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Would you buy...


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I'm just throwing some ideals for books out there for Champions, and any knod yes or no would be helpful. So, would you buy...


1) The Champions Grimour: An indeph view of magic in the Champions Universe, from spell casters to 'magical girls', to profiles on achient powers like Krim.


2) The Book of Foxbat: Um...it is a book about Foxbat. Also includes Foxbat's agents, many of his crazy gadgets and inventions, details of his past crimes (if you can realy call stealing an entier truck of Hextess(traidmark) Hex Pies a crime). Heck, you might even see an official writeup of the infamous Centerpeedmobile, and even the "fake Ground" power suit.


3) The Book of Crown and Wing: This book is NOT about the Crowns of Krim. This book is about the mystical enity itself. Shure, we have writeups of Dark Serpha and his crew, but we finaly also give you a writeup of Krim. And we will tell you where he is, and how he plans to excape his prison dimention, and what he will do if he excapes.


4) The Book of Skull and Soul: Takofangs gets his own book, with writeups on his agents (both low level zombies and such, to dead superbeings reserected to serve only him), and his plans.


5) Champions of the Rising Sun: A setting book for a superpowered modern Japan.

So, what do you think?

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Re: Would you buy...


2, because it's Foxbat. Most likely 5 as well. Not a fan of Takofanes, and I tend to have book upon book of my own builds so I don't have much need for things like Grimoires and Equipment books (Besides, I end up rebuilding most of that stuff anyway since I almost never agree with the build)....


5. would definitely be interesting though if written correctly.



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Re: Would you buy...


1) No;

2) Yes;

3) No;

4) Yes;

5) Yes please!


Don't get me wrong. I'm as interested in Krim as the next guy. Even if my particular suggestion (he's the guy pretending to be "Therakiel the Halfway Angel") hasn't exactly caught fire, there's a great many plot points there. Just not a whole book's worth.

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Re: Would you buy...


1) More than sufficiently covered in The Mystic World.


2) Not a Foxbatfan personally; and as Balabanto mentions, his Foxbat for President updates those elements to a large extent.


3) I don't see a need for a whole book devoted to Krim. He's not a big player in current continuity, and even if you redefined him that way, the CU has plenty of other magic "big bads."


4) Definitely. I'm disappointed that Steve Long has said he has no plans to give Tak the "Book Of... " treatment. In particular, the Undying King must own a lot of extra-dimensional real estate to house those armies he supposedly controls, which could use description.


5) Also definitely. There's quite a bit of superhuman activity specified for CU Japan, and the culture generally is fascinating to Westerners. Assuming one could find a writer who could do it justice, I think it would sell. (But I'd prefer to see a new Kingdom Of Champions first.)

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Re: Would you buy...


1. Well assuming there are no plans for a 6e treatment for Mystic World, I wouldn't mind seeing something

2. No. Foxbat is a dork. I've never really thought much of him as is. But I'll admit he's better than CLOWN.

3. Not particularly.

4. Be interesting, I looked through Book of The Destroyer again today and forgot how thorough it is.

5. Would be nice.

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Re: Would you buy...


1. Meh. Not my cup of tea.


3. Doesn't seem like a rich enough topic to fill a whole book - I'm not terribly interested in filling out Krim that much, either.

4. Seems like a "must-be-written book", honestly. Takofanes is far, far too powerful for me to ever likely use - but the I feel the same way about Dr. Destroyer, and found the thorough coverage of him in Book of the Destroyer to be both quite an engrossing read and full of potential uses.

5. I'd buy this, but there'd be other areas I'd like to see a treatment of first (like the aforementioned Kingdom of Champions).

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Re: Would you buy...


1. Maybe, if it was Champions: The Mystic World

2. No, Foxbat for President covers just about everything.

3. No, cause in my Campaign Universe the Crowns of Krim were defeated and the Crowns themselves taken to heaven.

4. No, Takofanes sucks as a Master Villain IMOHO.

5. Yes, Champions Universe: Japan (We had Kingdom of Champions so why not Empire of Japan.)





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Re: Would you buy...


1 Probably not.

2 Oh yes. If only for the insanity.

3 Probably not

4 Yes. I like sourcebooks like this, even if I don't use the villian at all. Good idea source.

5 Oh yes. I'd even like Kingdom Of Champions redone & buy it - even though I have it.

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Re: Would you buy...


4. Seems like a "must-be-written book", honestly. Takofanes is far, far too powerful for me to ever likely use - but the I feel the same way about Dr. Destroyer, and found the thorough coverage of him in Book of the Destroyer to be both quite an engrossing read and full of potential uses.


Steve Long has said that in his opinion, there's enough material in the Fantasy Hero Grimoire, the Hero System Bestiary, and related source books, to flesh out Takofanes' followers and resources. Of course it's ultimately his decision. Then again, Steve has been persuaded to change his mind, on rare occasions. :sneaky:

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Re: Would you buy...


1. Not unless it differed significantly from Mystic World

2. Never. I'd organize book burnings just to get rid of the foul stench. Any writer should be examined for insanity. Regardless of the verdict, hanging is too good for them.

3. Meh. Yet another world beater from another dimension.

4. Meh. Better than #3 though.

5. I'd probably never use it, but it is the most interesting of the group.

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Re: Would you buy...


2. Never. I'd organize book burnings just to get rid of the foul stench. Any writer should be examined for insanity. Regardless of the verdict' date=' hanging is too good for them.[/quote']


Don't hold back, man. Tell us how you *really* feel.


