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Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


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What situation in a game/session has caused you or your PC to utter those famous words.


Quantum - First time the team encountered the main villain team in our game. They have a ice powered member (Frostblade) with a large AE entangle. His first action got our entire team. Not pretty. Second time was another encounter with the same group. We learned from the first encounter and spread out, however the GM made some great rolls. Three phases into the first turn, one of our team was down and two more stunned.


Stone - Really has not had one. He did have a "whoops" moment when he faced off with another brick in printing room of a major newspaper. Printing presses make great clubs.


Spectre - none so far.

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


My namesake, Pariah, was a Brick with a small elemental magic VPP. In the midst of a fight against Thor (Odinson, God of Thunder, etc.), Pariah activated one of his most useful combat spells: Stature of the Mountain. It supplemented his strength and defenses, primarily with a few levels of Growth.


Thor took one look at me and roared, "GIANT!!"


Oh #@$%!

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


Hmmm... one of my first campaigns, when the party found out that the Powered Armor Guy had "Beserk in Combat on a 14 or less" and his most effective attack was "6d6 RKA explosion autofire 10 shots".


First words after the announced attack: "Aw, $4!+!"

My words, immediately after: "There goes the neighborhood."

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


my namesake, pariah, was a brick with a small elemental magic vpp. In the midst of a fight against thor (odinson, god of thunder, etc.), pariah activated one of his most useful combat spells: Stature of the mountain. It supplemented his strength and defenses, primarily with a few levels of growth.


Thor took one look at me and roared, "giant!!"


oh #@$%!



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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


Hmmm... one of my first campaigns, when the party found out that the Powered Armor Guy had "Beserk in Combat on a 14 or less" and his most effective attack was "6d6 RKA explosion autofire 10 shots".


First words after the announced attack: "Aw, $4!+!"

My words, immediately after: "There goes the neighborhood."


6d6 RKA explosion autofire 10 shots? :eek:


I imagine the city was not real happy with the group after that!

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


Old School AD&D - the party had pieced together that some big conference of assorted non-human races was getting together, suspected the worst, and managed to get into the complex, assassinating delegates left right and center, miraculously avoiding the alarm being sounded, and even avoiding the security patrols.


It turned out the conference was a vital peace conference, with the various races agreeing an alliance between every civilisation on the planet was going to be necessary to prevent the end of the world.




And yes, the world ended.


* indeed, the Lost Patrol became something of a running gag in later campaigns. We'd occasionally stumble across some very puzzled lizardmen sitting in beach chairs, sipping pina coladas, or receive misdirected postcards from same.

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


As a player:


Bolo was a 2nd-edition Champions character, with Vulnerable to Fire (2x STUN and BODY) and Vulnerable to Explosions (1 1/2x STUN and BODY), and Hunted by Firewing. The GM ran an adventure arc involving the Malvans (Firewing's race) invading Earth. And Bolo got one-shot KO'd by a Malvan trooper, basically an agent-level character with a flame grenade launcher.


As a GM:


Powerstrike was a mutant energy projector with most of his powers in an Elemental Control, including his Absorptions and Force Field (only up to the amount Absorbed). He was attacked by Genocide and one agent targeted Powerstrike with what I thought was a relatively-small Suppress vs. All powers of his SFX, followed by another agent opening fire on the hero with an autocannon -- I think 2d6 RKA Autofire(10 shots).


With the way the powers worked and the way the Suppress took something from all of them, plus the fact that it rolled fairly high, Powerstrike was rendered almost completely defenseless. And then the autocannon agent rolled a critical success (in my game, that means automatic max damage). It was like the "perfect storm" of things working against the hero. He was dead before his body hit the ground. First PC I had killed, entirely without meaning to.


- - - - - - - - -


Another GM moment was when the heroes were fighting against a home-brew pure-evil villain team (the Ravagers) which included two pyro-types. The villains took a busload of people hostage on the Brooklyn Bridge, locked them in the back of a semi-truck, and used thick steel cables to secure the truck to a tanker full of gasoline. The heroes had to be very subtle to remove the cables and sneak a PRIMUS agent into the truck cab without the Ravagers noticing. Then the heroes attacked the villains while the agent started the truck and tried to get the hostages away from the gas tanker truck before the inevitable explosion. (The heroes tried to KO the two pyros, but only got one out of commission.)


The tanker truck was set aflame, and every Segment I was rolling a chance for it to go BOOM! while the truck drove away and the heroes tried to keep the villains from stopping the truck, but IIRC they managed to KO the agent driving the truck. And one PC, a weather-controlling heroine named Tempest, decided to use her TK to pull the tanker away from the truck. Unfortunately, the only way she could do this was to pull it *toward* her. I should note that the TK was wind-based, so it was effectively fanning the flames. The tanker blew up practically in her face. Took out part of the bridge, too.



