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Favorite Champions Villain(s)


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Foxbat- Foxbat rocks, in any edition. :)


CLOWN- Really, if you use them to poke fun at society and not the PCs, they're great!


Firewing- Okay, I read too much Silver Surfer when younger... but I like the warrior of Malva.


Terror Inc- Pr Muerte was the Poor man's Doctor Destroyer, and I used his crew in more adventures than I could count.


Takofanes- He's turning into a great behind the scenes villain.


Dr. Destroyer- Give the guy his props, he started out as a doomesque standard mastermind, but in the hands of such folks as Scott Bennie and others has turned into THE Face of Evil in the Champions Universe.


The Ultimates- A tight villain group that can use tactics and teamwork to great effect.


Heck, there's too many more to list. I'm rather fond of many of them.

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In my game, I played Talisman as irrevocably evil, and said lines like, " I will eat your children" then, when she was knocked out, one of my players shot her through the hand to make sure she couldn't gesture (he wasn't taking any chances) then the speedster of the group ran with her unconscious form and slammed her at terminal velocity into a wall outside MARS. I think based on this reaction, I either over played her evil-ness, or I have psychos playing in my game....( I am leaning towards the latter) Imagine the fright when she came back!!! ( I don't have to give reasons.....:o )

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New Terror Inc

Muerte, Giganto, Shamrock & Leech

Even though he was left out of CKC Muerte has found new life in my gaming group, literally. Scorpia & Feurmacher's trechery has been repaid as DEMON/Takofanes/Mysterious Magical Bad Guys have reincarnated the former Professor and infused him with an Incan/Mayan Death God. (Think Dark Seraph with a 100 pt VPP - Death Powers - lots of BODY Drains and Transformation Attacks) Destroyer has been looking after Giganto and Shamrock since the betrayal and they both have expanded powers (Earth Control and Luck Powers from the USPD). Muerte's pet, the Leech rounds out my group's new Terror Inc. and the players love to hate these guys.



The newest incarnation is great! Cheshire Cat is a rival for my PC's teleporter (except for that stupid Vuln) and the women make great Role-Playing opportunities.

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I'll cast a vote for Terror, Inc, as well. Always a favorite of mine to use and to see in action. They've been the primary focus of my FtF games a few times in the past.


Eurostar, because they're the one's to beat.


LadyBlue, because she has one of my gamers wrapped around her little finger.


Mechassassin, because I treat him like Deathstroke (from DC Comics) and half the time my players didn't know if he was there to help or kill one of 'em.


A homemade duo by the name of "Hammer" and "Anvil", two bricks with attitude that were a lot of fun to play. They were my "Wrecking Crew" types, there to cause mayhem for no particular reason, but always good for witty banter and a mean left hook.


The home-made team of Howler, Wyvern, Anklyosaurus, Pulsar and Shamrock. Refused to have a team name so the press dubbed them the "Fearsome Five". That particular news channel was attacked the next day, and they were never given another team name again.

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Originally posted by Wolven

Corolis (the big bad ass chick from the Corolis effect. I think thats her name)


Coriolis was actually a NPC hero in that adventure. The "bad ass chick" was the Black Enchantress, half-human, half extra-dimensional goddess, and a true bad seed: born sadistic and conscienceless and with the power to bend anyone to her will.


Since we're going back beyond the current Champions Universe, I can cite a few other faves:


Lung Hung from VOICE of Doom. Oriental master villain with a fascinating background and goals subtly different from all the world-conquerors: not to rule the world, but to keep it in chaos so that his part of it remains secure.


Invictus from Enemies: Villainy Unbound. A mask of heroism, patriotism and traditional American values over a corrupt and ruthless monster. Says a lot about the power of image in our society.


The Mind Master Complex from Creatures of the Night. Great paranoia inducer. Functioned a lot like the current version of Menton, except that not only could anyone be under its control and not know it; anyone could be a super-villain under its control and not know it.


Tyrannon the Conqueror from Mystic Masters. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this uber-villain is redone for 5E. One of the most original concepts yet published in a Hero book.


