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Everything posted by LoresLost

  1. Re: Sword of St Michael - A Character Review Thanks for your reply. This character is just an exerise in character building. I do think a speed is slow but my goal was to graft powers on above average normal and see how he came out. Several older threads I was reading also fed into his design. One mentioned Catholic Church based supers and another talked about supers on a police force. So I ran with the Catholic Police hero and then pondered how a hero like this would see himself. So I came up with the name Sword of St Michael, I also thought of calling him the Hand of St Michael but that did not sound quite right. I also was influnced by several threads that complained 'bout DEX infation so I kept it in the very high 'normal' range. I tried to compensate for his lack of speed by giving him an overall level in range attacks and resistance defences. I could remove an ultra slot and some resistant defenses and up his speed but I like for the most part how he turned out. Now I have give you his meta-background, any other input.
  2. Here is a character for the Herophiles to critique. He needs a fleshed out back ground as well. VAL STAT COST ROLL 10 STR 0 11 HTH DAMAGE 2D6 LIFT 100KG END 1 18 DEX 24 13 OCV 6 DCV 6 20 CON 20 13 20 BODY 20 13 10 INT 0 11 Peception Roll 11 20 EGO 20 13 Base ECV 6 14 PRE 4 12 Base Present Attack 3D6 12 COM 1 11 20 PD 18 Resistant PD 20 Total 20 20 ED 16 Resistant ED 20 Total 20 3 SPD 2 10 REC 4 50 END 5 35 STUN 0 6 RUN 0 2 SWIM 0 2 LEAP 0 TOTAL 134 POWERS 60 MULTIPOWER - STRIKE OF HEAVEN 6u 8D6 EB +1/2 Reduced Endurance 0END 6u 12D6 EB "Power Shot" 6END 6u 6D6 EB +1 AOE Cone "Wide Shot" 6END 6u 4D6 RKA "PAIN OF JUDGEMENT" 6END 4u 2D6 RKA +1/2 Armor Percing 4END 40 16" Flight +1/4 Half End 2END 25 Damage Resistant (20PD 20ED) 0END +1/4 Hardened 13 Life Support Extended Breathing 0END (20 Min) Safe Low Pressure/Vac, High Pressure, High Rad, Extreme Heat, Exterme Cold. 10 Mental Defense 0END 13 Not Easily Impressed (+20 PRE) 0END Defense Only -1/2 TOTAL 189 SKILLS 2 PS: Police Officer 2 KS: Police Officer 3 Bureaucratics ROLL 11- 2 WF Small Arms Group 2 TF Common Ground Vehicles 3 Combat Driving 11- 2 AK: Campain City 11- 3 Streetwise 11- 5 CSL +1 Ranged TOTAL 24 PERKS 2 Local Police Power 1 Weapons Permit TOTAL 3 DISADVANTAGES 20 DNPC: Wife and Children 11- 15 Hunted: Camapian Villian Group(MoPow Kill) 8- 10 Hunted: Police Dept (MoPow NCI Limited Watch) 11- 20 Psyc Lim: Honorable (Total, Common) 20 Psyc Lim: Protect Inocents (Total, Common) 20 Psyc Lim: Devout (Common, Total) 15 Distenctive Feature Glowing Eyes (Concealable, Major Reaction) 15 Hunted: Drug Gang (As Pow, Kill) 11- 15 Soc Lim: Subject to Orders (Freq, Major) 11- Total 150 Here is his basic background: He is a Catholic Policeman in Campain city and is wounded during a battle with a super-villian group. He has a vision of St Michael the Archangel and patron of police and gains super power's that he uses against the villians and for the good of the community and law and order. Thoughts, background Ideas and feedback are all welcomed.
  3. Re: Multi-form suggestions? Ruby comes to mind as missing, and when I think ruby I think the early LASERs, so Ruby could be a EB weilding type. Silver could also be done as a attack reflector (mirrored surfaces are silvered). Who needs science, use free form assocation gets more interresting results. Alchemical properties can be fun too.
