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You Are President!


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You have to love write in voting! :sneaky:


In November, in the Election, after the votes are tallied, you have been elected President!


You were not running but you are still elected The President


This of course is easy to get out of if you can show you don't meet the minimum requirements. i.e at least 35 years old, A Natural born American.


What would you do if you do qualify?

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Re: You Are President!


A character doesn't even have to be elected to become president.


In our game, the president was killed in a big metahuman attack. The VP stepped up, and brought our resident social b*****d billionaire PC on to fill the VP slot. He agreed because he had dirt on her to get her to step down...:sneaky: So a (now retired) PC is set to become president without ever facing election. And since it's still late 2006 in our game, he's waiting for Feb. 2007 to make his move so he can run for two more terms.

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Re: You Are President!


Hell's Angel, Iron Maiden, Black Mask and Raven are all too young to qualify.


Le Fantom is South African. Ennnnnnnnnnnnnnnh! Disqualified.


Black Knight is a citizen and more than old enough (he's 90), but he's too busy brawling, drinking, and scoring with groupies--when he's not fighting supervillains--to be President. He declines to take the oath of office and lets the rules of succession do their thing.


Man-Ape is old enough and a citizen. He's more than happy to take the job. "Hey, Ronald Reagan was President. He was an actor. I'm an actor. How hard can it be?" He'd soon find out. Long, long days are nothing new (he carried a tv show as the only star for five years--he's used to it), but the endless boring meetings, the constant briefings, the barrage of hands to shake and babies to kiss and politicians and donors to kiss up to..."It's just like Hollywood! Now I remember why I left."


What would he accomplish? Probably not a hell of a lot. He's smart, but he's a political babe in the woods playing in the Show. At best he'll make a few relatively minor changes, but certainly nothing earth-shaking. He'd be satisfied if he doesn't turn the White House (and the nation) over to his successor in worse shape than it was when he took office.

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Re: You Are President!


The only one of my characters who'd qualify for President looks like she's ten years old (and has since the 30's). It would be a bit tricky. She's highly intelligent and strong willed, but is way too reclusive and borderline anti-social to be a good leader. (Heck, she lives alone except for golem servents.)


She'd be very suspicious of what's going on. Her primary suspect would be Dr. Wu (both hunted and contact - just because you occasionally have to mess with someone's plans, there's no need to be rude).

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Re: You Are President!


Scales is a US Citizen and over a hundred. Yep, he's qualified. Fairly smart and knows some stuff about politics. Social Liberal, Fiscal Conservative and fairly assassination proof.

Of course, with all the odd skeletons in his closet, the media would have a field day.


I think he's the only one of my chars that actually qualifies. Everyone else is either too young or not from the US. Well, two of my chars are, but they wouldn't go for it.

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Re: You Are President!


Hmm. . .


. . .you know, I don't think any of my characters actually qualify. They are either too young or not US citizens.


Closest is Hermes, whose more or less old enough, and could exploit the grandfather clause for citizenship in the Constitution ( via time travel ) to get around 'native born'. The net result could be something vaguely like 'President Superman', albeit with more a penchant for mad science accidents.

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Re: You Are President!


Volt would find a good VP and immediately resign. He would not be president unless his resigning would cause a riot. Shame, since he'd probably be a good one.


Olorin - I'd have to read the constitution to see if he is eligable. He's an American Citizen, old enough (747 years old) but a naturalized citizen. I believe you have to be born one - but George Washington was not born a Us citizen; the US did not exist at that time. If he qualified, he might accept it... and drive everyone nuts. The media would love his showmanship, but most of them would think he is too conservative. Liberals would hate most of his politics. I can think of very little they would like. Republicans would get it for not being conservative enough (at least most would.) Libertarian would get a "Don't make drugs legal until you can detect drugged driving, idiots." He might be loved by Constitionalists - but would insist on some amendments (Yup, he'd make changes within the rules.) If this failed, he just might do was has been done twice before - call a constitutional convention and start over. He is much more conservative/libertarian than anything else. Just about the whole Congress would not like him, but the people might. If he could not get anywhere, he'd quit. And he would never be president for life. (He was a king before and stepped down - long story.)


Black Tiger - Would take this as proof the the country has lost its mind. He'd walk away without a VP and let the chaos flow. He'd figure the country deserved it if they voted him in.


