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Everything posted by IndianaJoe3

  1. Maybe Batgod can fight Cap to a standstill, but so what? "I can do this all day."
  2. OK... this is the 147th day of 2021, with 218 days remaining. We'll need to average 358 posts a day to hit 1.5 million by the end of the year.
  3. I was looking for a simple export format for prefabs (to use in another document), but I couldn't find any in the downloads area. Have I simply overlooked them?
  4. I remember an opinion from somewhere that just because Pathfinder (and D&D, by extension) had rules for something (class, race, etc), the DM was not obligated to use them in a campaign. For example, in a low fantasy game, you might have witches and shaman, but not wizards or sorcerers.
  5. I had my second Moderna shot on Friday. So far, the side effects have been identical to the first one (the injection site is very tender).
  6. I like this idea. "European" is sometimes used as a dog-whistle for, "white" (at least in the US). I can easily see a reinvented Eurostar championing global white supremacy.
  7. The difficulties in parking the Centipedemobile have been documented in-canon.
  8. Ambidexterity is specifically built as PSLs offsetting the off-hand penalty (6e1 447). Did you mean that they couldn't be used to offset penalties for lack of weapon familiarities?
  9. I like 4A/5, with a nod to mall-ninja-style tactical accessories.
  10. An exchange between Aston Martin F1 driver Lance Stroll and his race engineer. Engineer: No start, no start. Stroll: The brakes are on fire. Engineer: Go one and no start, go one and no start. Stroll: The whole thing's on fire, Brad. Engineer: Drive quickly to put it out.
  11. These all sound like they're Combined Attacks (6e2 74). Basically, they are using multiple powers, but with the same attack action on the same target.
  12. This is the canonical example for not needing a Perception roll. The target is by itself, in the open. There's nothing to interfere with LOS. Now, move to an environment where the target might be behind cover, or confused with a bystander. How do you know that you have LOS and that it's the right target? Because you've made a Perception roll.
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