The Baron from The Mutant File. Stylish depiction of the power and mindset of a true Gothic vampire of great age.


Taurus from The Zodiac Conspiracy. Demigod who raised himself up over millennia from mindless beast to world-threatening genius.


Dr. Yin Wu from Watchers of the Dragon. Another 5E update I'm looking forward to. Mastermind in the Fu Manchu mold, but instead a master of Oriental sorcery distinctly different from typical Western styles.

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-Mechanon, more crazy yet diabolical schemes than you can shake a transistor at. And lots and lots of killer robots.


-The Destruction Company from High Tech Enemies , They looked and fought like a team, and you could throw them into almost any adventure as hired muscle


-Bullet (with my GI-Joeisnpired version of the Raiders), in my game, he was the conssumate professional. Mechassasin, Laser, and the rest were just eating the scraps from his table. His team was rivaled only by....


-Viper Force 2 from Viper All the comradare of a hero team, all the greed of Viper.


-The Ultimates - 5th Edition Lots of imaginative powers, lots of Psych Lims, and the IQs to do some serious damage with their plots.


- Hell Rider from Creatures of the Night, Tragic, yet beyond redemption

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Re: Favorite Champions Villain(s)


Originally posted by Dominique

New to the site, but an old time Champions player ( I still have my well worn copy of the 1st edition). Just taking a poll to see who's your favorite Villain(s) are.


I'm rilly rilly fond of Captain Chronos.


I'm also keenly interested in figuring out how to use Sludge and Leviathan.

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Villains that I've used and enjoyed:

VIPER - always a good opportunity for my players to remember how to use their powers and skills in bashing a few green and yellow heads.


White Lightning (from one of the Dark Champions books) - made him into an annoying whelp who drifted from serving one criminal enterprise to another. I remember my dear friend George Mcleod's character Retribution cutting short Lightning's plea for mercy with a short "Shut it" followed by a punch to the head.


Bulldozer - just for the benefit of the females in my gaming group


Villains that I've liked but never had a chance to use


Dr Yin Wu


The Card Shark organisation

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Hermit

Firewing- Okay, I read too much Silver Surfer when younger... but I like the warrior of Malva.


Terror Inc- Pr Muerte was the Poor man's Doctor Destroyer, and I used his crew in more adventures than I could count.


Takofanes- He's turning into a great behind the scenes villain.


The Ultimates- A tight villain group that can use tactics and teamwork to great effect.



Would you be willing to share with us some of the plots and scenarios you've run with the villains listed above? I liked to use Firewing, Terror Inc., and the Ultimates again in my campaign, but have run dry on ideas. Also, I'd be interested to hear how you have utilized Takofanes as a behind the scenes villan.


Thanks in advance,


Acroyear II

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You might get some use out of this link to a PDF compiling plot seeds for many current Champions villains contributed by numerous board members:



The link to the original thread that's included has even more seeds on it. (Wonder if Nato will ever get the chance to add them to his PDF, hint hint?) ;)

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Originally posted by Acroyear II

Would you be willing to share with us some of the plots and scenarios you've run with the villains listed above? I liked to use Firewing, Terror Inc., and the Ultimates again in my campaign, but have run dry on ideas. Also, I'd be interested to hear how you have utilized Takofanes as a behind the scenes villan.


Thanks in advance,


Acroyear II


Well, I was going to recomend this thread for ideas, but Firewing only has one listed.. .hm I still recomend looking at it as some good ideas came up and which villain you use can often be changed:




(Hmm I see Lord Liaden beat me to it, this long post knocked my cookies out)


For Firewing, depending on 'when' you have him arriving on Earth, the fun thing to remember is he's likely no more versed than Ironclad or any other alien. One scenerio I had him in was a simple one... there was a variation of a 'King of the Cage' TV show going on. Firewing assumes that these must be Earth's battle arenas, and goes to show his dominance. Of course, he's used to his fights being no holds barred and his first 'testing' attack puts a confused wrestler in critical condition.


