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Jessica Jones on Netflix


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I don't think she forgot rPD, I just think she doesn't have a ton of it. I think she more likely has some Resistant Damage Reduction, Damage Negation or a combination of the two with a few points of rPD. And probably some resistant mental defense, now.


Luke Cage on the other hand probably has a lot of rPD plus Resistant Damage Reduction.


- E

Edited by eepjr24
Added mental defense note
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It seems to me that she just has a little bit of Regen and a very high EGO (high pain threshold, strong will, etc.). Her PD/ED may be a bit higher than a normal human, but I don't think any of it is resistant. Then again, the Regen may just be a Plot Device Power (i.e., she gets to be as "healed up" as the plot needs her to be at any given point in the storyline).

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28 minutes ago, zslane said:

It seems to me that she just has a little bit of Regen and a very high EGO (high pain threshold, strong will, etc.). Her PD/ED may be a bit higher than a normal human, but I don't think any of it is resistant. Then again, the Regen may just be a Plot Device Power (i.e., she gets to be as "healed up" as the plot needs her to be at any given point in the storyline).

Have you seen both seasons plus Defenders? I think if she did not have any resistant defenses she would have been dead a couple times. Not going into detail, spoilers.


- E

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Yes, I’ve seen all the seasons of all the MCU Netflix shows. She bleeds just like Daredevil. Her skin does not come across as particularly Damage Resistant. But she clearly heals faster and doesn’t seem to feel the pain as much, though maybe that’s just one of the benefits of all her drinking.

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<shrug> We can agree to disagree. I think with the things that happen to her Jessica has some kind of resistant defense, even if it is just rDR. Probably a good bit of PD / ED (she takes several taser shots to drop), high Con and Stun and some kind of regen (she says that she heals faster than others a couple times during the shows). Fairly high STR, but not as high as in the comics. Her "flight" her is more of a superleap unless they develop it more (it was on again off again in the comics as well). 



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While Jessica & Luke are clearly more Dark Champions than Champions, Jessica is more Street level and Luke is more Heroic level.  Neither are Supers level.  That's for "That green guy and his team."


On a side note, this shows why ALL my PCs have at least a little EGO/Mental Defense.  And Power Defense.  And Flash Defense.  

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16 hours ago, bubba smith said:

what's that ?3red ed was before my time


Seeker was a member of The Champions back in 3rd Ed.  In fact, he was featured prominently right on the cover of the 3rd Ed rule book.




He was in the place currently held, on again/off again, by Nighthawk.  He was an Australian martial artist who went around in Gi pants, no shirt, throwing stars, and a pair of sais (which the source books all called "tri-irons" for some inexplicable & infuriating reason).  And, famously, he had NO rPD/rED.  Meaning that while he was a full fledged member of a super hero team, a single gang banger with a broken beer bottle stood a decent chance of landing him in the hospital.  


Thereafter he was the poster child reminding players everywhere that all PCs should have at least a little rPD & rED.

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Yeah, I think he meant 4th ed.


I’ve played martial artists with no resistant defenses, but not in gritty, street level campaigns where, presumably, KAs are commonplace. So I think the campaign setting (and style) can and should have an influence on whether or not everyone puts in “little bits of rPD/rED” even when it isn’t in concept to do so.


If Jessica Jones were a PC in a Dark Champions campaign, I think her player would be well advised to give her some bit of resistant defenses of some kind just because its a game and there’s no writer giving you plot immunity. But on the show, Jessica routinely does foolhardy things knowing full well she could be physically harmed, even killed, but she doesn’t care, and she gets away with it only because the writers let her (not because her powers will protect her, aside from her Slow Regen).

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In game terms, I'd say Jessica's Mental Defense was bought using accumulated XP with the in-story explanation being the psychological shock of killing someone while under the influence of Mind Control. However, we don't really know if her MD is universal or only protects her against Kilgrave in particular.

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Jessica's defense against Kilgrave works more like developing the defense against an all or nothing NND than Mental Defense. His powers just do not work on her any longer.  Ironically, this fuels his obsession with her, since she is the only person he can have real conversation or interaction with and get genuine responses. 

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14 hours ago, Amorkca said:

I think at some point in time Kilgrave said I'll not use my powers on you anymore and he made her immune to them without her needing mental defense.

That didn't happen in the shows. It could have happened off air, I guess, but the fact that he kept trying to boost his power to get control over her again belies it.


There are two popular theories on the boards I have seen. The first is that her regeneration / improved healing eventually defeated the virus and started producing anti-bodies (in the show his power is a viral based one). The other is that she snapped after the "bus scene" as it broke one of her major Psych Complications and allowed her another check, whereupon she spent accumulated XP on mental defense, either generally or with a "Only versus viral mind control" limitation.


- E

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I don't think her Regen would have been fast-acting enough to eliminate his influence, something he had to "refresh" every 24 hours. And since she was in his presence nearly 24/7 during her "thrall" phase with him, I don't think her healing ability would ever have been able to overcome the constant infusion of his virus/pheromones. Killing Reva caused a psychological break that instantly made her immune (she was able to walk away from him that very moment). I don't know if there's a clean Hero System game mechanics explanation for that, but the meta-explanation is that she spent XP on the necessary power(s) (and for the tv show, the writers simply made it so).

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57 minutes ago, zslane said:

And since she was in his presence nearly 24/7 during her "thrall" phase with him, I don't think her healing ability would ever have been able to overcome the constant infusion of his virus/pheromones.

Consider alcoholics and their high tolerance to alcohol. It's the constant exposure that builds it.

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I guess for me that's one issue I have with reinterpreting Kilgrave's power as a virus. It implies that it operates according to conventional viral/immunological mechanics, treating his power like a pathogen that the body could suppress or eliminate all on its own. Additionally, being a virus disqualifies it as an addiction vector, making it nothing at all like alcohol, or anything else that the body would build a tolerance against.

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