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Everything posted by phookz

  1. Re: Papermodels For Champions You definitely have my curiosity piqued, I'd love to see what you come up with. I can imagine it would be very cool to play with the 3D view of the scene. I don't have any specific needs at the moment, but here are some suggestions I can think of for your typical city scapes: Autos (obvious, but here to be complete) Vans, Armored Cars (what supers game doesn't need an armored car?), bus News stand Park Bench, Bus stop stand (3 sided structure for inclement weather waiting) Vending Machines (sodas, newspapers, etc.) Road blocks Vendor Carts (hot dogs, Falafel, etc.) Phone booth (not too common these days) Trees, shrubs, light poles
  2. phookz

    Spider Monkey

    Re: Spider Monkey I like the concept - cool idea.
  3. Re: The "True" Origin of Mechanon Yeah, I read your original post, and no offense intended, but it sounds like a high powered vacuum cleaner from the 1960's.
  4. Re: The "True" Origin of Mechanon It is not you; I think that name is terrible.
  5. Re: Fantasy Art Thread Great tone - I like it a lot.
  6. Re: Fantasy Art Thread Great pics, as always, Storn. Thanks for sharing - I hope things work out the second time.
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Love the look- you're using something different, not the Fabrica tool - are you hand-rolling your own? I see some elements that are borrowed (or very similar, like the toad head on another post), but some parts are just different. Cool look
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Thanks. I love the STTNG crew!
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine This is a very cool tool. This is my first try using it, two different takes on Hellboy - one using the Brute template and one using the Super template. I should add that my only experience with Hellboy is the first movie, so if there's something I got wrong that's why I hand-modified the broken horns, and added the goatee since I could find no option for the goatee with the chops. Also my first try posting images; hope this works
  10. Re: Disad for Impossibly Good Health... Funny - I would have spit my milk through my nose if I had been drinking it! Repped. :thumbup:
  11. Re: One shot Game Ideas It sounds like you had a lot of fun with that. I have a yearly game with a group of friend where we get together for a three day weekend of non-stop gaming. Our ongoing campaign of 10 years has finally drawn to a close (an epic game using D&D), and we've decided that for next year, we're planning on two one-shots from different GMs. A friend will run a Call of Cthulhu game, which I am really excited to try. I'm going to run a one-shot Champions game. I'm still trying to decide on what exactly I'll do. I'm torn between 4-color and Dark Champions style. None of the other players have any experience with HERO, so I'll be using Sidekick rules to ease them into it and will make pre-made characters to make everything easier. I like the sound of what you did with your one-shot. If there are any details you could share it would be greatly appreciated; I'm really hoping to knock their socks off with HERO. We just had our last game last weekend, so I have approximately 1 year to get ready for my one shot. Hopefully that will be enough time
  12. Re: If Earth was hit by a Meteor
  13. Re: Limiting Combat Levels Sounds like a good time was had by all. One thing I love about HERO is the rules for Presence attacks. Sure you could just hand wave it, but it's nice to have some rules in place to pull off that type of stuff. Oh, and the cheater just has to come back as a minor villain or something - that's too good an opportunity to pass up
  14. Re: Limiting Combat Levels Since he's a former soldier, you might consider PS: Soldier as well. There are also a lot of knowledge skills that would make sense, depending on how long he had campaigned as a soldier (Siegecraft, area knowledges, etc.). Since he's a former soldier, you might also consider the following: PS: Soldier KS: Heraldry KS: Seigecraft Tactics You might even consider a 8- with Bureaucratics, depending on long he was a soldier and how large and (dis)organized the army he served with was.
  15. phookz


    Re: Alignments Doc their XP for poor roleplaying. Maybe give them a new disadvantage for the alignment they are actually playing (no new points, just shift them around). Not that different from D&D really. Personally, I never liked alignments. While they do tend to 'tidy up' the universe, making everything easy to classify in nine buckets, I find them highly artificial.
  16. Re: 10 Burial Ceremonies From Around The World Nice find
  17. phookz

    D&D 4th

    Re: D&D 4th You forgot HP vs TI Emacs vs vi and the granddaddy of them all "Tastes Great" vs "Less Filling"
  18. Re: Hell's Heroes Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for heresy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_of_Arc). An ecclesiastic court later ruled that they were wrong, but maybe they weren't? Robin Hood was a criminal - 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' doesn't have any conditionals on rich or poor that I'm aware of. Sounds like an interesting campaign.
  19. Re: Real Locations that should be fantasy Nice finds - thanks for sharing! Repp'ed
  20. Re: Steve Reviews INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL I think that was the entire point of it. It was an allegory for Christian faith, and many people (not myself, mind you, I'm an atheist, but I do like a good story) would see that as very heroic; it takes a lot of guts to act on blind faith. Don't forget Indy does the same thing in Last Crusade - when he has to make the leap of faith on the bridge. He closes his eyes and has a genuine look of surprise when he doesn't fall. I liked the KoTCS. It wasn't great, I put it above ToD. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. I hated the tarzan scene, and I thought the end was a bit over the top. But then again, look at the original three - they are all over the top.
  21. Re: Amusing "Street Fight" Really nice home-grown kung fu. Good stuff.
  22. Re: New Screenshots No link? Man, you aren't making this easy, I guess I'll have to help out: http://www.champions-online.com/screenshots Screen shots look cool - I haven't played CoH in a long time, but I'm gonna have to try CO when it comes out.
  23. Re: Martial Art: The Pathfinders Way Cool stuff you got there, repped.
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