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Everything posted by Arkham

  1. Re: Bricks and Improvised Weapons The way I run it, grabbing something to either swing or throw requires an attack action. BUT you can grab and swing or throw with a Sweep maneuver with all the usual limits to that. ( -2 OCV, 1/2 DCB, No half-move without Rapid Attack, etc )
  2. Re: Immune to Stun Only If your GM requires that all attack powers are built according to SFX, then the problem goes away. Just by the appropriate immunities by SFX. The SFX you have shouldn't prevent damage from a very self-controlled brick who has a Stun-only punch.
  3. Re: Need Help with a Name Amalgamax sounds cool. Another idea, Multipotent. Pronounced similar to Omnipotent. Or how about Gestalt? The whole is greater than the sum of its parts...
  4. Re: WWYCD: <Your character>: The Clone Saga!! And what makes everyone think the one in the tank is the Clone? What if you have implanted commands that haven't been triggered yet? Telios is a rather patient man, is he not?
  5. Re: Power And Name Help - Holocost's Brick Servent. You're welcome. Glad to be at least minorly helpful.
  6. Re: Power And Name Help - Holocost's Brick Servent. The best method I've seen of simulating density decrease is Shrinking, Invisible Power Effects for all the stages between Solid and Desolid. For inspiration, look towards Marvel's Vision. He has identical powers. And for a name, may I recommend something based on his backstory, since I can't think of anything good based on his powers either. As for Feaver... Do you mean 'Fever'? or is the misspelling intentional?
  7. Re: WWYCD if their reflection suddenly winked at them? I would just keep playing. Could be a joke, or a real plot. we'll see. Dr. Damascus would check to see if he's possessed, the mirror is possessed, or if anything emanating a mystic aura ( besides the usual ). Check if the mirror is a gate, and finally if nothing else works, animate the mirror and ask it what happened. The Paladine, if he even noticed, would give himself two thumbs up and promptly forget about it. Bingo would go into super-detective mode, and start mundane investigations into props, illusions, holograms, etc.
  8. Re: WWYCD: Super Pets Assemble! Dr. Damascus: English Mastiff named Wizard. Bingo the Clowno: A baby flying elephant with clown makeup named Elemeno P. Cue.
  9. Re: The Seven Deadly Villains For Lust, I'd use Bulldozer. Because, well, yeah...
  10. Re: Total lack of ideas, clock is ticking down I know I'm late to the show, but I'd suggest playing a Luchadore. Nothing stirs up the creative juices like playing a Masked Mexican Wrestler. And, mi amigo, I bet you've never played one yet, have you? ;-)
  11. Re: Build a Mundane Object in Hero System Spoon: 1 STR TK, no range, affects porous; and Power Skill: Spoon Tricks 8-
  12. Arkham

    Space Pirates?

