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Everything posted by LoresLost

  1. Re: Spaceship Size... While Looking at aircraft is interesting for a 'realistic' space ship, I would say look at actual cargo ships. A Handymax bulk carrier is about 180m long, 32m wide and 16m hight (middrift (11m draft)) (info found at http://users.hunterlink.net.au/~mbbinp/Facilities/TDShips.html) add 30m, 10m, 10m superstructure and you have the size for a 'realistic' freigher. (total area of 190m x 32m approx.) average crew of 10 - 15. You could go Star Trek and have large fully automated bulk carriers, but where is the fun in that....
  2. Re: Was watching Superman TAS and wondered about Mxyzptlk Keith Curtis went to Zrfff and all got was this lousy post....
  3. Re: Synergistic Meld When I read this I thought of this thread for last year Advice needed: Multi->One Character. Most of the talk was a duplication to the lesser forms from the graeter. With a whole race of beings it could be intresting (But that is now what Triplicate Girl of LSH is now, she is the last surviver of a disaeter, an re-populated her world with duplicates of herself, she is now has only 'two' duplactes left. what happens if she recombinds all of her duplicates)
  4. Re: Was watching Superman TAS and wondered about Mxyzptlk I remember that story, Supes Figures out that it was Myx and not a trip to another universe because Clara and Superwoman were not the same person. Superwoman's arch-enemy was Superman. (Wasn't there an Alexis Luthor in that story too.)
  5. Re: Sick of Wolverine I Think this is the story arc in Woverine's own mag where Hydra trips a doomsday program in Woverine's well brainwashed mind (orginally put there by Project X / Shield) and turn him into there agent. The next arc is where Shield grabs Woverine and reworks the brainwashing and turns him loose on hydra, Kill lots of other people over there. The current arc is where all the brainwasing is now gone and he remembers his whole life and no one can figure out what he is doing...
  6. Re: Lex Luthor's armor I think he is the post crisis Luthor, But the armor may be pre crisis (seems he had found the armor and the armor told him it's abilities, but he may had Lexcorp scientist built it but where did they find red and blue K, let alone black K. Red K had appeared only 2 times in the post crisis era, once when Myx created and gave to Luthor (Byrne story of the Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite), which disapeared with the Imp. And the other time it was created artifially by Ra's Al Ghul to fight the JLA and the process was apparantly destroyed with Ra's plan. And black and blue K have never been seen before (post crisis), but Alex seems to have a bigger chunk of Black Kryptonite then Lex (Bizarro retreived it from the surface of the sun for Alex, for some dasterly purpose) Hey does this mean that crystal, white, and X Kryptonite are coming back too?
  7. Re: post-apocalyptic genre book Actually I was responding to this post of your's sir: In short no, but also no one who created such a world history would call it post-apocalyptic. What would you call a world if the heros were in a near utopia that , if you did not like, you could leave, but was the result of the BIG WAR THAT NEARLY ENDED ALL. (besides not being very intresting)... I think Space Opera is about it. Now a world where all the mean people killed each other off and most of the nice people too. Leaving nice people to restart the world and get it right does not sound too interesting to game in. (unless it is played for laughs, that might be intresting). Now the Strotium Dogs of the cursed earth in 2000AD would be considered Post-Apocolyptic and deadly too. EDIT: After rereading this. I realize it may come accross a sarcastic. I did not mean to be sarcastic at all. My apoligizes if I hurt any feelings.
  8. Re: post-apocalyptic genre book You could even define the StarTrek universe as a 'Post-Apocalyptic' universe if you use the term broadly enough. Stephen Cockren built the Warp drive prototype in a missle silo in a survialist camp if I recall correctly after the Eugenic Wars that kill may people and left some parts of the world in the stoneage. In the StarTrek time line it was only the intervention of the Vulcans that earth was able to focus on rebuilding (Making the Vulcans puppet masters of sorts...) In fact most far future SciFi could be called 'Post Apocalyptic' because war damage is what drives the race off the planet in the first place...
  9. Re: Too balanced I have actually heard a story where a guy was uninjured after being run over by a tank (he was in a rice paddy and sank in to the mud apparently, How he didn't drown I don't know.)
  10. Re: Captain Atom? I used a VPP because in his own series he had monstorous ability to do some nasty things. His attacks are expressed as EB but when he sat down and thought it out he can do some nasty stuff. The example in his present limited series of him tapping every computer on Earth, at once, through a payphone is a use of a VPP. As Megaplayboy also mentions they where going a Dr. Manhatten direction with him as his own series ended. And they use him when they want Dues Ex Machina and don't want the Spectre envolved Edit: corrected spelling errors I noticed. Man I need a proof reader for my posts.
  11. Re: Captain Atom? Energy Manipulation, No mater the type. He is a Quatum manipultor to be exact. In otherwords he got one BIG cosmic VPP. He is limited by his imagination on his power use, and since he is a comicbook Military type he usually expresses himself through the use force bolts. Also In the Wildstorm story the good Captain taps every connected database on earth, through a payphone.
  12. Re: CHAR: The Flash Barry Allen in the silver age ran on watervapor (clouds) as a prank on his friend Ralph Dinby (Elongated Man) I can walk on air...
  13. Re: Spell Law? The spell I remember form Spell Law was Body Inversion -- it turned the target inside out. Not a pleasent thing...
  14. Re: All-New Iron Age Zoo Crew? Q: Will Captain Carrot get his own OYL book? DD: He doesn’t make it out of Crisis, sorry. from this site and interview with Dan DiDio of DC Also love this Quote: Q: Is Infinite Crisis going to make Batman a non-jerk come OYL? DD: Depends on what you consider a jerk.
  15. Re: Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved Uh, most acorns are already eatable (after a little prep work). Native Americans have been using acorn meal for ages and I found all kinds of recipes for acorn meal breads and pancakes. Here is a web site I found on preping acorns for food http://www.backwoodshome.com/articles2/clay79.html NOTE: This includes leaching out tannin from the Acorn. So you can not pick acorns and eat them with out preping them. That is why they use the ground nut and not the whole nut. Also a quote from the article: So no magic, just grow real world Emory Oaks.
  16. Re: Real-Life Hyperspace Theory? According to what I read at the New Scientist. This was an early attempt to unify Relitivity and Quantum Mechanics. The only reason it is being looked at is the fact it accuratly perdected the mass of several large particles. The issue is that only a few individuals understand the thesis well enough to even come up with a means to test it. Make of that what you will... Edit: removed previous edit
  17. Re: Real-Life Hyperspace Theory? I think that sums it up
  18. Re: Real-Life Hyperspace Theory? Only problem is most nucluar subs get replacement Oxygen from the sea water as well as use desalition for drinking water. You would have to find water storage (only so much can be fit in the ballast) and oxygen. could be a logistics headache to retrofit a sub. Now having General Dynamics make the ship from modified sub plans on the other hand...
  19. Re: Space combat: how big is an inch, how long is a turn?
  20. Re: Daily Art Findings Actually the way I saw it was the standard of the enemy he was carrying as a battle trophy.
  21. Re: Space combat: how big is an inch, how long is a turn?
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