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Dust Raven

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Yeesh, I wonder if I still have copies of a couple of the old Truly Tasteless Jokes books. Well, here's a couple of them I recall, only because they made my 3rd generation Russian Jewish friend laugh 'til he cried.


How many Jewish mothers does it take to change a light bulb?



None, dear. I'll just sit here in the dark.



What's the difference between a vulture and a Jewish mother?



The vulture waits 'til after you're dead to eat your heart out.


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Here's one that Rand from Ookla the Mok told me a few months back:


A priest, a rabbi, an atheist, and a humpback whale go into a bar.

The priest says:


"I believe that Jesus turned water into wine, so I'll have a glass of wine."


The rabbi says:


"I believe that the Messiah has not yet come, so I'll have a scotch."


The atheist says:


"I don't believe in any god, so I'll have a whiskey."


The humpback whale says:






A reverend, a rabbi, and an Imam walk into a bar. The bartender looks up at them and says, "What is this? Some kind of joke?"

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Four ministers take a canoe trip in the wilderness. One night around the campfire they decide to confess their sins to each other.


The first minister says, "My sin is avarice. I love money. In fact, I have never put more than a quarter into the collection plate."


The second minister says, "My sin is gluttony. Sometimes I will drive to a town where no one knows me and order a bucket of fried chicken and three large fries and sit in my car and eat the whole thing."


The third minister says, "My sin is lust. I keep a pile of men's magazines in a secret place in the basement and pore over them every chance I get."


The fourth minister says, "My sin is gossip. I can hardly wait to get home from this trip!"

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Here's one that Rand from Ookla the Mok told me a few months back:


A priest, a rabbi, an atheist, and a humpback whale go into a bar.

The priest says:


"I believe that Jesus turned water into wine, so I'll have a glass of wine."


The rabbi says:


"I believe that the Messiah has not yet come, so I'll have a scotch."


The atheist says:


"I don't believe in any god, so I'll have a whiskey."


The humpback whale says:





This one was so bad that I needed to share on another board. Another poster decided to share with his family. Now there's an entire family I've never met who hates me.


Edit: I changed whiskey to vodka, since scotch and whiskey are pretty much identical (the difference). Yet another poster added a new punch line:


The bartender says: "One glass of wine, one scotch, one vodka, and one blue whale."

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