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New Avengers


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Re: New Avengers


I like the book. I like the line-up (even Wolverine). I like the stories (mostly). Unfortunately, in the grand scheme of things I'm getting tired of Marvel and their "epic events". So, while I might enjoy the book as a specific title, I'm jaded on most things Marvel these days ('Ultimate' books not included, cuz I love those).

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Re: New Avengers


Flipped through the first issue, put it back. Thought the cast was a bad plan, and didn't want to see what Bendis did to characters I liked.


Spider-Man - of course he's qualified and all that, but IMO he should remain as a solo-hero with informal teamups and crossovers. His world's big enough as is without throwing a formal team into it. Anyone who's already involved in multiple monthly books doesn't need to be joining a team.


Wolverine - Anyone who's already involved in multiple monthly books doesn't need to be joining a(nother)team. Plus, definitely NOT what the Avengers are about, IMO.


Spider-Woman - I'd be OK with her in concept, but not on the same team as Spider-Man. Too confusing. Why not just have Wolverine Girl show up instead?


Captain America - love him, scared of how he'd be used. Waiting for the "Thanks for killing him Logan, I was too weak to do what had to be done" line. :sick:


Iron Man - love him, hate the directions Marvel's been taking him from what I can tell.


Luke Cage - OK, but I just hate seeing him in a group without Iron Fist. :(

I got the impression he was included as a token and was more "edgy" than other available black characters like Falcon. :straight:


Sentry - whatever. If you're going to make a new character, make a new character, but don't try to insert him as "having been there all along". Couldn't care less.


Ronin - I think the Avengers have had their fill of secret members, having been infiltrated umpteen times in the past. And besides, if you've got Wolverine, the whole secret mysterious past bit is covered.


So, haven't been reading it, and from what I've heard, I don't feel I've been missing much. :(

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Re: New Avengers


Personally I think it sucks. Partly because this team from built of the foundation that was "Avenger Disassembled" which laid waste to 40 years of tradition. Furthermore though, the team isn't what the Avengers should be. Yeah, Cap and IM are there but Wolverine and Spidey don't fit with the team: they're just there to boost sales.


Also, the whole focus has changed from the best of the best to just another super team that's trying too hard to be kewl.

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Re: New Avengers


I keep looking at it, then putting it down.


I like the Avengers, but Marvel stopped publishing them. I pick up an Iron Man comic (which I used to read regularly) and nothing makes sense. Wolverine's been over-used for decades and it shows no sign of ever being changed. Cap belongs in the Avengers, but of the current run he's the only one I think of as an Avenger.


Marvel seems to have decided that superheroes shouldn't be heroes anymore and so it's getting harder and harder to find comics of theirs worth reading. New Avengers isn't one of the ones that passes the mark.

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Re: New Avengers


Only recently got my hands on the Trade Papberback that covers issues 1-6.


LIKED: Spiderman & Luke Cage's interractions. Great spiderman lines. Inclusion of Cap & Iron Man (Not the Avengers w/o them, IMO). Sentry in these few issues is interesting but under-used.


DISLIKED: Iron Man complains about not having money to rebuild the mansion but has PLENTY of gadgets around anytime they need 'em. The slapdash way they put the team together, particularly Wolverine. They could have written a real story reason to put him on the team, but opted for "It's chance and he's here! Let's invite the crazed and untrustworthy loon." I see great potential in a well-written wolverine v. cap interraction (not physical, but philosophical). Not gonna happen here.


HATED: The Savage Land story in general. Just seemed like an awful and irrelevant Deus Ex Machina.

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Re: New Avengers


HATED: The Savage Land story in general. Just seemed like an awful and irrelevant Deus Ex Machina.


What bugged me about the Savage Land story was that the X-Men had a Savage Land arc at the same time, yet no mention was made of one in the other. Marvel used to be so attentive to inter-book dynamics, and that added to the believability of the whole MU. Now it seems like what's going on in any one book has no ripples at all outside other books the same pereson writes, and often not even there.

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Re: New Avengers


Disassembled sucked in every way a comic can suck. Shock value for shock value's sake, ignoring continuity (while claiming to follow it 'logically'), and poor characterization.


