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  1. Thanks
    Cassandra got a reaction from Amorkca in United Superheroes of America   
    I'll rewrite that.
  2. Like
    Cassandra got a reaction from drunkonduty in United Superheroes of America   
    Yes, and because she flies it's not a problem for her to wear heels.
    I'm thinking of Jamie Luner when I think of her.
  3. Like
    Cassandra got a reaction from sentry0 in Powers [Speed Tricks] Question   
    I remember that from the 5th Edition Champions too, but I don't think it's worth the points outside of a Multipower or VPP.
  4. Like
    Cassandra reacted to Duke Bushido in Vehicular Mayhem   
    As an option (though it likely won't ring well for users of newer editions) :
    We wanted vehicles well before there were actual vehicle rules.  (we clued in pretty early that you could do more than just supers with the game system, and we were ready to explore new planets  ) 
    We used the character building rules to make vehicles.  We still do.   Buy Growth until you get the size you want, buy relevant movement powers, INT for a computer, Ego for an AI, etc. 
    Not only does it work perfectly well, it eliminates the need for a whole new subset of rules. 
  5. Thanks
    Cassandra got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Vehicle Size Considerations   
    I've never cared for the Vehicle rules.  They seem to unbalance the game and make the characters seem useless. 
    I'm currently working on using the Density Increase/Growth rules to build vehicles as characters to use in Multiform.
  6. Like
    Cassandra got a reaction from Pariah in United Superheroes of America   
    This thread will have my original characters, groups, and superhero universe background and history.
    All characters will be build on the 5th Edition and on 250 Points or less.  
  7. Like
    Cassandra reacted to Tech in United Superheroes of America   
    As usual Cassandra, your 5th edition 250 pt write-ups are refreshing. I also liked your history write-up, adding HG Wells in it.
  8. Like
    Cassandra got a reaction from Tech in United Superheroes of America   
    History in the United Superheroes of America Reality
    1776 - Hessian Soldiers are hired by King George III to fight the Colonial Army in the Revolutionary War.  Necromancer, a powerful wizard, is also hired to resurrect dead British Soldiers.  George Washington offers any superhumans a place to live in peace if they fight on the side of the Colonial Army.  Juno accepts the offer, and battles the Necromancer, and exposes him as a fraud who uses telekinesis to make it seem like wooden skeletons are resurrected soldiers.  Matthew Clark becomes the Eagle, the first costumed avenger, battling the British who call him a "Fancy Dress Bandit."
    1791 - Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution confirms the right to use superhuman powers by American Citizens.
    1805 - At the Battle of Derna a marine named Matthew Easton saves the life of a superhuman.  In gratitude he gives him superpowers allowing the first Captain Freedom.
    1872 - Taylor Act regarding Bounty Hunters serves as the bases for Superheroes to Battle Crime.
    1895 - Nikola Tesla invites H.G. Wells. Astronomer William North, and his wife Doctor Regina Storm North to the unveiling of his "Tesla Sphere."  Believing it to be an early version of Television it turns out to be a transdimensional portal to an alien war.  The inhuman aliens attack, but are fortunately are stopped by Regina who is the former Queen of the Roman Pantheon Juno.  The lab is destroyed in the battle, Telsa develops a fear of spheres, and Wells writes The War of the Worlds as a warning.
    Feb - Bradley Taylor born in New York City.
    May - Stephen Decatur Clark and Katherine Courtney Clark born in Los Angeles.
    June - Jennifer Brooke Elizabeth Alexandria Taylor Born in New York City.
    July - Lauren Anne Murphy born in Charleston, South Carolina.
    Oct - An alien space craft with a robot crew lands outside of New York City.  Ultraman and Starlet arrive at the scene after it's been surrounded by the National Guard.  The three robots inside each controlling a large war machine, attack.  Ultraman and Starlet defeat them but one of the robots manages to escape the destruction of it's war machine, and will become the super-villain known as The Mechanical Menace.
    Sept -  World War Two begins in Europe.  
    Sept - America Force, a group of Isolationist Superheroes, is formed by Douglas Mansfield, famed Aviation Pioneer as Lone Eagle.  The members include Movie Star Aaron Blair as Swashbuckler, U.S. Representative Annette Banks as Union Maid, U.S. Senator Gregory Grayson Hollister as Gray Ghost, and Newspaper Columnist William Dexter as Captain Atlas.  They engage in low level crime fighting while giving lectures on keeping America out of the war.
    May - United Superheroes of America formed by Nighthawk, Miss Freedom, Ultraman, Lady Liberty, Minuteman, Jade Tiger, Black Rose, Starlet, Poseidon, American Eagle, Cleopatra, and Titaness.  
    Dec 11 - The Night of Infamy:  Fifth Column Agents assassinate a number of superheroes all across the country when Germany declares War on the United States.  Poseidon is nearly killed but is saved by U.S. Navy Intelligence Officer Cassidy Young.  Seeing her as worthy he gives her a golden trident which gives her superhuman powers so she can become the heroine Columbia.  The Herodome in New York City is destroyed by a bomb, killing most of the League of Heroes.  Raven in brought in to discovered the culprit behind the attack, and exposes Captain Atlas as a traitor.  He reveals himself to be a Fifth Column agent, and battles the Raven, Ultraman, and Titaness as Captain Axis.
  9. Like
    Cassandra got a reaction from Spence in Hero system 7 ideas   
    Bring Back 5th Edition and call it Hero System 7.
    That's how Coke handled New Coke.
  10. Like
    Cassandra got a reaction from bigbywolfe in Random Television Quotes   
    "One vote can't make a difference."
    "That's not true.  The first robot President was elected by exactly one vote."
    "Ah, yes.  John Quincy Adding Machine.  He really struck a cord with the voters when he promised not to go on a killing spree."
    "Yes, but like most politicians he promised more then he could deliver."
  11. Like
    Cassandra got a reaction from Amorkca in 5th Edition 250 Points Comic Book Characters   
    Val Char Cost
    15 STR 5
    20 DEX 30
    18 CON 16
    11 BODY 2
    18 INT 8
    14 EGO 8
    20 PRE 10
    18 COM 4
    7 PD 4
    7 ED 3
    4 SPD 10
    7 REC 0
    36 END 0
    28 STUN 0
    Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Acrobatics 13-
    3 Breakfall 13-
    3 Criminology 13-
    1 FB: Medical License
    3 Interrogation 13-
    3 Navigation [Air/Ground] 13-
    3 Paramedic 13-
    3 SS[INT]: Medicine 13-
    3 Streetwise 13-
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Powers
    24 Armor +8 rPD +8 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) Darkness [Sight] AE 4"r, [12c/Duration 1 Turn] (+1/4)
    5 u) Drain [STUN] 5d6, [16c] (-0)
    5 u) EB 10d6, [16c] (-0)
    5 u) Entangle 5d6 DEF 5, [16c] (-0)
    5 u) Invisibility [Sight/Hearing/Radio], No Fringe, 1/2 END (+1/4)
    3 u) Missile Deflection [All Ranged Attacks] +5
    5 u) Multiform: 250 Points [Vehicle]
    2 u) Running +5", 8x NCM
    3 u) STR +30
    2 u) Swinging 10", 8x NCM
    5 ES: UV Sight 
    6 Running +3"
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 Hunted: Axis Spies (Less Powerful/NCI) 8-
    10 Hunted: Crime Doctor (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: The Underworld (Less Powerful/NCI) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima
    20 PsyL: Code Versus Killing (Common/Total)
    20 PsyL: Devoted To Justice (Very Common/Strong)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity [Dr. Katherine Courtney Clark, M.D.] (Occasionally/Major)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Origin: Dr. Katherine Courtney Clark is a Medical Doctor and Criminologist who's built a career on solving a number of difficult crimes.  When the criminal seemed beyond the law Katherine went after then as the costumed crime fighter known as The Raven.