  4. Re: Sleepy Time! There may be no rules, but in RL sleep depravation affects jugdement in a simular fashion to alchol in the 30 + hour range, delusions in the 60 + hour range. Research by the US Military states that cat naps of an hour or so every eight and 'go drugs' will strech that out for a longer period but will require a hard crash (12 - 48 hours of sleep) to recover from this. My model would be for a normal person is -1 on ego, int, dex and skill rolls for every 2 -3 hours beyond 32 hours awake and a ego drain after 60+ every hour and a roll to see if the shadows are comin' to get 'em. For some one who needs twice the sleep I would half all times. (This would be interesting)
  5. Re: Immunity: Magnetism I would look at the SFX first. Is the armor not effected by magnetics due to the armor being made out of beryllium or some other antimagnitic material or is do to the fact the armor uses technological means to dampen the magnetic effects. Why worry about SFX at this point? Because it would determine weather it is a force field or just damage resistance. I would go with a techological dampening,either a written as a force converter (absorbition that feeds the force field, or other defencses ) or standard force field that is a magnitic stabizing field (just a strong magnetic field that is set to repel the attack (N to N pole repel ie)). Another odd thought is an absorbtion that triggers a heal (body), increased recovery, PD and ED. That is my two hundredes of dollar. Just another .02 cents
  6. Re: Infinite Crisis I leafed through IC #1 and VU #6. Right now the DCU has at least 3 good guys wareing a big red S and able to leap a tall building in a single bound. It also has at least two Lex Luthors, One of which is using the villians to some end and the other deciding on killing all the other villians (including the other Lex Luther) (This is goin'a be a one heck of a turf war) So he can take over the Universe (delusions of grandure?) This is going to be fun I think. Who is gonna win Lex, Lex or Superman^2 (^3, ^4?) Oh boy!
  7. Re: Metamorphosis Okay, I Read through this again I stand by what I had said earlier on how I would modify the power with a few exceptions. The sidebar pg 212 of the 5ER states the game differences between multiform and shape shift. In that statement of difference it states: On page 216 of the 5ER is the description of shape shift, in that description is the word “perceive†which is the word that gives the present definition all the issues and baggage. I will layout my present understanding of the power and the issues I have with the power. Let me state that I understand intent of the power is that you have the apparent shape of an object, not the necessary ability to function as the object. For the ability to become a truly functional object you need to use multiform. I agree with the desired goal of shape shift, but I have implementation issues. The power is listed as a “Standard Power/Body Affecting Powerâ€. I am okay with that and I see why. But the description of Shape Shift by sense group makes thing very muddled. This is an obvious attempt to align shape shift with enhanced senses and images. This in and of itself makes sense but I find the specific reasoning flawed within some groups. Shape Shift sight group, by itself, allows for an impenetrable image/disguise which is now an absolute, which is not with in the meta-game normal scheme. Also shape shift sight by itself acts as images with out perception rolls. This is not correct and can allow munchkin abilities (20 points for perfect disguise and improved hiding.) The touch group’s second bullet point in the 5ER allows for “the classic meaning of shape shiftâ€. If this is so then how come it is not the primary cost (touch is not a targeting sense in most cases means it cost). Rubber boy has more ability for 15 – 25 points of shape shift touch then 25 points of stretching and more utility of master of disguise with 30 points of sight based shape shift. (Not that this is a bad thing). Also forms created by touch Shape Shift could have utility with out other powers. 25 points touch shape shift should allow Rubber Boy to form himself into a large flat surface when falling and slow his fall or even glide. This common sense issue has problems by the rules, which could be fixed in the rules by a small VPP with a power skill roll built in (leap, glide, running and swimming multi-power might work as well). This VPP would give you the ability to glide, bounce, improved swimming but not fly or breath water (for forms that follow function logic). Then you have the complex reality issue, sense affecting powers such as images don’t have this issue, Shape shift, as a body affecting power, does have this from a logical point of view. If touch shape shift allows you to change form physically (which it does by the rules) and your physical form determines how you are perceived by sight, active and passive sonar (which it does in real life) then shape shift touch acts in part as shape shift sight and hearing LOGICALLY and scientifically but not by the rules as they are written. This is a disconnect from real life as well as ease of use and utility. A Quick summary of what I think are the issues with Shape Shift to close. Shape shift was altered in the Fifth edition to fixed an overlap with multiform. The problem is now it in part overlaps with images (a true sense effecting power). I feel that the cost structure is out of whack for the utility (as so many other have said already). That all said there is a place for shape shift power with it’s under lying goal of form altering power that does not alter Characteristics or abilities. I just have some implementation issues with the current Shape shift.
