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I have a dream. (and MAN was it wierd!)

SSgt Baloo

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I had another dream where I was falsely accused and convicted of treason and sentenced to death. The judge asked me how I wanted to die. I said, "Old age." This drew boos (and a few laughs) from the assembled crowd, and the judge told me that was unacceptable. So I said, "I'd like to be killed in the detonation of a nuclear weapon." Again, boos and laughter, but a lot of murmuring as well. After some consultation with the officials around him, the judge rejected that as well. So then I said, "I wish to be drowned in the blood of my enemies, namely everyone in this room." This time there was just shocked silence. This, too, was rejected. At length they just locked me up and told me they'd get back to me. Which was fine with me, because it gave me time to activate the hidden transmitter I'd been given. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Most of my dream last night wasn't too weird, except for the middle part. It was also the most disturbing part.


This little dog was somehow found guilty of treason. The sentencing was done by watching a segment on TV where a man was talking to a bunch of kids. The man aske the kids in his best Mr. Rogers manner "Now kids, what's the penalty for treason?"


The kids cheerfully answered in unison, "HANGING!!!"


So I was thinking "They're going to hang this little dog by the neck until it's dead? I know it's a traitor but still, it's a little dog." I had to escort the dog back to its cell, and I expressed my sympathy. The dog could talk and said it was no problem. I asked when it wanted to be executed, and he said he didn't care, but hurry. I reminded him there was a 48-hour maximum delay.


When I let the dog back in the cell (a very large room), I asked it if it was okay. It didn't respond; it just turned into a spider and crawled into a furnace.

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Two weird dreams in as many nights!


I went to a house and for some reason was still in my pajamas. George Stephanopoulos was there and told me I'd better get dressed in a hurry because the President was coming. Just then Barack and Michelle Obama came in the room. I was like,  Oh great, the First Couple is here, and I'm not yet dressed! Apparently Obama was still President in this dream. I made my excuses and got dressed. But President Obama decided it was time for his workout and had changed into a Speedo.


Then I found myself wandering around Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco without shoes and in my rattiest bathrobe. I saw someone I hated (this guy is a total POS in real life) riding a bike with one of his friends. They had long gone by the time I reached my destination, which was a building. I had to go to the fifth floor to fix some financial problem. But most of that level consisted of a narrow ledge with no floor; you could see the level below it. So I had to shimmy across the ledge clinging to the walls as best I could. Apparently part of the level opened to a few rooms. That was good because there was a woman going the opposite way from me. So I went inside a room and let her pass first. Then I resumed my journey.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last night I had a dream that I was watching a commercial on television. The commercial must have been about a company, since it didn't feature any product. The commercial featured a young woman who liked to gaze at the sun and moon. She would look at them from her back yard, where a large tree grew. In the final scene she had just gotten married. She and her husband were on a horse at a beach, riding during a solar eclipse. Sitting behind her husband, the woman looked at the sky. She saw the total solar eclipse became a partial solar eclipse, the sun forming a crescent, thus reinforcing the sun and moon motif.


This dream is a bit unusual but not too weird. However, it seemed to continue after I woke up.


Today I watched the Met production of Matthew Aucoin's opera, Eurydice. The production featured a sun in the background. The first scene featured Orpheus and Eurydice on a beach and getting engaged. The scene shifts to the wedding reception. The stage lighting turned day into night and the sun into the moon. Even when Eurydice dies, the sun is in the sky. Black with a white halo, it appeared as a total eclipse in the dark. While it wasn't intentional, the light looked like a partial eclipse from some angles. Eurydice's father appeared in the opera; he described himself to Eurydice as “her tree.”


I realize the connections are tenuous, and it is the timing that heightens them. But it just seemed to me like the dream world was reflected in the waking world. It is not the first time my dreams “came true,” but they came together in a twisted, unexpected way, as they always do.

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In my dream, I was moving around the second story of a large house (close to a mansion in size with a wraparound balcony) while fighting demons that looked like they were inspired by Spawn and/or Doom. I eventually came to a room with a human inside, but he turned out to be an evil sorcerer; he had an article of animated clothing (it looked very early 19th century...like a then-contemporary version of a surcoat but with buttons that ran down the middle) that slowly floated towards him. After a brief arcane battle, he was defeated (as in, not killed) and that same article of clothing bound itself to my body, granting me the ability to shoot short-range purple-white energy blasts from the palm of my hands.

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Have you ever closed your eyes for a few seconds, have a short dream, then wake up? It happened to me twice last night.


The first one happened when I dozed off watching a YouTube video. I suddenly saw Galadriel and Celeborn by a river bank.


They decided to have some sexy time after their bath.


The second one happened after I lay down in bed. I had this dream of a bunch of mechanical eyes. They were in a 3x5 grid. They did the eyeroll in sync.

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  • 2 months later...

I had one of those random and intricate yet cool dreams.


