Omega! You will be brought to justice by the Superiors!", that is when the rest of the team looks at Synapse and asks him if he's nuts.

Every single time.

It really is a very goofy group that I have there.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Actually' date=' since she keeps missing game nights, lowering her INT along with everybody else's was part of the point.[/quote']


Um, OK.


Hork with the character because of problems with the player. Well, if it works for your group.....

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Slipstream: Synapse, where you at?

Synapse: Charity function. What's up?

Slipstream: What charity?

Synapse: The AI Recognition League. The campaign for equal rights for mechanical sentients. Why'd you call?

Slipstream: Never mind.

Synapse: Something important?

Slipstream: Oh, this is awkward.

Synapse: If I need to, I can read your mind, you know.

Slipstream: Giant robot tearing up the docks.

Synapse: Oh.

Slipstream: Yeah. Awkward. You just chill there, we'll handle this.

Synapse: I hate you sometimes.


Fighting a villain-type!

Saurin: I'm going to start charging, I should hit him next phase.

Synapse: Good thinking. Silk, web his feet down.

Silk: But won't that keep him from charging?

Synapse: The villain, Silk. Web the villain's feet down so that Saurin can hit him.

Silk: Oh. Right. I knew that.

Sparrow: You ate a lot of paint as a kid, didn't you?

Silk: You mean wall candy?


I declare these to be my favorites. Repped!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Um, OK.


Hork with the character because of problems with the player. Well, if it works for your group.....


It was a joke, she doesn't really have that power, or the side effect, or even a thong (at least, as far as I know). I just wrote it on the character sheet so she'll see it the next time we play, and can share in the joke. This player *always* creates high-COM female characters (a 28 or 32 COM is common for her), so we often poke a little fun at her in that regard. (The "beautiful ditz" cliche, which BTW she isn't.) She seems to go along with the humor pretty well, even makes a few jokes of her own in that regard, so I don't think she has a real problem with it.


It's like the time I started a campaign, and one player hadn't picked out all his character's disads yet. I let him play the unfinished character, but in the disad section of the character sheet I wrote "Hunted (11-) Dr. Destroyer". As a joke. The "big D" never showed up.

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