Firewing realizes this whole thing is a farce, and demands "A true champion, or I shall incinerate each and everyone of these frauds!"


Enter the PCs.


That one is a bit simplistic, I admit.


Terror Inc- You can go with this two ways. Officially, Muerte is dead in 5th Ed, but if you're instead assuming the group is alive and well... then what I often did was take the "Poor Man's Dr. Destroyer" thing into account. I had him attempt to emulate Doctor Destroyer, but of course, he did not succeed as often.

Take any adventure from Doc D, water it down, and it worked surprisingly well for Terror Inc.


Now, if Professor Muerte were alive I'd have him attempt to destroy Millennium City, just as Doctor Destroyer did so with Detroit. Because Muerte does not have access to his own laser satilites, he's going to have to procure some.


Now, assuming Muerte is dead... ala 5th, well, he might still come back (Lord Liaden had some great ideas on how) or he might have an offspring, a son ready to take up his father's mantle. A major priority would be to kill the two who betrayed Terror Inc...who now happen to be in Eurostar. Have Professor Muerte attempt to track Eurostar, and trick the PCs and Eurostar into an encounter. In the confusion (or better yet fight), he can abduct one or both of the Fuermacher/Scorpia set.


As for Takofanes? I really thought he was way too powerful for the PCs to fight, and he is ... but when I noticed his ability to create up to 800 pt undead... I realized I had his henchmen. I decided to give him two sorts of undead lackey, 'the Infused' and 'the Bound'. The infused are corpses filled with demonic/infernal essence to motivate them. They vary from near mindless to the inhumanely cunning. The Bound are a sorry lot.... they are still mortal souls not allowed to leave the body, forced to use their old skills, powers, and experience to serve Takofanes. They are, in short, in a walking cage of their own dead flesh.


Have some fallen NPC who was close to the PCs or admired by them become one of Takofanes' "Bound" and you have a great motivator. Recently, one PC hero, Nightbringer, found an man she had cared for greatly had been bound so...and he was a super hero in his time so no easy fight. She freed his soul, but it took his physical distruction.


She wants to grow powerful enough to take out Takofanes VERY badly... and it's going to be a long road before she does so.

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Our best and brightest .


Malichite/Teleios - the best villian any Gm could hope for and good looking too . ( Cloned one of the heroes who died heroicly in mind and body , but with new secret Physic / Psych Lims ... heh heh heh ... god that was fun )


Firewing - our group looked forward to battles with him . Both with trepidation and eagerness . Always challenging .


VIPER - the boys and girls in Green and Yellow could always be relied on to shake things up . Never the same thing twice .


VIPER Force-2 - a strong rivalry existed between our group and this team . We only learned of their team leaders True Idenity years later and it was great .


Doctor Destroyer - funniest thing you ever saw . Dr.D makes presence attack and heroes flee for their lives every damn time 8) .


Mechanon - time after time . A recuring villian with a new power or defense every time he was defeated . Anoying and fun at the same time .

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I had a plot going one time where I had Dark Seraph, Black Paladin, and the Tombstone Kid plotting to take over DEMON. sounds silly, but the PCs were not amused at all.


That said, I also like Grond and, for some reason that escapes all reason, Thok.


And of course....


the ultimate villian....


the master of mahem...


the virtuoso of "Stooge Fu"...







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  • 2 weeks later...

Everybody loves Foxbat. One of the few villains I get requests for.


I love Mechanon. I wanted to make him cooler then Ultron, and I decided that the typical robot voice bores me.


So, after watching an SNL Celebrity Jeopardy skit, I gave him the voice and mannerisms of Sean Connery.


Until you've seen a smart-mouthed Mechanon with a scottish accent crack-wise during a killing spree, you haven't lived.


Actor wise, Jeremy Irons also works as a great Fiacho.


GRAB, Bulldozer, and Oculon are also mood lighners. But I can't wait to see them meet the NEW Oculon. Heh heh he.

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