    Appearance:  Katherine Clark is 5'10", 130 lbs, with a slender but well muscles build, black hair, and blue eyes.  As Raven she wears a black bodysuit, mask, weapons belt, gloves, boots, and cape.  She wears a black wig to help disguise her identity, which is armored with a metal mesh.  
    Powers:  Raven is a weapons master with a variety of different weapons including throwing wings and bolas.  Her Drain is a sleep gas she sprays at close range that overwhelms the nervous system even if it's not breathed.  Her invisibility is her ability to sneak around and hide.  Her multiform is getting into her flying car, which changes her powers (see below).
    Cost Powers
    30 Armor +10 rPD +10 rED
    15 EC [Vehicle]-15 Points
    15 1) Density Increase: Mass 800kg, STR +15, KB -3", PD +3, ED +3, No END Persistent (+1)*
    35 2) EB 10d6
    15 3) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    15 4) Growth: Length 2", Widge 2", BODY/STUN +3, DCV -2, PER +2, Reach +1", STR +15, KB -3", No END Persistent (+1)*
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    *Density Increase/Growth Combined Mass 1600kg, KB -6"
    Raven is an original character.
  12. Like
    Cassandra got a reaction from Amorkca in 5th Edition 250 Points Comic Book Characters   
    Raven is my latest version of a Weapons Master.  I came to the conclusion that the way Batman, Huntress, and Black Canary sneak around is because they have a form a Invisibility allowing them to move silently had conceal themselves until they are ready to pounce.  As the invisibility takes up all their multipower's points, they can only movie at 9" running, 5" in a half move.    The Drain is any kind of close range attack that doesn't to BODY damage such as a choke hold, sleep gas, stun gun, or chlororform.  This is Raven at the beginning of her career but she doesn't really change much over the years.  
    The flying car is called a "Casey", named for it's inventors Alexandria King and Stephen Decatur Clark, the later being Katherine's twin Brother and the crime fighter known as The Nighthawk.
  13. Thanks
    Cassandra got a reaction from Hauer in Help need: Multiform   
    That's where the OIF (-1/2) bonus comes in.  As we saw in Captain America: Civil War Tony didn't have his Armor when the Winter Soldier broke out of containment.  A -1/2 limitations means you don't get  to use your powers half the time.  A -1 for an OAF means that at some point someone will make a grab for the thing in a fight.  Wonder Woman knows that from the number of times she's been bound by her magic lasso.
  14. Like
    Cassandra got a reaction from Quackhell in United Superheroes of America   
    Val Char Cost
    15 STR 5
    20 DEX 30
    20 CON 20
    10 BODY 0
    13 INT 3
    20 EGO 20
    15 PRE 5
    18 COM 4
    5 PD 2
    5 ED 1
    4 SPD 10
    7 REC 0
    40 END 0
    28 STUN 0
    Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Skills
    2 AK: Washington, D.C. 11-
    3 Bureaucratics 12-
    1 FB: Registered Nurse
    3 High Society 12-
    2 Lang: Fluent Russian
    5 Money: Well Off
    2 Navigation [Air] 12-
    3 Paramedic 12-
    2 PS: Nurse 11-
    2 TF: Helicopters, Small Planes
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points) 
    5 u) EGO Attack 5d6
    5 u) EB [Light] 10d6 
    5 u) Mind Control 10d6
    15 EC [Mentalist]-15 Points
    15 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 Hunted: Fifth Column (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Forces of Evil (As Powerful) 8-
    5 Hunted: Valkyrie (As Powerful/Mild) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima
    20 PsyL: Code Of The Hero (Very Common/Strong)
    20 PsyL: Superpatriot (Common/Total)
    15 Vuln: Ambushes/Treacherous Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Origin:  Tanya Lockhart is a Nurse who comes from a Wealthy family that owns an aircraft manufacturing company.  She learned to wield magic from her oldest sister Laura, and superheroine known as Lady Liberty.  Taking the name Torch she operates in Washington, D.C..  She battles the Forces of Evil, a loose association of supervillains, the Fifth Column, a subversive organization, and the Valkyrie, an operative of the Fifth Column.
    Appearance.  Tanya is a lovely young woman with 5'8", 115 lbs, with Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes.   As Torch she wears a white gown with a red, white, and blue cord that is wrapped around her gown, a golden crown, bracelets, belt, and sandals.  In her right hand she can summon a golden torch with a crystal flame that glows with either red, white, or blue light depending on the powers she's using, and can summon a protective book shaped shield to her left hand.
    Powers:  Torch can fire a red light energy blast, a sleep inducing white beam, and a mind controlling blue beam with her golden torch.  She can deflect attacks with her book shaped shield.  Her sandals give her the power of flight.  
  15. Like
    Cassandra got a reaction from Quackhell in United Superheroes of America   
    Crime Doctor
    Val Char Cost
    20 STR 10
    18 DEX 24
    20 CON 20
    12 BODY 4
    18 INT 8
    11 EGO 2
    20 PRE 10
    18 COM 4
    8 PD 4
    6 ED 2
    4 SPD 12
    8 REC 0
    40 END 0
    32 STUN 0
    Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Conversation 13-
    25 Followers: 4x 75+ Disadvantages [Ambulance Driver, Intern, Nurse, & Orderly]
    1 FB: Medical License
    3 High Society 13-
    2 Navigation [Ground] 13-
    3 Paramedic 13-
    3 Persuasion 13-
    2 PS: Society Doctor 11-
    2 SS: Medicine 11-
    3 Seduction 13-
    3 Streetwise 13-
    Total Skills Cost: 50 Points
    Cost Powers
    24 Armor +8 rPD +8 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) Drain [STUN] 5d6
    5 u) Entangle 5d6 DEF 5
    5 u) Invisibility [Sight/Hearing/Radio], No Fringe, 1/2 END (+1/4)
    5 u) Running +5", 8x NCM, Usable Simultaneously (+1/2), 8x Mass (+3/4), 1/2 END (+1/4)
    6 Running +3"
    Total Powers Cost: 100 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 Hunted: Maiden America (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Nightingale (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Raven (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Torch (As Powerful) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima
    20 PsyL: Code Versus Killing (Common/Total)
    20 PsyL: Greedy (Very Common/Strong)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity [Dr. Ian Steele, M.D.] (Occasionally/Major)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Origin:  Dr. Ian Steele earned the money for his Medical Degree through a series of con games.  Despite becoming a successful society doctor his greed made him organize a staff of criminals to carry out lucrative medical theme crimes.  The Crime Doctor is currently being hunted by four heroines with medical backgrounds he has encountered over the years.