  8. Re: Metamorphosis I have been trying to do a metamorph that is basicly a Mystique clone (with some noddes to DC's Elasticgirl). Looking at it, I wanted a character that can be come anyone. I started to work on this under Shape Shift(limited forms, human only, imitation, celluar and make-over adders) because I wanted to keep the skills and basic charicrisics of the character. As I looked over Shape Shift in 5er and read the FAQ on Shape shift, it seems to me that a Plastic Man and Mr. Fantastic would have Shape Shift Touch (which has been pointed out is a misnoer). Reasoning: Touch allows you to change form by 5er and the FAQ, This means that you actually change shape. This effects how you are precervide visually eg:you are now a human flesh colored Python with a tuft of hair(if you have it) on its head. The FAQ states that touch alone is all you would need to fit in a place that as that snake of that size can go(slip out of that cell and sither through storm drain). If I were GMing I would consider all Shape Shifts to require touch. Touch would be the primary cost, not sight(sight and hearing by itself would not be allowed, that is images or invisiblity and should be bought as such). This means that 'sight' would only allow you to change color to match your new form and hearing, mental and special (radio/other) should be the same. So here is my break down: Base ShapeShift ('TOUCH') = 10pts color adder ('sight') = 3pts sound(speech/vocal) = 3pts smell/taste = 3pts mental = 3pts speical = 6pts make-over = 3pts mimicry = 5pts (?) * should this be done as a skill(?) celluar = 5pts My 2 cents on this question.
  9. Re: Advice requested: Daughter of Thor And I thought this would be about writing up either Lora or Thrud, the daughters of Thor and Sif. Boy am I disappointed:p
  10. Re: WWYCD: Omelas That which is being argued here is a difference in worldviews, or philosophies. Arguments in metaphysics are beyond logic since they cannot be defined in logical terms, because metaphysics cannot be logically proven. To be specific the metaphysical arguments can be validated but cannot be verified logically. I see a transcendent view point and a relativistic view point being argued here and truth be told neither side is seeing that it is a fundamental worldview being argued. I find it utterly fascinating; it reflects the basic disagreements in most western societies today. Just the view from a dedicated lurker I really think too much.
  11. Re: Teen Titans ROCK!!! The robot is Robot Man of the Doom Patrol (Cliff Steel, a brain in a pan with legs and arms). Who the guy in the purple pjs is, I just don't know. I don't do cable but I would take a guess he is another Doom Patrol member.
  12. Re: THE ULTIMATE METAMORPH -- What Do *You* Want To See? Things that would be nice in Ultimate Metamorph that – Most already have been Mentioned but I will but my 2 cents in anyway. Many to one transform such as the Forever People becoming the Infinity Man Examples of when to use multiform or shapeshift for a character design. How to design metamorpic demi-bricks like Metamorpho (DC) and the Sand Man (Marvel) (I want sledge hammer hands.) How to create a character that can Mimic any form and texture but does not change color (ie Plastic Man, Mr Fantastic and the Metal Men) (I am a fully functional red and flesh tone chair...) Don’t know if this would fit but, a Nemesis Kid like character design example who powers adapt to there enemy’s strengths and weaknesses. Hands to more appropriate tools (ie a finger becomes screwdriver and a hand becomes forceps) Variations on Shrinking such as controlling your weight separate from size, or decreasing stats linked with shrinking. Design examples where Powers linked to a size change increase in ablilty the more size levels you change (shrinking where a linked superleap or clinging increase the smaller you get or in growth where a linked additional strength or defenses increase the bigger you get (in addition to growths strength and defenses additions) ) This is all I can think of. Thank you for allowing input to your creative process.
  13. Re: Is Power Girl/Kara Starr the DCUs Gladiator?
  14. Re: Is Power Girl/Kara Starr the DCUs Gladiator? There is something big coming up with Superman's timeline. The reason I say this is about a four months ago in the LSV story in Superman and Batman I beleive the Earth-1 pre-crisis Superman is the one talking with Mentron trying to get the time line fixed...NOT a future verison the current Superman. Reasoning for this is that when the time line repaired itself he did not fade but became a mustaced farmer whos wife Lois called to him "Get in her Man of Tomorrow" He answered back "No one has called me that for years Lois". This character was the man who Earth-1 Superman became after he used Gold K on himself for "killing" Mxyptlk He married His Lois and setted on a farm in Nebraska (This is the Last story before the Superman reboot Curt Swan's Swan song). The missing Wonder Woman in the JSA story line got me thinking that their needs to be a missing Superman story line as well. I think Infinate Crisis is that Story. Edited out Major Grammer errors, Leaving only minor ones I hope.
