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What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


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Just as a fun exercise and maybe an idea churner for Steve and Darren what are the top five Champs books you would love to see published, your own personal wish list.


mine are,


1. STRIKE FORCE UNIVERSE - This has been a dream of mine ever since I lost my old copy of Strike Force many years ago. A big thick updated sourcebbok of the material would be great.


2. CHAMPIONS FREEDOM CITY - Wouldnt this be amazing if DOJ and Green Ronin could team up much like they did with GOO?


3. MUTANT CHAMPIONS - We have had galactic and Teen I would love to see a mutant sourcebook bringing back those fuzzy warm memories of the Claremont/Byrne era on X-Men.


4. THe RETURN OF VILLANY AMOK - Villany Amok was so good we need a sequal and we need one now!


5. KINGDOM OF CHAMPIONS - Coming from the UK its a personal wish of mine to see a new 5th edition GB sourcebook.


Whats your ideas?




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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


3. MUTANT CHAMPIONS - We have had galactic and Teen I would love to see a mutant sourcebook bringing back those fuzzy warm memories of the Claremont/Byrne era on X-Men.


4. THe RETURN OF VILLANY AMOK - Villany Amok was so good we need a sequal and we need one now!


I concur with these two, plus, I'd really want to get:







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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


I'd like to see:


Blasters, Brick and Bureaucrats - a guide to the government superteams of the Champions Universe


Champions 2099 - a combination of superheroes and cyberpunk


A revised Kingdom of Champions


The Ultimate Superteam


A series of city books such as New York, Paris, Cairo, Berlin and Moscow

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


I'd like to see:


Anime Champions: A really detailed book focusing on anime themes, powers and characters in Champions terms, including optional flavor rules. I'd like to see Micheal Surbrook write this.


Iron Age Champions: Surprising as that might sound. Its a valid genre and has some significant differences. I toyed with the idea of working up a proposal for that book.


The Secret Life: A book on Secret ID and how to make a characters "downtime" as interesting as their adventuring career. Basically, Soap Opera Champions


Champions Down the Age: Historical Supers. Possbilities and suggestion for running full blown supers games in unusual eras, like Ancient Rome, the Bronse Age or Medieval times.

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


The Secret Life: A book on Secret ID and how to make a characters "downtime" as interesting as their adventuring career. Basically, Soap Opera Champions



Another great idea, this would also feed into the Ultimate Disadvantage another book I would love to see.




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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


The Secret Life is an awesome idea. I know good face to face game time has a premium, and it's not always easy to really tie in pc's private lives when the whole group is together, but it's such an essential piece of character development. A book like this could give GM's a LOT of good material not only to use in group game sessions, but even with their players individually between sessions, whether face to face or PBEM, or whatever.


I would like to see some more books in the Champions Battlegrounds series, preferably with some great Eurostar, Teleios, or Takofanes & the CoK action. Dr. D, VIPER, and Mechanon are great and all, don't get me wrong, but there are SO many great villains in the CU, it'd be awesome to get some more published material for them.

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


1. STRIKE FORCE UNIVERSE - This has been a dream of mine ever since I lost my old copy of Strike Force many years ago. A big thick updated sourcebbok of the material would be great.


I don't think this'll happen, which is sad because it really was a good supplement.


Y'know, DOJ and Allston should really consider putting the original out as a PDF sourcebook. It'd be easy cash for everyone involved and if there's significant interest, it may lead to a 5er revision.

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


1) The Ultimate Speedster


2) A source book on the rest of the world or multiple sourcebooks covering europe, asia, africa, etc...


3) Ultimate Superteam


4) Iron Age


5)Blasters, Brick and Bureaucrats - a guide to the government superteams of the Champions Universe



My .02

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


I'd like to see an update to 5th for Sanctuary (Neutral Ground).