    Re: Space Pirates? I thought all Starship based games eventually devolved into piracy... Isn't that some overarching rule? Maybe that's just Traveller... ( I haven't played in a whole lot of Starfaring games. Trying to remedy that though... )
  13. Re: The "Classic" Elements For the scientific: Weak Nuclear Strong Nuclear Gravity Electromagnetism
  14. Re: Comic Book Physics I'm actually the GM. The hero doesn't have heat vision, but if he picked up the building instead of the villain breaking it, then we don't even worry about welding it on. Just put it back where it was and everything is just fine... Even the people still inside that office building you just clocked Landshark with.
  15. Re: Comic Book Physics Utterly and completely. Including but not limited to the stronger bricks picking up skyscrapers, hitting villains with them, and then _PUTTING THEM BACK UNDAMAGED_. Make Mine Silver Age!
  16. Re: Sweeping the floor Power Tricks to get an Area of Effect on Strength... Unless of course he already has AoE, in which case he can Sweep the AoE across multiple areas...
  17. Re: The Second Stringers I've heard of these... Either you've posted them before, or I know this friend...
  18. Re: The Second Stringers What better place to find the never-were's than real comics. And so I present to you "Armless Tiger Man"! http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/armlesstig.htm In my own universe, the players were introduced to a few of the useless supers at the beginning of the game. It was a Reality Show, "West Coast Supers", and the ever amusing non-talent that such American Idol style shows have. We had "Lemur Man" who can climb anything... as long as he has handholds... and a rope. And "The Vette", who has the power to turn himself into a '73 Corvette. But doesn't have the power to drive himself once he does so, or turn back. Though luckily for him there is a button inside that would let him do so. And then there was Captain Calcium, who can drink a gallon of milk in 4 seconds flat, and then grow his hair and nails out six inches. And "The Bright One" who glows all the time. Very brightly... Happily for him, when the show was over, The Bright One hooked up with a gadgeteer who made him a fibre optic outfit that focused his constant blinding illumination into lasers and other light-based powers. This showed once again that with a little ingenuity, even a useless metahuman can be a force to be reckoned with. Now if only The Vette hooked up with a skilled combat driver, Captain Calcium... umm, I'm at a loss for him.
  19. Re: need a villain organization name Brobdignagian Industry for Armament and Technological Calamity Heuristics
  20. Re: need a villain organization name In my campaign, I use a group called FATE. ( Final Act of Terran Evolution ) They are a bioengineering organziation that works through numerous corporate fronts and is heavily involved in researching, developing, and storing metahuman genes. They honestly believe they are creating a better tomorrow by taking humanity to the next stage of evolution. I suppose a technological varient could use 'Free Agency for Technological Empowerment'. Building Tomorrow through super-science today!
  21. Re: Real world vs. Game world We just had our first major property damage in our last real session. Based in SF, the West Coast Supers had in custody a shapeshifting villain who can take the form of any mid-level super or below, including all powers and skills. In addition to the heros, he is also hunted by two major villains who he really ticked off ( but that's another story ). So, his battle with the heros was being televised live and so of course the other villains show up to to waste him. During the course of the fight, Amorpheous, the shapeshifter has turned in to a gigantic blob, squashing over a dozen cars during Rush hour in SF on Van Ness, the hero Mauler picks up the pool from the roof of the team's Base and dumps it over the side to disable a villain called Mud Tracker, the Ultra-not-quite-cosmic powered villain Holocaust is constantly surrounded by a 20" radius whirlwind of fire and fear which started a number of building fires, as well as nearly killing numerous bystanders in their cars, and Lady Lava called forth a 16 meter long fissure to swallow hole one the heros, also doing major structural damage to the surroundings. Generally, we handwave what property gets done as being covered by insurance. More often we joke about Mauler who has a public id as a superpowered construction worker and how his crimefighting is a conflict of interests. This time there will probably be some major consequences, but since the only damage the PCs themselves caused was to their own base, it won't be towards them.
  22. Re: Modeling Leverage Works against Dex, not STR That should give the benefit to those who are more agile rather than those who are simply Strong.
  23. Re: Who are the greatest (?) super villains? Not necessarily the greatest at anything, but the recent portrayals in the Outsiders have made me a definate fan... Monsieur Mallah and the Brain. Twisted, sympathetic, sociopathic, and poetic.
  24. Re: Your Character: The Series (Not exactly WWYCD...) Dr. Damascus: The Animated Series. TV-14 for the deep and serious quandaries that a mystic like him is put in. And obviously animated, since trying to live-action something that looks like Ditko-era interdimensional stories... Bingo the Clowno: Also animated, and a solid Y7. It would end up more like Scooby Doo with superpowers. Almost no controversies would arise at all. Senor Mysterio: Done well, it would be live action with actual luchadores. Done badly, it would be Mucha Lucha... If the former, it would have the same kind of controversies that wrestling has, but neither would get terribly involved in actual ethical grey areas.
  25. Re: WWYCD for a klondike bar? (humorous please) Dr. Damascus would alter the Heavans and Earth for a Super Klondike Bar. ( And then put it back when he was done ) Senor Mysterio would leap off of a steel cage through three tables for a Klondike bar... I don't want to think of what Bingo the Clowno would do... Really, I wouldn't...
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