    Appearance:  Dr. Ian Steele is a tall and handsome young man.  As the Crime Doctor he wears a white surgical cap,  mask,, gloves, and gown.  
    Powers:  The Crime Doctor has become very adept at sneaking around and avoid being scene or heard.  He uses a variety of weapons that will harmlessly restrain someone at range, and had a variety of devices to render someone unconscious at close range.  Transportation is an ambulance used to transport his staff and stolen goods.
  16. Like
    Cassandra got a reaction from Psillias in 5th Edition 250 Points Superheroes Random Generator   
    Superhero Types List
    Brick (Air)
    Brick (Ground)
    Brick (Sea)
    Brick (Space)
    Energy Projector
    Energy Projector (Invisibility)
    Energy Projector (Sea)
    Martial Artist (Air)
    Martial Artist (Ground)
    Mentalist (Sea)
    Metamorph [Density Increase]
    Metamorph [Growth]
    Metamorph [Multiform]
    Metamorph [shape Shift]
    Metamorph [shrinking] [Energy Projector]
    Metamorph [shrinking] [brick]
    Metamorph [stretching]
    Mysic [sea]
    Powered Armor
    Powered Armor [Entangle]
    Powered Armor [space]
    Speedster [Desolid]
    Speedster [Energy Projector]
    Weapons Master
    Skill Set List
  17. Like
    Cassandra got a reaction from Nekkidcarpenter in 5th Edition 250 Points Superheroes Random Generator   
    Generic Superhero Generator
    Superhero/Super-Villain - Roll 1d6
    Superhero (1-5)
    Super-Villain (6) [Note: Roll for Superhero Type, then add Criminal Skill Set and appropriate Disadvantages]
    Superhero Type - Roll 2d6 For List.  Then Roll 2d6 For Superhero Type.
    List (2)
    Brick (2)
    Energy Projector (3)
    Gadgeteer (4)
    Martial Artist (5)
    Mentalist (6)
    Metamorph (7)
    Mystic (8)
    Patriot (9)
    Powered Armor (10)
    Speedster (11)
    Weapons Master (12)
    List (3)
    Energy Projector (2)
    Gadgeteer (3)
    Martial Artist (4)
    Mentalist (5)
    Metamorph (6)
    Mystic (7)
    Patriot (8)
    Powered Armor (9)
    Speedster (10)
    Weapons Master (11)
    Brick (12)
    List (4)
    Gadgeteer (2)
    Martial Artist (3)
    Mentalist (4)
    Metamorph (5)
    Mystic (6)
    Patriot (7)
    Powered Armor (8)
    Speedster (9)
    Weapons Master (10)
    Brick (11)
    Energy Projector (12)
    List (5)
    Martial Artist (2)
    Mentalist (3)
    Metamorph (4)
    Mystic (5)
    Patriot (6)
    Powered Armor (7)
    Speedster (8)
    Weapons Masters (9)
    Brick (10)
    Energy Projector (11)
    Gadgeteer (12)
    List (6)
    Mentalist (2)
    Metamorph (3)
    Mystic (4)
    Patriot (5)
    Powered Armor (6)
    Speedster (7)
    Weapons Master (8)
    Brick (9)
    Energy Projector (10)
    Gadgeteer (11)
    Martial Artist (12)
    List (7)
    Metamorph (2)
    Mystic (3)
    Patriot (4)
    Powered Armor (5)
    Speedster (6)
    Weapons Master (7)
    Brick (8)
    Energy Projector (9)
    Gadgeteer (10)
    Martial Artist (11)
    Mentalist (12)
    List (8)
    Mystic (2)
    Patriot (3)
    Powered Armor (4)
    Speedster (5)
    Weapons Master (6)
    Brick (7)
    Energy Projector (8)
    Gadgeteer (9)
    Martial Artist (10)
    Mentalist (11)
    Metamorph (12)
    List (9)
    Patriot (2)
    Powered Armor (3)
    Speedster (4)
    Weapons Master (5)
    Brick (6)
    Energy Projector (7)
    Gadgeteer (8)
    Martial Artist (9)
    Mentalist (10)
    Metamorph (11)
    Mystic (12)
    List (10)
    Powered Armor (2)
    Speedster (3)
    Weapons Master (4)
    Brick (5)
    Energy Projector (6)
    Gadgeteer (7)
    Martial Artist (8)
    Mentalist (9)
    Metamorph (10)
    Mystic (11)
    Patriot (12)
    List (11)
    Speedster (2)
    Weapons Master (3)
    Brick (4)
    Energy Projector (5)
    Gadgeteer (6)
    Martial Artist (7)
    Mentalist (8)
    Metamorph (9)
    Mystic (10)
    Patriot (11)
    Powered Armor (12)
    List (12)
    Weapons Master (2)
    Brick (3)
    Energy Projector (4)
    Gadgeteer (5)
    Martial Artist (6)
    Mentalist (7)
    Metamorph (8)
    Mystic (9)
    Patriot (10)
    Powered Armor (11)
    Speedster (12)
    Gender - Roll 1d6
    Male (1-3)
    Female (4-6)
    Male Char Female
    50 STR 50
    15 DEX 18
    25 CON 25
    14 BODY 10
    13 INT 13
    10 EGO 11
    20 PRE 20
    18 COM 18
    25 PD 20
    15 ED 20
    4 SPD 4
    15 REC 15
    50 END 50
    52 STUN 48
    Total Characteristics Cost: 150 Points
    Cost Skills
    25 Skill Set
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Brick Type - Roll 1d6
    Cost Powers
    10 Damage Resistance 10 rPD 10 rED
    15 EC [super-Strength]-15 Points
    35 1) EB 10d6
    15 2) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    Total Powers Cost: 75 Points
    Cost Powers
    10 Damage Resistance 10 rPD 10 rEd
    16 ES: N-Ray Sight [Lead], Telescopic Sight +4
    30 Multipower (30 Points)
    3 u) Leaping +10", 8x NCM, No END (+1/2)
    3 u) Running +5", 8x NCM, No END (+1/2)
    3 u) Tunneling 6" DEF 6
    Total Powers Cost: 75 Points
    Cost Skills
    2 Animal Handler [Aquatic Animals] 13-
    3 Bureaucratics 13-
    3 EM: Water
    3 High Society 13-
    3 Navigation [Air/Sea] 12-
    3 Oratory 13-
    3 Riding [Swimming Beasts] 12-
    2 Survival [Marine] 12-
    3 Tactics 12-
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Powers
    10 Damage Resistance 10 rPD 10 rED
    20 ES: Active Sonar, UV Sight
    37 Flight 10", 8x NCM, Usable Underwater (+1/4)
    8 LS: Breathe Underwater, High Pressure, Intense Cold
    Total Powers Cost: 75 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Bump of Direction
    3 Bureaucratics 13-
    3 Combat Piloting [Combat Aircraft] 12- (M) or 13- (F)
    3 Computer Programming 12-
    4 EM: Zero-Gravity
    3 Navigation [Air/Space] 12-
    3 Systems Operation 13-
    3 TF: Large Aircraft, Science Fiction & Space Vehicles
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Powers
    10 Damage Resistance 10 rPD 10 rED
    10 ES: Sight PER +2, Telescopic Sight +4
    30 Multipower (30 Points)
    3 u) FTL Travel 1000 LY/Year
    3 u) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    19 LS: High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self Contained
    Total Powers Cost: 75 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 DNPC: Loved One (Normal) 8-
    10 Hunted: Arch Enemy (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Evil Organization (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Government Agency (More Powerful/NCI/Watch) 8-
    20 PsyL: Code Of The Hero (Very Common/Strong)
    15 PsyL: Overconfidence (Very Common/Moderate)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity (Occasionally/Major)
    15 Vuln: Ambushes/Treacherous Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Energy Projector
    Male Char Female
    20 STR 15
    18 DEX 20
    20 CON 18
    12 BODY 11
    18 INT 18
    11 EGO 14
    15 PRE 15
