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Everything posted by LoresLost

  1. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist I noticed that Connor is on every list but his Old man Ollie Queen is missing and If I remember correctly he studied with the same monks that Connor did in one of search for self quests... Reasons why????
  2. Re: DC Universe Overview Sorry I made an assumption, saw BOOM and made a mental leap to either a Mother Box or Darkseid's Father Box, Which I would doubt work for Supes... And yes the big D should have wipe the turf with Supes... And then some*. (That Arc was not well written, but hey if I wanted great writing I would be reading War and Peace, or even The Lord of the Rings) *Which is what happened every other time they fought post-crisis. Supes gets pounded in to the ground and then thrown into a fire pit for his trouble.
  3. Re: DC Universe Overview Superman has imprisoned Darksied in the source wall for trying to kill Supergirl. Darkseid was doing it to cause torment to Superman, just 'cause that is the kind of being Darkseid is. Superman tricked Darkseid into beleiving that he succeded and then use a mother box to first teleport them both into the sun and then to teleport them to the source wall where the first Gods where imprisioned for there arogance. Happened in Superman and Batman 12 I beleive. A Mother Box is a living computer built by the New Gods, and can do miraclus things do to it's connection to the source.
  4. Re: SciFi Colonists You know this reminds me of a rant I did once on StarTrek...
  5. Re: Space combat: how big is an inch, how long is a turn? I have been thinking about the nature of space combat. The biggist limitation is would be the sensors used to detect the other ship. If you are limited by light speed (real physics) you have a time lag in your information. the "best range" would be where the information lag is less then "human" reaction time but greater then any danger zone of your weapons. that being said if your oppent is truly human then the sweat range is more then likely slightly under 50 mSecs. Light travels a kilometer in 3.336 microseconds (approx) with a round trip of 6.672 microseconds (active sensors) giving you an approx sweet range of 7494 km for sweat range (short ain't it). The max practical range is where lag becomes unbearable and that is really dependant on other technologies (drives, inertial dampers, missle warhead and missle tracking systems/AI) edit: A Test __ μ
  6. Re: CHAR: Green Lantern Hal should be the one done. Kyle is reportedly getting a slightly different power set at the end of latest debacal at DC anyway (The Return of Ion). And I believe yellow is still an issue for the rings (Paralax has been reimprisioned in the central battery)
  7. Re: Costume fixation (Get your mind out of the gutter) The Alex Ross' Captain Marval (Shazam) is great. Also I always liked Doctor Fate as well
  8. Re: Map Software Thanks Guys, now I am wondering how a mobius strip would work for a world surface.
  9. Re: And For My Next Trick... What comes to mind is the trick the Metamorphosis, The ablity to become some one else while they are contained or switch forms with them (Maybe with who ever is in the cloak). Also precog with any deck of cards (I know which card you have...)
  10. Re: Champions "What Ifs" More then likely it would be secreted away by the US Goverment to work in a Navada Weapons Lab, along with most of the other German Scientist. Then you would have "Destroyer, director of Primus"
  11. or How to build TerrorSmith. Without resorting to handwavium how would you build a character that can change normal humans in to loyal Monstrosities for a short time. Goal is instant change, I want to do this in combat to get addtional forces and for the 'fright factor' from not harming innocents (this is a villianous ablity I think). I see two ways of doing it: Use a transform (assume normal effect) costing 90 points physical and 90 points mental (Not counting discount for quicker then normal healing) in other words a 6D6 Major Physical and Mental Transform for a 180 points total (if all or nothing and quicker then normal heal back (rec every 6 hours) is used that gives -1.25 for physcial and +.25 -1.25 approx 90 point cost total (More if I add points for the approx 15 points of body added for increasing stats assuming 25 point normal + 100 points in disads for the new form and a 200 point new form) That would mean 11D6 Physical and Mental transform for a grand total of 165 points with all disads in. or Use a summons for (Monstrosity Cost / 5) + 30 (minimium) doubling) OAF person of oppertunity; Slavishly loyal. (assume becomes 200 point beastie for 40 points ) 40 + 30 = 70 Active points before OAF and Slavishly Loyal -1 and +1 blancing out an 70 points Is there anyway other way to do this I missed, and which way would you do this and why? And Yes I know what the metarule would say, but what does Herodom in general say?
  12. Re: Magnetism: Abuse And Super Metals If I remember correctly Iron, Cobalt and Nickel are the ferrous Metals as this chart statesl It gives ratings to at diamagnitic and paramagnitic inorganics as well. It might be intresting to use these charts for magnitic effect ratings.
  13. Re: DC-3 Excellent article - Must read The DC-3 was also called C-47 by the US Air Force and the fully weaponized verison was the AC-47 "Spooky" also called "Puff the Magic Dragon", 'cause when it went "PUFF" all your problems went away... Information on "Puff" http://www.wpafb.af.mil/museum/research/attack/a6/a6-23.htm Photos of Puff on the ground and at work
  14. Re: Space combat: how big is an inch, how long is a turn? I looked at that and had to make a comment about this... assuming no miracle engineering such as inertialess drives, you can determine current direction, acceleration and speed with in milliseconds (real life device example - air combat radar) and your sphere quickly becomes a cone, and depending on your speed and acceleration that cone becomes very tight vector. Targeting is then just a matter of trianglation on the most likey point of contact. You would need to figure out in your Universe how in general FTL and normal space drives work if you want space combat. Inertia-less drives or more realistic fair for normal space.