As to #2, there are things I liked in Foxbat for President, and things about which I was either indifferent about or not very enamored. I also have the 4th edition book Enemies Assemble (that's the one someone mentioned previously), with similar variations on my own likes and dislikes. Detested their writeup of Harmonious Fist, but someone at Gen Con years back mentioned a great idea that made HF quite a fun character (and incidentally fit the name 200% better).


That said, I've used Foxbat in every Champions campaign, and would likely buy a sourcebook about him just for some idea-mining. But I'm still keeping my Foxbat Five, Batfox, Foxbat's Costumatron and his Photonic-Optical Waveform (POW!) generator, thank-yew-very-much.


I'd go for #5. Not much interest in any of the others, though.

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Re: Would you buy...


I'm glad for all the opinions. If I was going to try to write a book myself, then somehow get Steve to buy it, I would do #5 myself.


Unforcently, because there is no more Digital Hero, and that the Champions Universe is, I guess, off limits unless we get Atari's permition, what can someone like myself do? Hero System Martial Arts Book Two?

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Re: Would you buy...


I'm no expert, but I'd guess it all depends on how "official" you want it to be. One could write a sourcebook on, say, a country real or fictional, and perhaps pitch it to someone like Blackwyrm or elsewhere for sale. It may or may not be part of the official Champions Universe, but it could still be a great resource and sell well. (BTW, I may not be a big fan of things Japanese, but I really like the name Champions of the Rising Sun.)


Now, doing something with an established CU character or entity like Foxbat, or Krim, or Takofanes -- I'd bet that's a no-go unless you can talk Steve Long into letting you run with that. (And to tell the truth I seriously doubt he'd let someone else take the reins on something like that. But stranger things have happened.)


It's not publication-for-sale, but I would be remiss in my duties as coordinator of the Hero Games-oriented APAzine Haymaker! if I didn't say you might consider contributing toward our 'zine. It's only distributed among contributors, friends, and a relatively select number of people, and none of the contributors get paid for their work. But it's a good place to polish your writing and presentation, get some feedback, and you retain the rights to your work (at least, until such time as you sell your stuff to someone else). You can check out http://www.haymaker.org or email me at RayL@haymaker.org for more information.


Regardless, I wish you luck. I've seen some really fun stuff created by Hero's loyal fanbase, and hopefully you'll find your niche and get published too.

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Re: Would you buy...


Don't hold back' date=' man. Tell us how you *really* feel.[/quote']


Recently I went through some of my old Champions books, out of nostalgia and to reacquaint myself with some of the villains. I think it was the Champions II or III book that had an ongoing storyline about Foxbat. It reminded me just how much I hate him. Some people like their games to be silly. Not me. I'd have to seriously consider leaving a campaign that started having Foxbat and CLOWN being involved. Imagine you're expecting a game based on The Bourne Identity, and instead find out it's a Dumb and Dumber parody. That's about the way I feel about the inclusion of Foxbat. Luckily, I was first exposed to Champions through friends and liked the system before getting the early books. If I had read those early books first, I would have thought Champions was some goofball, Adam West Batman game, and never played it.


I know some people like Foxbat....but I am completely and totally unable to understand why. It just doesn't compute for me.

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Re: Would you buy...


Because sometimes you need a break from serious plot after serious plot and drama drama drama. He's great comedy relief.


Of course, a lot of this has to do with the kind of games you like. I'm only fleetingly familiar with the Bourne Identity, but I'd be unlikely to fit in well with a game like that because I am just not that serious a person. Our Champs games lean towards more Silver/Bronze age plots than Iron/Dark/Rust Age stuff. We don't like our games too dark and serious.

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Re: Would you buy...


I know some people like Foxbat....but I am completely and totally unable to understand why. It just doesn't compute for me.


That's cool. Different strokes, different folks, and all that. I actually like Foxbat, and have used CLOWN without it turning into a "Make the Player Characters Look Stupid" thing. (In fact, one heroine dated Trump Knight for a short time.) I can't follow how someone would spend their "fun time" playing out only dark, dramatic scenarios, but I know that they do. People are just wired differently.


I like my games to be a mix of serious and not-so-serious, without dipping too far into either extreme. I ran a very serious campaign once, and it got too dark for anybody's taste in our group. If you've read my posts in the Quotes from My Gaming Group thread, you'd have a good idea of the seriousness of our group. But I have run a few scenarios that got them to hunker down and get all serious and medieval on the bad guys.


FWIW, I've even used Foxbat in scenarios that took on more serious tones. For instance, he and his crew tried to kidnap an elderly woman from a nursing home (former 1950s B-movie scream queen) because he was a big fan, and then learned that she was actually in hospice care and slipped into a coma. The interaction between him and the heroes was interesting, and not on the light side.

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Re: Would you buy...


#1 and #5 are the only ones of interest to me.


The Grimoire would want to ply me with a specific magic system. Ya see, one of my few peeves with HERO is the amount of work I have to put in to make a comprehensive, coherent magic system for a fantasy game. (I'm not worried about that for a supers game.) Something based on Power Pools or Multi-Powers that is still balanced with the sword swingers and has the feel of magic rather than video-game like super powers.


Champions of the Rising Sun sounds like a great idea. Chapters on Mecha, Cat Girls and Magic Girls and Japan's meta-human history are all A+ in my book. Also a look at Japanese folklore and myth to give an appropriate feeling and flavour to any game set here. Oh and Japanese super hero fans. I just see the Japanese as taking this, oft-mentioned rarely fleshed out phenomena, to some truly weird/brilliant levels.

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