    18 COM 18
    6 PD 5
    4 ED 5
    4 SPD 4
    10 REC 8
    50 END 50
    32 STUN 28
    Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Skills
    25 Skill Set
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Energy Projector Type - Roll 1d6
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) EB 10d6
    5 u) Entangle 5d6 DEF 5
    5 u) Force Wall 10 rPD 10 rED
    15 EC [Energy]-15 Points
    15 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    15 EC [Energy]-15 Points
    35 1) EB 10d6
    15 2) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    15 3) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    30 4) Invisibility [sight], No Fringe, No END (+1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points
    5 u) EB 10d6
    5 u) Flash [sight] 4d6, AE 3"r (+1), Personal Immunity (+1/4), 1/2 END (+1/4)
    5 u) Images [Sight/Hearing], PER -3, AE 8"r (+3/4), 1/2 END (+1/4)
    15 EC [Energy]-15 Points
    15 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Skills
    2 Animal Handler [Aquatic Animals] 12-
    3 Bureaucratics 12-
    3 EM: Water
    3 High Society 12-
    3 Navigation [Air/Sea] 13-
    3 Oratory 12-
    3 Riding [Swimming Beasts] 12-
    2 Survival [Marine] 13-
    3 Tactics 13-
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    15 EC [Energy]-15 Points
    35 1) EB 10d6
    22 2) Flight 10", 8x NCM, Usable Underwater (+1/4)
    15 3) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    10 4) HA +6d6, HTH Attack (-1/2)
    5 ES: UV Sight
    8 LS: Breathe Underwater, High Pressure, Intense Cold
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) EB 10d6
    2 u) HA +6d6, HTH Attack (-1/2)
    4 u) Telekinesis 30 STR
    4 u) Telekinesis 20 STR, Fine Manipulation
    15 EC [Telekinesis]-15 Points
    15 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 DNPC: Loved One (Normal) 8-
    10 Hunted: Arch Enemy (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Evil Organization (As Powerful) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima
    20 PsyL: Code Of The Hero (Very Common/Strong)
    20 PsyL: Protective Of Innocents (Very Common/Strong)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity (Occasionally/Major)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Male Char Female
    20 STR 15
    18 DEX 20
    20 CON 20
    12 BODY 10
    13 INT 13
    18 EGO 20
    15 PRE 15
    18 COM 18
    6 PD 5
    4 ED 5
    4 SPD 4
    8 REC 7
    40 END 40
    32 STUN 28
    Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Skills
    25 Skill Set
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Powers
    45 Armor +15 rPD +15 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) EGO Attack 5d6
    5 u) EB 10d6
    5 u) Entangle 5d6 DEF 5
    5 u) Flight 10", 4x NCM, 8x NCM, 1/2 END (+1/4)
    5 u) FW 10 rPD 10 rED
    5 u) Mind Control 10d6
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    15 EC [Gadgetry]-15 Points
    15 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    35 3) Mind Control 10d6
    15 4) STR +30
    15 5) Stretching 4", No END (+1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) EB 10d6
    5 u) Entangle 5d6
    5 u) Mind Control 10d6
    15 EC [Gadgetry]-15 Points
    15 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 DNPC: Loved One (Normal) 8-
    10 Hunted: Arch Enemy (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Evil Organization (As Powerful) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima
    20 PsyL: Code Versus Killing (Very Common/Strong)
    20 PsyL: Protective Of Innocents (Very Common/Strong)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity (Occasionally/Major)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Martial Artist
    Male Char Cost
    20 STR 15
    18 DEX 20
    20 CON 18
    12 BODY 11
    18 INT 18
    11 EGO 14
    20 PRE 20
    18 COM 18
    8 PD 7
    6 ED 7
    4 SPD 4
    8 REC 7
    40 END 36
    32 STUN 28
    Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Acrobatics 13-
    3 Breakfall 13-
    10 CSL: HTH Combat +2
    3 Contortionist 13-
    5 Defensive Strike
    3 EM: Narrow Surfaces
    3 Lightning Reflexes
    3 3 Lightsleep 13-
    4 Martial Block
    4 Martial Disarm
    4 Martial Dodge
    3 Martial Throw
    2 Navigation
    Total Skills Cost: 50 Points
    Martial Arts Type - Roll 1d6
    Cost Powers
    24 Armor +8 rPD +8 rED
    10 Clinging 20 STR (M) or 15 STR (F)
    15 EC [Martial Arts]-15 Points
    10 1) HA +6d6, HTH Attack (-1/2)
    15 2) Invisibility [Hearing], No Fringe, No END (+1/2)
    15 3) Running +5", 8x NCM, No END (+1/2)
    3 ES: PER +1
    8 Running +4"
    Total Powers Cost: 100 Points
    cost Powers
    24 Armor +8 rPD +8 rED
    10 Clinging 20 STR (M) or 15 STR (F)
    15 EC [Martial Arts]-15 Points
    15 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    10 2) HA +6d6, HTH Attack (-1/2)
    15 3) Invisibility [Hearing], No Fringe, No END (+1/2)
    3 ES: Telescopic Sight +2
    8 Running +4"
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 DNPC: Loved One (Normal) 8-
    10 Hunted: Arch Enemy (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Evil Organization (As Powerful) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima
    20 PsyL: Honorable (Common/Total)
    20 PsyL: Protective Of Innocents (Very Common/Strong)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity (Occasionally/Major)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Male Char Female
    20 STR 18
    18 DEX 20
    20 CON 20
    12 BODY 10
    13 INT 13
    18 DEX 20
    15 PRE 15
    18 COM 18
    6 PD 5
    4 ED 5
    4 SPD 4
    8 REC 7
    40 END 40
    32 STUN 28
    Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Skills
    25 Skill Set
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Mentalist Type - Roll 1d6
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) EGO Attack 5d6
    5 u) EB 10d6
    5 u) Mind Control 10d6
    15 EC [Mental Powers]-15 Points
    15 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Powers
    45 Armor +15 rPD +15 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) EGO Attack 5d6
    5 u) EB 10d6
    5 u) Flight 10",  4x Mass, 8x NCM, 1/2 END (+1/4)
    5 u) Mental Illusion 10d6
    5 u) Mind Control 10d6
    5 u) Telepathy 10d6
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Skills
    2 Animal Handler [Aquatic Animals] 12-
    3 Bureaucratics 12-
    3 EM: Water
    3 High Society 12-
    3 Navigation [Air/Sea] 12-
    3 Oratory 12-
    3 Riding [Swimming Beasts] 12-
    2 Survival [Marine] 12-
    3 Tactics 12-
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    15 EC [Mental Powers]-15 Points
    22 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM, Usable Underwater (+1/4)
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    10 3) HA +6d6, HTH Attack (-1/2)
    35 4) Mind Control 10d6
    5 ES: UV Sight
