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Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)


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We're starting to see some comments directed at posters rather than positions.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing Simon shut this thread down, because it just gives me high blood pressure. But if we want a place to talk about politics, let's try to keep it friendly, or at least non-confrontational.

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18 minutes ago, Pariah said:

We're starting to see some comments directed at posters rather than positions.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing Simon shut this thread down, because it just gives me high blood pressure. But if we want a place to talk about politics, let's try to keep it friendly, or at least non-confrontational.


I think the thread is fine. But I think it's extremely important to separate about what we think about expressed opinions from what we say about individuals who might express those opinions. When news isn't coming at us so fast and furious I indulge in a lot of "wait, that's not entirely fair" in defense of attacks against positions which I don't favor at all...just because what was said wasn't entirely fair.



But Pariah, if you feel the need to take a break, feel free. I find it refreshing from time to time to take a break from political conversations.

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1 hour ago, Pariah said:

We're starting to see some comments directed at posters rather than positions.


Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing Simon shut this thread down, because it just gives me high blood pressure. But if we want a place to talk about politics, let's try to keep it friendly, or at least non-confrontational.


Political Discussion Rules (With Thread)

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Marco Rubio <info@updates.marcorubiofl.com>
Fri 10/30/2020 12:36 PM

If you are receiving this email we are missing your response for our 2020 Presidential Poll. 

We are conducting this poll in coordination with Senate GOP. No responses after August 31st will be accepted.


Responses will be recorded and submitted to Senate GOP. 

Your response is important to accurately record voting trends in your area. 

Please record your response before 11:59p, August 31st.
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20 minutes ago, archer said:
Marco Rubio <info@updates.marcorubiofl.com>
Fri 10/30/2020 12:36 PM

If you are receiving this email we are missing your response for our 2020 Presidential Poll. 

We are conducting this poll in coordination with Senate GOP. No responses after August 31st will be accepted.


Responses will be recorded and submitted to Senate GOP. 

Your response is important to accurately record voting trends in your area. 

Please record your response before 11:59p, August 31st.


I like how the "Donald Trump" button is larger. Very subtle.

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Police pepper sprayed children, a woman in a wheelchair, and others who were in a march to a polling location in order to promote voting. The march was also billed as a demonstration against police violence. 


The marchers started off with police escort and police participating in the match...before other policemen decided to use pepper spray to clear the road. Several marchers were arrested.


The police started using tear gas just after the marchers had paused for a moment of silence to honor George Floyd.


After the incident, the police department claimed the protesters hadn't filed the necessary paperwork to close roads for the march.




Beatrice Frum's Twitter account indicates the marchers had a permit for the march itself and the marchers were in the area designated for the march when pepper sprayed by the police. Apparently the police are claiming that you need a separate permit to close the streets for the march?


"@natfrum and @beatrice_frum observed local police deliberately targeting children for tear-gassing, including one as young as maybe five. They also observed police snipers aiming at the wholly peaceful crowd. All on video."


Some of the marchers are reporting that the police waited until the march reached the polling place before trying to disperse the crowd and their efforts had the effect of scaring off bystanders who were already in line to vote.



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An article from a local paper about the incident: https://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/article246861942.html


The police used pepper spray to move people from the street to the courthouse where speeches were being made. But before the speeches concluded, Alamance County sheriff’s deputies began dismantling the sound system and telling the crowd to disperse. And the police using tear gas once again to remove people from the courthouse property.


George Floyd’s niece was slated to speak at the event, but the speeches were disrupted before she got a chance at the microphone.


"Also arrested were Caldwell’s campaign manager, and Alamance News reporter Tomas Murawski. Tom Boney Jr., the publisher of the newspaper, said Murawksi was taking photos on the street when he was arrested.


“When I spoke to him on the street, while he was in police custody, he said they ordered them to move out of the road way,” Boney said in an interview with the N&O. “He was doing so, while still taking photos, but apparently not fast enough for (the police).”


"Murawski was charged with resisting, delaying or obstructing a public officer, Boney said, adding that the reporter was being accused of pulling away from an officer. The reporter, however, was adamant he was not resisting the officer, Boney said. A video of the incident shows no sign that the reporter was resisting."


And compare that account to this statement from the police department:



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36 minutes ago, wcw43921 said:

I thought I had posted this story earlier and written something about it but I can't seem to find it now.  Anyway...