She was hovering just off the side of the bridge, so after that session I talked to her privately and worked out what happened: the others would think she died and was buried under the rubble from the bridge, and the player created a new character to run for a while. But actually, Tempest reacted at the last second and dropped below the level of the bridge, so she was spared the worst of the explosion. However, she was KO'd and had amnesia, and was found downriver by a villain who disguised her and used her to attack the heroes. The player eventually got back to playing her, after a huge battle royal. It was a lot of fun.


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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


Evil Campaign: Our Necromancer had become a Vampire and thus was immune to negative energy and such. So we are fighting a dragon and it is not going well when the Necromancer remembered he was controlling a bunch of wraiths from a previous encounter and holding them inside himself. Much like the scene in Tin Man where the evil monkeys fly out of the girl's cleavage, his next round saw some 15 or so Wraiths fly out of his body into the Dragon. Who was not immune to CHA drain. 15 x 1d4 CHA damage = dead dragon.




Anything killed by a Wraith becomes a Wraith...


WE ARE @#$%ED!!!


But then the wizard says "I teleport the body to Sembia."


Pretty much every player at this point simultaneously began playing as the citizenry of Sembia suddenly having the corpse of an Ancient Fang Dragon pop into the market square and then immediately awakening as a Wraith and... yeah "Oh $#!+!!!"

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


Playing a Gamma World Hero campaign just a few weeks ago. I'm playing a character who is outwardly a Pure Strain Human, but has a lot of powers defined as being "lucky"--3d6 Luck, damage reduction, armor, +2 to DCV, other things. In probably seven or eight gaming sessions, she'd been hit once, and had taken no damage at all. I had been joking about the whole point of my character being that she'd never take damage.


So then there's my friend Brian who, to put it charitably, could make a combat monster out of a -25 point Incompetent Normal. He has high STR and DEX, martial arts, and a great sword, and has been sweeping multiple opponents doing 3d6+1K, just utterly destroying the opponents. So, we're coming towards the end of the night and we're escaping the ambush in a bar, and I'm fighting a couple guys, per usual not getting hit at all. He comes in and does his big swing and . . . rolls an 18.


The GM, quite logically, states that his character is so into combat, he keeps swinging. And hits me. I burn my luck points hoping his re-roll will miss and . . . he doesn't. So, I brag about never getting hit, and about half an hour later, combat boy comes and take half my character's BODY away in one mis-hit.

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


AD&D. As GM. Players met Lolth, Queen of the Demonweb Pit. Yes, they survived. No, they did not beat her. Long story summarized - Went from 18th level to 6th. They loved it.


As player - caught in carpet bombing. Managed to survive. (Ran a lot)

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Guest steamteck

Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


The GM, quite logically, states that his character is so into combat, he keeps swinging. And hits me. I burn my luck points hoping his re-roll will miss and . . . he doesn't. So, I brag about never getting hit, and about half an hour later, combat boy comes and take half my character's BODY away in one mis-hit.



"I have never been hit...by an enemy"

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


Our team MidGuard was fighting a full blown dragon (flaming breath, magic, the whole nine yards), and barely managing to hold our own, but we finally started to wear him down and he decided to execute a tactical retreat and opened a portal back to his home dimension. As his body passed through the mystic gateway, my character Zl'f decided she didn't want him to escape (Darn that Overconfident Disad!) and grabbed his tail. Zl'f weighs 108 pounds. The dragon weighed about 50,000. The results were entirely predictable: She got pulled right through the portal. Oh #@$%! (in Russian, of course).


When the dragon actually noticed he had an unwanted passenger, he tossed her off with a contemptuous flick of his tail and flew on. Fortunately he wasn't at a high altitude yet, so she made a Breakfall roll from about 100 feet up and landed without injury, only to find herself standing in waist-deep snow (she's only 4' 9", so that doesn't take much) in an Alps-like mountain range (Asgard, or something closely akin to it - perhaps the realm of the Frost Giants) and a half dozen really large (and undoubtedly supernatural) wolves watching her from a nearby ridge. Oh #@$%! again.


Shortly thereafter, the rest of the team arrived to rescue her. Her best friend Silhouette hugged Zl'f, then smacked her upside the head with a loud "What were you thinking!"


Zl'f was quite restrained for the next couple of adventures. :o

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


My namesake, Pariah, was a Brick with a small elemental magic VPP. In the midst of a fight against Thor (Odinson, God of Thunder, etc.), Pariah activated one of his most useful combat spells: Stature of the Mountain. It supplemented his strength and defenses, primarily with a few levels of Growth.


Thor took one look at me and roared, "GIANT!!"