    8 LS: Breathe Underwater, High Pressure, Intense Cold
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 DNPC: Loved One (Normal) 8-
    10 Hunted: Arch Enemy (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Evil Organization (As Powerful) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima
    20 PsyL: Code Of The Hero (Very Common/Strong)
    20 PsyL: Protective Of Innocents (Very Common/Strong)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity (Occasionally/Major)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Male Char Female
    20 STR 15
    18 DEX 20
    20 CON 18
    12 BODY 11
    13 INT 13
    11 EGO 14
    20 PRE 20
    18 COM 18
    6 PD 5
    4 ED 5
    4 SPD 4
    10 REC 8
    50 END 50
    32 STUN 28
    Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Skills
    25 Skill Set
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Metamorph Type - Roll 1d6
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    8 Armor +4 rPD +4 rED, Linked [Density Increase] (-1/2)
    15 EC [Metamorph]-15 Points
    22 1) Density Increase: Mass 6400kg, STR +30, KB -6", PD +6, ED +6, Cost END Only To Activate (+1/4)
    35 2) EB 10d6
    15 3) Leaping +10", 8x NCM,  No END (+1/2)
    15 4) Tunneling 6" DEF 6
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    20 Armor +10 rPD +10 rED, Linked [Growth] (-1/2)
    15 EC [Metamorph-15 Points
    35 1) EB 10d6
    22 2) Growth: Height 4", Width 2", Mass 6400kg, BODY/STUN +6, DCV -4, PER +4, Reach +2", STR +30, KB -6", Cost END Only To Activate (+1/4)
    15 3) Running +5", 8x NCM, No END (+1/2)
    3 ES: Telescopic Sight +2
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) EB 10d6
    5 u) Multiform: 250 Points
    5 u) Multiform: 250 Points
    15 EC [Metamorph]-15 Points
    15 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Powers
    45 Armor +15 rPD +15 rED
    15 EC [Metamorph]-15 Points
    15 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    30 2) Shape Shift [sight/Hearing/Touch], Limited Group of Shapes [Humanoid], Imitation, Cost END Only To Change Shape (+1/4)
    15 3) STR +30
    5 Transform: Instant Change [Any], Linked [shape Shift] (-1/2)
    Total Power Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Powers
    30 Armor +10 rPD +10 rED
    25 EC [Metamorph]-25 Points
    25 1) EB 10d6
    25 2) Shrinking: Height .125m, Mass .025kg, PER -8, DCV +8, KB +12", Cost END Only To Activate (+1/4)
    20 Flight 10", 8x NCM, No END (+1/2), Linked [Shrinking] (-1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Breakfall 
    5 CSL: HTH Attack +1
    3 Concealment
    3 Contortionist 
    5 Cramming
    4 Double Joined
    2 Navigation [Air] 
    Total Skills Cost:  25 Points
    Cost Powers
    45 Armor +15 rPD +15 rED
    10 Clinging 20 STR (M) or 15 STR (F)
    15 EC [Metamorph]-15 Points
    10 1) Desolid, Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2), Does Not Protect Against Damage (-1)
    15 2) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    15 3) STR +30
    15 4) Stretching 4", No END (+1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 DNPC: Loved One (Normal) 8-
    10 Hunted: Arch Enemy (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Evil Organization (As Powerful) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima
    20 PsyL: Code Of The Hero (Very Common/Strong)
    20 PsyL: Protective Of Innocents (Very Common/Strong)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity (Occasionally/Major)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Male Char Female
    20 STR 15
    18 DEX 20
    20 CON 20
    12 BODY 10
    13 INT 13
    18 EGO 20
    15 PRE 15
    18 COM 18
    6 PD 5
    4 ED 5
    4 SPD 4
    8 REC 7
    40 END 40
    32 STUN 28
    Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Skills
    25 Skill Set
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Mystic Type - Roll 1d6 
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) EB 10d6
    5 u) Mental Illusion 10d6
    5 u) Telepathy 10d6
    15 EC [Magic]-15 Points
    15 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Skills
    2 Animal Handler [Aquatic Animals] 12-
    3 Bureaucratics 12-
    3 EM: Water
    3 High Society 12-
    3 Navigation [Air/Sea] 12-
    3 Oratory 12-
    3 Riding [Swimming Beasts] 12-
    2 Survival [Marine] 12-
    3 Tactics 12-
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    15 EC [Magic]-15 Points
    22 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM, Usable Underwater (+1/4)
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    10 3) HA +6d6, HTH Attack (-1/2)
    35 4) Mental Illusion 10d6
    5 ES: UV Sight
    8 LS: Breathe Underwater, High Pressure, Intense Cold
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Powers
    45 Armor +15 rPD +15 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) EB 10d6
    5 u) Mental Illusion 10d6
    5 u) Telepathy 10d6
    5 u) Teleport 10", 4x NCM, 8x NCM, 1/2 END (+1/4)
    10 ES: N-Ray Sight [Lead]
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 DNPC: Loved One (Normal) 8-
    10 Hunted: Arch Enemy (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Evil Organization (As Powerful) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima 
    20 PsyL: Code Of The Hero (Very Common/Strong)
    20 PsyL: Protective Of Innocents (Very Common/Strong)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity (Occasionally/Major)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Male Char Female
    20 STR 15
    20 DEX 23
    20 CON 20
    15 BODY 10
    18 INT 18
    14 EGO 18
    20 PRE 20
    18 COM 18
    8 PD 7
    6 ED 7
    4 SPD 4
    10 REC 7
    50 END 40
    35 STUN 28
    Total Characteristics Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Skills
    2 AK: Home Country 11-
    3 Breakfall 13-
    3 Bureaucratics 13-
    3 Defense Maneuver I
    2 Navigation [Ground] 13-
    3 Oratory 13-
    3 Paramedic 13-
    3 Tactics 13-
    3 Teamwork 13- (M) or 14- (F)
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Patriot Type - Roll 1d6
    Cost Powers
    24 Armor +8 rPD +8 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) EB 10d6
    2 u) Leaping +10", 8x NCM
    3 u) Missile Deflection [All Ranged Attacks] +5
    2 u) Running +5", 8x NCM
    3 u) STR +30
    3 ES: PER +1
    8 Running +4"
    Total Powers Cost:  100 Points
    Cost Powers
    24 Armor +8 rPD +8 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) EB 10d6
    2 u) Leaping +10", 8x NCM
    2 u) Running +5", 8x NCM
    3 u) STR +30
    6 KB Resistance -3"
    8 Running +4"
    Total Powers Cost: 100 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 DNPC: Loved One (Normal) 8-
    10 Hunted: Arch Enemy (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Random Super-Villain (As Powerful) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima
    20 PsyL: Code Of The Hero (Very Common/Strong)