I was in a desert temple (somewhere in either Northern Africa or the Middle East, I suppose) that had two aqueducts/channels that directed rushing water and cutouts in the far-above ceiling that let sunlight flood inside. There was also quite a bit of greenery on the ground floor of the temple (hydrated by splashing water, I suppose?). At a later point in my dream, I was in another level of the temple and climbing - barehanded and without any tools, mind you - alongside the bottom of a pipe that ran close to the ceiling; yeah, I performed a death-defying stunt that would have made The Caped Crusader proud.

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On 2/22/2022 at 10:48 AM, Pariah said:

I had another dream where I was falsely accused and convicted of treason and sentenced to death. The judge asked me how I wanted to die. I said, "Old age." This drew boos (and a few laughs) from the assembled crowd, and the judge told me that was unacceptable. So I said, "I'd like to be killed in the detonation of a nuclear weapon." Again, boos and laughter, but a lot of murmuring as well. After some consultation with the officials around him, the judge rejected that as well. So then I said, "I wish to be drowned in the blood of my enemies, namely everyone in this room." This time there was just shocked silence. This, too, was rejected. At length they just locked me up and told me they'd get back to me. Which was fine with me, because it gave me time to activate the hidden transmitter I'd been given. 

Was immortality an option? 

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The other night I had a dream that I was supposed to go on a date. I took the bus to the lady's apartment, dressed in a suit and carrying flowers. The lady in question wasn't home and wasn't answering her phone. I knew I'd just been ditched unceremoniously.


No problem, I went to a bar to meet with some family members, all of whom died years ago. We asked different questions and marked blank sheets of paper with a marker as if the questions had been written down. I started a monologue about love in Tolkien's works but never finished. My great-uncle introduced me to a young woman he called his niece.


I rode a bus with the niece and talked for a bit. Another woman boarded. The niece left with the woman without saying goodbye to me. I tried to follow them but lost them and found myself in a comedy club. Ditched twice in the same dream!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was one of King Arthur's knights, except this was in modern times. None of the other Arthurian characters appeared in the dream; all the knights were new characters. Arthur's second-in-command was a woman who was in charge of the missions, which was mainly fighting demons. One knight was a taxi driver who lined the side of his cab with icicles to fight a demon who was vulnerable to cold attacks. We also seemed to have magic powers resembling some MMO games. I could summon a light beam from the sky to blast enemies (my minstrel in LOTRO has that power). I used it to blast some critters, including a female demon who was mocking me.


Then I had a night off, so I called a cab to take me to a mall. The driver seemed impressed that I was a knight, but he kept raising his fare (his cab didn't have a meter). I used an illusion to appear to give him more cash than I actually was. Hey, he was trying to charge me $100. No cab ride within a city costs that much! I also used my magic to give a beggar some real money. The restaurant in the mall just closed, as it was 1 am by then, but a jazz club was still open. I decided to head over there and noticed a pretty young lady walking that way. I decided to open the door for her. She told me that the mall allowing people to pass out food samples in the hall didn't make much sense to her. That's when I woke up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a dream and man was it unexpectedly cool and creative.


The basis of my dream was the episode "Memento" of Stargate SG-1, but it differed in quite a few ways. As before, the episode was primarily about team SG-1 (and the crew of the Prometheus, I suppose) stranded on an alien planet and in search of that planet's Stargate. However, unlike the actual episode, I was present as a character and Daniel was present; in fact, Daniel, Jonas and I were all separated from the others (given the fact that I was with them, I'm guessing that I too was a civilian member - from Earth - and some sort of academic...maybe an anthropologist or archaeologist). All three of us were being guarded by the military faction of that planet's population.


Here's where things diverged even further: not only was the entire story was expanded beyond the scope of a single episode, but there was now a less advanced civilization of humans living on another area of the planet. In fact, these people were discovered by us main characters. There came a point where we found out they had encountered the garbage of the Tagreans (i.e, the "advanced" humans of the episode) and were using the sturdier pieces in their daily lives. For some reason, Daniel, Jonas and I tried to initiate communication with this newly discovered group by playing an impromptu composition of music with what looked to be plastic jugs (milk jugs?). What happened next surprised me as the dream observer, because it was so unexpected: I would regularly blow three times in succession across the mouth of the jug in order to create a richly sonorous beat while the other two guys created a decent melody by both tapping on their jugs and whistling (well, either whistling or blowing into a flute, but a flute was a piece of equipment apparently beyond our means).


Later on, we were traveling to meet another tribe and...unfortunately, that was where the dream abruptly stopped as I woke up. I almost wish I hadn't...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just had this dream about taking a statewide exam. The classroom was filled with examinees. The questions in the test booklet were bizarre. On one page we had to identify a blurred image; on the next page, we had to paint a drawing with watercolors. One man in the room was only there because he was trying to find his son. The son was testing in a different room, but the man decided to stay in this room anyway. He kept asking pointless questions at times, until I reminded him that people were taking a test, and he was distracting everyone.