  15. Re: Who would you recreate? I remember DC comics actually did a "Tangent" line of comics. Take the name of an existing DC character and rework them totally as if a new concept. Superman was a human Mentallist that represented the next step in human evolution, the Flash was a living hologram and the Green Lantern was a human mystic/storyteller from the orient. They also did Plastic Man, WonderWoman, Batman and Aquaman. I think the Name Mr. Fantastic may need a fresh revap. I will add ideas as they come.
  16. Re: Paladins, take 2 The answer is sort of... a Wiki (origally called a WikiWikiWeb) is web service that allows users to edit the content. Wikipedia is a use of a Wiki to create an encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki is Wikipedia entry for a Wiki. Also the Original Wiki is here: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki a programmers site for sharing information. I think Curufea would like to stick useful generic campain stuff into a Wiki / Wikipedia formate. More useless information from loreslost
  17. Re: Help needed designing a magical store catalogue Pg 79 of the 5er has Computer Link, It's a perk so if you are using FREd look in the perks section and hopfully it's there.
  18. Re: The House of El Jor-EL, Lara and Kal-El escape the doom of Krypton with the help of Toma-re Green Lantern sent to save Krypton. He is able to sheild the ship and a chunk of the planet with a domed city on it. focusing on keeping the residence of the city alive kills the Green Lantern and Zor-EL becomes the next Green Lantern of the Sector (2813 I beleive), Moving all the other surviors of Kryptonopolis to a safer location Zor-El start his duties. Jor-El ship flys to Earth landing safely in an agricutural region of North America. He quickly set about to blending in on his new world. He studies the new world and quickly settles on a cover identiy of and buys land to "farm", (In actuality he has robots do the labor so he may study the culture and ecomonics through interaction). Jor-El Quickly becomes a business leader and owns several Companies that deal in agri-business and enviromental clean up. He quieely fixes other wrongs with his powers that he and his wife develop on earth. Having several other childern (Kon-El, Mon-El and Kara Jor-El) Lara and Jor-El maintain a low profile with there powers and fix issues through political, finacal and finally physical power. But soon a ship from another world crashes a dying alien choises Kal-El to be the next Green Lantern of Sector 2814.... Mon-El starts adventuring as Superman and Kara as Superwoman, Kon-El studies with his father with the aim of taking over the families Gentics Business. And the whole family has to think about leaving earth to move to New Krypton now that Kal-El discovers who the Green Lantern of the Next Sector is.. Did I mess any plot hooks?
  19. Re: The House of El That was funny... But woundn't Lara be doing the driving, She was a Kryptonian Astronaut in the Silver age (SHe help set up the there Lunra colony on the largest moon).
  20. Re: Teleportation with variable range... Strictly speaking Zeno was using his paradox to show the uselessness of mathematics. His arguement was that sinces Math could not model this simple reality it was useless. He was thoughly disproven by the creation of calculus which can model this portion of the real world. And you would be suprised how the nature of infinte sets are tied to computing and computational theory. As well as most modern engineering tasks.
  21. Re: Vulcan Nerve Pinch Okay, looking a over the thread, I now need to add my 2 cents. In an interview, Lenord Nemoy said that Vulcan Nerve Pinch was created because he was asked to 'punch' a villian and he felt that it was out of character for Spock to do that, but having a psycic ablity that is focused through his hands would allow for a less violent neutralization of the enemy in line with his character. In the episode that Data used the nerve pinch Spock, Data, and Picard where on Romulas, and Data never used it again. It might be the need to apply presure and perform a telepathic command. SO Did Data applyed the pressure and Spock suppy the telepathic command? The villian knew not allow Spock to get behind her But she did not know that Data was there So You can make the argument that Data placed pressure on the nerves and Spock reached out and provide the telepathic portion of the attack. So may be a 2 or 3d6 NND attack linked to a single command MindControl command Sleep only if NND is successful would be how I would write it up
  22. Re: "Mostly Harmless" powers I have been toying with a shapeshifter design (using just the shape shift power, not multiform) and found that I could quickly build a person who would be able to look like any one and maintain that form indefently, but was so expensive that I could not give them any real defenses or attack ablities (note I was upto 110 points for the shape shift with all desired adders and 0 end/persistant, add inherant and the price goes up to (55 * 2.5) = 137 (approx) add bunches of social skill (acting, high socity etc) you can get the person of a thousand faces, but unable to defend themself in combat. A powerful non combatant (but could be very useful)
  23. Re: Need Clarification: Extra-Dimensional Movement The Startrek transporters work by a form of quatum deconstruction/reconstruction (hence the need for Heisenburg compensators). It then uses two "signals" and their hetrodyne point to act as the marker for reconstruction. (I realize that such a thing would not work in reality). The Transport stream (shown in several TNG episodes) is an extra dimensional location that "matter" goes while being quatum-ly moved. (I believe either Quatum space or quatum sink would be a beter name for this location. This is the place were a quatum field goes as it is performing quatum tunneling or so say some). The transport stream does not pass through the interveining space, but it can be intercepted by use of another transporter forcing "signal" convergence at a new location. So a Startrek transporter could be said to be a form of EDM with a relocation adder and restranable limitation. I really need to get a life. edited spelling error
  24. Re: Retcon the CU Unless you combine them, The cold war between Vandle Savage and Apocalypse would take most of thier time. Two virtual immortals who think they have the right to rule the world and Savage with the resources of Illuninati, Which Vandle Savage founded in Atlantis, would be stagering along with Atlantian Magic Savage can wield (rarly used but it allows for surprises). Apocalypse with is tricks and servents, ugly and long would be that relationship.
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