    20 PsyL: Superpatriot (Common/Total)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity (Occasionally/Major)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Powered Armor
    Male Char Female
    20 STR 15
    18 DEX 24
    20 CON 18
    12 BODY 11
    18 INT 18
    11 EGO 14
    15 PRE 15
    18 COM 18
    6 PD 5
    4 ED 5
    4 SPD 4
    10 REC 8
    50 END 50
    32 STUN 28
    Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Skills
    25 Skill Set
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Powers
    45 Armor +15 rPD +15 rED
    15 EC [Powered Armor]-15 Points
    35 1) EB 10d6
    15 2) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    15 3) STR +30
    Total Powers Cost:  125 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages 
    10 DNPC: Loved One (Normal) 8-
    10 Hunted: Arch Enemy (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Evil Organization (As Powerful) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima
    20 PsyL: Protective Of Innocents (Very Common/Strong)
    20 PsyL: Superpatriot (Common/Total)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity (Occasionally/Major)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Male Char Female
    20 STR 15
    23 DEX 26
    20 BODY 18
    12 BODY 10
    13 INT 13
    11 EGO 14
    15 PRE 15
    18 COM 18
    6 PD 5
    4 ED 5
    6 REC 6
    10 REC 8
    50 END 50
    32 STUN 27
    Total Characteristics Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Skills
    25 Skill Set
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Speedster Type - Roll 1d6
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    15 EC [Super-Speed]-15 Points
    35 1) EB 10d6
    20 2) Flight 15", 8x NCM, Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4)
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    15 EC [Super-Speed]-15 Points
    25 1) Desolid [Magic]
    20 2) Flight 15", 8x NCM, Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4)
    15 3) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    10 4) HA +6d6, HTH Attack (-1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    15 EC [Super-Speed]-15 Points
    20 1) Flight 15", 8x NCM, Only On Contact With A Surface (-1/4)
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    10 3) HA +6d6, HTH Attack (-1/2)
    22 4) Invisibility [Sight], No Fringe, 1/2 END (+1/2)
    3 ES: PER +1
    Total Powers Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Powers
    45 Armor +15 rPD +15 rED
    15 EC [Super-Speed]-15 Points
    25 1) Flight 15", 8x NCM
    15 2) STR +30
    Total Powers Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    10 Clinging 50 STR (M) or 45 STR (F)
    15 EC [Super-Speed]-15 Points
    15 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    15 3) STR +30
    15 4) Stretching 4", No END (+1/2)
    Total Powers Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Skills
    2 Animal Handler [Aquatic Animals] 12-
    3 Bureaucratics 12-
    3 EB: Water
    3 High Society 12-
    3 Navigation [Air/Sea] 12-
    3 Oratory 12-
    3 Riding [Swimming Beasts] 12-
    2 Survival [Marine] 12-
    3 Tactics 12-
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Powers
    15 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED
    15 EC [Super-Speed]-15 Points
    22 1) Flight 10, 8x NCM, Usable Underwater (+1/4)
    15 2) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)
    15 2) STR +30
    10 ES: Hearing PER +1, Telescopic Hearing +2, UV Sight
    8 LS: Breathe Underwater, High Pressure, Intense Cold
    Total Powers Cost: 100 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 DNPC: Loved One (Normal) 8-
    10 Hunted: Arch Enemy (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Evil Organization
    10 Hunted: Government Agency (More Powerful/NCI/Watch) 8-
    20 PsyL: Code Of The Hero (Very Common/Strong)
    15 PsyL: Overconfidence (Very Common/Moderate)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity (Occasionally/Major)
    15 Vuln: Ambushes/Treacherous Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Weapons Master
    Male Char Female
    20 STR 15
    18 DEX 20
    20 CON 18
    12 BODY 11
    18 INT 18
    11 EGO 14
    20 PRE 20
    18 COM 18
    8 PD 7
    6 ED 7
    4 SPD 4
    8 REC 7
    40 END 36
    32 STUN 28
    Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points
    Cost Skills
    25 Skill Set
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Weapons Master Type - Roll 1d6
    Cost Powers
    24 Armor +8 rPD +8 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) Darkness [Sight] AE 4"r, [12c/Duration 1 Turn] (+1/4)
    5 u) EB 10d6, [16c] (-0)
    5 u) EB 5d6, NND [LS: Self Contained] (+1), [16c] (-0)
    5 u) Entangle 5d6 DEF 5, [16c] (-0)
    2 u) Gliding 10", 8x NCM
    2 u) HA +6d6, HTH Attack (-1/2)
    2 u) Running +5", 8x NCM
    2 u) Swinging 10", 8x NCM
    5 ES: UV Sight
    10 LS: Self Contained
    8 Running +4"
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Cost Powers
    24 Armor +8 rPD +8 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) EB 10d6, [16c] (-0)
    4 u) EB 6d6, AP (+1/2), [16c] (-0)
    4 u) EB 6d6, Explosion (+1/2), [16c] (-0)
    5 u) Entangle 5d6 DEF 5
    4 u) Flash [Sight] 6d6, Explosion (+1/2), [16c] (-0)
    2 u) HA +6d6, HTH Attack (-1/2)
    2 u) Running +5", 8x NCM
    2 u) Swinging 10", 8x NCM
    10 ES: Sight PER +2, Telescopic Sight +4
    5 Flash Def [Sight] 5 Points
    8 Running +4"
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 DNPC: Loved One (Normal) 8-
    10 Hunted: Arch Enemy (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: Evil Organization (As Powerful) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima
    20 PsyL: Code Versus Killing (Common/Total)
    20 PsyL: Protective Of Innocents (Very Common/Strong)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity (Occasionally/Major)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Skill Set List - Roll 2d6 For List.  Then Roll 2d6 For Skill Set  [Note:  A Number of Superheroes have Inherent Skill Sets]
    List (2)
    Actor/Acting (2)
    Driver/Pilot (3)
    Entrepreneur (4)
    Inventor (5)
    Investigator (6)
    Magician (7)
    Physician/Nurse (8)
    Playboy/Socialite (9)
    Scientist (10)
    Soldier (11)
    Spy (12)
    List (3)
    Driver/Pilot (2)
    Entrepreneur (3)
    Inventor (4)
    Investigator (5)
    Magician (6)
    Physician/Nurse (7)
    Playboy/Socialite (8)
    Scientist (9)
    Soldier (10)
    Spy (11)
    Actor/Actress (12)
    List (4)
    Entrepreneur (2)
    Inventor (3)
    Investigator (4)
    Magician (5)
    Physician/Nurse (6)
    Playboy/Socialite (7)
    Scientist (8)
    Soldier (9)
    Spy (10)
    Actor/Actress (11)
    Driver/Pilot (12)
    List (5)
    Inventor (2)
    Investigator (3)
    Magician (4)
    Physician/Nurse (5)
    Playboy/Socialite (6)
    Scientist (7)
    Soldier (8)
    Spy (9)
