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Everything posted by Comic

  1. Re: OSS Simple Sabotage Field Manual At the time when the precursor to the CIA was the OSS, and Donovan was getting all his information on Europe through British and Canadian sources, the British and Canadians used Imperial measure (until the 70's), the US used what's in use in the USA today, and France (invented metric system), Germany, and much of Europe would have been using metric. Also, the writing style is consistent, the type-face is correct, and the document's barely a scratch on the surface of Camp-X methods, targetted to 'non-trusted' saboteurs, as opposed to deep agents.
  2. Re: Damage from fire and Enchanting a sword? Real world firefighters would love to have the level of protection provided by real armour, especially metal. If you're going to be walking through fire, a suit of armour is generally as fine a way to go as is available. They'd hate, I imagine, to be trapped in the stuff after it exceeded its heat threshold, but that's what being sprayed down with hoses is for. Otherwise, the damage and scarring would be horrible. Modern fire-resistant suits are slightly better than historical armour, since they're built for that specific purpose, but as an improvisation, it beats loose flowing robes.
  3. Re: OSS Simple Sabotage Field Manual It appears typical of documents of the type, authorship and era it purports. Note the use of metric measurement in a CIA document aimed at European saboteurs.
  4. Re: How do you create 'Super-Wisdom'? High PRE, and PRE-based skills. Convince enough people of the wisdom of your ideas, and there's no real way to say you aren't wise. Or, yeah, you could go with precognition, deduction, criminology and danger sense...
  5. Re: Handling day and night on infinite plane? Cyclic planar polarization. When the polarizing filters line up, there's maximum light, otherwise decreasing light until total darkness. Just a property of the space, that its polarity rotates.
  6. Re: What would happen if Los Angeles County vanished? A tsunami would be almost certain. Its size, scope and scale would be indeterminate, and it could be anything from 'wipes out the population of the Pacific Rim' to 'no one notices' Tectonic effects might be later -- from hours to years. Atmospheric effects, as the most automobile-intensive county on the continent went away.. may improve. OTOH, there's not a few conduits, pipelines, irrigation channels and so forth that would be left wide open and draining into that 100' deep gulch, too. Nuclear reactors in the area? I'm not sure, but could be worth checking on. Wealth.. The loss of the wealth in the county vs. the redistribution of the wealth held by those who live in the county is small, and the stimulus effect may be overall beneficial to the economy -- though tragic for those directly involved. Now, the politics of hell, should 30 million Los Angelenos suddenly appear.. that'd be pretty interesting. I imagine the underworld would go all to heck.
  7. Re: Superhero Aging I follow the generic "one week per issue, backdated from the date of the last issue." So at issue #520, a superhero has seen a decade pass since their original appearance; specifically, the most recent decade. All those inconvenient references to things that were current 40 years ago, therefore, are .. nostalgic decorations, out-of-date fashions, flashbacks, any-explanation-that-will fly or just gosh darn inaccuracies.
  8. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States Be honest.. was that because you thought Oregon looked like the Eco-Geoduck.. or because you want Oregon to be the Eco-Geoduck?
  9. Re: John Hancock (spoilers) Hunted: Criminals he's captured in the past. I mean, they went after him, specifically, so it's not just his Psych Lim.
  10. Re: John Hancock (spoilers) Oh, and I almost forgot, "Good job!"
  11. Re: John Hancock (spoilers) I might've given him overall combat levels, as he could both throw and catch with phenomenal accuracy at mega distances. I might've lowered his Dex, since even stoned a street thug hit him twice in a straightforward quickdraw contest. I might spend less on the flight, and make it partly megascale, since his Turn Mode properly sucked but he could accelerate like nothing else. Might give him more Leaping. Possibly Stealth, or Invisibility linked to Flight. For at least part of the movie, Distinctive Features, because I can't imagine he smelled too good. And maybe one more Hunted, or so.
  12. Re: Matchmaker package deal? Weapon Familiarity: Shotgun. For shotgun weddings. Naturally.
  13. Re: Dodge Motivational Poster If everything is HTH?
  14. Re: Cities floating on the oceans - concept work I'm vaguely recalling a story about the bicoastal floaters "Manifest City" and "Destiny City".. can't recall the source.
  15. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Classy.
  16. Re: How do you put someone to sleep? Sleep is voluntary? Of the many ways to knock someone out, some of them are like sleep-induction (for example sleeping drugs), but drugged sleep is more like being knocked out than like falling asleep. I might allow a Change Environment to make people more susceptible to falling asleep, and I'd certainly allow mental powers to induce people to sleep willingly (mind control or mental illusions), but otherwise I'd go the PRE-based skill route. You know, the one that goes, "Voulez-vous couchez avec moi?"
  17. Re: Making Powered Armor Ablative on Stun. Body is already a property of a focus.
  18. Re: Weapon Design Question Normal damage is generally preferable from the point of view of estimating how much damage a battle will do, in that at 10 DC's it's closer to the Normal curve. Killing damage could be doing 15+ Body fairly routinely, and up to 90-ish Stun, vs the more reliable averages. Not that it matters so much, if you're talking about 2-8 PD vs autofire.
  19. Re: Rooftop Travel Environmental movement: urban rooftops and back alleys. This avoids putting your foot through the rotting boards of ill-maintained rat-infested brownstones in the slums, for example. Also, stealth at very high levels. Sure, you patrol on someone's rooftop once, maybe three or four times, they won't be prepared. You do it enough, there'll be someone laying in wait for you.
  20. Re: Real Locations that should be fantasy Angels Falls and Tepui el Diablo in Venezuela. The Witch's Stairway, Blarney Castle Park, Ireland (small scale and touristy, but special) El Portillo, Dominica The West Coast Trail, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
  21. Re: Area Effect TK I allow a disadvantage that gives a maximum STR/Hex. So if you had 140 STR Tk and 2" Radius, you could apply all 140 STR against any target that filled 7 concentric hexes, or 20 STR per hex for as many adjacent hexes as the object fills that fit within a 2" radius, or a maximum of 20 STR for any object less than a hex, but up to 2" radius of such objects at a time. Sure, 140 STR Tk's a bit pricy, but for a -2 Limitation, I believe you get a fair deal.
  22. Re: Children as main characters in a fantasy setting Use the PS238 rules...?
  23. Re: I DISBELIEVE YOUR REALITY! OR The couch is really there! Doesn't always translate so well, once characters have the level of power where their beliefs and actions based on them might well alter the reality they live in. Be a terrible way to find out you had a Ring of Wishes, for example. Or were suffering the insidious 'gratitude' of a powerful extraplanar being.
  24. Re: Underwater Combat Mastery With that amount of swimming, you might want to give him Invisibility (including Sonar & Radar) Only Underwater, to simulate that at his speeds, he's not really trackable.. or possibly Darkness (no range, personal immunity), to show that the turbulence he can kick up would confuse any senses. And it happens to make him that much more frightening underwater.
  25. Re: A bioengenered human/kangaroo supersoldier Gotta hate it when a vampire sinks its teeth into your katana and sucks out its life force... Or, yeah, protection from AVLD vs Power Defense Penetrating Does Body KA Megascale explosions... But what about the AVLD vs Flash Defense Penetrating Does Body KA's?
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