I'd also like to see a book -- not sure what you'd call it -- that gives ideas / write-ups for all the sorts of "incidental" (i.e. non-super-villain) things a hero has to contend with. Things like:


  • Regular thugs, bank robbers, etc. This can include ordinary normals who are quite smart (INT 16-18) who pull off some very well-planned, well-executed thefts or heists.
  • Fighting fires (forest fires, high-rise, oil refinery, in dangerous locations like a nuclear power plant or a munitions factory, etc.). This could include not only write-ups for various kinds of fire damage but also more detailed rules for smoke (both as it blocks senses and consequences of breathing it) and write-ups for equipment that might be available from responding emergancy vehicles. Some kind of simple timeline for what happens to people trapped in a burning building might also be nice. ("After 5 minutes, dizzy and disoriented due to lack of oxygen and dehydration; after 8 minutes, unconcious..."). This sort of stuff would have lots of other uses in a variety of situations, too, not just specifically in fire-fighting.
  • Handling other "hostile environments": deep underwater, varying levels (200 feet, 2,000 feet, 2 miles, abyssal); extreme heat (Death Valley, Sahara, etc.); extreme cold (arctic, antarctic), and so forth. Not only "flavor text" describing what you'd see or be dealing with, but game write-ups of the effects. (Similar to the way Star Hero/Galactic Champions detailed things like the effects of being inside a star at certain "depths", and so on.)
  • Problems following from earthquakes, tidal waves, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.


Just think of all the non-supervillain things a superhero has to fight / contend with / help out in the aftermath of and you'll get the idea.

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


  • Regular thugs, bank robbers, etc. This can include ordinary normals who are quite smart (INT 16-18) who pull off some very well-planned, well-executed thefts or heists.
  • Fighting fires (forest fires, high-rise, oil refinery, in dangerous locations like a nuclear power plant or a munitions factory, etc.). This could include not only write-ups for various kinds of fire damage but also more detailed rules for smoke (both as it blocks senses and consequences of breathing it) and write-ups for equipment that might be available from responding emergancy vehicles. Some kind of simple timeline for what happens to people trapped in a burning building might also be nice. ("After 5 minutes, dizzy and disoriented due to lack of oxygen and dehydration; after 8 minutes, unconcious..."). This sort of stuff would have lots of other uses in a variety of situations, too, not just specifically in fire-fighting.
  • Handling other "hostile environments": deep underwater, varying levels (200 feet, 2,000 feet, 2 miles, abyssal); extreme heat (Death Valley, Sahara, etc.); extreme cold (arctic, antarctic), and so forth. Not only "flavor text" describing what you'd see or be dealing with, but game write-ups of the effects. (Similar to the way Star Hero/Galactic Champions detailed things like the effects of being inside a star at certain "depths", and so on.)
  • Problems following from earthquakes, tidal waves, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.

Did you check out Villainy Amok, which deals with robberies and fires and such?

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


DISASTER HERO - How to Start/Stop a Tsumani, Tornado, Earthquake, Meteor Storm, Biochemical Warfare(the Andromeda Strain, MI 2 ), NBC Warfare , etc... Adventure Scenarios along the lines of the award winning VILLAINY AMOK (Congratulations Scott).


INVASION HERO - Space, Dimensional, Time, etc...




CHAMPIONS OF THE NORTH - With cointributions from Canadian Gamers and their campaigns. Special Focus on Superhumans & the Establishment.





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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


Did you check out Villainy Amok' date=' which deals with robberies and fires and such?[/quote']

Hmm...nope, not yet...I've had -- err -- "severe cash flow problems" for several months now, and things like rent, electricity, and Ramen for food have had a priority over things like game books. :( Still, it's on my list of things to get. (And if it wasn't before, it is now! Thanks for the heads-up, MitchellS. :thumbup: )

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


Twisted Hero... As much as I like (love) a Champions in 3D type of book, perhaps as a one-off sourcebook, create one alternate universe in which the known and beloved champions characters have different roles, affiliations, and histories. The whole timeline could follow from a specific tweak in the space-time-continuum.


This would allow them to re-use existing characters but give them different tweaks and simply rework the whole timeline. Imagine in this world, Mechanon stopped an alien invasion, Nighthawk was a homicidal street thug, and PRIMUS and UNTIL are in a cold war. Such sourcebooks seem one-use, but you can get plenty of use out of having Dr. D's extradimensional twin show up in your campaign and compete with him for supremacy.


