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Is it worth it to make stuff on your free time without even playing them?


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Is it worth it to make things for your campaign (for a DM, such as locations, NPCs, monsters, etc.) or a player (characters, spells, etc.) even if you never use them? I've made some things before that I had a blast making at the time even though I never got the chance to use them in a game. What do you think? Is it a time killer for having fun when you don't have a gaming group with you?

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Re: Is it worth it to make stuff on your free time without even playing them?


If you've got a back-stock of NPCs and whatnot, why not create a website where other HERO System players and GMs can come and get them?


If you've got HDC files of the characters and so forth, so much the better!

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Re: Is it worth it to make stuff on your free time without even playing them?


As long as you save it and remember that youve done it before, it never truly goes to waste as you can leverage such work later when you need something similar.


It also builds greater familiarity with the rules and comfort with using the system to express your ideas.



Its a lot like an artist sketching or a writer doing snippets or a software developer doing demo apps. Its good practice, and sets you up to do a great job when it really matters.

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Re: Is it worth it to make stuff on your free time without even playing them?


I've long maintained that HERO is really two games, chargen and running. Character creation in this system can be very involved, creative, and challenging, and to me that's fun in itself. I currently have no gaming group, but I've been tinkering with various characters, gadgets, powers, spells etc., and finding the results quite satisfying. Particularly tweaking published examples to get them "right." ;)


Some of this stuff I may use in a game, some I may never use. Since I game to have fun, if chargen is fun for me I can't call it wasted time. :)

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Re: Is it worth it to make stuff on your free time without even playing them?


Is it worth it to make things for your campaign (for a DM' date=' such as locations, NPCs, monsters, etc.) or a player (characters, spells, etc.) even if you never use them? I've made some things before that I had a blast making at the time even though I never got the chance to use them in a game. What do you think? Is it a time killer for having fun when you don't have a gaming group with you?[/quote']


I don't know. Is it? Are you having fun? Do you enjoy making up characters and locations and monsters? Then yes--it's worth it. That's what this hobby--any hobby, really--is all about.


I've made far more characters than I've ever played, or used as NPCs in my games. That can be fun for its own sake.

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Re: Is it worth it to make stuff on your free time without even playing them?


I ran out of gaming group over 10 years ago. I have run/played an occasional online game but have been mostly game-free for a decade. I still buy Champions books, make characters and continue to flesh out my game world. I may never get to play another game but I still get to enjoy a lot of it.


Yes, it is worth it.

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Re: Is it worth it to make stuff on your free time without even playing them?


Agree with Ocelot. Total waste of time. I mean, really, who needs to be more familiar with the rules? Why do an homage to Spider-Man? Just so you can learn all the rules for swinging, increased strength, energy blast and Entangle?! Who needs to know any of that? Certainly not me! Nope! I fake it all anyway. ;)


(Yes, I'm totally joking. All energy spent in the creative process is energy spent well).

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Re: Is it worth it to make stuff on your free time without even playing them?


I just wanted to say that someday, when I finally win the lottery, I intend to set up a "gaming preserve".

I will recruit some of the top Hero players from around the country that are currently gameless, and set up some sort of dummy corporation that will pay us all a hefty salary for sitting around playing Hero all day, in a location ideally suited for the purpose.


I will be sure to announce it here when I begin to take applications.



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Re: Is it worth it to make stuff on your free time without even playing them?


It has been proven keeping your mind active helps reduce the effects of Alzheimer's and senility.


So create away. Just remember to have fun. It is also a great way to find out about how to munchkin so you know what to watch for when players give you their new characters or to help a newbie make their first character.

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Re: Is it worth it to make stuff on your free time without even playing them?


Well, I recently posted my take on "The Ultimate Disadvantage." A kind of Disadvantage Suite of 110 points worth of Disadvantages that were all interrelated. As a kind of creative exercise.


Not only am I not planning to play the character, I'm not even planning to complete the character. All I wanted was to see how big a set of disadvantages I could make that could be described as a kind of unified meta-disadvantage.


I'm also creating a character called Chocolate Orc that will never see the light of play. It's a valentine's gift for a girl who loves chocolate, and likes killing orcs. I said "Then your perfect present would be a chocolate orc wouldn't it?" And took off from there.


Lucius Alexander


Feed it to the palindromedary!

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