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Everything posted by Edsel

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Apparently someone stole our city provided trash bin this evening when I put it out to the curb. They stole trash and all. Weird.
  2. Re: Killing Attack + Explosion Advantage? We always simplify things by dropping 2 BODY off of the attack per hex away from the center.
  3. Re: Master List of Limitations, HD Prefabs There have been a couple of minor updates to the prefabs. Jack Butler sent me a couple of new disadvantages to add. Always Follows Orders Life Force Linked to (specific object) These mean that the A-B prefab in post #37 and the K-L prefab in post #38 have been updated.
  4. Re: Heroes and Nukes! I seem to recall that one of the old Adventurers Club magazines (4th Edition), or perhaps it was one of the Hero System Almanacs (also 4th Ed.) had a write-up for the effects of a nuke. It had several different attackes in a sort of multiple powers attack. A concussive force blast, heat blast, NND KA Radiation attack, Flash, etc. I'll have to see if I can dig up that publication when I get home this evening.
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The . Be sure and turn the f*#king volume up.
  6. Re: power build advice If you want a more realistic (real world) build you can use Images to impose penalties on those trying to use Radar or IR to detect the target. 12 Images -5 PER Rolls vs. Radar and IR Perception, Only to appear as nothing (-1), OIF Armor (-1/2).
  7. Re: Cool Guns for your Games In the webcomic Marilith the character pictured in the link has an AK-47 with once of those enormous 100 round clips. The big half-moon type. These magazines are hard to find and truth be told not very practical. However if some one knows where I can find a good picture of a real AK-47 with this type of magazine I'd love to see it. It just looks cool.
  8. Found a copy for sale I found a copy up for sale on eBay, link provided. It is actually included in a boxed set of Espionage that someone has for sale. Read the description of the item to see that it has the Viper's Nest scenario in the box. It is cheap too, at least as of this posting only 99 cents.
  9. Re: New Density Question That can generally solve many problems, if you have the points to spend. I wonder, would changing the weight only of the target be a Minor or a Major transform?
  10. Re: My Cool Color Hudson City Map I had the time to kill so I thought I'd bump this thread again just to pester the people of Hero with our continued whining.
  11. Re: Grenade questions Here is the stuff I wrote up long ago for real world gas grenades. Unfortunately I only have the equipment list version. I have no idea what happened to the old write-up so I don't remember how I arrived at the costs. (This was done back in 4th Edition days).
  12. Re: Grenade questions For the M26A1 I'd go ahead and use the most powerful version of the frag grenade listed. The lesser versions are more suited to cinematic settings where you may not want to destroy everything. The real deal is awfully nasty. Tear gas causes pain (STUN?), nausea and disorientation (DEX drain?) and it really screws with your eyes (sight flash). In addition the effects linger for some time after exposure. If you want to re-write a tear gas grenade to cover all those effects you can but it'll be real costly. Some, very hearty individuals, are less affected than others so you may want to include a chance for reduced effects based on character's with a high CON score. I think the reason that there is no exhaustively written-up version of tear gas is because there is too much debate about what the true game effects should be. No matter how its written-up there will be those who disagree. Rather than open that can of worms the writers just decided to go with a simple sight flash and leave it up the the various GMs if they want to experiment with some thing better. I think I have a write-up for tear gas from my own Dark Champions campaign. I'll look around a bit and see if I can find it and post it. Like all write-ups I am sure it will not please everyone.
  13. Re: Where can I find "Vipers Nest"? Viper's Nest is not in my copy of the 25th anniversary edition. The Island of Dr. Destroyer is, perhaps that is what you were thinking of. Viper's Nest was reprinted in the VIPER Sourcebook printed in 1993, the adventure write-up starts on page 169 of that book. I don't know of a legitimate electronic version of the scenario.
  14. Re: Level 1 Lunar Lander Challenge (tell me this aint cool) Pretty cool. I want one.
  15. Re: Persuasion Restrainable? Technically speaking virtually every skill is Restrainable, but this is a universal condition for most characters, player or NPC, therefore it is not really a limitation but a fact of life. So no, I'd never allow this.
  16. Re: Would you allow it?: A FF buster Personally I wouldn't allow it in that manner. There has to be a viable defense against the attack. If FF/FW which can shift there energy signature are common then I might allow it. I'd be more inclined to build something like this as a 4d6 AVLD (FF or FW) and then buy Find Weakness only vs. FF or FW to simulate the ability to punch through the normal defense. You could buy the Find Weakness up quite a bit to allow the user to achieve multiple successes if they have the time.
  17. Re: Post-Apocalyptic Hero -- What Do *You* Want To See? I am getting into this discussion very late, so if this concept for one of the options for the PA sourcebook has already been mentioned, forgive me. Hands down the best PA game I ever played in was a Hero System version of Morrow Project with a twist. The apocalypse wasn't caused by a nuclear war, it was caused by the War of the Worlds. The Martians invaded earth and in response the US & allies managed to cobble together their space programs to accomplish the saturation nuclear bombing of Mars (the alien home world). This crippled their invasion (and sterilized the already dying planet Mars) but the war on Earth was rapidly bringing about the apocalypse. Our first game was the team being escorted to our bolt hole while the tanks of the US army dueled with Martian walkers. We woke up after the war had ended. The world that greeted us was similar to a PA nuke war world except bits and pieces of Martian inspired bio-tech was still lose in the world. It made for a very different and refreshing game.
  18. Re: HERO System GOOGLE Search I am not sure what the old logo on your Hero / Google search page was. Was it something like this? I imagine that the size is wrong anyway.
  19. Re: Where can I find these weapons? M203 Grenade launcher is on page 250 of Dark Champions. Tear Gas Grenades are on page 251 of Dark Champions. White Phosphorus grenades are not written up but a little info about them is on page 261 of Dark Champions.
  20. Re: Hero system complexity I find the current d20 system and its variations more complex than Hero System. I have always thought that the people that lament the complexity of Hero System are the sorts who can't calculate your change at McDonald's without the aid of their cash register. Mitigating factors to my argument are: I have been playing Hero System since the 1st Edition of Champions so it is almost second nature to me. I work as a civil engineer so Hero math is trivial compared to what I have to tackle daily in my job.
  21. Re: What's in a Name Good observation. So were you going somewhere with this or just making an observation? For the sake of it I have attached a file of over 4500 Star System names given in a database that I have. They are arranged in alphabetic order. These are, for the most part, fictional names.
  22. Re: building blueprints Here is a link to a post I made in the Dark Champions forum about warehouse plans. Great hideouts for modern day DC villains but I imagine that they might work for supers as well. I hope most of the links there are still active.
  23. Re: Help: WWI Espionage References Not Intelligence per se but definitely covert ops run by the Central Powers. Germany carried out numerous sabotage operations within the United States during World War I. The Black Tom explosion was probably the most notorious. Here are a couple of links about sabotage carried out by Imperial German agents during the Great War. http://www.fas.org/irp/ops/ci/docs/ci1/ch3c.htm http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/snpwwi4.htm
  24. Edsel

    Capture foam

    Re: Capture foam I always thought it was the product of a bubble bath experiment gone horribly wrong.
  25. Re: Deep holes on Mars So how many space probes have vanished upon their arrival at Mars and how many of them are currently being stored by the Martians in these holes?
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