Futurian - Dear God, NO! NO! NO! NO! DON'T do it! He'd turn it into a joke -(at least more than it already is.) I'm not sure he'd qualify(Thank GOD!); he's from the future and the US as it is now does not exist. He's not a citizen, and if he were, he would be naturalized. "Dear American Citizens. I see you have finally reached wisdom in electing me. I proclaim national free Bheer day. No, not beer .. b.e.e.r. Bheer.. B.h.e.e.r. Oh wait! Crud! You do not have it yet. I'll have to brew my own." And then off to other things even more chaotic. After a month or so, he'd get tired of it and walk away, not caring about what that causes.

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Re: You Are President!


Black Cat would qualify. She's over 35 (just) and an American citizen.


She has a public ID, and she was sent to stronghold for murder while was possessed by her darkforce - but was later pardoned.


She would immediately step down. When she beat the Death Dragon after the tournament, she declared herself a citizen of the world. She knows that she could not represent one country of it. She's too much of an internationalist.


Terminal Velocity is 19 and British to boot. He's out.


Sift is 20. She's out.


Meeb - don't be silly.


Angelfire is a naturalized citizen, but was born in Germany. She's out.

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Re: You Are President!


Olorin - I'd have to read the constitution to see if he is eligable. He's an American Citizen, old enough (747 years old) but a naturalized citizen. I believe you have to be born one - but George Washington was not born a Us citizen; the US did not exist at that time.


The Constitution has a provision, the exact wording whereof I forget, that anyone born before the Constitution was adopted, within the area the Constitution covered when it was adopted, may be President if all other requirements are met.

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Re: You Are President!


Feline Fury just turned 19...too young.


Revenant, on the other hand, has been creeping around since the 1600's.


If Revenant found himself elected President, I think he'd feel honor bound to accept to position and do his best to make those changes he feels necessary...while evading the Secret Service at night and continuing his patrols.


Dont know how long he could keep it up tho.

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Re: You Are President!


What would you do if you do qualify?

Oh hot diggity I love this thread:



Probably doesnt qualify since his race is Atlantean and his citizenship is murky. Plus he'd step down. He prefers to do his good deeds on the street level, personally, like one-on-one. His type of wisdom would go right over the heads of the congress, the media, and the average voter.



this is his wet dream. in teh past he was shamed on national TV, & now this election makes for his
. He's a showboat and a lawyer, so he'd be ready, almost too ready.
Look up the Heinlein corollary about anyone who
to be president.
But even with that, he understands politics, the constitution and the justice system. He would try to give the country back to the citizens, as opposed to the corporations that own it now. The lobbies and the old-boy networks would try to fry him, possibly assassinate him, and it would be a lovely fight to watch. He's a hero, but dirty infighting holds no sahame for him either. Even though in a way Cosmo is exactly the wrong guy, it might be the best thing that ever happened to America.


He's heroic, charismatic, and empathetic. He's a cop and a public servant already. He'd really have to weigh being tied down to the Oval Office. He'd say yes if he felt he could get the right cabinet. He'd want his own personal smarts back up with wiser and older people
(plus a ten-year old kid to point out the obvious loop-holes)
to really do something for America.

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Re: You Are President!


The Constitution has a provision' date=' the exact wording whereof I forget, that anyone born before the Constitution was adopted, within the area the Constitution covered when it was adopted, may be President if all other requirements are met.[/quote']

This means Olorin is out - born in a different universe. Shame though. The chaos would be fun to watch.

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Re: You Are President!


Okay, who among my regulars qualifies?


Mask of Justice: By the 1950s, he'd be old enough to qualify and the increasing use of plastics would encourage him to retire, so perhaps he was elected in his civilian ID. While not by any means a friend of Communists, Mask might have difficulties with HUAC and other Red Scare tactics. On the other hand, his fanatical devotion to justice and truth will make him an example for the nation.


Calculus: "What part of 'urban legend' do people not understand?" His hyperintelligence would make Calculus a president of ideas, but his "does not suffer fools gladly" problem will cause massive problems with Congress, the military-industrial complex, and other countries. He won't be a popular president, but his programs will benefit the nation for decades.


Talion: His first action is appointing someone to find out who's been using mass mind control on the American public.

