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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Also' date=' its very difficult to flush an army of skeletons, they do struggle so. [/quote']


Not to mention how easily they clog the toilet once you finally do flush them. Wisey.gif



OK, seriously, I don't know what you guys have been eating, but remind me not to go over to your house for dinner. :angst:

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


You don't like Army of Darkness casserole?



I think it's safe to say that most of us don't particularly care for recipies from

the Martha Stewart section of The Necronomicon.



Major Tom :eg:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I think it's safe to say that most of us don't particularly care for recipies from

the Martha Stewart section of The Necronomicon.



Major Tom :eg:


Necronomicon Ex Mortis


Deadites got nothin' on Cthulhu! Don't mix those two up or instead of flute-playing skeletons (without lungs:confused:), you'll get your mind turned into swirling crazy mush and unleash the apocalypse. Army of Darkness in great, but it isn't Lovecraft.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...



-Drago Ustes after taking no damage from two point blank autofire blasts.


"Crap, we're getting killed over here, Drago! Cover me!"

Drago steps out in front of Dalia and proceeds to miss the guards. They likewise cannot hurt him. (GM dice were VERY pro Drago this week)

"I got ya Dalia, they apparently believed the "Bullet Proof" claim from earlier."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...





Hercules: who's the villain ?

High Evolutionary: Power-Skrull

Kisa: That means he's got every frikkin power in the book, right?

Magnetix: no, only the powers of the X-Men.




the group flies to Post-Apocalyptic Germany to search out some rumors.

they find a huge restored area that's been cleaned up from being a wasteland.

the onboard nav-computer bleeps, telling them the clean area matches an old map.

In fact, the clean area follows the old borders of Upper Bavaria.


High Evo: How do spell Bavaria?

Hercules: W - A - M - P - Y - R - E




Hercules: Well if we're facing the Undead, I program the onboard kitchen

for some garlic cheesebread, garlic-stuffed marinara shells, and a Sicilian with extra garlic. And a box of wine.




Kisa the Catgirl is hurled into the High Evolutionary by a combo-attack of Telekinesis and Lightning.

Hi Evo: doesnt the static charge make her fur cling to my armor?

Hercules: She doesnt like you that way

GM: yes, its a 1 Body, 1 Def Entangle.



Hercules picks up a castle tower, and throws it onto the evil wizard :

"since its cold and dark under there, the necromancer finds the rubble a comforting place."




Morbius the Living Vampire has been geased by Brother Voodoo.

He must accomplish 99 good deeds before he is free again.

So as Morbius makes a few guest appearance every now and then

they hear him mumbling "81....80...."




The group rescues Luke Cage - Power Man from a stasic prison.

Luke: Sweet Christmas!!! How long have I been here, what the heck is goin on !?! "

(group fills him in the Post-Apoc Marvel Earth)

Morbius: You'll be happy to know a black man is now sorceror supreme.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A couple of quotes. One is from the Millennium City superhero game. the others are from a new Traveller "Royal Navy" campaign.



Ajax: (OOC) When dealing with these beautiful women, Ajax will be very professional in his demeanor...


Atlas: (OOC) ...-As far as they can tell. He could be licking the inside of the helmet and making nummy sounds, for all they know ;)




GM: So, thats the situation. What do you do?


Commander Louis: (OOC) ...I tear my hair out, steal a shuttle, and head for Rysa**


Dr. Nevsky: (OOC) Dont forget your yeoman. They always put out ;D




Dr Nevsky: (OOC) Id rather fight these loonies in the kitchen than here in environment control. They have wrenches!


Angel St. Jaymes: (OOC) Yes, but here they wont be trying to push us into the deep fat fryer ;P




NPC: Im sorry, sir. We werent able to carry out that order due to the damage to the ship. Do you have any other orders?


Cmdr Louis: (Loudly) ...Thou art a saucy minion, and thus all men shouldst beat thee! (It remains unclear whether this was In Character or OOC)




Cmdr Louis: (OOC) So, this region of space is pretty rough, then?


Angel: (OOC) Its like Hutt space...without the charm.




** (Rysa is a pleasure planet in Star Trek TNG. Hutt space is in Star Wars. We are gaming in neither setting, but we are Paragons of Geekdom, and thus these are our common reference points) ;)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From our new Savage Worlds campaign... we are fighting Hellbats, giant man-bat looking things, I guess.




Jean, our french Monster Hunter ala Van Helsing but much Frencher. (yes, I know that's not a word... its just that bad.); Tai, our chinese wuxia master, have a conversation about the hellbats circling above...


Tai: Do you know what those are?

Jean: Of course! They are Hellbats!

Tai: Are they dangerous?

Jean: For me... not so much. You may have trouble with zem, however.




Outside of the train, running to save a girl, when a bat comes down to attack them...


Jean: *Bang* ah-hah! Take that!


Jean: *shaken* *doi*

Tai: *smashes the back of the bat's head in with his open hand* *bullet falls out of the bat its hit so hard* (exploding die comes up big)


Jean: *recovers, though wounded* ah-hah! See, my bullet killed it. You just slapped it out of its head!

Tai: .....yeah.

Jean: Holy Crap! He just slapped it dead...




Another Hell Bat comes swooping down to attack Jean...


Jean: Anozer one!

