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What Have You Watched Recently?


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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Death Proof, which seemed a lot less "grindhouse" than Planet Terror. Initially, it was using a lot of the same techniques and seemed pretty similar, but then, it was like Tarantino just said, "screw it; I'm making my usual movie."


Bizarrely, it passed the Bechdel test.


I didn't like the first set of "girls," and, except for the blonde, was sort of relieved when they met their fate. I liked the second set, until they disturbed the heck outta me. :nonp:


Josh and I then watched Live Free or Die Hard, which was, well, a Die Hard flick. Cute way of updating the concept, though.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Death Proof' date=' which seemed a lot less "grindhouse" than [i']Planet Terror[/i]. Initially, it was using a lot of the same techniques and seemed pretty similar, but then, it was like Tarantino just said, "screw it; I'm making my usual movie."


Bizarrely, it passed the Bechdel test.


I didn't like the first set of "girls," and, except for the blonde, was sort of relieved when they met their fate. I liked the second set, until they disturbed the heck outta me. :nonp:


Groovy. What's the Bechdel test? EDIT: Wikied it. Yes, it does pass.


I thought Death Proof, especially the extended version, was much less entertaining than Planet Terror. That said, it had about 40 minutes of really good movie, surrounded by a really dull movie full of characters I didn't care about (and I'm a fan of most of Tarentino's work).

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Groovy. What's the Bechdel test? EDIT: Wikied it. Yes, it does pass.


I thought Death Proof, especially the extended version, was much less entertaining than Planet Terror. That said, it had about 40 minutes of really good movie, surrounded by a really dull movie full of characters I didn't care about (and I'm a fan of most of Tarentino's work).


Errr, what is the Bechdel test? I didn't see anything in Wikipedia.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Errr' date=' what is the Bechdel test? I didn't see anything in Wikipedia.[/quote']


It's under the listing for a cartoonist named Bechdel. Before she'll see a movie, it must have at least two female characters who talk with each other on a subject other than men.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


It's under the listing for a cartoonist named Bechdel. Before she'll see a movie' date=' it must have at least two female characters who talk with each other on a subject other than men.[/quote']

Yep. As the first set discuss the procurement of marijuana and their dysfunctional friendship, and the second set relates a story that illustrates the stuntwoman's catlike abilities, it passes twice.


I have no idea if these were "extended" scenes or what, but the version I saw passed the test.


I've heard it called something else, but I can never remember that name.


Nonetheless, I'd hardly call it a feminist anthem flick. Like I said, that second set disturbed me.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Yep. As the first set discuss the procurement of marijuana and their dysfunctional friendship, and the second set relates a story that illustrates the stuntwoman's catlike abilities, it passes twice.


I have no idea if these were "extended" scenes or what, but the version I saw passed the test.


I've heard it called something else, but I can never remember that name.


Nonetheless, I'd hardly call it a feminist anthem flick. Like I said, that second set disturbed me.


I pretty much liked all of Planet Terror, which was over-the-top goofy fun. Death Proof was almost boring with the endless talking between unlikable female protagonists. Only Kurt Russel kept it from becoming unwatchable.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Planet Terror was a lot more fun (and was much more faithful to its inspirational material, IMO), and it was way more over-the-top. Death Proof seemed to me like another Tarantino flick, with even more of that oh-so-snappy dialogue (that actually made itself a cliché with this movie, I felt). Of the two, I got a lot more enjoyment out of the former. Death Proof just left me slightly sickened.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Yep. As the first set discuss the procurement of marijuana and their dysfunctional friendship, and the second set relates a story that illustrates the stuntwoman's catlike abilities, it passes twice.


I have no idea if these were "extended" scenes or what, but the version I saw passed the test.


I've heard it called something else, but I can never remember that name.


Nonetheless, I'd hardly call it a feminist anthem flick. Like I said, that second set disturbed me.


Those conversations were in the original cut. I liked the catlike abilities conversation.


The extended version included the full lapdance scene, a foot fetish scene, and various other stuff that should have stayed on the cutting room floor.


All of that said, it was an empowerment-exploitation film, appropriate for the grindhouse theme, but not everyone's cup of tea.


I liked the second set of characters more than the first, but that's not saying much.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Yeah, same here.


Hmm. The lapdance scene I saw (on the DVD release) wasn't particularly risqué, nor was the "foot" scene (though that cemented what the guy liked about the obnoxious deejay). I guess neither really added anything to the film, either. Still, in such a short film, it seems kinda weird to have cut those scenes.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Yeah, same here.


Hmm. The lapdance scene I saw (on the DVD release) wasn't particularly risqué, nor was the "foot" scene (though that cemented what the guy liked about the obnoxious deejay). I guess neither really added anything to the film, either. Still, in such a short film, it seems kinda weird to have cut those scenes.


In the film release, the lapdance scene was "lost" as a joke, matching the "lost" sex scene in Planet Terror. In real grindhouse films, sexy scenes often went missing; rumor had it that the projectionists cut them out for private viewing, or that it helped to appease local censers. Also, grindhouse films often featured sexy scenes in the trailers that weren't in the actual movie. Putting back in the lapdance scene spoiled the joke.


The foot fetish scene just felt like a waste of time.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I saw Slither last night. Featuring Nathan Filliion (Captain Malcom Reynolds) and Elizabeth Banks (Hot blonde whose films escape me), it came out around the time i was at Comic-Con a few years ago when i got to see their panel to promote it; Nathan had been very funny. But I never got around to seeing the film until now.


PREMISE: Worms from outerspace take over the minds and bodies of locals. Sound too familiar? Well, just know that it's played for comedy. The very disgusting special effects are top notch. The absurdity level is off of the chart. And I enjoyed it. Not for everyone! If you enjoy campy sci-fi then this is your thing.


My favorite quotes:

Mayor: Lyme disease! You touch some deer feces, and then you... eat a sandwich without washin' your hands. You got your lyme disease!

Sherriff: And that makes you look like a squid?


Kid: What's a "'gina"?

Sherriff: (Thinking of how to explain vagina to a kid)... It's a country. You know, where "Ginese" people come from. Learn to eavesdrop better.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Watched Happily N'ever After. Didn't mind the messed up fairy tales, the bumbling assistants that are suddenly in charge, or several other things. The major thing that bothered me is the premise that the main characters went through their stories over and over with someone making sure they came out right before they reset.



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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


The son and I are watching the first season of House, as we finally got our Netflix back on.


I am having a good time watching them.


I am also watching Shadow of the Thin Man right now. I DVR it some time inthe last week or so and finally getting to set down during lunch at watch it again.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Good to know that there's a NEW House tonight. And two more after that. Before a long, sad break due to the writer's strike. So enjoy them repeats!


I'm on Season 2 of the Ghost Whisperer right now. I tried to remember why I didn't check out the series when it first started, then remembered: The lameass name. Once I got beyond that, I still find the stories are all a little touchy-feely. They're about things people blew in life and now need help setting right. What I enjoy are the creepier of the special effects, the laughing man and the man with the hat (the recurring evil spirits), and Jennifer Love Hewett doing her best to show cleavage in every single episode.

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