    Actor/Actress (10)
    Driver/Pilot (11)
    Entrepreneur (12)
    List (6)
    Investigation (2)
    Magician (3)
    Physician/Nurse (4)
    Playboy/Socialite (5)
    Scientist (6)
    Soldier (7)
    Spy (8)
    Actor/Actress (9)
    Driver/Pilot (10)
    Entrepreneur (11)
    Inventor (12)
    List (7)
    Magician (2)
    Physician/Nurse (3)
    Playboy/Socialite (4)
    Scientist (5)
    Soldier (6)
    Spy (7)
    Actor/Actress (8)
    Driver/Pilot (9)
    Entrepreneur (10)
    Inventor (11)
    Investigation (12)
    List (8)
    Physician/Nurse (2)
    Playboy/Socialite (3)
    Scientist (4)
    Soldier (5)
    Spy (6)
    Actor/Actress (7)
    Driver/Pilot (8)
    Entrepreneur (9)
    Inventor (10)
    Investigator (11)
    Magician (12)
    List (9)
    Playboy/Socialite (2)
    Scientist (3)
    Soldier (4)
    Spy (5)
    Actor/Actress (6)
    Driver/Pilot (7)
    Entrepreneur (8)
    Inventor (9)
    Investigator (10)
    Magician (11)
    Physician/Nurse (12)
    List (10)
    Scientist (2)
    Soldier (3)
    Spy (4)
    Actor/Actress (5)
    Driver/Pilot (6)
    Entrepreneur (7)
    Inventor (8)
    Investigator (9)
    Magician (10)
    Physician/Nurse (11)
    Playboy/Socialite (12)
    List (11)
    Soldier (2)
    Spy (3)
    Actor/Actress (4)
    Driver/Pilot (5)
    Entrepreneur (6)
    Inventor (7)
    Investigation (8)
    Magician (9)
    Physician/Nurse (10)
    Playboy/Socialite (11)
    Scientist (12)
    List (12)
    Spy (2)
    Actor/Actress (3)
    Driver/Pilot (4)
    Entrepreneur (5)
    Inventor (6)
    Investigator (7)
    Magician (8)
    Physician/Nurse (9)
    Playboy/Socialite (10)
    Scientist (11)
    Soldier (12)
    Roll 1d6
    Cost Skills
    3 Acting
    3 Conversation
    5 Cramming
    3 Disguise
    3 Mimicry
    2 Navigation
    3 Persuasion
    3 Seduction
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Acting
    3 Conversation
    3 Disguise
    3 High Society
    5 Money: Well Off
    2 Navigation
    3 Oratory
    3 Persuasion
    3 Seduction
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Roll 1d6
    Cost Skills
    3 Bureaucratics
    3 Combat Driving or Combat Piloting
    3 Concealment
    3 Mechanics
    2 Navigation
    3 Shadowing
    3 Systems Operation
    3 Tactics
    2 Transportation Familiarity:
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Bump of Direction
    3 Bureaucratics
    3 Combat Piloting [Combat Aircraft]
    3 Computer Programming
    4 EM: Zero-Gravity
    3 Navigation [Air/Space]
    3 Systems Operation
    3 TF: Large Aircraft, Science Fiction & Space Vehicles
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Bribery
    3 Bureaucratics
    3 High Society
    5 Money: Well Off
    2 Navigation
    3 Oratory
    3 Persuasion
    3 Trading
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Computer Programming
    3 Demolitions
    3 Electronics
    3 Mechanics
    2 Navigation
    2 Science:
    3 Security Systems
    3 Systems Operation
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Roll 1d6
    Cost Skills
    3 Bugging
    3 Conversation
    3 Criminology
    3 Deduction
    2 FB: Local Police Powers or Private Investigator License
    3 Interrogation
    2 Navigation
    3 Shadowing
    3 Streetwise
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Bugging
    3 Bureaucratics
    3 Concealment
    3 Criminology
    3 Deduction
    2 Forgery
    2 Navigation
    3 Streetwise
    3 Tactics
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Skills
    2 AK: Home City
    3 Bribery
    3 Bureaucratics
    3 Conversation
    5 Eidetic Memory
    1 FB: Press Pass
    2 Navigation
    3 Shadowing
    3 Streetwise
    Total Skills Cost:
    Cost Skills
    3 Concealment
    3 Contortionist
    2 Gambling
    3 High Society
    3 Lockpicking
    2 Navigation
    3 Oratory
    3 Sleight of Hand
    3 Ventriloquism
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Bureaucratics
    3 Conversation
    3 Deduction
    3 Forensic Medicine
    1 FB: Medical License or Registered Nurse
    2 Navigation
    3 Paramedic
    2 Professional Skill: Physician or Nurse
    2 Science: Medicine
    3 Seduction
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Roll 1d6
    Cost Skills
    3 Bribery
    3 Bureaucratics
    3 Combat Driving
    3 Conversation
    3 High Society
    5 Money: Well Off
    2 Navigation
    3 Seduction
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Bureaucratics
    5 FB: Member of the Aristocracy
    3 High Society
    2 Navigation
    3 Oratory
    3 Riding
    3 Seduction
    3 Tactics
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Computer Programming
    3 Deduction
    5 Eidetic Memory
    3 Lightning Calculator
    2 Navigation
    3 Paramedic
    3 Science[INT]:
    3 Systems Operation
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Breakfall
    3 Bureaucratics
    3 Climbing
    3 Concealment
    3 Demolitions
    2 Navigation
    3 Stealth
    2 Survival
    3 Tactics
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Cost Skills
    3 Acting
    3 Cryptography
    2 Deep Cover
    3 Disguise
    3 Lockpicking
    2 Navigation
    3 Persuasion
    3 Security Systems
    3 Seduction
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    Super-Villain Option
    Cost Skills
    3 Concealment
    2 Forgery
    3 Interrogation
    3 Lockpicking
    3 Security Systems
    2 Navigation
    3 Persuasion
    3 Stealth
    3 Streetwise
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    20 Hunted: Government Agency (More Powerful/NCI) 8-
    20 Hunted: Superhero Group (More Powerful/NCI) 8-
    15 PsyL: Greedy (Common/Strong)
    15 PsyL: Obsessive (Common/Strong)
    20 PsyL: Showoff (Very Common/Strong)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity (Occasionally/Major)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    Energy Projector
    Martial Artist
    Powered Armor
    Weapons Master
    150+ Disadvantages
    20 Hunted: Government Agency (More Powerful/NCI) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima
    15 PsyL: Greedy (Common/Strong)
    15 PsyL: Obsessive (Common/Strong)
    20 PsyL: Showoff (Very Common/Strong)
    10 SocL: Secret Identity (Occasionally/Major)
  18. Like
    Cassandra reacted to Greywind in Random Television Quotes   
    Ambassador, there are so many things in the universe that are and so many things that aren't. If I were to take the time to deny all the things that aren't, we'd be here for centuries, wouldn't we?
  19. Like
    Cassandra reacted to Pariah in Random Television Quotes   
    "I can save these people! Help me! Help me."
    "Many have said that. But you are the first I believe could do it!"
  20. Like
    Cassandra reacted to archer in 5th Edition 250 Points Comic Book Characters   
    I really like the Mechanical Menace character, so much so that I'd like to use it with a few tweaks.
