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Everything posted by IndianaJoe3

  1. No, but it was pre-6e. HSMA uses extra STR, only to Grab (-1).
  2. I remember Clinging being used for this in one of the martial arts books, but I also remember not being happy with the build (but not why).
  3. No. The state investigations of trump will continue. This only affects federal prosecution.
  4. Yes to 3. (All the other questions seem to have been answered.)
  5. I've considered naming a German speedster, "Kompressor" (after the badging on turbocharged Mercedes), but I don't know if the term has been associated with speed in the same way that, "turbo" has.
  6. I once was at the humane society looking at cats. I was standing next to the cages, when one of them reaches out through the bars and teps me on the arm. "Hey, pick me."
  7. There were plenty of opportunities to take the statues down, and move them somewhere suitable (wherever that was). I also find your comparison to book-burning to be rather disingenuous. These statues weren't meant to record events. They were to remind a subjugated people who was really in charge. They deserve to be destroyed.
  8. As others have commented above, "Immune to Fear" will depend largely on how you model Fear. If Fear was a defined type of PRE Attack (which is how I would do it), then its counter would be something like PRE, Defensive only (-1), Only vs Fear (-1 to -2). Buy as many points as you need to reduce most fear attacks to <10 points of effect. Being unable to comprehend magic does not sound very limiting to me, especially in a low-to-moderate magic setting. While the character may not be able to use magic, he will generally have other options to compensate. I would consider it Infrequent, slightly limiting (10 pts).
  9. This has been going on for a long time. Just ask this guy.
  10. I've created a sample wizard with a Multipower, using the d20-style Vancian magic system that I developed. While spells are very cheap (one real point each, generally), the wizard is still constrained by the need to memorize spells in advance, and in the total number of spells that can be memorized. I apologize if some of the spell builds are a little weird, this is just something that I threw together. Sample Wizard.HTML
  11. Making it Constant is fairly straightforward (Constant(+1/2), ends when character changes targets). The real trick is defining what, "partially activated" means and how to model it.
  12. So, taking this as abstract as we can manage, you want the power to partially activate after taking half a phase and a roll, and fully activate after a second half-phase action and a second roll. Correct?
  13. They don't synergize. AP doesn't affect the amount of damage that Penetrating lets through.
  14. The sidebar on 6e1 pg 375 seems relevant. "Half phase, only to activate" might be worth -1/4 under certain circumstances. Constant should be required, and the power shuts off when you change targets (not mentioned in your description, but that's how Find Weakness worked). Having to burn a half Phase every time you switch targets and want to use the power is significant. Linking the Penetrating aspect to the Armor Piercing aspect is nominally a -1/4 Limitation. That said, I'm not sure there's any mechanical benefit to making at attack both Armor Piercing and Penetrating.
  15. How do you see this working, mechanically? "SPD 3, with a free Abort once/Turn" is a lot more powerful than, "SPD 4, but Phase 6 can only be used for Abortable actions." The first is probably a -0 Limitation, while the second is probably -1.
  16. I disagree. Many of the standard maneuvers are fairly straightforward, both in concept and mechanic (Block, Dodge, Grab, Throw, etc). I expect players will ask how to do them at some point in the demonstration, even if you don't mention them.
  17. 6e1 374-375. I'm building a Vancian magic system. It uses Extra Time to simulate memorization, and Delayed Effect so memorized spells can be cast instantly. It's very OG D&D, down to wizards sucking in melee combat because their spellbook sucks up so many points.
  18. I'm not talking about the total number that can be prepared. I mean the number that can be prepared at one time. Found it! It was relating to the Extra Time Limitation, not the Delayed Effect Advantage. (The magic system I'm working on requires spells to have both.)
  19. I remember a rule saying that a character can only prepare one attack power at a time, but I can't find it. I'm pretty sure my memory is accurate, because I have a note in my Vancian magic system saying that non-attack spells also have to take this Limitation. Does anyone know where it is?
  20. Biden isn't the (presumptive) nominee because a small cabal of party insiders considered him the, "most electable" - it's because he got more votes than any other candidate.
  21. IMHO, the character templates need some ability to customize them. It can be as simple as, "Pick one of these three extra abilities."
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