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Everything posted by Maccabe

  1. Can anyone suggest a good source book for finding NPC Superhero "good guys"? Power level really isn't an issue just the fact that the heroes are from the HERO universe.
  2. What do you give that can't be given? Answer - A correct answer to this riddle
  3. You failed to mention which edition you wanted to use, however in CHAMPIONS COMPLETE they have INVISIBILITY with a limitation;ONLY WHEN NOT ATTACKING (-1/2 Lim) maybe a version of that would help?? Or maybe even MIND CONTROL; " Do not attack me"
  4. Actually I would like to see this idea fleshed out, it could be interesting. As a note I once created a Fantasy setting where half the world was covered in snow & ice, and it was spreading.
  5. Look up Cellular Smoke Signals, the ultimate disadvantage list. They rate it as; Can Only Recover From BODY Damage In A Suitably Equipped Repair Shop Frequently, Greatly 15pts. http://www.cellularsmoke.net/rpgs/ml_physical.php
  6. The way I originally made up a TARDIS was that I used the rules for BASES from Champions 2 and had the exit door linked to the Police box by means of teleportation. Extradimensionally.
  7. How about CHANGE ENVIRONMENT with a reduction in Forensics roll as the mechanic?
  8. That depends on the special effects of the Killing Attack in question. I created an NPC villian that uses an attack such that it looks like the person died of an aneurysm.
  9. Maccabe


    Re: Sliders A Sliders game could be very interesting, and the characters represented quite diverse. I'm including a link that might make things easier on the GM. http://brideofbigfoot.wordpress.com/2012/05/04/random-alternate-world-generator/
  10. Re: Outside the Box powers Here's how it goes; Suppose you are in a 10x10 room with someone, a guard say. Now with a normal FLASH you would make it so the guard couldn't see ANYTHING. Now restrict that blindness to just the sight of the character. She is standing in front of you and you can't see her for a number of segments equal to the FLASH. You can still see the room, walls , floor etc but not her, all is normal. By the time the Flash wears off she is long gone and you don't recall seeing her there at all.
  11. Re: How to Build: Read Ancient Ruins / Writings Actually reading ruins would involve Cartography.
  12. Re: 5e Rules question Forcewall and damage shield Energy Blast, Special Effect- Hit with Force Wall+Damage Shield
  13. Re: Outside the Box powers She walks up to a guard, uses BLACK-OUT, he forgets he saw her, she then walks past him. By the time the Flash wears off she is long gone and the guard doesn't remember ever seeing her.
  14. Re: Outside the Box powers I had a character called BLACK-OUT, she made you forget you saw her; "Black-out"- Flash, Area Effect, only vs sentient.
  15. Re: Psiclone Mental Copy: Telepathy(read only),(memories only),(Must Mimic Physically to obtain & maintain),(targets psyche can overwhelm) Acting (personality) (Based on Telepathy)
  16. Re: Stage Magic as Powers I built a character who was a stage magician, I wrote it up as; IMAGES:Sight and Normal Hearing, Area Effect, +/- 3 PER rolls, Alterable Size, Extra Time [1 Minute, Only to activate] You might also consider: Super- Skill: Ultimate Illusionist; Mental Illusions, Area Effect, Only to simulate Stage Magic Tricks, Must have reasonable explanation as to how the trick works, Extra Time, RSR: Master Illusionist, Does not work on those who practice/study stage magic, Does not provide Mental Awareness.
  17. Re: Jokes Whats the difference between a vulture and a lawyer? A lawyer can remove his wing-tips
  18. Re: Daredevil In GURPS 3rd it's 15 points. The write-up says basically that; It is a version of LUCK, fortune seems to smile on you when you take risks. Any time you take an unnecessary risk [GM's option] you get a +1 to all skill rolls etc..... IMHO most PC's wouldn't mind doing "risky" things and this is just showing off : +10 PRE
  19. Re: Draining creativity and emotional vitality? Watch wrestling on WWE????
  20. Re: Public vs. Secret Identity Over the course of time it's changed. In the first incarnation of Champions Public Id was 10 pts and Secret Id was 15 pts. It seemed like you could "go Public" by reducing it by 5 pts. By the time FRED arrived they were equal in points and the idea of Famous came along. Now with 6th you could have either but it would never come into play, take no complication thus it was almost a matter of trivia. Each of us may prefer one or the other but in the end how it's handled is up to the Game Master.
  21. Re: World with superheroes - Only one power set? Actually the old VISIONAIRES comic book contained heroes & villians who all had the same power-Shapeshift. In the television series is was more of a Multiform thing though. In either case it was just that there was a variety of "animals" that each group contained. So all the characters would have the same "power" but differences in specifics.
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