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new to the hero system, so howdy!!!!


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greetings heroes!

well this is my very first thread ever. I am new to the system and want to get to know the community. I bought the hero book(s) about a year and a half ago(life just happens ya know). but i have finally opened them up and wow, what a great system.

I have been gaming for about 18 years now and have been a die hard palladium megaverse fan (i also dabbled in whfrp, dnd, cyberpunk, world fo darkness, marvel superheroes, and rolemaster) but i honestly think hero is the best system i have had the pleasure of reading(not the easiest, just the best).

In those 18 years I have created many campaign worlds (my friends say im obsessive i say gifted), but i always felt that i could get more out of my creations. now with the hero books in hand i think im going to revisit those worlds of mine...

this is just what i needed to continue my favorite hobbie, thank you hero games!

So,be warned I will be sharing my mad creations in the genre sections soon...



fantasy. cyberpunk(ish). superhero(ish). sci-fi. these are the weapons in our arsenal.....game on!

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Re: new to the hero system, so howdy!!!!




Expect a LOT of feedback on your creations, as many people here have created a lot of stuff... you'd do well to look up some of the sites by posters here, who will be right along to introduce themselves I'm sure....

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Re: new to the hero system, so howdy!!!!


Welcome aboard, monster! It's always nice to have enthusiastic new blood injected into our community. :) You're welcome to start discussions, post writeups, or ask questions on any HERO topic - or just about any other, for that matter.


radioKAOS is quite correct about the creativity of this online community. Many of these folks have their own quality websites, or have contributed diverse free goodies to the company website here. I recommend checking out the blue banner at the top of this page, and clicking on "Free Stuff" and "Hero Links." There is much goodness to explore there. :thumbup:


May I also humbly suggest clicking on the link in my signature, below? Particularly since every game that you mention having played has been given the HERO conversion treatment by fans to varying degrees, you might be interested to see how familiar things look with that new cast.


I hope you enjoy your visits.

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Prescription Hero


Oh great! Just what we need…another noob adding to the player base. There goes the neighborhood. sarcasm>


Welcome aboard, Monster. Please fasten your safety belt, smoke only in the designated areas, do not play Hero while operating heavy equipment, tell your doctor immediately if you are pregnant or may become pregnant. Side effects may included elitism, lengthy rants over rules, conversions of other role playing settings and write-ups of mundane items.


Hero. Big. Black. Better.

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Re: Prescription Hero


Nah... the real question is, "How do you build a forklift in HERO?" ;)



Is there one in The Ultimate Vehicle...? :think:


Didn't see one in TUV and there's none listed in the Ultimate Index.

(For monster: http://www.herogames.com/FreeStuff/hero5docs.htm )


None listed in 5ER, Sidekick, or Pulp Hero.


Psst... Do we bug DOJ to make The Ultimate Forklift? Or do we just request it in Horror Hero? (An appropriate genre, I think :D )


Carnivorous "All thmbs typing toay" Tofu

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Re: new to the hero system, so howdy!!!!


Sheesh! 18 posts and you guys haven't warned him to stay off the Non Gaming Discussion Board? You all are slipping!


Welcome to the boards. And capitalize!


(As to how to build a forklift:Size cat: 2, +10 Str, + 2" Knockback resistance, 10 Dex, +2 Body, Spd 2, Def 4; does not protect driver, Extra limbs; Optional: add flashing lights and backup siren (images: sight and hearing))

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Re: Prescription Hero


Psst... Do we bug DOJ to make The Ultimate Forklift? Or do we just request it in Horror Hero? (An appropriate genre' date=' I think :D )[/quote']Nah, it's an easy enough build. A small vehicle with not much Ground Movement, defense that doesn't protect the driver (or only protects them on an Activation Roll), Extra Limbs, extra STR only with the Extra Limbs, and the Hoist Skill from The Ultimate Brick. :D
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Re: new to the hero system, so howdy!!!!


Holy crap!

21 posts in the last 24 hrs., you guys are insane! This is awesome, I've never seen a gaming community this excited about their game.:eek:

So, having read thru the sidekick book (wich my future players are calling diet hero) i'm ready to tackle 5ER. lots of reading.

I've even gone so far as to put my other game books up for sale(future hero funds), no going back now....

it's funny, my players almost crapped them selves when I put the stack of hero books on the table (imagine all the cups jumping on the table from impact),some 1200 pages. they are happy to see me excited about a system finally. this might be my last post on this thread as i'm itching to start one on the fantasy boards. so check that out if yer interested.

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