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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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A player was a little over-zealous regarding villains who were already in custody. Let's say that next time I think there will be footage for the evening news and a scandal will ensue if this happens again, complete with protests and cries of brutality by heroes.


But inspired this comment...


"Segment 8. Mercury, your turn. Anyone prone you'd like to attack?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

An online game I'm in just wrapped up a VIPER scenario. It was tied into another character's backstory -- the abusive boyfriend she'd finally gotten away from was one of the snakes. The last blow on that guy turned out to be high-heel to the groin courtesy of his ex. When the GM did his recap before last Thursday's game, he summarized it as "VIPER lost a Nest, but the prison choir gained a soprano".

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(just found the transript log)


Context: the team martial artist is talking to the team's backup brick -- who can take anti-rank rockets without being scratched -- about whether or not she's going into a place where the local Triad boss has some thugs.


"I don't want you in danger......what am I saying?"


(edited for punctuation)

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I was GMing in a fantasy game. The PCs were chasing some thieves down a river on a small rowboat, when a PC stops rowing and tries to shoot the villains with his longbow.

A very badly fumbled attack roll later, the PC lands out of the boat and in deep water. He's wearing full chain armor so he's in a lot of trouble. But.. the player just looks at me blankly and asks:

"So... what's the modifier for shooting a longbow while swimming?" :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Set up: A Gross Point house that belongs to a person of interest (our hero group has been investigating this guy) has been engulfed by a large dome of swirling, black smoke and has been this way for at least 24 hours. There are numerous news-crews camped outside and even the Champions have come to investigate... but we have just learned that they won't go inside the dome because no one inside has requested help and they weren't about to trespass without cause. No one has been in or out of the dome since it appeared.


Meanwhile Jade (M/A Brick & my PC) and Bolt (Techno Sharpshooter & my brother's PC) are watching this ruckus from a safe distance. Jade is frustrated because our heroes can't get anywhere near the dome since we are all wanted criminals (trying to reform and redeem ourselves, but we all have outstanding warrants, unfortunately).



Jade: What? They are heroes and they won't go inside and check it out? The wimps!"


Bolt: "Nope."


Jade: "Maybe someone should taunt them and get some information from them."


Bolt: "That would be you..."

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Various and sundry over the years.


Superscientist and prankster Gomi, having hit the criminal telepath Psinapse with a pie that was lemon merangue and sodium pentathol in DMSO (a 3D6 EGO drain): "Fear my pastry-wielding wrath!" (Psinapse's agents then coordinaged with their guns and made me so glad I had a 20PD/20ED forcefield. I also am the only person in campaign history - all 15 years it's been running - to ever lose on a Presence Attack for 'bad soliloquy'.)


Gunman, four phases before his sad death, meeting Sunburst for the first time: "He's wearing all gold! He must be a superhero!" (Gunman later emptied his pistol into Sunburst at pointblank range, resulting in a small fission reaction... well Gunman didn't think so, being that he was blasted to atoms along with Sunburst.)


"Time to make the earth move!" - entire team preparing to coordinate on Earthmaster, who was just being annoying, so we all set it up to go when the brick's Haymaker went off. He lived. He didn't take BODY. He did, however, go to #25 on the All Time Negative Stun chart at -203.


"We're sorry, Mesa, but we have to arrest your dog. He's the head of the San Diego Yakuza." - when Japanese Spirit Creatures go very, very bad.

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Originally posted by DocMan

From last Friday Night's Vampire game.


"What about The Nameless One?"

"Oh, Kyle!"



Um, that would be:


"What about The Man Without A Name?"

"Oh, that would be Kyle!"


Somehow these things make better sense in context. If I could only remember the context! I remember the Man Without A Name part, because I said that. I think it was Joy who supplied the rest...

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My uncle told me this great story after a game where someone said this (I'll save the actually quote to go in the story) and everyone laughed but me.

My Uncle and his buddies were on a Cthulu kick and played that game for years. Uncle Thomas spent about a week straight putting together this very detailed and intricate haunted house for the group to investigate. Will his best friend was the first one to experience the haunting, he looked into a mirror and watched himself grow old and die in seconds. He turned to the others and said, "Burn it, it's evil." and they proceeded to burn the house to the ground with all it's intricate details. Dean then said, "Nothing cleanses quite like fire." I'm not sure of the origin of these quotes but they get thrown around our games a lot now. Anything wierd happens, "Burn it, it's evil" Also, one time, a possessed bum was delivering a cryptic message that would probably have advanced the plot but I punched him out on the principle of "Burn it, it's evil." and man everyone was sooooo pissed!

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Ok, so, I was running Vampire on Friday night, just like I do most Friday nights. Five minutes into the game, someone suggested asking Reason for information about the current plot-thingy-whatever-you-want-to-call-it. Black Alice, in a charming midwestern accent, said: "Tryin' to get information out of Reason is like tryin' to pull teeth with a harpsicord."

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