    In my mind, I see it eventually choosing to alter its body into a human female form in order to aid its ability to manipulate people and to help it hide without the need of constant disguises.
    Val Char Cost
    20 STR 10
    20 DEX 30
    20 CON 20
    12 BODY 4
    18 INT 8
    14 EGO 8
    13 PRE 3
    18 COM 4
    6 PD 2
    5 ED 1
    4 SPD 10
    8 REC 0
    40 END 0
    32 STUN 0
    Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points
    +2 DEX 6
    +5 INT 5
    -4 EGO -8
    +1 ED 1
    +0 SPD -2
    -2 PRE -2
    Cost Skills
    3 Acting 12-
    3 Computer Programming 13-
    5 Cramming
    3 Disguise 13-
    3 Electronics 13-
    3 Mechanics 13-
    2 Navigation [Ground] 13-
    3 Streetwise 12-
    Total Skills Cost: 25 Points
    A list of Everyman Skills for a starship's AI that didn't used to have a body to interact with its crew. (Dropped from the usual Everyman list are Climbing, Concealment, Shadowing, and Stealth. I'd be trying to pick up some of those with experience.)
    Bribery 8- (a way to motivate the crew)
    Cryptography 8- (a way to pass the time)
    Bureaucratics 8- (an empire runs on its paperwork)
    Conversation 8- (more than a way to pass the time because the crew doesn't always share all the information it has)
    Deduction 8- (a way to analyze what it learns from the crew)
    English (4 points’ worth, includes literacy) (a preparation to help rule the conquered planet)
    Paramedics 8- (hey, it used to have a sickbay)
    Persuasion 8- (another way to manipulate the crew)
    PS: Conqueror 11-  (a time-honored profession in the Empire)
    Systems Operation 8- (what use is an AI that can't at least help the crew run the ship?)
    TF: Spacecraft (duh)
    TF: Ground vehicles  (part of a standard spacecraft load-out for a planetary invasion)
    AK: Earth 8- (a basic preparation for the invasion though more knowledge was lost with the ship than was retained)
    Cost Powers
    45 Armor +15 rPD +15 rED
    50 Multipower (50 Points)
    5 u) EB 10d6 [Electricity]
    5 u) Entangle 5d6 DEF 5 [Atlantium Trap]
    3 u) Mind Control 10d6 [Powered Armor/Robots]
    5 u) Teleport 10", 4x Mass, 8x NCM, 1/2 END (+1/4)
    10 ES: N-Ray Vision [Lead[
    Total Powers Cost: 125 Points
    -2 points cost on the mind control slot to account for the limitation
    2 Base of Operations (10 active points plus 35 points from the base's disadvantages)
    Size 80 hexes (cost 10) with 80 hexes of grounds
    2 DEF 2 BODY - the base has no additional defenses because it is just a stepping stone to the next level of world domination.
    2 DEF 2 BODY perimeter fence
    Suburban (cost 5)
    Concealment 9- (cost 3)
    Disguise 14- with a Disguise lab (cost 15)
    Acting lab 9- (props and green screen for recordings and Skype, cost 3)
    Electronics lab 9- (cost 3)
    Computer Programming lab 9- (cost 3)
    Mechanics lab (garage) 9- (cost 3)
    Since MM has an obviously robot body and wants to be successfully disguised a good portion of the time when going out in public, adding a base with a Disguise lab seemed appropriate.
    The base itself is currently disguised as an older upscale home which has been converted into business space. It's one of those places that you have to know about already in order to find it. MM as "Mattie" and her assistant Greg run the place using their disguise skills to give fancy makeovers to women who can afford to spend abnormally large wads of money on such things. Mattie usually takes care of hacking the customer's cell phone and other devices while both her and Greg pump their customers for information about the movers and shakers in the city. They often know what's going on in the city before the city planning commission does...and certainly long before the heroes do.
    Unluck 2d6 for the base (10 points)
    Vulnerable to Magnetic Attacks for the base (Uncommon, x2 BODY, 10 points)
    Vulnerable to Sonic Attacks for the base (Uncommon, x2 BODY, 10 points) this one is a floating disadvantage, always something additional wrong with MM's base but not always sonics.
    DNPC the "Greg" android caretaker for the base (Normal, useful skills, Infrequent 8-) (5 points). Greg was created as the Mechanical Menace's companion/lackey when "she" became lonely from lack of contact with a crew.  Greg appears to be a human in his early 20's and usually displays some physical or character flaws which would make other people unwilling to interact with him on an intimate level so they don't discover he's an artificial lifeform or get too curious about the base. Greg typically acts as a cashier or worker when the base is disguised as a shop of some sort and runs errands when the Mechanical Menace doesn't want to put on a disguise or is otherwise busy. Greg is a real person with an unremarkable history according to the state and federal governments and has a driver's license, all due to MM's computer reprogramming skills. If Greg is identified as MM's operative or the base is discovered, he'll get a full body makeover. Greg's memory is regularly backed up into MM's own systems so she can recreate him from scratch if necessary. But it was a significant application of resources to build the body in the first place so she will go to some lengths to protect Greg's body (thus the DNPC designation). At the moment, Greg appears to be a Caucasian with brown hair, overweight but a snappy dresser, and is gay so as to not particularly attract the female clientele in a sexual manner...as an absolute last resort, Greg can generate bad breath as a second line of "defense".
    Total Cost: 250 Points
    150+ Disadvantages
    10 Hunted: Crisis Response Intelligence Security & Investigation Service [CRISIS] (As Powerful) 8-
    10 Hunted: United Superheroes of America (As Powerful) 8-
    20 Normal Characteristics Maxima
    10 PsyL: Hunting Ultrawoman (Uncommon/Strong)
    15 PsyL: Overconfidence (Very Common/Moderate)
    15 PsyL: Obsessive (Common/Strong)
    10 PsyL: Vengeful (Uncommon/Strong
    10 SocL: Secret Identity [Robot] (Occasionally/Major)
    Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points
    (Note that on a typical day at home on her Disguise 13-, she will get a good equipment bonus of +3. In addition, she'll get the complimentary skill roll from the lab, a complimentary skill roll from Greg's assistance, and a bonus for taking Extra Time. People might see through her disguise but she'll be doing her damnedest to make sure that doesn't happen.)
  21. Like
    Cassandra reacted to Tjack in Random Television Quotes   
    The wit & wisdom of Peter Dragon.
  22. Haha
    Cassandra got a reaction from BoloOfEarth in Things that should be in fortune cookies   
    I bet you were surprised to get a fortune cookie in an Italian Restaurant.
  23. Haha
    Cassandra got a reaction from IndianaJoe3 in Things that should be in fortune cookies   
    I bet you were surprised to get a fortune cookie in an Italian Restaurant.
  24. Like
    Cassandra got a reaction from pinecone in Things that should be in fortune cookies   
    I bet you were surprised to get a fortune cookie in an Italian Restaurant.
  25. Like
    Cassandra got a reaction from Cancer in Things that should be in fortune cookies   
    It's the fear of becoming Mark Hamill that causes people to become Valerie Bertinelli or Jim Belushi
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