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I may not have seen the reports he is talking about, but IIRC it is an under 30kw laser.   This is simply a field test system, afaik.  It is intended to give some experience with higher energy lasers in the rather harsh environment of of the seas.   The mentions I have seen were mostly about possible use against speedboats and drones, and frankly, it would probably be very effective even at much longer ranges on exposed humans, such as QUD force troops in speedboats, Pirates on, or approaching, civilian shipping... 




AfaIk, 100 KW is, as stated in the article, the minimum power the military considers appropriate for a "real weapon."   Depending on exactly how these lasers are built, they may be able to be increased to that power level.  

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At least ten soccer officials indicted for corruption, nearly all will fight extradition


EDIT: Some terms defined: CONMEBOL = South American soccer federation; CONCACAF = soccer federation for North America (including Central America and Caribbean Basin); FIFA = world soccer federation.


N.B.: Calling FIFA crooked as a fecal coliform bacteria's flagellum is a slur on fecal coliform bacteria.


EDIT 2: Wikipedia has information at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_FIFA_corruption_case

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If they do take the World Cup from Qatar, it may take a sudden drastic intervention to keep the workers in Qatar alive and get them out of Qatar intact. As in, an intervention that makes Operation Market Garden look like a leisurely aerial promenade. Never mind getting those workers their promised wages.


 A guy can dream, can't he?

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If they do take the World Cup from Qatar, it may take a sudden drastic intervention to keep the workers in Qatar alive and get them out of Qatar intact. As in, an intervention that makes Operation Market Garden look like a leisurely aerial promenade. Never mind getting those workers their promised wages.

The chances of the latter are slim regardless. The petrogarchs are not especially known for their loving kindness, I think they probably won't get paid regardless -- at least not at the rates theyu were promised.


The 2014 World Cup was very profitable for the Brazilian government and their favored contractors, but that came almost entirely at the expense of the Brazilian people, whose taxes bore virtually the entire bill -- diverted from much-needed infrastructure repair and improvements, education, etc.


Barring the incredible, the 2018 cup will be another attempt by the Putin regime to glamorize itself and repair its image. The last time they got that kind of a PR boost, they celebrated by invading Ukraine....

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New pentagon rules permit Turbans and other religious-mandated clothing while in uniform.

Article notes that the religious items can't interfere with job specific items. If you'd ever be expected to wear a gas mask, you can't have a beard that would interfere with one. I look forward to the first case involving a religious nudist.

but the turban fits in nicely.


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New pentagon rules permit Turbans and other religious-mandated clothing while in uniform.

Article notes that the religious items can't interfere with job specific items. If you'd ever be expected to wear a gas mask, you can't have a beard that would interfere with one. I look forward to the first case involving a religious nudist.

but the turban fits in nicely.


that actually looks good. 

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