Dr. Eric Cervini (tweets)
I flew down to Texas to help with the Biden/Harris bus tour, intended to drum up enthusiasm at polling locations. Instead, I ended up spending the afternoon calling 911. 1/

See all these pickup trucks with Trump flags? They were sitting along I-35, waiting to ambush the Biden/Harris campaign bus as it traveled from San Antonio to Austin. 2/

These Trump supporters, many of whom were armed, surrounded the bus on the interstate and attempted to drive it off the road. They outnumbered police 50-1, and they ended up hitting a staffer’s car. 3/

The police refused to help. When I flagged down one officer, he said his hands were tied: “not my jurisdiction.” He was wearing a blue stripe bandana. 4/

Understandably, though nobody was hurt, the rest of the tour was cancelled. And as a historian who studied the rise of the Third Reich, I can tell you: this is how a democracy dies. 5/

While Germany still had elections and Hitler was merely a disgraced politician, his militia of Brownshirts interrupted his opponents’ political meetings and incited violence on the streets. You know what happened next. 6/

We don’t know what Trump’s supporters (or Russia) have planned for Tuesday. We don’t know what kind of intimidation and suppression will inevitably occur. 7/

But we can be prepared. In the next four days, we can create such a landslide that their efforts are futile, sending a message that Nazi tactics have no place in America. 8/

Consider traveling to a swing state near you to canvass in person: joebiden.com/where-to-canva… 9/

And if you can’t, please commit to one shift of phone banking per day. Since we can’t celebrate Halloween, you could do it with your roommates or loved ones. joebiden.com/take-action/ 10/

We have four days, and I sure as hell don’t want to wake up on Wednesday wishing I had done more to save our democracy. Please join me. 11/11


The incident continued for 40 minutes. Here's the video he took as the Trumpkins let his car by while waiting to block the Biden campaign bus.


The one after that is a video showing one of the Biden staffer cars trying to keep Trumpkins from getting too close to the bus and the Trumpkin truck deliberately sideswiping him.



One of the nice things about freeways is that they have license plate readers. It should be trivial to find out who owns each of those vehicles then get a warrant to look at that person's phone and/or computer to find out his co-conspirators.


If anyone on the federal or state level cares to try to enforce laws against them...


Trump today at one of his rallies praised the Texans involved in the incident and asked his audience if they'd seen the video.


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One interesting thing on that story is that you can see the Biden staffer car is driving directly behind the Biden bus, in the same lane, in an attempt to keep enemy vehicles at bay. You can see as the Trumpkin truck which had been trailing behind the staffer car moves out onto the right shoulder of the road and starts speeding up to draw even with the staffer car.  


The camera pans away for a moment then as it comes back, you can see the Trumpkin truck coming off the shoulder of the road to sideswipe the staffer car. The staffer car moves left trying to avoid a second collision. 


Trump supporters are out on social media trying to argue that the staffer car "clearly" initiated the collision.


Here's a picture of the staffer car.



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12 hours ago, Grailknight said:


I apologize if it seemed I was attacking you rather than your seemingly expressed opinion. It's a fine line and I hope I didn't cross it.


If you consistently denigrate one candidate, even if you are silent on the other, then you have a favorite. If you don't vote for Biden you are passively aiding Trump. You may hate both, but one has been a disaster and the other is unproven.


And yet there are 3 to 21 Presidential candidates, depending on State. But it's either Trump or Biden.

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4 hours ago, wcw43921 said:

@archer--If I had found your post I would not have posted my own link.  I wasn't trying to step on your toes or anything like that.




No worries. I honestly didn't find my previous post when I looked for it.


Sometimes like yesterday when I'm posting on multiple websites, I lose track of what story I posted where.


Apparently I also lose track of whether I checked the previous page or not. 🙈

2 hours ago, Pariah said:

Kanye West was listed on my ballot as a Presidential candidate.


The few, the proud....

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Trump Camp Uses Online Gimmick to Fuel Donations into December


"Predicting “FRAUD like you’ve never seen,” the language on Mr. Trump’s website opts contributors into making the weekly post-election donations “to ensure we have the resources to protect the results and keep fighting even after Election Day.”


"Users must proactively click to avoid making multiple contributions."



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The Texas Supreme Court drew alarmed attention Friday after directing Harris County to respond to a petition that seeks to invalidate more than 117,000 votes cast in drive-thru lanes...raising fears that the Supreme Court was giving consideration to tossing out tens of thousands of ballots.


The petition — filed by state Rep. Steve Toth, R-The Woodlands, GOP activist Steven Hotze and two Republican candidates in Harris County — argued that drive-thru voting is an illegal expansion of curbside voting, which state law reserves for voters who have an illness or disability that could put them at risk if forced to enter a polling place.



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