  15. Re: Phases based on EGO not SPD? Here is a thought I thorw out to verify my ignorance of all things HERO, since int is suppose to be the speed of thought (not raw abilty to figure something out but how fast you can figure something out) would you not base a mentalist "mind speed" off the INT chararistic? A mentalist with a INT of 10 thinks only slighty faster then the average person, a mentalist with a INT of 20 thinks about 4 times faster(if each 5 points are a doubling of ablity). Would that not mean a mentalist with a higher INT should not have more mental "actions" then the lower scored mentalist?? Edit --- Offically all actions are based off the SPD of a character and I reallize it but if you want to use a different stat to base mental attack speed off of I would think INT would be it. You would divide INT by 5 and get mentalist speed.
  16. Re: Ideas for a Black Canary Homage Black Light - UV Vision and a EB attack (One Mean Sunburn).
  17. Re: Daxamites Didn't one story have Daxam be a long lost colony of Krypton at one point? (I do know one story had Humanoids arrive from two seperate worlds and they happen to crash on Krypton and the survivers founded the Kryptonians. I beleive it Krypton miniseries pre-Crisis)
  18. LoresLost


    Re: Superman Are we talk an actual Superman comic charicater (There are two that come to mind, Faora Hu-Ul, mass murder of men on Krypton (comic book) and Ursa (Superman II movie). Or someone else?
  19. Re: I have an idea rattling around in my noggin.
  20. Re: Theme Super Hero Teams Darn it, this is a good concept, but it also reminds me of some old comic book I saw where Superman's powers got spread out over several individuals and he had to coach them in their use to save the day until they could reverse it... At the time, it struck me as cool to see Supes depowered, but still a fairly good leader. Wish I could remember where I saw that exactly. I think it was a Superman Annual from the late 90's and If I remember correctly Superman was appearently dead, It was an AI that had his memories coaching a hero group. The invunrable man had to be carefully lead around or he would carelessly destroy things (he could not feel a thing) simular situation with the others. Their powers were their strength and their weakness. Or so goes the memory of some one who calls himself LoresLost.
  21. Re: Building the Fox Sisters (Help requested) Dan Simon disabled HTML for the boards do to a security consern. Which means most of the templates for Hero Designer don't show up as intended on the boards. A way you can read the file is to copy and paste the HTML to notepad, or other text editor and name it AChar.htm and open it using your Internet Browser of choice. (Read Dan's comment at the top o' the form here for more information. I wonder if he can selectivly
  22. Re: Home-town HERO - wide-spread plot seeds "Marine Man the master of Lake Minnetonkia" just doesn't strike fear into me. (I Know Lake Minnetonkia is in the suburbs, but is sound better then the master of Lake Harriet) Don't forget the old anti missile missile base that was in Minneapolis before the ABM treaty That left a fair number of siloed bunkers around or the old Millitary arsenal (what do you mean we forgot about that?) or Federal Cartrage(Viper needs some convential reloads for operations out of country) (as well as General Dynamics software and aviation electrionic plant here).
  23. Re: Still walkin' the beat, 25,000 years later... Looking at this neat concept, I have several questions of a design type. Why did you not sell back running, swiming and leap? A rock can not swim and it has no legs and it floats anyway. Also Why did you not give it physical and energy damage resistance (a rock is hard and it does not dent easily)? Another thought is you could make it an automation (No stun) Also an additional random thought is to give it Universal translator talent It always knows the right language to speak in. Very nice encounter creature, Just curious about design thoughts. Edit I am a sleep, Damage resistance and Automation are there. I was actually thinking of Damage Reduction (25%) any way, on top of everything else. (I tend to like tough order keepers) or more rED and rPD to represent there Magical nature (or may be even regeneration with reserrection as long as the ruin is not destroyed)
  24. Re: New-model Dalek I Like this image of a Dalek myself. Hope I got it linked correctly(If not follow this link) EDIT: Created Smaller Image (800x600 now 400x300)
  25. Re: New-model Dalek The BBC episode guide for Dr Who: Dalek is here. Daleks are a race of once humanoid beings that where involved in a mutigenic war (Nukes and Biologics were used). To "Save the race" the most brillent of their scientists (Davros) sped up the mutations leding to a creation of a form that was nothing more then a Brain with enough simple organs to surrvive in a vessle (a brain in a jar) that jar just happens to be a personal battle tank. There goal of surrvial at all cost mutated in to conquest of all know space (Mainly becuase of Davros' hidden agenda.) Last I knew Davros surrvied being buried alive and was saved by his creation millinia after they were created. Davros turned him self into the Empirer Dalek (spelling). But that is more then you need to know just follow the link. T
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