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Gladiators vs Werewolves


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Re: Gladiators vs Werewolves


That reminds me of something my old coach used to say: "Welcome to Grade 9 Social Studies..."

No, wait, something else he used to say. "On any given Sunday, any team can beat any other. Unless the other team is a meter taller, outweighs them by more than a hundred kilos and is immune to ordinary weapons. Then, you should probably consider forfeiting."

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Re: Gladiators vs Werewolves


I can handle any over blown furry. Don't get me wrong I'm a big fan of the Werewolf genre, Dog Soldiers being one of the better ones done recently.......but Gladiators own Werewolves when it comes to cool factor.



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Re: Gladiators vs Werewolves


Oh, the synopsis for you.

AD 160. The Romans occupy Britain, and the great Hadrian’s Wall divides the land, built to keep back the northern warrior tribes, and something far more dangerous; a clan of savage wolf-like creatures which roam the lowlands.


Word reaches Governor Flavius that the Emperor has decreed that new, more fearsome beasts should be captured for the games. The ambitious Governor, having heard rumours of the fierce wolf-beasts beyond the great wall, senses an opportunity to win favour with the Emperor and even a place in the senate.


The heroic Centurian, Titus, is tasked with hunting and trapping the wolf-creatures. Titus and his legionaries track the beasts to their mountain lair and discover a warrior clan who transform at will into mighty, armour clad werewolves. In a fierce battle, the beasts slaughter half of the legionaries. Titus and his surviving men escape and ensnare the pursuing werewolves.


The Governor is delighted he has his prized new fighting savages, but Titus realizes that anyone bitten by a werewolf is cursed to become one of their kind. He warns the Governor that the werewolves pose a grave threat if they increase their numbers. Titus’s reward for challenging the Governor is to be stripped of his rank and thrown into the arena where the beasts’ savagery will be tested.


Excited spectators cram the amphitheatre. Titus and the land’s best gladiators are pitted against the ferocious werewolves, but the beasts are powerful and smart. For every two fighters they slay, they leave one wounded and alive. Titus’s fears are confirmed; the werewolves are building an army. The final day of the games will be a blood and thunder battle, more savage than any Roman has seen or experienced before.


Heroes name is Titus. I say the Gladiators win.



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Re: Gladiators vs Werewolves


That reminds me of something my old coach used to say: "Welcome to Grade 9 Social Studies..."

No, wait, something else he used to say. "On any given Sunday, any team can beat any other. Unless the other team is a meter taller, outweighs them by more than a hundred kilos and is immune to ordinary weapons. Then, you should probably consider forfeiting."


"Immune to ordinary weapons" varies from source to source. One of the earliest werewolf stories I remember hearing about had a Roman legionary wounding a wolf and later finding one of his comrades wounded in the same way back at camp.

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Re: Gladiators vs Werewolves


WAAAAAY back in the day I did two research papers. The first was on vampire lore and the second werewolf lore.


I first got interested because that shit is cool. I mean, cmon! But secondly was the 'every culture, regardless of isolation, has a vampire and werewolf analog.' A lot of the defenses were very regional or cultural and span quite a bit of weird. The garlic vs vamps and silver vs weres is a fairly new thing.


Of course, this is why my poor players are in for a bit of a shock when they run across some most unvampirely vampires!! BWAHAHAHAAAA!

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Re: Gladiators vs Werewolves


It's the transforming into mighty, armour clad werewolves that gets me. So apparently these wild warrior guys sprout tailored werewolf-size armor (and maybe those redundant wrist-blades from the poster?) upon changing...


The vulnerability to silver first cropped up in Universal's 1941 The Wolf Man, right?

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Re: Gladiators vs Werewolves


It's the transforming into mighty' date=' [b']armour clad[/b] werewolves that gets me. So apparently these wild warrior guys sprout tailored werewolf-size armor (and maybe those redundant wrist-blades from the poster?) upon changing...


The vulnerability to silver first cropped up in Universal's 1941 The Wolf Man, right?


Silver pokes up as a "Kill Anything Supernatural!" in a lot of Old Stories........The Werewolf is Vulnerable to Silver thing though as far as it's current incarnation, Hollywood Origins. Still it's a fun weakness, and as one of those folks that has issues with Metal against their skin, particularly Silver, one I can sympathize with in an odd way.


And they HAVE to wear armor. Otherwise, the Gladiators would mow them down in the first opening 10 seconds. Maximus tells me this is so.



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Re: Gladiators vs Werewolves


It's the transforming into mighty' date=' [b']armour clad[/b] werewolves that gets me. So apparently these wild warrior guys sprout tailored werewolf-size armor (and maybe those redundant wrist-blades from the poster?) upon changing...

I could be wrong, but I would assume they have the armor on, then they transform.

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