After the test I was walking down a neighborhood. The weather was bad. I remember wearing a trench coat over my suit, but I didn't wear a hat. I found myself wishing I'd worn my hat, but after a strong gust of wind, I decided it was good I didn't. Three men were examining storm drains. One of them would spit into the storm drain when they examined it.


The scene switched to a home in a gated community. One man who had two cats suspected that someone had been breaking into his home late at night. It turned out to be the community's security guard. He had no intentions of stealing anything. He would fish out cat toys from the storm drains and give them to the man's cats to play with.

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  • 5 weeks later...

So, last night’s bizarre dream….


I was at a scientific conference. It hadn’t rained in a very long time, and we were all trying to figure out what to do about it. There were a lot of presentations, and after the last one, the balding, middle-aged guy in charge took the podium. “Well, that’s it, then. Go home to your families and enjoy the time you have left. There’s nothing else to be done here.” Everyone in attendance solemnly nodded their heads and filtered toward the exits. 


But there was also a worldwide outbreak of disease. Anyone who contracted it would become psychotically violent, to the point that they’d end up dead either from physical exertion or from being shot in self-defense. Someone figured out that it was carried by turkeys, so the press was calling it “Mad Turkey Disease”. The turkeys had gone feral, and they were everywhere. Nobody wanted to leave home because they were afraid of the turkeys.


I was in a creepy old mansion with a couple dozen strangers trying to ride out a turkey swarm. We guarded the doors and windows to make sure that none of the turkeys got in, and none of us got out. One guy had panicked and rushed out a door before we could stop him. I tried to pull him back in, but the other people in the house threatened to lock me out if I left. So I was on the doorstep trying to reach him when one of the turkeys started telling me how they were going to wipe us all out and take over the world. He went to strike me with his beak, but I grabbed him by his skinny neck. So I was trying to strangle a hostile turkey with one hand and trying to keep the door open with the other. I don’t know what happened to the other guy at this point. I guess the turkeys got him.


And then I was at school. I was talking to the Spanish teacher, only it wasn’t the Spanish teacher I actually work with; he looked a lot like Wayne Brady. And he asked me, “Is it ready?”  “Is what ready?” I asked him, feeling very confused. “That lesson plan for the Turkey Problem. I was going to have my student teacher give that lesson today. Is it ready?” I was trying to figure out what he was talking about–and why I’d be preparing a lesson plan in Spanish for his student teacher–and he kept asking, “So is it ready?” Finally I said “No, I didn’t get it ready yet.” He said “Okay, I’ll have her do something else.”


And that's when I woke up.

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Last night's bizarre dream:


I was in a room talking to one of my sisters. I guess it was in the airport, because we were in Sweden. I left and took a long walk until I went into a building. I went up a staircase until I reached a doorway. Beyond the door was Denmark (I know the borders are quite different). I was about to walk through when I noticed I hadn't brought my passport. So I started walking back. I passed a building where some people were leaving; one of them was a woman who I had worked with previously (in the dream, that is). We exchanged pleasantries and hugged (eh stood a full head taller than me). I went inside another building and spoke to a young man before heading off. Then I realized I didn't actually know where I was going and hoped I'd find the airport soon.


Another weird dream from a few nights ago:


I was standing in a round platform with slender columns. I was unhappy because I had reached maximum level and couldn't earn any more experience points. So there wasn't much point in doing any more quests.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

My mother and sisters were sitting in the kitchen in the dark. Although we couldn't see them, we somehow knew the Olympian gods were there. I was supposed to go somewhere with Poseidon and Hermes. My family was trying to guess where the gods were standing. I told them to be careful, as the gods would blind you if they thought you could see them. Then I wondered how I was supposed to accompany Poseidon and Hermes if I couldn't see them.

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My best friend and I were in Florida for some kind of outdoor event. I don't remember what it was, just walking through a park/festival area at night with other attendees to get there. Then we had some kind of problem with our rental car and were stuck, and ended up staying at an absolutely decrepit, falling apart frat house. Whose inhabitants included Murray Bartlett as a Van Wilder-esque 50-year-old fraternity brother.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I stepped out of a building and looked at the tree on the other side of the street. Below the tree were several telephone wires. The tree had a few squirrels who were tense because the top wire had a row  of birds that looked like fat parakeets who wanted to eat them. On the next wire was a row of small hawks ready to eat the parakeets. Then there was a row of ravens ready to attack the hawks. The bottom wire had a row of eagles ready to attack the ravens. Everything was still for now, but I knew it would only take one spark for chaos to erupt.

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  • 1 month later...

I had a dream where I was heading into orbit on a reusable space transport (mini-module?) in order to perform some unspecified task during E.V.A. While this was indeed a dream and not a nightmare, it was still unsettling knowing that I was in a zero-gravity environment where one has to be careful with their movements in order to not go careening off into space.

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