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Re: You Are President!


Riot (aka Nemesis) would accept job. Then launch a full investigation into his election. Assuming it is valid he would then Duplicate and start work. He would reveal his identity to the public after consulting with his family.


His alter ego as a Legal Secretary and for Law Student would help deal with Politics and the Bureaucrats.


He would select the smartest man on the planet to be Vice President or the second place leader from the election.


Having six working Presidents instead of one he would do his best to serve the people. Not having any special interest groups


Address the Issues important to the country.



* 1 Economic policy

o 1.1 Agriculture

+ 1.1.1 Industrial Hemp

o 1.2 Corporate governance

o 1.3 Labor rights

o 1.4 Minimum wage

o 1.5 Equal pay

o 1.6 Education

o 1.7 Energy policy

o 1.8 Health care

o 1.9 NASA

o 1.10 Network neutrality and government use of information technology

o 1.11 Taxation

o 1.12 Lobbying and campaign finance reform

o 1.13 Immigration

o 1.14 Affirmative action

o 1.15 Trade

o 1.16 Faith based programs

* 2 Foreign policy

o 2.1 Overview

o 2.2 Foreign policy advisors

o 2.3 Foreign policy issues

+ 2.3.1 Diplomacy and negotiations

+ 2.3.2 Intelligence

+ 2.3.3 Missile defense and the military

+ 2.3.4 Nuclear proliferation

+ 2.3.5 Foreign aid

o 2.4 Countries and regions

+ 2.4.1 Afghanistan

+ 2.4.2 Arab-Israeli conflicts

+ 2.4.3 Armenian genocide

+ 2.4.4 South Ossetia

+ 2.4.5 Cuba

+ 2.4.6 China

+ 2.4.7 Darfur

+ 2.4.8 Europe

+ 2.4.9 Iran

+ 2.4.10 Iraq

+ 2.4.11 Pakistan

* 3 Social policy

o 3.1 Abortion and contraception

o 3.2 Disability rights

o 3.3 Environmental policy and record

o 3.4 Native Americans

o 3.5 African Americans

o 3.6 LGBT issues

o 3.7 Gun control

o 3.8 Death penalty

o 3.9 Civil liberties

+ 3.9.1 USA PATRIOT Act

o 3.10 Religion

o 3.11 Embryonic stem cell research

o 3.12 Vaccination

o 3.13 Marijuana decriminalization and medical marijuana

o 3.14 Parental responsibility


o 5.1 Official sites

o 5.2 Topic pages and databases

+ 5.2.1 General

+ 5.2.2 Disability issues

+ 5.2.3 Environment

+ 5.2.4 Foreign affairs

+ 5.2.5 Health care

+ 5.2.6 Israel and the Middle East conflict


Ultimately he would seek an new Energy Policy. Ending the Nations reliance on Fossil Fuels and seeking a clean and reliable Energy Source.


Superheroes would be approached to be advisor's and leaders on many fronts.


I would only get one term so I would make it happen.






P.S.: Limited 3 terms (4yrs) for all Government Positions.

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Re: You Are President!


Deuce is a British citizen. Prime Minister of Great Britain, yes. President, No.


Casey originated in the US 39 years ago. Unfortunately, he/she/it does not qualify for the strict definition of "born". The US population would have to be very, very weird to write him/her.it in as President. Casey's a bit of an innocent, not being used to this whole "living" thing. He is not so naive, however, as to think that a villain could have caused all this to his/her own ends.


If such an unlikely event occurred, he/she/it would have the election investigated as to honesty and integrity.


If it still turned out to be a fair and legal election, (and it would probably go to the Supreme Court) Casey would be remarkably wise, placing humans experienced in their fields placed in all areas of the cabinet. Getting environmental laws strengthened, alternate energy sources established and a progressive energy tax passed would just be the start. (He knows the damage cars can do to the environment, and does not like harming other living things. Sitting too long in rush hour traffic opened its "eyes" to air pollution.) Casey believes driving is better when it is a pleasure, not a chore, for both car and driver.


Oh, and Casey would also get Ralph Nader banished from the United States. Despite his Green candidacy, Casey thinks Nader is an ego run amok.


Did I mention he/she/it is a Chevrolet Corvair?

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