Arena Hero


Miniature Hero... They could reproduce the Fantasy Hero miniature combat rules, make any tweaks they feel might be necessary, and put out a line of miniatures while they're at it (It's all the craze ;))


Everything else has been/will be done. Western Hero, CyberHero, etc.

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


-Paladins, Paragons, and Powerhouses: superhero book, covering those not covered elsewhere


-Champions of the Orient: mainly as a China sourcebook


-Masters of Evil: A guidebook to various master villains like Dr Destroyer and Mechanon, covering things like minions, bases, plots, etc

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


I don't think this'll happen, which is sad because it really was a good supplement.


Y'know, DOJ and Allston should really consider putting the original out as a PDF sourcebook. It'd be easy cash for everyone involved and if there's significant interest, it may lead to a 5er revision.



I'm afraid you haven't been paying attention to the Pulp Hero board. A few weeks ago Steve mentioned that he and Aaron are in talks to do just that. A new version of Strike Force. We had asked for a new version of Lands of Mystery as well as some of Aaron's other stuff for JI but all in all I can't say we were too dissappointed in what we got.:D

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


A few weeks ago Steve mentioned that he and Aaron are in talks to do just that. A new version of Strike Force.


I think something has been misinterpreted. This is absolutely not true. We have briefly discussed doing a new Lands Of Mystery, but that's all.

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


I think something has been misinterpreted. This is absolutely not true. We have briefly discussed doing a new Lands Of Mystery' date='[/i'] but that's all.


Brainfart! Brainfart! Brainfart!


I could have sworn it was Strike Force. But I just checked the thread and sure enough Steve was right and I feel like a complete f***ing idiot!




Oh well, it'll teach me to double check rather than relying on my increasingly poor memory. :(

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


I like a lot of the ideas already expressed here.


One idea I had just recently was looking through an old Enemies book, and I realized that there where a fair number of master minds. I thought "Hmmm, a 500-point base, that's big, I hate to have to do one of those. Plus I'd have to do it again if the heroes blew the place up!"


Then I thought, "A big book of enemies bases and hideouts might be just the ticket." So, I'm suggesting it. :)


Modular bases and prefab stuff that you can just plug in and customise would be a bonus.


Modular floor plans that you can place on the table and use miniatures on would be even better, but also I suspect that might be too much to ask.

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


I'd like a nice book breaking down supertechnology a bit. I loved Gadgets and Gear but a book that said:


you wanna build an antgravity drive into your powered armor? These are the skills you need.


also, These are things Dr Destroyer could build that, say, Defender could not.


A new Allies book filled with Heroes to interact with in the CU. Updates of the Champions would be nice here, also some of the big Leaguers mentioned but not given face time elsewhere.


The Ultimate Superteam sounds great.


The Ultimate Powered Armor

The Ultimate Gadgeteer

I like gadgets, no?


Champions/Champions 3000 guide to alien life - Star Hero does a great job of this but stresses that it's a HEROic Level. A nice "SUperaliens" book for Champions campaigns would be cool.


The Lands of Legend

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Re: What Champions Books Would You Like Published in the Future?


1. Mutant Champions

Have to show my loyalties here. :) Like to see a full covering of a lot of the gear that they have in the X-Titles. Cerebro, neutralizer guns, etc. Not to mention I'd like to see some coverage of mutant campaigns ranging up to Nightmares of Future's Past.


2. Iron Age Champions

Like to see the best of the Iron Age covered. Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns, Miracleman and some of the more dystopian titles such as Kingdom Come. It should definitely have some material about the meltdown of the Champions Universe in 2020 as well as potential alternate timelines where the magic didn't go away.


3. The Ultimate Supervillain

This would discuss everything about creating supervillains and their lower level henchmen, as well as supervillain equipment and most importantly bases. The different types of supervillains and reflections in their people, equipment and bases would not be amiss.

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