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I've been following it.  It is a unique case.  At first I was reminded of people like Rita Hayworth, who changed their race to get those choice white advantages in employment.  Except, then I remembered that those were just pragmatic choices, and that they may well have personally identified as the old race. Rachel seems to think of herself as black.


There's also my personal rule of thumb that if you say something, and people either harm or threaten you for saying it, and you keep saying it, it must be personally important for you, and probably something you genuinely believe.  From what I gather Rachel Dolezal has had the slurs and abuse common to many black people, and she sticks with it.


At the same time, she always has that option to stop being black, and that I a big difference. She still has that element of white privilege open to her. 

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As a white guy, I find her decisions baffling.  My black friends are nearly unified in their disdain, contempt, and anger.  I think that putting on blackness involves putting on all that has come before it, and white people simply cannot do that, however much they'd like to (for whatever absurd reason).  She seems genuine in her convictions, but I am reminded of those who pretend to military service or Native American ancestry.  Not yours!  The people who have it, earned it some fashion, or by virtue of having it have experiences you cannot have had, and as such you literally cannot be identified as one of them.

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I find the situation hilarious, to be honest, in a very dark way.  People have this annoying tendency to conflate heredity, nationality, culture, and religion, call it "race", and use it to discriminate against each other.  Race is meaningless.  The president of the United States is black, right?  No, he's at least as haole as he is black, genetically, yet somehow he's considered black because he got the hair and the melanin.  Where I come from that's not black, that's hapa.  There are numerous examples of black parents having children who could pass for white, and white parents having kids that could be mistaken for black.  I personally have been mistaken for six different races.  Yet you humans continue to insist on making instantaneous judgments based on appearance.


The saddest part for me is what's about to happen to this lady.  It's incomprehensible to me that a white American would choose to be black.  All that gets you is second-class citizenship and brutal police treatment.  Yet this girl was obviously fascinated by black people and black culture, went to a mostly-black college, married a black man, ran the local NAACP chapter and by all accounts did a fine job.  To use an awful term, she turned Indian.  Then she got publicly outed by her own family, earned the hatred of African-Americans nationwide, and lost her job.  So far. 


But one thing she did do was blow up this whole stupid "race" idea.  Kudos to her for that.

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I find the situation hilarious, to be honest, in a very dark way.  People have this annoying tendency to conflate heredity, nationality, culture, and religion, call it "race", and use it to discriminate against each other.  Race is meaningless.  The president of the United States is black, right?  No, he's at least as haole as he is black, genetically, yet somehow he's considered black because he got the hair and the melanin.  Where I come from that's not black, that's hapa.  There are numerous examples of black parents having children who could pass for white, and white parents having kids that could be mistaken for black.  I personally have been mistaken for six different races.  Yet you humans continue to insist on making instantaneous judgments based on appearance.


The saddest part for me is what's about to happen to this lady.  It's incomprehensible to me that a white American would choose to be black.  All that gets you is second-class citizenship and brutal police treatment.  Yet this girl was obviously fascinated by black people and black culture, went to a mostly-black college, married a black man, ran the local NAACP chapter and by all accounts did a fine job.  To use an awful term, she turned Indian.  Then she got publicly outed by her own family, earned the hatred of African-Americans nationwide, and lost her job.  So far. 


But one thing she did do was blow up this whole stupid "race" idea.  Kudos to her for that.


I am quite happy to say that my two boys, ages 5 and 7, think of skin color as no different than a person's hair color. Two of their best friends have a Philippine mother and an Irish father. They don't care. For them, racism makes as much sense as disliking someone based on their choice in hats. And I mean that literally. We watch reruns of Little House on the Prairie. In one episode, Pa and Mr. Edwards get a job transporting "blasting oil" for the railroad. They are in a team of 4. Them, plus an Irish rookie, and a veteran transporter who is black. The Irish man is bigoted until the black guy's knowledge of the oil saves his life. They get on the train to go back home, and the conductor tells the black man he is not allowed to buy a ticket and has to ride on the flatbed with the cargo. Pa and Mr. Edwards go with him. The Irishman joins them a minute later. "He don't like Irishmen either."


My 7yo (6 at the time) said, "why did he kick him out of the good car?"


I'm thinking, "How do I address this? How do I break the innocence?"


The 5yo (4 at the time) said, "It was his hat."


I looked at the four characters laughing together on the flatbed. Sure enough, the black guy had a distinctly different style of hat from the other three.

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Putin announced yesterday, that Russia will expand and modernize its nuclear arsenal. Forty new ICBMs, as a response to the US placing tanks in NATO nations on Russia's border.


I haven't been able to find any news items on this in English, though ...


Cold War Part 2? 

Damn, 70% of the time, Sequels almost always suck more than the first one.

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Putin announced yesterday, that Russia will expand and modernize its nuclear arsenal. Forty new ICBMs, as a response to the US placing tanks in NATO nations on Russia's border.


I haven't been able to find any news items on this in English, though ...


I don't think it's actually news.  Russia's been planning that deployment since at least last year. The announcement might be news.

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Oh for the love of...

look, a lot of women look great in high heels, and they know it and the part of me that has XY chemicals flowing through my blood  stream thanks them for utilizing them when they choose. But even then I know its not the sort of footwear they should probably wear hours on end.


Making them wear it at all times ? I can't see that as anything but a big '#### your health' message from their management.

I hope the petition works.

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