But I don't see Disassembled as the same thing as the New Avengers series... or to put it another way, I hated how we got here, but I still wanted to be fair to the new land we've arrived on.


The art has been pretty good (Finch had trouble with faces though, I prefer Cho, despite some folks distaste for his exagerating the female form ;) ).


I will second (or third or whatever) those who praise the Luke Cage/Spider-Man interaction. I am a fan of Jessica Drew as Spider-Woman so I'm glad to see her back.


However, the bad things:

1. The reason for bringing Wolverine in and the hinting that it was so he could do the dirty work... sucks. It is SO unheroic and illogical it makes my teeth grind. Others will disagree.

2. The mischaracterization of Captain America in the first 7 or so issues was badly done, when it was attempted at all. Thank god that's improved somewhat.

3. It seems the New Avengers , 9 times out of 10, can't solve their own problems.

4. Bendis' decompressed style can get irritating when you have an entire team book to cover.

Still, I think it has been getting better.

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Re: New Avengers


This happened over in Amazing Spider-man. After reading the AS-Avengers issues' date=' I want Strazinski to take over on Avengers. JMS just seems to have a better feel for how the group should act.[/quote']


And then he can work in mystical pseudo-religious origins for everyone on the team.


Sorry. Read it in ASM, then he did the same thing in FF, gettin' kind of old.


Isn't radiation good enough on its own anymore? Does there have to be some cosmic force manipulating all events that lead to person X being hero Y? :weep:


I like JMS as a writer, but don't like that part.

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Re: New Avengers


And then he can work in mystical pseudo-religious origins for everyone on the team.


Sorry. Read it in ASM, then he did the same thing in FF, gettin' kind of old.


Isn't radiation good enough on its own anymore? Does there have to be some cosmic force manipulating all events that lead to person X being hero Y? :weep:


I like JMS as a writer, but don't like that part.




I agree with you completely about the mystic origin addition or the "affair" of Gwen Stacey with Osborn.


OTOH, I think his character interaction and actual action sequences (re: Hydra base with the Avenger's knockoffs and Avengers) were fun and well done. I still think he's a better touch for the Avengers than Bendis. JMS just writes a better action book then Bendis ever could.

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Re: New Avengers


Bring on Wolverine to "get things done" = Kill when necessary? (Logan admits he's MURDERED - not killed - MURDERED in Ish. 15! Um, shouldn't Cap have put him in the clink right then?)


Jessica is a double agent for SHIELD and HYDRA? Fury's pullin' all the strings???


Supreme has been the most powerful one-line extra in comic book history????????


Can the Avengers see the Fantastic 4 from their tower? Why not?


A year and 3 months into the book and they finally get around to publicly admitting that they are indeed the Avengers (Issue 15)?


The only good thing about this book = Spiderman quotes and J. Jonah Jameson's steadfast adherence to his own principals!!! Bring 'em down J.J.!!!!


This book just sucks. I want my old Avengers back. Any version!



Hey, why has Spider-Woman goten all of the covers lately? Carol Danvers is the main character in issue 15 and STILL Jessica gets the cover?


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Re: New Avengers


I extravagantly apologize for derailing the thread just a bit, but since this seems a good hunting point for Avengers fans, could any of you please spare a bit to answer this question, too, in NGD ??




Profuse thanks

Replied to in that thread (a couple of times, cuz I'm like that)

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Re: New Avengers


I like the New Avengers. I hated hated hated Avengers disassembled. But to be fair I hated The Avengers as well. I stopped reading the comic shortly after Starfox had joined the team. Although, I am not very interested in Wolverine (in any book. Stopped reading the mainstream X-Men after they went to Australia and now I do pick up the Ultimate X-Men in the Hardcover.) I like the rest of the team even with two spiders on the team, although their powers are nothing alike now. Heck the woman can fly now.


I do not get that token feel about Luke Cage in The Avengers and trust me I have a vested interest in looking for it. I liked Power man and Iron Fist but I feel that Luke Cage is getting a fair treatment here and have not cared for Iron Fist that much after he was revealed not to have died.


I thought the Ronin thing was crap but overall I have enjoyed the book.

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