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Everything posted by Querysphinx

  1. Re: Superheroes Sponsored by Corporations (Such as the NFL) Heh. I once had a villainous bio-morpher who created super villains and "set them loose on an unsuspecting world." He was always a bit confused when his transmogrified victims failed utterly to go on a wild, world-conquering rampage. Sometimes they broke down in fits of hysterics. Sometimes they tried to beat him up. Never did they charge off andtry to over run the world. At one point he kidnapped a bunch of NFL cheerleaders and gave them "team" powers/looks.
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I think each one of us is playing three different characters at this point, and I'm angling to play a fourth...
  3. Re: Throwing Distance for Super Heroic Characters Every time you try to bring physics into a superhero game, God kills a catgirl... just so you know.
  4. Re: Game Time & Experience pts. When I GM, I give out 0.1 XP on the spot for good roleplaying (sometimes as much as .3) Then it's 2-3 pts per session. Sometimes, as an end of plot bonus I'll give out specific awards like contacts or a mystery power. Mystery powers are fun. The player doesn't know what they do. They just know they have this weird tension, like a violin string in the back of their mind. They don't know what plucking it will do. When they pluck the string It may not do anything at first, except maybe throw off some funny colors sparks. They may have to dump several XPs into the power before it will have an effect that big enough to measure in game terms. The upside is, once the mystery power is paid for in full, it may be a game changer or a unique ability that is not technically allowed by the rules but fits the concept and wont break the world.
  5. Re: Riddles You can google "Riddles" to find many riddle resources. One thing about riddles though, is that they're either going to be much easier or much harder than you expect for the players to solve. If you think a riddle is really hard, the players will crack it in an instant. If you think it's really easy, it will stump them for days. I've seen it happen. In either case, throwing in riddle can really mess with with your game's pacing. I find that the best way to get around this is never (or almost never) use a riddle as a bottle neck that the players have to get by in order to proceed. Make it something they can work on while doing other things. Figuring out the answer will help them, but won't be required to proceed. Instead of riddle you can also use cyphers and codes and puzzles. Riddle me this "Why do black horses always run faster than white horses?"
  6. Re: EPIC CITY! (Campaign Art & Collateral Material) That's a nice fluff-sheet. Kudos.
  7. Re: What is the advantage of buying Combat Skill Levels vs OCV? Overall levels are fun. My fantyasy hero character is a plain and simple clerk. Since I don't have to worry about being a combat monster, I have been free to throw points at overall levels defined as "Not to be underestimated." If it were not for my own well- documented inability to roll anything less than 16 on on 3D6 (Seven times in a row in the last session!) he'd be pretty effective.
  8. Re: A Game Of Questions Wasn't that called the little spurt?
  9. Re: You are unappreciated when . . . When you stop a giant oil spill leaking into the Gulf of Mexico and the Congressman from your state apologizes to the oil company for your interference with their private property.
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... In Teh Bunneh's Fantasy Hero Game the characters are getting ready to investigate the morders of some pilgrims visiting a local holy shrine. Bri: Where are we going? Damien: To the Trinity shrine of Goat'shead Moutain. Quion: To the Trinity... and beyond.
  11. Re: Champions So from one hostile foreign country to another.
  12. Re: Icons - The Costume and Superpowers Store This is a neat idea. The question is, would you tell the PCs about it beforehand or would it come as a surprise?
  13. Querysphinx

    Double Tap

    Re: Double Tap Just go with the autofire: It's simple. It does what you want. It involves no mental gymnastics. These are all big plusses. Talk to the GM first, of course, but simpler is usually better.
  14. Re: Query's Art & Stuff Thread That's not implants. That's genetic engineering. :bounce:
  15. Re: Query's Art & Stuff Thread Here's a recent picture. The foreground is mine. The background is imported. Space Girl ZXE.
  16. Re: Naming the first superhero Depends on which Media gets hold of him first. What would Faux News call him as opposed to Ms. NBC?
  17. Re: Actual usefulness of Jetpacks/Jump-packs/Powered Gliders/etc I think that a propulsion unit that is bigger and heavier than the operator no longer counts as a "pack"
  18. Re: Exoplanet detection news Sitting here wondering just how frigging hard it would be to hit that planet with say a probe even if we could get a meaningful probe up to .1 c.
  19. Re: World without horses Without beasts of burden your agriculture will be somewhat different. Crops that traditionally rely on plowed fields will be scarcer. Other crops will have prevalence instead. If you really wat to get technical about food, though, you'll have to look into various soil types, weather patterns, growing season, etc etc.
  20. Re: Query's Art & Stuff Thread Here is a beastie from Teh Bunneh's FH game. We were smart enough (barely) to run away.
  21. Re: Waiting for Gadroon The Gadroon came tomorrow and will leave yesterday.
  22. Re: Force Field's, MMO Style You could do rPD /rED ablative would be the easiest way to do it. Or you could do it with a STN/BDY aid, self-only, only one use at a time, with extended life. To really simulate the effect of the MMO could be done with a custom limit. rPD/rED cost END when hit -1/4 that runs off an END battery.
  23. Re: New Product: The Crossroad Blues It's got my art in it.
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