Lillian (our Orchid Hunter), leans out of a window and fires.

Hell Bat: *DIES* (another crazy exploding die roll)

Jean: *examines his gun* Did I put enough powder in zese? I do not get ze same rezultz...




Our Huckster moves to go get the crate of Colt Peacemakers from the luggage car from our Caboose. He opens to door. (Sorry J, forgot his name)

Hell Bat: *SCREEEEEEEEEECH* *Reaches for the Huckster*

GM: What do you do?

Huckster: I close the door. "Well, maybe we can get those later."




There was quite a bit of hilarity, but I can only remember those well enough to post... it was a fun session.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Cmdr Louis: (Loudly) ...Thou art a saucy minion' date=' and thus all men shouldst beat thee! (It remains unclear whether this was In Character or OOC)[/quote']


I'm stealing this line. I don't know when. I don't know how. But I will find a way to use this in a game.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From our Dark Champions game last night (which has just started taking on an Occult theme). We had just learned that someone was sending supplies that were needed to open a gate to another dimension to a base in Antartica. We kept debating on a way to get into the base and back out without having half the world's military coming after us. We eventually set the idea aside and decided to go after another base that was easier to get to. This is the conversation before we decided to try the other base.


Drifter (Our Techno Ninja): We could take a helicopter from the ship to the base and broadcast an SOS. They have to answer if they want to keep up appearances.

Rook (Our Sniper): Assuming that they want to keep up appearances.

Me (the Modern Gunslinger): We could use the fake badges we have and try and bluff our way onto the base saying we are specialist from the Smithsonian.

Drifter::think:...I got it. We scuba from the ship to the coast, using underwater sleds to pull two snowmobiles. We mark the sleds with a remote GPS, so we can find them later and that gives us an escape plan if we can't stop the portal from being openned.

Rook and Me::jawdrop:

Me: There is much wrong with that plan I don't know where to begin.

Rook: I do. Assuming everything works and we don't freeze to death in the water, how do we keep the snowmobiles dry?

Drifter: Carry the parts in a sealed bag and assemble it on the ice once we surface.

GM: You guys do remember that you just have to get into the base without being seen right? Not onto the continent.


I was almost thankful that the Russian Mob decided to attack at that moment. I didn't want to hear Drifter's answer to the GM's question.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The cast:

A Necromancer, me, wizardish Theurge thing with the power to put people's souls back in their skulls, planning world domination.

Sir Kalmeran, my skeleton minion, a paladin that was my first kill. Has a nasty habit of committing suicide whenever I let him control his body.

A Beguiler who is working to become a haste monkey speedster thing.

A run of the mill Wizard, who has fun with color sprays.

A Druid with a completely normal house cat pet. Normal rules wise, that is.

The DM tells us that the land we're in will be ocean in five hundred years

Necromancer: Yay, I'll live that long.

Beguiler: No, you'll unlive that long.

Druid: What exactly are you?

Necromancer: dead ... well, planning suicide, anyway.


The cat coup de grace a drunk:

Druid: my cat likes blood.

Necromancer: that's creepier than my skeleton minion.

(by the end of the session the cat had killed 17 foes, including the boss)


Talks about hate:

Beguiler: Everyone hates Necromancers.

Druid: Especially druids.

Necromancer: Druids hate every one.

Druid: Which is why my cat likes blood.


Lack of detailed DM planning:

DM: The glorious bandit nation of...

Necromancer: Kazakstan

DM: Ok, Kazakstan. The glorious bandit nation of Kazakstan demands a trivial tax of 50% for all that pass.


The Necromancer’s skeleton decapitates a bandit

Sir Kalmeran: oh, terribly sorry.

Necromancer: Keep the head, I'm waking it.

Wizard: You're rez-ing your first kill?

Necromancer: No, I already did that. I'm rez-ing my first kill's first kill. To torment him.


Sir Kalmeran is used as a butler in a plan to poison a group of wild animals (the plan was a combined brainchild of me and the Druid):

Sir Kalmeran: no, don't drink the water! They put something in it... to make you forget ... well, die actually, but still.


Head talk (comments made by the twenty odd skulls I'd woken):

You’re keeping a-head

You’re such a head hunter

You give them head

Where are we head-ing

We’re head-ing into trouble

Quit while you're a-head

sorry, lost my head for a moment there

Ouch, watch the head

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Our gaming is starting to get back on schedule. So I have some new quotes from the New Titans



(Ace has done an interview and posed for some GQ-style pics in a popular magazine, along with Feline Fury in her secret ID. The issue has just hit the stands)


Feline Fury: I wonder if you can sell your -own- autographs on E-Bay?


Ace: We're about to find out! :D




(Ace's player flings an index card across the room to the GM. The card hits the GM in the leg)


Ace: (OOC): Hey! It worked! :)


GM: ...As the Ref bleeds out from the femoral artery ;P




Ace: If only we were in Texas; I could start searching these cars for a rocket launcher or something!




(The group is in NYC. Fusion lobs a huge fireball, but misses The Beast)


Ace: Hey! Watch it!


Fusion: Dont worry, the road is already destroyed


Neutron: Yeah, but theres a subway underneath!


Fusion: .... Oh >_<




Ace: Theres always a threat of zombie apocalypse, no matter what you do!

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