Oh #@$%!




One of my favorite moments GMing. When Pariah did the growth thing it was all I could do not to start laughing immediately.

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


Can't really think of one as a player, since I so rarely get to be one. Have a few I provoked as a GM though.


Running Serenity (based on the show Firefly, which if you haven't seen, then you should. I'll wait....... okay, I'm impatient)


Crew arrives on a planet called Deadwood and fall in with a beautiful young barmaid named Bridget. The fiery redhead has a plan to get them all off this dustball, and, well, if you've seen the show, yep, her. I was using Saffron. All the players figured it out at different points, except our mechanic, Franklin. The player, I love him like a brother, but he's a bit slow on the uptake. He had the best reaction when he realized who she was though.


"Oh F--K! NOT HER!!"

I was proud of myself for days after that.

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


My namesake, Pariah, was a Brick with a small elemental magic VPP. In the midst of a fight against Thor (Odinson, God of Thunder, etc.), Pariah activated one of his most useful combat spells: Stature of the Mountain. It supplemented his strength and defenses, primarily with a few levels of Growth.


Thor took one look at me and roared, "GIANT!!"


Oh #@$%!



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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment




One of my favorite moments GMing. When Pariah did the growth thing it was all I could do not to start laughing immediately.


Classic case of where the character and the player both failed their INT rolls. :confused:

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


Classic case of where the character and the player both failed their INT rolls. :confused:




I supppose I should share one of mine - this one where Pariah was GMing (it seems only fair to balance the scales).


We ran a plot where Black Cat was possessed by her Darkforce powers and went evil (before them being removed and me switching her to a pure Martial Artists). I came up with some of the nastiest things my mind could come up with, and Pariah let me minmax to the extreme (and I can really minmax). I beat up the rest of the team before the plot ended.


So a couple of months later, a body was found, and it looked like the body of the one person 'Cat killed when she was possessed - dessicated husk and total fear on the face. Then more such things show up, pointing a finger to 'Cat but with her powers.

Then we come face to face with a shadowy figure that calls 'Cat sister, and is made of pure Darkforce. We fight, and don't do so well.


Then I realized that Pariah was just using the last writeup I had of Black Cat before she was depowered.


Oh #@$%!


When I told Pariah that using that writeup wasn't fair, he just smiled and evil little smile. He was right. :)

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


And I would have figured for you it would be the time you killed another PC' date=' just to come back to the cabin to find the PC sitting there, wounded, ready to kill you![/quote']


Yup, thats another one. (Didn't think of that one when i was quoting you).

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


For another character, accidentally hitting the DNPC of another player in the head with his BFG. Then rolling max damage.


For my characters, I need a set up. Dr.Destroyer was captured by the Champions and stripped of his armor before trial. Then the Persiad empire invades. Destroyer offers his assistance if he's released when it's over. He also allows a cortex bomb to be implanted. My character and another character are given detonation switches to use if (when) Dr.D betrays us. He does and before he can kill the group, the group is teleported into the sewers. We figured Destroyer removed the bomb. So my character said, "Well, this won't do anything, but it will make me feel better." and pushes the button.


What we didn't know is that the cortex bomb was enchanted to teleport back into Dr.D's brain if it was removed. So he's on TV making his "Surrender to me!" speech to the world when there's this mini *boom* from his helmet and he slumps over to the side.


"Oh #@$%! I killed Dr.Destroyer!"

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


As a GM (DnD game)


The PC's encountered some followers of the main evil deity in the game. During the fight, the PC cleric blinds the villain cleric with a spell. The evil cleric casts word of recall and bails from the fight. The PC's quickly overpower the remaining evildoers and begin the looting. Without thinking, I had put a scroll of word of recall in the treasure. My reason for doing this was there was only 1 cleric in party and he never got to use any scrolls that were found. I thought I was being nice.


The same cleric PC I was trying to help looks at me and said, "Wouldn't this scroll be keyed to the temple of the cleric who wrote it? You know, the one where the blind cleric recalled too?"


The rest of the PC's quickly agreed and gathered around him.


Me -"Oh #@$%!"


The PC's surprised the blind cleric and her guards and destroyed the small temple. See what I get for trying to be nice? Bastards. Lol.

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Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment


I was running a Suicide Squad branch from my domino city campaign. Three villains are fitted with explosive collars. One of the villains was given a .38 since she didn't have any powers. They were dropped in the mission site. The villain with the pistol unlocks her collar and decides to continue with the mission. Then Chris shoots one of the mercenaries that show up to run them off and takes his assault rifle. Then he shoots a sniper with that rifle. He then uses the sniper rifle to take over a jeep with a machine gun. Then he used that to blow through the security on the enemy base.


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